QuickTime :: Will Plugin Allow To View Multiple Pages In A Tiff File
Jul 5, 2012
I've subscribed to a web-based service that allows me to view court documents online, but QuickTime won't let me view anything more than the first page of these tiff files. The regular version of QuickTime won't allow me to view multiple pages, even if I do uncheck tiff files in the settings. I'm using Google Chrome, but I can't seem to find a good plugin to view multiple tiff pages. The only way I can view multiple pages on a tiff file from this Internet program is to uninstall QuickTime. But if I do that I can't get iTunes to play. I'd go ahead and pay the $30 to upgrade to QuickTime Pro if I thought that would solve my problem, but I don't know if that will work. Does anyone know if QuickTime Pro will allow users to view multiple pages in a Tiff File?
QuickTime Pro, Windows Vista, Multiple pages tiff file plugin
I used to be able to view TIFF files from the US patent office using Safari and Quicktime.. but it no longer works.. the QT logo comes up then disappears and the page is blank. OSX 10.7.3.. Safari 5.1.3.. QT 10.1.
Was wondering if someone out there can help me. When I get an email with an attachment & I opened it, it used to get saved on my desktop, but now goes to 'Downloads' after I installed SL. How do I change it back to download to mu desktop??
Now when I try to view a .wmv file it says that I do not have Quicktime player, which I do. I have to open the file via Quicktime & searching for it in my downloads folder. Have looked at the settings & appears to be OK....
As some of you may already know, I recently switched to the mac platform. One of my main reasons for switching was the fact that I couldn't see more than 50 percent of the graphics used by my colleagues and mentors in case presentations due to the dreaded "quicktime tiff decompressor" issues present in Windows. After numerous efforts of trying to resolve this issue on the Mac end, I gave up and ended up getting a Mac, to hopefully not experience the same issue. Obviously, I have realized that the mac has a lot more to offer, in the process.
However, here is my problem - I am getting the following error "Quicktime or a TIFF decompressor is needed to view this image" in Powerpoint 2008 in Mac OS X. I didn't expect this at all, and I was hoping that there may be a fix to it. I tried copying and pasting the image into word and that doesn't resolve the problem either. I tried opening up the presentation in Keynote 2009 but that doesn't seem to load these graphics either. Is there any photo application that I can use to test the picture? If any of you know how to resolve this issue, I will be very grateful for your advice. Again, I am new to the Mac OS platform so I would appreciate if your solutions included "baby steps"
I accidentally overwrote a TIFF file, downsizing the original to 900x600. Through back-up all copies on the two back-up drives are equally overwritten. I have not set up time machine, so going back the timeline is not an option. Is it possible to restore the overwritten file without the help of a professional recovery service?
i've decided that I absolutely hate everything about the QuickTime X plugin that comes in Snow Leopard. It seems to only show up when playing certain types of media (MP3, H.264), but I'd like to know if there's a way to use the old plugin for everything.
There are no words for how much I hate this thing. The back 30 seconds button looks stupid and is largely useless, the bar looks really fat and the play button is huge. More importantly, I can't change playback speed, and the "Save As..." feature is gone. I paid for the Pro version of this plugin and now Apple has rendered it useless for everything but straightforward playback on a good deal of the files I encounter daily.
Does anyone know of some way to force everything to open with the old plugin? I've thought of switching /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.plugin with the old one from Leopard, but I don't have it anymore and I'm not even convinced that this would work.
I have read 10 - 20 topics about this problem and have found NO solution. First problem: Quicktime Plugin.plugin was missing.Solution: Using Pacifist I extracted the Quicktime Plugin.plugin and installed it to hd/library/internet plug-insResult: Still not workingÂ
Quicktime version: 10.0
Safari version: 5.1.2Â
I am very frustrated about this problem, their seems to be no solution and I have no idea what to do,
Using snow leopard, I have a recent problem. When trying to view a pdf file in safari, I get the message to upgrade to the latest version of adobe but I do have the latest version.Â
I have tried to send the plugin to trash as suggeted here but still no luck.Â
so i intentionally/accidentally deleted my qt plugins in safari trying to solve a player issue. anyway i have spent 24 hrs reading alllllll the posts and kind find a solution to my new problem. i have QTX and QT7 loaded on the mac snow leopard. this was working before i deleted the plugins. after reinstalling the QT 7, the plugins are in the internet plugin folder in both my main and user library, but Safari refuses to acknowledge their presences and simply says "plugin missing" when i go to webpage with embeded media or tries to download the .mov from another site. The plugins while in the library, are NOT listing in the Safari installed plugin list.
