MacBook Pro :: Font Size On 17 Is Too Small - How Can I Increase The Font Size
Jun 4, 2010
I'm trying to increase the font size of my mac, but I can't find it anywhere. I should be really simple to do so I'm probably missing something. On windows you just right click the desktop > appearance and bang. How can I do it on the mac? Oh and I don't want to increase the font of safari or finder, i already know how to do that, what I'm looking for is a way to make all fonts bigger (including menus)... just like you do on windows, make all fonts 1.2 times bigger.
How do I increase the font size on my Mac Airbook for the overall computer so when I am searching the web or on any of my applications it will be larger font.
I would like to increase the font size in my MacMail e-mails in my 13 Inch MacBook Air. The current font size is miniscule and I cannot find the commands to increase it (I am new to the MacBook Air product).Â
I purchased a 13" Macbook Air today and the fonts on the task bar and menu bar are much too small. I have changed the resolution to 1280x800 and they are too small and 1024x640 is too large (make web pages difficult to view.
I'm must be hitting some strange key combination / trackpad gesture (I just got a macbook pro) and my font size in safari keeps randomly increasing. This happens on the desktop with the icons as well.
Is there a way to increase the font size/icons within OSX
I think I found the issue with my headaches and the 27". Basically the text is very small when browsing.I have been using the CMD +/- to increase the page size and my headaches have been better.
Is it possible to increase the size of the font in AddressBook? I know you can temporarily increase the size of the phone # but I'm interested in a larger font for entire entries.Â
These old eyes really need bigger fonts on my beautiful MacBook Pro. It is so easy to do in Windows. Why would it not be possible with my MacBook Pro? All the menus, tabs, icon titles, etc. fonts need to be bigger. It is not ergonomically correct to have to sit so close to my MacBook Pro.
I'm using the newest IMac. And the problem is every time I put data using number (iwork) for accounting, the font is very very little almost unable to see by normal. I must pinching my eyes a little bit to see it clearly. Should I change something in setting and how? and this is happen when using safari too. From the first time I bought it, I never change the setting except to change username and password to login in. So I let it all in default version. I'm using IMac 27-inch, Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 processor 3.1GHz intel core i5. Nothing changed since I bought it till now. It's very annoyed and difficult for me to input, edited, even read it as report.
I'm new to IMac and I did a quick search and found nothing. I got an IMac less than 24hrs ago. With the IMac I find that I struggle to read things even with my glasses on. Is there any possible way of changing the system font so I can make it larger? Trying to read things on the imac is actually giving me a headache because my eyes are straining so much.
I'm using FireFox which is great because once you make the page larger (cmd & +) it remembers so when you go back there the page is still large and readable but things like the toolbar is unreadable. Some sites I've been on even with the page zoomed in some of the writing remains tiny and unreadable. I have the 27" IMac and to have the toolbar font so small on such a big screen seems very silly to me because it's unreadable.
I like my MacBook Air, but the font size when drafting email is a bit too small. For viewing regular email, I know I can use the Command and "=" to increase the size, but that does not work on the drafting window. how to increase the font size I view when drafting. (Just to be clear, this is just for my viewing -- I am not interested in changing the font in the email that is sent (I know how to do that).)
The website where I pay bills online has a hot link that says "print" and when I click on it, the printout is in a teeny tiny font.Â
The document that I print after paying each bill is the confirmation of the payment transaction. But it's almost too small to be read without a magnifying glass.Â
I can't find where or how to increase the font size of the printout.  Firefox preferences doesn't include any sort of font size preference to choose from; and my printer application in Settings doesn't list font sizes to choose from or to set as my default size.   Â
PageSetup allows me to choose a paper size, but not a font size. Â
My computer is an iMac G5;Â MAC OSXÂ 10.6.8Â My printer is a Canon MX850 Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Printer is Canon MX850
I just got a new MacBook Pro 15" and am still trying to get used to the one piece trackpad. (My old MacBook had a separate button). The main irritation is that, depending on how I move my fingers, I inadvertantly change the size of the webpage and font. I'm not even sure what I am doing to cause this, but is there a way to "lock" the trackpad so this does not happen?
If you have a 1440 x 900 15" MBP and you reduce the screen to 80% in Firefox or Safari I think it's very close to the font size you'll find standard on the hi-res screens.
Then to get an idea whether or not you're pleased with the font size try using your notebook at this setting for a few days.
My initial experience with the small fonts on the hi-res screens in the area's were the fonts couldn't easily be resized I didn't like it at all the first few hours I typed on it -then- I started to like it, the fonts are smaller but sharp and crisp I was getting sold on the idea of the hi-res screens. Finally, after a few days using the laptop for long periods of time I found my eyes where "much" more strained, not because I couldn't enlarge the fonts on the page I was typing on it was everything else; menu text etc ... glancing and refocusing to view the smaller fonts became tiring on the eyes, making them feel dry/heavy.
I then went back to the 1440 x 900 screen and the eye strain disappeared. I wanted to buy and like the hi-res screen, but not doable for me.
This post was meant to help anyone who's trying to decide what to do but isn't near an Apple Store to take a look for themselves.
The above font size should also be similar.
*** Keeping in mind it will look more sharp and crisp on the hi-res display.
I have been able to change my font size in the mail program, but I have not found a way to make the left side that has the list of Mailbox names larger and easy to read, I have a long list of email addresses. The mail is in the older mode of mac mail.
I'm looking to purchase an external monitor (24" @ 1920x1080) for my MacBook Pro (13.3" @ 1280x800) but want the fonts to be larger on the external monitor (eyes aren't what they used to be). The MBP13 has about 113 pixels/inch whereas the monitor has about 92 pixels/inch so I believe the fonts will indeed be larger. Can anyone with a similar setup confirm this or offer any other useful info.
I have a new macbook pro. Scrolling, i.e. 2-finger, on the trackpad often, but randomly, results in font size changes (e.g. in Safari, mail, etc.); in word and powerpoint it often changes a word or paragraph to subscript or superscript. This also happens often with cursor movement on the trackpad, i.e. single finger sweeps. It appears that trackpad usage is randomly triggering command+ or command-.
I see that when I open either one of my browsers, I switch between Firefox and Safari, the font is very small and I have to use CMD and the plus (+) key to increase the font.
How do I permanently keep it at a bigger default font?