it's that imac g3 again. I would like to know how to partition the hard drive without a bootable cd or any external drivesis it possible?ipartition (demo) says that I cant partition my hard drive if I boot off of it, but I have nothing else that I can boot off of.
I have used bootcamp to partition my disk and install windows vista onto my uMB. Now I want to partition the disk again to create a tri boot setup where I can either install ubuntu or the dev preview of snow leopard (I haven't decided yet). Can I just do this with disk utility and shrink my OS X partition in order to create a new partition or will this cause problems with the disk? I would really like to not do a fresh install of OS X because I have had to do this twice to fix disk problems relating to bootcamp.
I currently have Leopard installed on my MBP. A while back I installed Windows XP Pro SP2 via bootcamp. I have a 130GB Leopard partition, and a 18GB Windows partition. Now I want to add another partition, splitting the Leopard partition into two. I want to add a 20GB partition. I have cleaned my computer, and there is plenty of free space to do this. Currently 70GB free. So I go into disk utility, and try to partition. Doesnt work. Says that it failed to verify, repair disk. Then i boot from Tiger install disk, open disk utility, and verify disk. Says there are errors so i repair disk. Says that it repair worked. Verified again just to be sure, no problems. Go back into leopard and disk utility to try and partition, still does not work, I get the same error.
I keep getting this error..."The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved. Back up disk use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again."So I've checked and my HD is already a Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. I've gone to Disk Utility and verified the HD, verified permissions, and repaired permissions. I don't know what else to do. I don't want to backup the entire drive and format it.
I have Windows Xp and Windows 7 on two different hard drives in my Mac Pro. Windows 7 had been working fine, but I needed XP to run some older programs that 7 couldn't do. I have been working in XP some time now but when I try to boot from the Windows 7 drive it just reverts to the XP one. Even when I click on the Windows 7 drive to make it the start up drive it still goes to XP. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Here's my setup: One, dual bay enclosure (1.5TB x2): OWC Mercury Elite - AL Pro Dual Bay Enclosure and one, two pack of 1.5TB Seagate HD Total: paid $310 including shipping for the 3.0TB external setup.
I'm going to use FW400(since my MB pro has no 800 port) and partition this into two 1.5TB partitions. one for storage, and one for time machine backup. My question is if I choose 2 partitions in disk utility, will it automatically know to use one of the 1.5TB Seagate HD for one partition and the other 1.5TB seagate for the 2nd partition? Or will it use half of one and half the other? I would like one partition to be one seagate 1.5TB HD, and the 2nd partition to be the other, that way if one fails I have a backup (using Time Machine with one partition to backup the other 1.5TB drive).
I've been looking through Google for help on this but I'm really failing. I've been wanting to partition my startup disc on my Emac (which is running Tiger) so I can have a Panther partition and a Tiger partition. I have many reasons for doing so, but I don't really want to go through that right now.
I tried going to Disk Utility, but apparently, the startup disk cant be partitioned while I'm on it. I'm a new mac user, so I am having difficulty figuring out how to partition my 40GB harddrive to have one 10GB volume that Panther can go to. From what I hear, I have to partition using an OSX disc, and then reinstall Tiger and then I can install Panther. Please tell me there's a simpler way. I really don't want to go through reinstalling Tiger again.
I'm trying to restore the partitioning of my late 2011 Air drive, after messing it up while trying to dual boot OS X and Linux. The goal is to get rid of the superfluous partitions and resize the OS X one so I can use the whole drive again. Data loss is not an issue. According to Disk Utility the partitioning looks like this:
I was in the recovery hd, and i was partitioning my main drive into to partitions. while it was pertitioning, i accidently quit the disk utility. i saw that now the hd was in one partition and was nearly full (it was half filled before). i did a disk repair and it came back to half filled. now that i retry to partition it it gives me error
" Partition failed with the error: Couldn’t modify partition map because file system verification failed."
Is there anything I can do except from reinstalling everything?
