Software :: Deleting Latest IMovie And Going Back To Previous Version?
Jan 24, 2009
Going back to iMovie 6.0.4 was definitely the right thing to do. Adding Flip4Mac Pro solved all my file importing problems. Now, can I delete 8.0? Or does 6.0 share some files with it and will I have a problem if 8.0 is deleted? I also have to say that, the more I use my iMac, the better I like it. There are so many standard features in OSX Leopard that I am finding new tricks every day.
can I revert back to previous version 10.7.2 as I have updated software to 10.7.3 and now my printers won't work. They are Canon MP630 and Canon PIXME Pro 9000 mk ll..I have contacted canon and they have sent me the latest udates and said they are compatable upto 10.7.x but the aren't compatable with 10.7.3 the update failed. Can I revert back to 10.7.2 as I really need to use my printers
I have updated my mac with the recent java 2012-002 update. I couldn't run some of the projects which I used to run on my system using eclipse. how to revert back to the previous version of java on my mac.
The latest update for Java is causing issues on our website, disabling Mac users on OS 10.6 and 10.7 from uploading or downloading images using a java applet. We know it is being cause by these recent updates:Java for OS X 2012-004 or Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 9.Is there any fix for this or a way to revert back to the previous version of Java, without having to re-install Mac OS? We are currenlty at a loss of how to address this issue and we have many users impacted.
I got some good advice about deleting dmg files so I thought I'd ask about the Previous Systems folder on the HD. I recently tried to delete too much and had to reboot from the disk. It put a folder named "Previous Systems" on the HD and its taking up 7.72 GB. I'm back up again and up to date. Everything seems to be working. I know I screwed up before so I'm asking here before I delete too much again.
I have a Mac book pro that I gave to my boyfriend when I got the Macbook Air. We are trying to figure out how to set him up as a main user and not a guest without deleting all my information off the computer. Is it possible that he can use his Itunes account on it if mine is already established?
10.6 has a bug that causes it to send all the TV Show Seasons to the AppleTV in Reverse Added to Library Date Order.Makes finding the right Show/Season very difficult with over 880 TVShow Seasons in the Library.Need to restore iTunes to previous version.
Info: Mac OS X (10.7), IMacs, iPads, iPhones, TC, AEs, ATV
I re-ripped one of my CDs recently (for reasons of no importance), and I noticed that the audio improved. There was less distortion and I could notice more details (smoother sound). I tried this with a few more albums, and the result was the same each time: better sound. This confused me; how does ripping actually work? And what could be responsible for the sound difference? P.S. X Lossless Decoder also produces results different from iTunes.
Info: A1278 aluminum 2008 MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), it's still alive
On my previous macbook pro, which dated from early 2011, I had a lot more symbols and I was able to see all the different lettertypes(in every language). On the new system this is unfortunately not the case. can I get a previous version of the texteditor on my OSX Lion? If yes, how?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've been out of the loop for a couple of years and I'm thinking it might be time to consider an upgrade. I am presently using OSX 10.4.11 (Tiger?) on an iMac 4,1. Can anyone advise if the latest version is worth it? I have no idea how many versions there have been between 10.4 and the newest. I have not visited the Apple site to price it nor read the reviews. I have always valued the opinions of you people here.
The latest software update for Mac OS X (10.6.8) upgraded the version of java from Apple and broke an application used for work. Are the previous or older versions of java available from Apple for download?
For future updates, Is there a way to modify the software update process to install the the new version but leave the old version in place?
I get warnings that my version of Quicktime is seriously outdated (7.6.4). I know I can't download the latest version . . . is there any chance I could update at all?
Info: PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 512 MB SDRAM Powerbook G4 (2.1)
I noticed that recently that all decent sized apps launched slower than before. I got the spinning color wheel for a while before I can use the app. The spinning beach ball also reveals itself when switching modes within certain apps. Might this be due to my hard drive became much fragmented? My OS is latest version of Snow Leopard. All the posts on the Internet says that with modern OS X, I would not need to worry about defragmenting the hard drive. Do I have an option of defragmenting my hard drive if I wanted to?
I recently got a mac with the version 10.4 on it. I want to use the itunes store but it says that it requires the safari 4.0.3 or higher version on it. But when I try to download this version it says it requires mac 10.5 in order to run. Is there a version of Safari 4.0.3 for mac 10.4?
I have a mac OSX version 10.5.8 and i was trying to install the ilife 11 i just bought and was super excited about but when i tryed to download ilife 11 it said i needed to update my computer, so i went and downloaded the updates but my mac still says its the same version! and ilife wont install... I tried to go back and install the updates again but there not there it says I'm all updated! but 10.5.8 is not the latest version right ? What should I do?
i need to reinstall Quicksilver into my MBP but the website is currently offering only the Beta to Quicksilver and the old version sub-page is out of order. Does anyone know where I might be able to obtain the last stable (non-beta) version of Quicksilver?
Ive recently bought a macbook pro and am thinking about gettin some KRK RP6 studio speakers, I also have some denons cd decks (with denon mixer) and i would like to connect the lot so i can record onto my macbook pro and for the sound to come out my krk speakers. I would i was wondering if anyone can recomend an interface and what cables i would need to connect the lot (ive been told that the how i would do it?)