Software :: Launch Terminal By Passing Language Selection?

Nov 15, 2010

While doing a fresh install of Snow leopard, we go through the language selection screen and then the utilities screen come up - From the utilities screen, we can launch "terminal".

Is there a way to bypass the above steps and directly launch terminal or any other app, when we begin the installation process? Is there any way to pass parameters to Snow Leopard bootloader during install process?

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Software :: Starting Terminal From Command Line And Passing An Argument

Aug 23, 2008

I have a MacBook Pro running 10.5, and I have a Terminal instance set up that invokes the following command:/usr/bin/emacs -nwI'd like to be able to pass a file name to this instance when I start it up, so that it will open a window with an emacs session that is editing that particular file. In other words, the file name is not hard-coded, but rather, it's passed in when I start the Terminal program. Furthermore, I'd like to be able to start this Terminal session with a specified file name by means of a command-line dialog from within another Terminal session. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? By the way, I'm not looking for a solution that only works with emacs, which I only mentioned here as an example. I'd like to know a general way to pass a specified argument at invocation time to an arbitrary program that's associated with a Terminal session, and I'd like to be able to perform this invocation via the command line from within another Terminal session.

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Software :: How To Use Terminal To Launch Application While Holding Key Down

Jul 10, 2009

If you launch iTunes while holding the option key, itunes will allow you to access multiple libraries.

I want to be able to achieve the same effect with a shell command.

Is there a way to launch itunes from shell in a way that will give it the same instructions that it gets when you hold down the option key and open it from finder?

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OS X Technologies :: Command That Works In Terminal Not Running As Launch Agent

Apr 11, 2012

Trying to run the following command as a Launch Agent (OS X 10.7): /usr/bin/find /Users/username/Documents/Dropbox/Public -type f -mtime +2 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r 

Created a plist file (reproduced below) and saved to ~/Library/Launch Agents, but the command isn't executed either at the specified time or when the agent is loaded via launchctl.  If I change the command to a simple Applescript test: osascript -e 'tell Application "Finder" to display dialog "hello"' 

It runs correctly as a launch agent when loaded and as the specified time Which means there's something wrong with the first command (find). But the command runs as written when executed manually in the terminal.  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">


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Software :: Passing Audio Input To Output

Feb 3, 2009

This is probably a silly question, but I was wandering if it was possible to pass audio from the line-in on a MacBook Pro directly to an audio output? I was thinking of buying a PS3 and connecting it to my external monitor, and thought I may be able to play sound through my soundsticks rather than buying more speakers (budget is an issue!).

I know this used to be possible in the "Audio MIDI Setup" application bundled with the system, but I can't seem to find the option in the new version (maybe something to do with aggregate devices?)

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Intel Mac :: 27 On The USB Cable And Electric Current Passing Over?

Jun 29, 2012

Guys, I have touched on my iMac 27 on the USB cable and I have got an electric current passing over me. My feet were naked. When I got my shoes back the problem gone. Is this normal? Is it safe for my iMac and external devices?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: How To Change Default German Language To English Language?

Jan 29, 2010

I got a hand me down ibook from a relative but the default language is in German, I cant understand German. Is it possible to change the language display for commands , instructions and icons to English?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: After Upgrade The Mail Changed Its Language To Local Language?

May 14, 2012

After upgrade the Mail changed its language to local language, and I want it back to English! How do I do that?

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.4.9), 1st time user

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MacBook Pro :: Can Make One Language For The Administrator And One Language For Another User?

Apr 10, 2012

I am thinking about buying a macbook pro and since my boyfriend is spanish and I'm danish, I would like to know if it`s possible to have danish as the language in the admin account, and then english or spanish in another account for him?

MacBook Pro

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Software :: Can't Change Language Setting In "Language & Text"?

Nov 21, 2010

Under Language & Text there are 4 tabs:




Input Sources

I have added a language under the first tab, Language, only to find that there is no correspondingly supported input option under the fourth tab, Input Sources.

I would now like to remove the entry I added under the first tab, Langauge, but cannot figure out how to do this. I have tried highlighting and pressing delete, dragging it out of the window, etc., but so far nothing works.

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Applications :: Unable To Use Terminal / Terminal Stucks At Blank Login Window

Oct 20, 2009

Anybody see this before? I opened up and the window is completely blank. There is nothing in it whatsoever. Looks as if bash never started. The title bar simply says "Terminal — login — 80x24". I can type whatever I want in the Terminal window like it's a text document and nothing happens. If I restart the computer, this seems to fix the problem, but it seems to only be a temporary fix as the issue happens again soon after.