I setup boot camp yesterday and it messed up, blue screen of death, unresponsive, etc. I deleted the partition and I tried making a new one. 40GB out of my 250GB (173 Free). I got a error that said i needed to restore my system, i do not have a external hard drive and i couldn't do that. Then i figured out what this error means:I read it has something to do with not having enough memory, where i have to defrag something, basically it was a long explanation but it made sense (I just deleted a 50GB file).So i was able to make a 5GB partition, and i'm like, "Ok, it works, ill try a 32". I tried a 32 partition and it just sits at "Partitioning Disk". If i open disk utility i can see
Disk utility doesn't seem too happy with adding a partition to my existing time machine disk. It has 750GB capacity, with over 200GB avail. I'm just trying to add a 70GB partition and it raises errors every time. I even tried using a mac that doesn't recognize it as a time machine disk, just a USB drive. Still no luck. I cant delete the data on this drive, so its important I just resize and partition without deleting. Any other options other than disk utility out there?
The title say it all, I've tried with my vista disc in the drive and out of the drive, given it a few goes for 10-20 minutes (recommended by people online) and then an hour just incase.
I recently decided to partition my hard drive on my macbook in order to install Windows 7, but upon doing so I was greeted with a message informing me that some files couldn't be moved and that I would have to reformat my HD. I created a backup disk image using disk utility and proceeded to erase and reinstall my OS. My OS is now reinstalled but I don't know how to go about using my backup to add all my old preferences, files, and applications. I've tried using restore through the disk utility but it isn't allowing me to do so. All I want are my old files and the ability to partition my drive!
How can I partition my hard drive (1TB currently in one partition being used completely by OS X Leopard) so that I can use the additional free space to install something like Ubuntu or Fedora onto my iMac G5 PowerPC? I've tried making multiple partitions, but they aren't counting as free space. Is it advised to just shrink the current partition a little?
I have a hard drive with about 250 gb of film and music on fbut it's formatted as HFS+ which windows cant read! I need to partition the drive to make windows be able to read at least a portion of it. But If I run disk utility and create a partition will it erase the info I already have on there? I don't have this data else where so I hope it wont!
Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.
I recently bought an early Imac G5 1.6ghz with 256mb ram and a 80gb hard disk. It came with no keyboard or mouse. All seems fine but when I try to change any settings it comes up with a password box which I obviously dont have and the guy I bought it from is not available. Its got Mac OS X v 10.6 operating system on it. Can anyone tell me how to reset the password without having the original DVD operating system disk.
I just bought an 800 MHz iMac G4 , and whenever I try to boot into target disk mode it shuts itself down. I am connecting to an intel iMac, and the g4 has no OS installed on it (I am trying to install tiger using my dvd install dvd, the one with the black background and grey x which the G4 won't read). Does anyone know what could be causing this issue? I've already tried reseting the PMU and PRAM.
We have some new Intel iMacs and have transferred some information from our previous G4 PM (one MDD and one Quicksilver) to the new iMacs. For some reason the G4's will now not boot up and kernal panic on the gray Apple boot screen. This has happened to all the G4's we have in our office. They are running OSX 10.2.8 and the iMacs are running OSX 10.4.4. We can still mount the drives from the G4's using FireWire Target Disk mode.
I have tried zapping the PRAM etc but they still wont boot. I have also tried running the OSX 10.2 Installer disks to try and reinstall OSX on the G4's but the installer cannot see the drives?
I tried running the disk utility. It finds the hard drive but wont let me verify/repair permissions (the option is grayed out). It will only let me verify/repair the disk, but it finds no errors. The installer cannot find the disk at all.
We have more than one hard drive in the G4's and the target disk mode will only mount the system drive, it doesnt see the others, so we cannot retrieve out information. Whats going on. Never had this problem before.
Anyone have any idea what is wrong. Never had this problem before using the FireWire transfer.
I have a 2007 imac which i want to restore/erase the hard drive so it's like its out the box. I have the orignial Install DVDs but when i put them in they won't run because i get the powerpc is no longer supported message. I upgraded to lion but no longer have the disk for it..Any Ideas how i can restore?
