How do you change the font in Preview?The font the comes up is difficult to read and I can't find out how to change it.When I bring up the fonts it doesn't allow me to change it.I don't know where to change it from.
So I'm trying to adjust the font in a PDF in Preview. I can't do there a way? I also realized that I don't have Adobe....I have Adobe Digital for downloaded books but I guess that's all it's for.
I went online and all I can find is Adobe to buy.
So, finally my question....can I adjust the font in Preview? Zooming doesn't work for me...won't bore you with the reasons.
Or will I have to buy Adobe to get that function in PDF's?
If you can't tell I'm new to the Mac, coming over from Windows for 12 years!!
I have some PDF forms that I regularly need to fill out. Since they aren't "real" PDF forms and the document is locked, I need to print to PDF, save as TIFF and then use Preview's annotate feature to mark things up. It works well, but the default font color (red) and default font size (36) are not optimal. And each time I start a new annotation, I need to change back to black and a smaller font size. Is there any way to alter this default?
I installed a load of new fonts into font book and when i came to use dreamweaver and fireworks the fonts have all been changed and i canct read the text. I have tried looking through the preferences to change the font back but I cannot change it back. Any ideas anyone how i can restore back to default.
As the title says i have migrated from Vista to OSX and im looking for a way to change all the fonts used by Leopard to one of my choosing.I find all standard fonts on either Windows or OSX too large and ugly and on Vista i used FontSelector to change the font and size across the system. What is the alternative for OSX?
I am a recent Mac switcher and am using Pages as my word processing software. After being a long-time Microsoft Word user, I have grown accustomed to the default font of Times New Roman, and I would prefer to continue using that for Pages as well. I know that it is as simple as changing the font, but I was wondering if there was a way to change the default font in Pages to Times New Roman just to save the hassle.
Recently replaced my internal hard drive and had to re-download and update everything... Forgot which version of Safari I had before with my OS X 10.4.11, so I got Safari v4.1.3... It works great, but I know the bold fonts were never THIS bold. Here is what I'm currently looking at:Â
I tried selecting "Never use font sizes smaller than 9", and I even tried "Empty Cache" as well as "Reset Safari...", but it's still ridiculously bold.
I've looked all over, and I can't find out how to use find and replace to change the font properties of certain words. Like say I wanted to change every instance of the word "dog" to a bigger font size. You can do this in MS Word, anyway you can do it in Pages?
I'm completely new to Mac so I'm a little bit unsure about a few things... How do I change the size of my contact list font? I can't seem to find it? I'd like to have a bigger font but I can't find out where to adjust it (I know how to adjust the in-conversation font)
I just got a new macbook pro 13" for my birthday and I was wondering how would I achieve something like this: This is something I just quickly edited in photoshop to show what I would like. I know that I have to use geektool. But I am completely lost. If there any good tutorials you can send me a link to or even if you could teach that would be awesome. To be clear I would like to learn how to add weather icon, weather info, date, time and a cool transparent bar. I would also like to know how to change the font.
I am a brand new Mac user. Just purchased a MacBook Air with Entourage. I am wanting to change the font size in that calendar program. The fonts that are used are just way too small. Any ideas on how to accomplish this
I have now had a nice 27" 2560x1440 pixel Job for about 3 1/2 weeks, but I can't stop it using a base system font which renders letters on screen at about 1.5mm high. One of your threads gives this answer: click on the backround, go to view, view options and set the font size.Yes it does set the font size used in the screen icons, but the font used in the window it opened remains resolutely minute.To compose an email, I must set the font to 24 pt, but then forget to reset it before sending the email. The zoom function does not seem to be available in composer.
Using a new macbook pro and can't find a way to change the font style for folders displayed on the desktop.  Running Lion. The font for folders on the desktop currently uses a shadow effect and it's hard to read.
I have been able to change my font size in the mail program, but I have not found a way to make the left side that has the list of Mailbox names larger and easy to read, I have a long list of email addresses. The mail is in the older mode of mac mail.
Just bought the 24 LED Cinema Display to use with my new uMBP. The display looks great, but sometimes it's pretty tough to read things on it because the resolution is so high. Is there any way to change the font size for things like Safari, Entourage, Word, etc. JUST on the LED and not on the MBP as well?