I downloaded Perian so I could view FLV files with quicktime. When I save as, it will save them as a .mov file. When i upload the video to my iweb portfolio, I get this message ( only with the those changed from FLV to .mov) all other videos are fine.
I switched from PC to iMac last week . I am very excited by the performance of Mac OSX and display of the new 21.5" iMac. The only problem I face is that quicktime movies are not played in safari/firefox. Safari waits indefinitely for loading the quicktime movie , firefox shows a big 'Q ?'. Don't know what that means.
This frustrating because I can't view any of the tutorial movies in the apple website. It is ironic that apple's own format is not playing on the new iMac.
The OS is Mac OSX 10.6.2 . Flash is playing well in the same machine. I am new to mac .
I'm currently having is with the Quicktime 7.7.1 plugin for Firefox. I use Firefox 12, running on OS Lion, and this plugin has some sound issue with a particular site I like to visit. When playing audio midis, it sounds tinny and plunky / compressed.I did not have this problem before Lion, but the plugin does work fine on other sites. I tried to delete the Quicktime app. thinking it somehow became corrupted, but I may be wrong. I had my data transferred from my old mac to the new one I have now. I don't know if that could have affected the QT plugin somehow or what.
I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.5 with Google Chrome dev version 10.0.612.3. To access your plugins within Chrome, type "aboutlugins" into the omnibox. Then to the right, click on the "+ Detail". Scroll down to see your Quicktime Plugin version. The reason I am asking is as you can see, Chrome says I have an outdated Quicktime Plugin. I followed their link to Apple's Quicktime download page but Apple only offers Quicktime for 10.5 - 10.5.8 ,version 7.6.9 for Leopard. [URL] Anyone able to clear this up?
It says I have to "download a critical security update" for my Quicktime Plugin as you can see from the attachment. The reason this has come to by attention is because the Facebook chat sound notification does NOT work while using Chrome. I did some googling and found that Quicktime may be the problem for the Facebook chat sound notification to not work. So if I do indeed have the latest Quicktime player (7.6.6), then why isn't the sound notification for Facebook not working? Maybe because of something else?
i currently using snow leopard and i have deleted my quicktime plugin in the process of deleting unwanted internet plugin. As a result, quicktime cannot be play on safari. if you have any suggest plz tell me, i will try it. thx
Can I merge multiple files, and multiple file types, into a single PDF with my MacBook Pro?, Can I merger multiple files, and multiple file types, into a single PDF with my MacBook Pro?Â
I need to combine word docs, .jpgs, .PDFs, .pptx files from multiple sources into a single PDF. In the past I've used software such as Nuance but I'm wondering if there's something in the MacBook Pro OS or applications that support this function.Â
I just bought a Mac, and my browsers are Safari and the Mac version of Firefox. There are some Internet pages that do not display properly on my Mac, how do I make it show up correctly?
it's really painful to do one folder at a time. i would want some photo folders to be viewed in icon view every time i open right click -> Show View Option -> " always open in icon view" So is there a way to set view options for multiple folders at once?
I want to view pages and text editor simultaneously, but every time I open one the other one closes (verses minimizes). I assume it is a setting issue.
I'm reacquainting myself with my new MBP. Is there a way to view a webpage, document, spreadsheet full screen, ie, spreading out across the entire screen? Right now I see about 1" of the desktop on either side of this webpage,
I would like to select a consecutive list of items (photo's) in 'view as icons' but I don't seem to be able to do that. It is possible in 'view as list/coloms' by selecting the first picture, press shift key, select last picture. But when I try to do this in 'view as icons' I can only select the first and the last picture. All the pictures in between are not selected. Am I doing something wrong? It is possible in windows iview icons by using the ctrl and shift keys, so I was wondering if it's also possible in mac.
I used to be able to scroll the pointer down to the lower right hand side of the screen to display the multiple Internet Explorer windows that i had open. Now, for some reason it wont work and the only way to do so is to minimize each screen till i find the right one. I am not sure what, if anything, i have done to change this setting.