My drives for all 3 imacs i have gone through so far were dead silent until I Partitioned them, then they made the classic stomach growl noises. I was just wondering if others with the noise problem had a partition or not, ause it seems making a partition should not effect the noise. Say I am crazy cause to me it sounds crazy but I swear the first two imacs were fine till I partitioned them. I am now afraid to partition this new one I have cause its quiet and I do not want to go back to the store again! Anyway others who have had this issue did you have a partition?
I bought a 27" iMac i7 with 8gb of ram. fully loaded and after partitioning my drive started getting pinwheel problems with the default 5400 rpm harddrive. I did a fresh install and didnt have the problems anymore. Again I put bootcamp on and there are still pinwheel issues. I went to apple and they replaced the harddrive a saying that partitions take a pie like slice out of your drive and it shouldnt effect speed. They replaced with with a 7200 rpm harddrive. All was well until I partitioned the drive again. The weirdest part is that windows runs at 10000 mph where 10.6 pinwheels no matter what I do. I am fairly tech savvy and feel like this is maybe a defragmenting issue. I believe osx defragments files under 20mb. could this be it? It is driving me bonkers. I use both windows and osx and need to boot completely into the OSs as I am using primarily post programs like after effects.
I recently purchased a 2.8 octo Mac Pro that came with a stock 200 Gig HD. I purchased a WD 640 Caviar Blue HD for a boot drive and 3x 1 Tb Samsung Spinpoints for data and backup. When I got the Mac I simply took out the stock drive, put in the WD and did a clean install off the install DVD?s. The machine performs very well when it?s running my apps, like Pro Tools, but it?s sometimes a bit fragile when performing mundane tasks like burning dvd?s while surfing safari f.eks. It tends to freeze up quite a bit. Then I noticed also that the Samsung drives I put in it are a bit unresponsive. i.e. when i move files between folders on the extra Samsungs there is a few seconds of "lag" while before I can open the folders again.
I have a small concern with my Mac Pro First Gen 2.66 w/16gig running 10.5.8.I tried shutting it down last night and it wouldn't. I don't shut it down often but it was acting weird like not letting me eject external drives and such, even after any associated programs were closed. I wanted to shut it down for the night. Shut down wouldn't do anything and I kept getting the logout timeout box telling me that a program wouldn't close, like Safari or Mail. At this point any open programs would lock up and not even force quit. Finder eventually stopped working as well. So I didn't seem to have any other options but a hard shut down. So I held down the power button and it went off...kinda. It seemed as though I simple forced it into sleep mode. The power light didn't stay off, it faintly dimmed in and out as if it was sleeping. When I turned it on today I simply hit the spacebar and it turned on, confirming it never shut off before. When it came back on I had nothing open, not even the finder. I had to open the finder manually and it came on.
I purchased a LaCie Little Big Disk 200GB. It's an external HDD with two 2,5" 7200RPM hdd's paired as a raid 0 system.Great on paper, horribly risky in practice.So, *stupid me* started using this disk as a backup device for some important data. Of course the disk has started to malfunction. When I plug it in, there's this terrible clicking noise and it no longer mounts.I have already voided the warranty as I opened it up thinking/hoping it was a faulty connection.
I just got a message that my Time Machine external backup disk is full. I have another external drive I can use, but buying drives every few months is going to get expensive.
I was wondering what others are doing in this situation.
Is anybody archiving the Time Machine backup? If so, what software are you using and where are you storing your backup?
What kind of backup plans are you using with Time Machine?
I have a PowerMac G4, dual 1.25, 2 gigs of RAM and I'm thinking about upgrading. I don't have a big budget so the new Mac Pro is out of the question. I've been trying to figure out what's going to be more beneficial for me: 1) I upgrade the processor on my G4 to the maximum of dual 1.8 or 2) get an iMac, maybe the lowest version of 2.4Ghz Intel core duo.I'm an audio engineer and my projects require a lot of audio recording, mixing, and mastering. Once in a blue moon I have to work audio synced up to video. That was the reason I HAD to get a PowerMac 4 years ago and not the old version of the iMac. All my software work perfectly with OS 10.3.9 so it's not a requirement for me to get a better operating system. In fact, one application is still not available for OS 10.5.