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OS X :: Unable To Type Password In Terminal / Terminal Not Reacting To My Typing

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to do something in terminal, and it asks for my password. I press a letter on my keyboard, and nothing appears. I am in the right window and everything, terminal just doesn't react to my typing. However, when I click enter, it says 'Sorry,try again'. So it does react to the enter key.

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OS X Server :: Processes Started In Terminal End When Terminal Closed?

Jan 29, 2008

I'm running Symantec Backup Agent on our mac osx server. I start the agent in the terminal (./ It returns a notification that it started the service, however, it doesn't return to the prompt. Closing the terminal gives a warning that the process will be closed if the terminal is closed. Closing it does kill the process. Ctrl+c to return to the prompt also kills the process. So it's as if once the process is started in the terminal, nothing can be altered.

I am not much of a mac guy so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.

Anyone have any advice on how to handle this so the process is ALWAYS running?

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OS X :: Unable To Install Terminal App - Run Terminal As Admin?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm on a standard user account and I would really like to install icalbuddy which is a terminal app. When I install apps normally I simply have to provide a admin name and pw, but this doesn't work when it is a terminal app because it requires that the 'su' command be run.

So I thought that I could run terminal as admin through 'su - admin' and then install. But of course the admin account doesn't have access to the user folder where the installer is located. I just can't win.

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OS X :: How To Get Multiple Selection

Jul 11, 2009

i want to do the hold shift button and highlight multiple files function ( just like window ) but i don seems to be able to do that. i wonder is it just me or the macosx system.

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OS X :: Sub-menu Selection Not Working?

Jan 2, 2009

At first i thought this was simply a firefox issue, then i noticed it was accross all of my programs. I can select the regular menu, but unless I use the arrow keys, I cannot scroll down the menus into sub-menus as I had once done. For example, I used to be able to single click on say the image menu item in PS Cs3 then I would have a highlighted bar follow my mouse down (just like using arrow keys) this would open sub menus as it came across them, allowing me to access them. Now i am running into the issue that I have to hold down the left mouse button or I cannot select the sub-menus, unless using arrow key, which tends to be inconvienient. Has anyone come across this issue and if so how can I fix it? I am running permissions repairs right now and will execute the weekly, daily and monthly scripts as well and see if it helps, but if someone has insight please let me know.

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OS X :: Can't Figure Out How To Print Selection Only

Dec 19, 2009

New to forum (today)
New to Mac (2 weeks)
MacBook Pro 15"/ Ptr ' HP DeskJet 952C

Can't figure out how to print selection only. Seem only to be able to print full document.

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Aperture :: Selection Keeps Getting Lost

Jun 3, 2014

I just started using Aperture and I am befuddled.  I'm working in a library that was originally created by iPhoto but was exported by Aperture, in case that's relevant.  What I'm seeing is that every time I try to do a "pick" in a stack, the selection gets reset.  It doesn't matter whether I use the keyboard shortcut or the menu.  The browser scrolls back to the beginning of my library and suddenly the first four images are selected.  Always. 

The same weird thing happens if I have a search filter applied.  I hit clear on the search filter and suddenly the selection is reset. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X :: Can't Install Picture Selection Service

Jan 25, 2010

I downloaded Picture Selection Service and I cannot install it. I'm using Snow Leopard verison 10.6.2 on an iMac intel. I can't seen to mount the .dmg. It will not go into Applications.

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Applications :: No Selection In Left Side Bar?

Nov 27, 2010

For a while I've been running a Beta version of iTunes, the one that worked with the iOS 4.2 Beta. So with the final release of iOS 4.2.1, I decided to uninstall and install the final version of iTunes. All went well with the uninstall/install, except that I noticed that in the left side bar, there is no selection for my Apps. Is this normal?

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Applications :: Unable To Use Scene Selection

Jan 14, 2009

I have tried burning DVDs using iDVD program. I have had no problem creating the DVDs, as well as the scene selection. However, when I actually burn the DVD and place it into my home DVD player, I am unable to select the specific chapter markers.

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OS X :: Key Strokes To Highlight File Selection?

May 28, 2009

I've been a PC user all my life until last week when I got an IMac and I am still learning how to use it. How do you highlight files you want to select just like how you do in windows when you hit shift key and the arrow key? It does but it highlights it one by one and I have to keep on hitting the arrow key.

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Hardware :: How To Print Just A Selection From A Webpage

Aug 26, 2009

I have just switched from PC to Mac, and I am at a loss as to how to print just a high-lighted selection from a web page.

I found in the print menu a way to delete headers and footers, but what if I just want to print a section from the whole page? I'm used to being able to do this with my mac, and I'm sure Mac must do it, but I can't find it in the help index anywhere.

