Software :: Any Software For Inventory - Sales And Distribution

Nov 10, 2010

I am starting up a distribution business, and hope to adopt mac as basic platform. Is there any recommendation for inventory management, sales, distribution, and finance software on mac platform?

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Applications :: Home Inventory Software

Dec 13, 2010

I know there are some iOS and OS X home inventory apps which are all about receipts, snapshots, etc. They are great for insurance purposes and I wouldn't mind if that is part of it, but what I am really looking for is something that helps you with organization. As we try to get the basement and garage of our house organized and put a lot of stuff in bins and closets, I want to catalog as much as I can for reference when I want to find something. Obviously many bins will be labeled, etc., but being able to type an item into software to get its location would be key. If anyone can recommend some software, desktop, iOS, doesn't matter to track stuff, focusing more on where it is than how much you paid, snapshots, receipts, that would be great. If it is for insurance that is fine as long as I can easily search it for location.

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Applications :: Setting Up Table For Inventory In Numbers

Apr 12, 2010

I'm trying to set up a table for our pharmacy's inventory. I want to develop monitoring parameters for certain drugs, but numbers isn't letting me merge cells together the way I'd like to. For example, say I have a drug, Lisinopril. I have Lisinopril in 1 column with 3 monitoring parameters in another column in 3 rows. How do I get those to all be associated with Lisinopril?

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Safari :: Car Dealership's Inventory Page Won't Load In It

Mar 23, 2012

My car dealership's inventory page won't load in Safari?  We use a 3rd party company that facilitates our inventory page and I find it strange that the only page they facilitate on our website doesn't operate in Safari. 

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Applications :: Software For Building Home Inventory Lists

Nov 11, 2010

Can anyone recommend any software that will help me build and maintain a list of home inventory for insurance purposes? Ideally it will sync to multiple computers and the cloud (automatically) for backup. Enable me to group items into different categories and rooms. And generate itemised documents that can easily be converted into PDFs, Emails or Printed Documents for submitting actual insurance claims (hopefully I'll never need to do it). I found Compartments [URL] that gets mixed reviews. I'm going to test it out later, but before I invest too much time in that I wondered if anyone had any better recommendations.

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MacBook Air :: 4gb Worth The Cost If Got To Pay Sales Tax?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm in the market for the 13" model and I'd like to get the 4gb of RAM in the base model. Unfortunately being that I live in California I'll have to deal with 8.25% sales tax on top of the upgraded price of the laptop. This ends up putting me over $1500 for a base 13" with 4gb of RAM. I can get the 13" with the stock 2gb of RAM off Amazon shipped overnight for $1300 and no tax. So is 2gb of RAM really worth ~$225? I have an i7 iMac as my primary machine and realistically don't see doing any heavy work on the Air, but I still like to "futureproof" my hardware if the cost is reasonable regardless. I did test a stock unit at the local Apple Store and I opened about 8-10 apps like mail, iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, Safari, Finder, some QT videos I found on the computer, etc. With all of that open it seemed to run pretty well. Normally I don't have that many apps open at a time.

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MacBook Air :: Oregon To Skip Sales Tax

Nov 25, 2010

Does it make me cheap if I send my MBA to Oregon to skip sales tax and then have my Grandparents send it too me? 100 bucks in my pocket. Also no. Places like MacMall aren't an option for me because New York has some unique, very strict law about how businesses have to collect sales tax from online purchases. Did you guys know that technically we're all required to report online purchases and pay sales and use tax on them every year? (Well, not in a few states -- like Oregon, no sales tax, woo) Considering I'd never known this and don't know a single person who does it, I thought it slightly funny.

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Applications :: Sales Tax In ITunes Store?

Mar 8, 2009

In the past when I purchased items from the iTunes store, I was never charged sales tax. Now I am. What's goin' on? Did Apple change something or is this something my State did? (Illinois) Or was it just with that specific application? (AIM).

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Applications :: Est Mac App For Creating Ebay Sales?

Jul 5, 2010

I know there was an app recently (within the last year) that is supposed to be great for setting up sales pages and your items for ebay...does anyone know which app i am referring to?

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ITunes :: Apple Overcharging On Sales Tax?

Apr 29, 2012

I reside in Tennessee where sales tax is 9.25%. I am being charged an extra 2 cents or so in tax on an average album purchase.Here is the most recent example.  I bought Ryan Adam's iTunes Session album at the price of $7.99.  Here's the math: 

$7.99 X 1.0925 = $8.729, or, rounded up, $8.73.  

iTunes charged me $8.75. Why?  It's an extra 2 cents and is an overcharge, no matter the small amount. I've looked at my account and this has happened on every iTunes purchase for at least 5 months.  I didn't check back any farther, as obviously something is wrong, unless there is an additional tax I am not aware of. I don't want to think the worst about Apple, but it's hard not to calculate that 2 cents multiplied by millions is a lot of money.

