OS X V10.7 Lion :: Revert Back To Previous Version Of Java?
Apr 10, 2012
I have updated my mac with the recent java 2012-002 update. I couldn't run some of the projects which I used to run on my system using eclipse. how to revert back to the previous version of java on my mac.
The latest update for Java is causing issues on our website, disabling Mac users on OS 10.6 and 10.7 from uploading or downloading images using a java applet. We know it is being cause by these recent updates:Java for OS X 2012-004 or Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 9.Is there any fix for this or a way to revert back to the previous version of Java, without having to re-install Mac OS? We are currenlty at a loss of how to address this issue and we have many users impacted.
can I revert back to previous version 10.7.2 as I have updated software to 10.7.3 and now my printers won't work. They are Canon MP630 and Canon PIXME Pro 9000 mk ll..I have contacted canon and they have sent me the latest udates and said they are compatable upto 10.7.x but the aren't compatable with 10.7.3 the update failed. Can I revert back to 10.7.2 as I really need to use my printers
The latest software update for Mac OS X (10.6.8) upgraded the version of java from Apple and broke an application used for work. Are the previous or older versions of java available from Apple for download?
For future updates, Is there a way to modify the software update process to install the the new version but leave the old version in place?
I purchased the latest MacBook Pro 17" in March 2012 in Australia. Because of "screen issues" I had to take my computer back to the Apple Store where they reinstalled Lion OS 10.7.3. Using Time Capsule I put retrieved all my information. However, I have noticed that my home folder has my married name when before it showed the name I am now using.My account name is correct, it is just the home folder name..I have been looking at other discussions but get lost on step 1 "log in as root."
Going back to iMovie 6.0.4 was definitely the right thing to do. Adding Flip4Mac Pro solved all my file importing problems. Now, can I delete 8.0? Or does 6.0 share some files with it and will I have a problem if 8.0 is deleted? I also have to say that, the more I use my iMac, the better I like it. There are so many standard features in OSX Leopard that I am finding new tricks every day.
On my previous macbook pro, which dated from early 2011, I had a lot more symbols and I was able to see all the different lettertypes(in every language). On the new system this is unfortunately not the case. can I get a previous version of the texteditor on my OSX Lion? If yes, how?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
With all the fuss about the problem with java I decided to see if I needed to update java and the version that I have is 14.2.0. Is this the latest version that includes the patch from apple? If not what is and were would I go to get it?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am trying to use Business Objects through the web and unfortunately Java 7 is not compatible. I was able to downgrade to Java 6u65 (Java 1.6.0_65) but I really need update 45 to get Business Objects to work. Terminal code and/or a download that will allow me to pull out Java version 6u45? (Java 1.6.0_45)?
I've been on here trying several other's codes and it says permission denied or "unable to find any JVM versions matching 1.6.0_45"
Could that mean I don't have version 6u45 available to me period?
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
My wife has been having issues with Safari suddenly reverting to previous pages without being prompted.She will be writing an email and suddenly it will go back to a previous page with the resulting loss of text already typed.It has happened with email, Facebook, as well as during simple surfing.
Info: Intel Core 2 Duo IMac with 2GB, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I am wanting to revert back to Tiger from Leopard. What is the best way to accomplish this safely? I use iCal extensively and Apple really messed with it. The added features in Leopard do not add enough real functionality to make me willing to lose solid features.
My brother tried to install Windows XP Pro on our MacBook. Under normal circumstances this would be a walk in the park. The problem is, we are in Costa Rica, on vacation, right now and he thought we had a copy of Windows, but we don't! So now the MacBook boot up to a DOS screen saying, "No bootable devise -- insert boot disk and press any key." And of course I don't have a bootable devise. Is there anyway to revert back to windows? I have tried holding down the escape key which then gives me the same message about the bootable devise, over and over.
I installed safari 4 beta yesterday but I can't log into some accounts so I need to go back to Safari 3. However, I have just downloaded and attempted to install safari 3 but it says I've already got a newer version on the dive... so I uninstalled ALL safari application and emptied the trash and it still says that there is a version on the drive.
safari 4 has suddenly stopped working, as soon as it starts it hangs, it doesnt even make it to my home page. ive been forced to make my own browser in xcode and thats what im viewing this page on. is there a way to revert back?
i recently installed itunes version 8 on my mac, everything was alright until i went to update the software on my iphone. i did some searching and read that version 8 wont let you install the iphone software. i want to go back to version 7.7.1 of itunes but whenever i try to install it, i get this error message: "You cannot install iTUNES on this volume. A newer version of iTUNES is already installed." how do i go back to the older version i had so that i can update my iphones software?
I have had my macbook pro for a week, & so far so good, it currently has snowleopard 10.6.3, since it does not have an internet connection right now, I downloaded the 10.6.4 update from the pc in our home onto a thumb drive. If I install the update, & start to have problems on my macbook pro of any sort, is there a way I can go back to 10.6.3? I just think of the saying if it is not broken do not fix it, & so far I have had no trouble with 10.6.3.
I have a 27" iMac that I bought in February. Last night I installed an SSD into the Optical Drive slot and now the weirdest thing is happening. I have OS X installed on the drive, and it boots no problem, but, oddly, anything I do isn't saved on shutdown.
Boot Up Delete Desktop Items Shut Down Wait a Minute Boot Up Desktop Items are Back.
Boot Up Install A Program Shut Down Wait a Minute Boot Up Program's Not There
It's like it's reverting back to some random version of the OS O_o; I don't have anything like Deep Freeze running, though, nor is this drive set up for Time Machine. It has my MobileMe freaking the heck out too, it keeps saying it needs to rebuild x, y, or z when I log in.
after updating my imac to OS Lion, css Dreamweaver 3 isnt working properly, amoung other things like Front row ect...is there an easy way to revert back to snow Leopard?
I am either too stupid or Yosemite's mail does not work the way I'm accustomed to. In all previous iterations you select as many individual addressee's as you wanted and place them in the address heading. I have not found a way to do that in Yosemite. You must choose them individually and place in the address header one at a time. I know about groups but that is not a good avenue as many of my emails go to random people depending on content. If the above is not possible do have an email you reccomend that would let me send to multiple addressees in one operation. I do not use Gmail, Yahoo, etc. . . My email is from 3rd party provider.