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OS X :: Windows Boot Up Selection Screen?

Mar 3, 2010

Ok, so at my university, now, all of the Macs have Snow Leopard installed. One thing I noticed that wasn't there before was a selection screen on after booting up. They use Boot Camp, but for me, I've always had to hold Option after boot up to choose my Windows partition. My school has it real nice, after starting up it lets you click on a picture of either Mac OS X or Windows. Does anyone know if that's something native with Snow Leopard? I haven't gotten around to installing my upgrade, so I'm not sure, but I would really love that startup screen instead of having to hold down Option.

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MacBook Air :: How To Print A Selection In Safari

Jun 28, 2012

I want to be able to print only a certain selection of text on a website.  Let's say the second paragraph or the address of a place.  I can highlight it, but don't know how to print just that selection. I can do this on a pc by selecting "selected" when the pc print options come up.  Is there a similar way in mac or do I need to copy and paste to Pages and print from there?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: No Printers Are Available - Cannot Add Printer / No Selection

Aug 24, 2014

System Preferences / Printers: Says No printers are available.

Clicked on + to add printer: Add screen is devoid of any printers; says "no selection" in both Name and Location fields 

Printer involved:

Epson Work Force WF-3540 - have had it for about a year and it has been working with no problems

Had a printer jam I couldn't find; rebooted a few times, etc. Eventually found the jam and then the above problem started. (I'm embarrassed to say that I found a toothpick inside the printer. It was once sitting on top and must have rolled under and in.)

All software up to date, except for a Pages update. 

History of where I looked and actions taken (not necessarily in order):

Library/Printers was (and still is) empty, not the least because of multiple printing system resets.

-Have attempted to restore Printers directory from TimeMachine, with no luck. Epson printer drivers were restored, but System Preferences/Printers still blank.
-Have attempted to install original printer software from disk, but it hangs in the middle, saying that no printer connection can be found, despite printing being online.
-Have attempted to run Software Update to get latest printer drivers, but Software Update says that it is up to date and won't let me rerun.
-Have run disk utility to verify: disk = okay
-Have run verify disk permissions. Had loads of permission errors related to the printer library
-Have run repair disk permissions
-Have done the last two steps many times, but disk permissions don't get fixed and original problem has not changed.

Unplugged everything, took a break, factory reset printer, started all over. Nothing worked.

Also did the RESET THE PRINTING SYSTEM. Doesn't work. OS X Mavericks: Reset the printing system

Also tried to download the drivers from Epson, but they just tell you to use Software Update and I already mentioned that doesn't work.

The only thing in the disk permissions list that looked suspicious was this message:

Group differs on "Library/Printers"; should be 80; group is 0 (repeated for various sub-directories (Icons and PPDs))

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.3 - New Folder With Selection (x Items)

Jun 26, 2014

I am running on 10.9.3. I was working on my remote server and I selected files I wanted to create a new folder. By Right-clicking on the selected files and choose “New Folder with Selection (x items). The process was new to me and in the middle of it, I cancelled it. Now the original files are missing and there is not a new folder with the selected files. Did they get deleted or are they located somewhere else on the server?

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Applications :: ITunes 10 - Keyboard Album Selection

Sep 13, 2010

My iTunes window is set to Cover Flow, and my songs are sorted alphabetically by Album title. Before iTunes 10, I could skip to albums by pressing the letter on the keyboard which corresponded to the first letter of the album's title. So pressing D took me to "Deadwing", for example. Now in iTunes 10, if I press D in the same way, I get to "Best of Bowie" ('cos it's by David Bowie). Now it seems that suddenly the letter keys now correspond to the artist name, not the album name. Does anyone know how to change this back? I've searched and been through the preference settings etc to no avail.

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Applications :: How To Use Microsoft Excel With Selection Color

Mar 18, 2009

On Microsoft Excel i want to change/darken the color of the cell that i have currently selected, i can hardly see the cell that I am about to import information into.

Does anyone know of a preference that can change this?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Make A Smart Mailbox From A Selection

Jul 2, 2012

I love Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail. I have been getting emails from a subscribed content provider and now I realize that I'd like to have a Smart Mailbox with all of the past and future mailings from them. Is there any way to select just one (or all) of the emails I have received and create a Smart Mailbox with a single menu selection? I have tried selecting one of them, then 'New Smart Mailbox...' bt it doesn't recognize I have a selection...or doesn't put the sender of the email nto the recipient field (which is the default criteria in a new Smart Mailbox'). If it doesn't now do this, hey, Apple, future feature?

Apple Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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