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MacBook Air :: Order And Ship To NY Without Paying Sales Tax?

Nov 21, 2010

I am salivating over the 11" 1.6, 4GB MBA. Today I finally decided to get it from MacMall, but to my surprise I have to pay $125 sales tax, even though they are in California. Called customer service and was told that there is a new rule for online orders shipped to NY state that they all will have sales tax added regardless of the shippers location. Does anyone know a mailorder store selling the MBA without charging sales tax when sending to NY?

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Applications :: Any Recommendations For Sales Tracking Software?

Mar 7, 2008

Could anyone recommend a program for tracking daily sales? My company sells about 50 different items, and I'm looking for a program that can track the daily sales of each item and then generate reports and graphs that detail the daily, weekly and yearly sales for each of the items. We also have about 30-40 different marketing initiatives, and the program would ideally be able to track those as well and prepare ROI tables.

I currently have something setup in Excel using PivotTables but it's not very robust, and the Excel file can get easily corrupted. I was thinking FileMaker might be a good solution, but I'm not sure if I'm knowledgeable enough to create the charts and graphs that I need, so I'm sort of hoping for a solution that comes ready made. I'm open to both software and webapps solutions.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail Drop To Sales-force?

Mar 26, 2012

Can I automatically drop email messages from my iPad 2 into salesforce?

iPad 2 Wi-Fi

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New To Mac Using Air For Travelling Sales And Usual Personal Stuff

Mar 31, 2012

We ahve taken the Mac plunge.We purchased an 21.5' iMac and 13" Air refurbished, both are X 10.7 with the extended care and 1 to 1 for both of us.I am also picking up a new Timecapsule 2TB.I am wondering about questions of setup and apps to use.We are clumsy with this stuff and only familiar with MS Office and Outlook.Our use does not include gaming, music, or hardcore picture manipulations.My business use does not require building spreadsheets and usually viewing only.I have not used Powerpoint type presentations but am preparing to learn to.I also plan to add simple graphics skills to draw simple tooling schematics.I am in the oilpatch service industry in Canada.We like simple clean programs that do not shove prompts down your throat ot presume to know what we want.Dare I say we are very tired of the bloated insecure world of PCs, no insult intended.We don't need endless fonts and templates.

Is MS Office for Mac a requirement? Will Works do what we need? Will Safari replace Outlook or would you pick another app like Firefox? What about search engines for Mac? What virus protection programs and utilities are handiest?Using hindsight if you were making tha transition to Apple this week what would be your basic setup decisions?The biggest concern is will I be compatible with my business colleagues?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Mac Pro :: Amount Of Additional RAM And Distribution Of It?

May 31, 2009

I wanted to dedicate a separate thread to this question, since I think it's a big enough topic of its own.

1. How much RAM is enough? Obviously the more the merrier, but after a point it gets too costly, and I'm sure there are diminishing returns.

What do you think about 12 (6x2GB)?

I will be doing HD video editing, Audio recording in Pro Tools and Logic, and Photoshop processing.

2. Distribution - does distribution of RAM affect performance in any way? For example, is having 6 slots filled in with 1 GB ram sticks, and the other 2 filled with 3 GB sticks a good idea? Or is it better to distribute them evenly? Do certain slots get preference?

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OS X :: Using Distribution Lists For Emailing?

Mar 11, 2010

I probably still have my PC hat on but here is my problem.

In Address Book on my IMac, I have set up numerous cards with name address phone numbers email addresses, notes etc. Each card has AT LEAST ONE email address but can have up to THREE email addresses (home,work, other).

I have taken 13 cards and created a GROUP

Two questions:

1. Can I email the address card or copy of the card to an email address for review and updating?

2. Can I send an email to ALL OF THE EMAIL ADDRESS in the GROUP?

I am thinking that to do this (#2) I might have to set up individual address cards for each email address for each group member--yuk. I just want to send to home, office and other by just clicking on JONES or SMITH or better yet the distribution list I have set up.

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MacBook Pro :: Online Authorized Reseller With No Sales Tax For NY Resident

Apr 17, 2010

Can anyone confirm any online authorized reseller with no sales tax for NY resident?? I want to buy the MBP 15" i7 I am a graduate student on budget with a baby on the way, so the $175 in sales tax will mean much for me...

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MacBook Pro :: Sales Territory Mapping Software Program For Mac?

Apr 11, 2012

I am trying to find a good sales territory mapping software program that will allow one to draw a territory by selecting zip codes, counties, etc. (but I really need it to be able to handle zip codes).Does anyone know of any software for the mac?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Edit A Distribution List

Feb 20, 2012

If I have a "group" in Address book, how do I edit "which" email is the address to use for each user in that group? Back in Snow Leopard, there was a discussion article that said iCloud broke the ability to edit a distribution list, but that it would likely be fixed in Lion. how to do this in Lion? No matter what I do, that option is greyed-out in my Edit menu.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Air :: What If - Software Distribution Vis Thumb Drives

Mar 27, 2008

What if Apple starts putting their programs like iWork, iLife, and all of the other semi-small file sized software onto flash drives? That way people who have MBA's could load their software on without using a 99$ superdrive or whatever else. I think that would be cool if companys began to do that with small sized programs, especially now that flash drives are becoming much cheaper.

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MacBook :: Heat Distribution - Get Hot On The Bottom Like Other Laptops?

May 31, 2010

I've never owned a MacBook or mbp, so I'm not sure about the macbooks in this regard. I know the mbp has the case that helps distribute heat. Does the new macbooks get hot on the bottom like other laptops? Looking to buy one for my wife and she doesn't like how hot some laptops get when on her lap.

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OS X Server :: Workstation Administration And Software Distribution

Dec 29, 2008

I am wondering how can I administrate multiple Mac workstation across LAN as well as distribute software mpkg. I am thinking of doing this because I don't have a Xserve and ARD is just too expensive.

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App Store :: Product Distribution File Could Not Be Verified?

Feb 21, 2012

i purchased omnigraffle for my mac pro several months ago. i just recently purchased a macbook pro and would like to have access to that app. 

when i recently copied omnigraffle from the mac pro to my laptop, i get the dialogue to use licensed, unlicensed, or purchase. 

then, went to the app store/purchases and the store wouldn't verify my license. i deleted the app as a possible solution to install through the app store. now, i'm getting the response: 'the product distribution file could not be verified' 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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App Store :: The Product Distribution File Could Not Be Verified

Apr 3, 2012

I can't get around the above error trying to download an app. I re-downloaded and installed 10.7.3 and I am still having the issue. I tried downloading a different app (Kindle) and it worked fine but I can't get Windows Phone connector 7 to download.   

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Take An Email Distribution List?

Apr 12, 2012

Can I take an email distribution list, and from that, easily create a Group in Address Book, so that I can send email to that same group again?

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Hardware :: Does Apple Ever Have Black Friday Sales In ITunes Music Store?

Nov 23, 2009

And really, I'm talking about all of their media, including TV shows and movies. I have a load of gift card credit as birthday gifts and just wanted to see if I should probably hold out until Friday for some sales.

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Hardware :: Apple Distribution Of Linux - Implementation Of AFP With Spotlight

Nov 11, 2010

Would people be interested in an Apple distribution of Linux that included a good implementation of AFP with spotlight, extended attributes and ACL support, a Mac focused version of OD with work group management, client side tools (like Server Admin) for OS X clients, and migration tools for current Mail / Cal / iChat server setups, perhaps even partnering with Kerio. This way you could run it on any server hardware you wanted, the drivers for those servers would already be available, and they could leverage the already robust services Linux offers like DNS, DHCP, SMB and other network services. Xsan for Linux (think MDCs) would be trivial since it's already supported with StoreNext.

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IMac :: Finding 2008 20in Power Distribution Information?

Apr 29, 2010

I have taken some measurements from my PSU and since I have not seen this sort of info posted anywhere else and it is not in the service manual I thought I'd share it here.

refer attached

Note ** The voltage on pin 4 varies according to the temperature of the PSU and ranges between 1.7V and 2.5V - Higher voltage = lower temperature.

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MacBook :: Cannot Download Apps - Product Distribution File Could Not Be Verified

Mar 27, 2012

I bought a refurbished MacBook from Micro Centers, with the Leopard operating system on it. I upgraded the memory from 2G to 4Gig. I bought Snow Leopard and upgraded the operating system. Then I bought Lion from The App Store and downloaded it. Everything seems to be working fine except when I try to download Apps from the App Store, I get a warning saying "We could not complete your purchase. The product distribution file could not be verified. It may be damaged or was not signed." I am new to Apple products.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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App Store :: IPhoto Won't Update - The Product Distribution File Could Not Be Verified

Apr 19, 2012

've been trying to update iPhoto for over a month now and every time I try I get an error message saying "The product distribution file could not be verified. It may be damaged or unsigned.) I tried to uninstall it tonight and then reinstall but now when I go to the App Store to try to download it, it tells me the same error message except now I can't even redownload the file or anything. 

iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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