OS X :: Partitioning Startup Disk (For Installing Panther)

Jun 24, 2010

I've been looking through Google for help on this but I'm really failing. I've been wanting to partition my startup disc on my Emac (which is running Tiger) so I can have a Panther partition and a Tiger partition. I have many reasons for doing so, but I don't really want to go through that right now.

I tried going to Disk Utility, but apparently, the startup disk cant be partitioned while I'm on it. I'm a new mac user, so I am having difficulty figuring out how to partition my 40GB harddrive to have one 10GB volume that Panther can go to. From what I hear, I have to partition using an OSX disc, and then reinstall Tiger and then I can install Panther. Please tell me there's a simpler way. I really don't want to go through reinstalling Tiger again.

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PowerPC :: Installing OS X Panther 10.3.9 On G4?

Feb 14, 2007

Im'e trying to install the o/s on a G4 with a clean hard drive the drive's been wiped of data and that's all It has not been formatted The screen says select destination volume but is greyed out i can't select anything Is the problem the fact that the hard drive is not formatted This is my first mac so don't know what to do.

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OS X :: Installing Panther To Leopard ?

Jul 10, 2009

I have Panther (OS X 3.9), can I install Leopard (OS X 5) without Tiger (OS X 4) ever being installed ?

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OS X :: Installing Panther To Snow Leopard

Oct 29, 2009

After 5 years with 10.3.9 on an iBook, I've bitten the bullet and bought one of the new iMacs. The transfer has gone fairly well, but I'm having trouble moving my address book and keychain data across to the new machine.

They didn't come across using the Migration Assistant: the Snow Leopard Keychain won't accept anything exported from the Panther version. If I export the address book as V-cards from the old system (the only means of export, the new systems asks me whether I really want to import n cards, but after I say yes nothing appears in the bbok.

It's al very frustrating, (and not very Apple-like!) I'm on the verge of doing the whole thing manually, one address and one keychain entry at a time, which seems quite daft.

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IMac :: Installing Panther On External Hdd?

Mar 26, 2009

I've acquired a rev A bondi blue iMac G3 (the one in my sig... which doesn't have fire wire). It has a 4GB drive in it that has Panther on it and everything is great... but the CD drive is broken. In that I paid $15 for the computer, and that its over a decade old, I really don't want to put money in to getting a new drive.

I do, however, want to upgrade the hard drive from 4GB to 80GB. I have a spare IDE drive, and a firewire case. Can I plug the hard drive into my iMac G4 and re-install panther on to it? Then just take the 80Gig drive out of the case and install it into the iMac?

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Power Mac :: Error Occurred When Installing Classic Os 9 With G4 Panther Ox?

Jun 9, 2012

I get an error that occurred when I try to install Classic OS 9 on a G4 computer with Panther installed that said,system error occured, "Installer Engine error type 10 and 1. The installer OS 9 disc will freeze up when trying to install on my G4 computer. I would like to run both Classic OS 9 and  OS X . Also, QuickTime Pro is not showing up when QuickTime is open on the monitor. I have installed Final Cut Pro 4 and also QuickTime Pro with its serial number, but it seems that the QuickTime Pro is not showing up whe openning up QuickTime. 


Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Partitioning Disk With Disk Utility After Using Bootcamp?

Jun 12, 2009

I have used bootcamp to partition my disk and install windows vista onto my uMB. Now I want to partition the disk again to create a tri boot setup where I can either install ubuntu or the dev preview of snow leopard (I haven't decided yet). Can I just do this with disk utility and shrink my OS X partition in order to create a new partition or will this cause problems with the disk? I would really like to not do a fresh install of OS X because I have had to do this twice to fix disk problems relating to bootcamp.

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Windows On Mac :: Partitioning Successful But Error Installing XP

Sep 23, 2006

I'm trying to install Windows on my brand new MBP using Bootcamp and I am hung up on a "No Bootable Device" error prior to installing Windows and after successful partitioning. I have updated everything I can think to update. The disk is a retail Windows XP with SP2. I have even tried reseating the battery. I can get back to OSX but would still like to install Windows rather than give up.

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MacBook Pro :: Partitioning HDD With BootCamp - Installing Win7

Feb 24, 2010

Today I decided install Win7 on my MBP and while partitioning the HDD using bootcamp I encountered the following error. Consequently, I used the Disk Utility in order to partition the drive. However it too failed (even for smaller sizes). How do I go about partitioning the hard drive? Erase everything and restore from backup?

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OS X :: Flashing Folder On Startup After Partitioning With BootCamp

Feb 26, 2009

I recently installed a partition to my mac mini using BootCamp, but leaving the Windows installation til a later date as I'd left the authentication info in the studio! On booting up my mac the next day I'm greeted with a flashing missing OS symbol instead of the apple logo. I've tried resetting the mac or trying to force it to start a network startup up but to no avail.

I attempted to run from the installation disc but it isn't responding to holding don 'c' to run from the disc. However I'm running 10.5, but that was an upgrade from a colleagues disc and the only installation disc I have is 10.4. I can get that disc but may take time! The only interactivity I can get from the keyboard is upon pressing 'option' I'm asked to enter a password, but I don't know what password it's after?

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OS X :: Installing Tiger Without Formatting Or Partitioning Hard Drive?

Jan 26, 2010

I have an intel iMac (non-aluminum) without an operating system. But there are lots of important files on the iMac's hard drive. Can I install OS X Tiger on it without erasing any files, and still have them be accessible on the computer? If so, how?

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MacBook Pro :: Startup Disk Is Almost Full - Clean Startup Disk For More Space?

May 28, 2012

How do I clean my start up disk for more space? I have I cloud but don't really use it.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Disk Utility Partitioning Does Not Work

May 11, 2008

I currently have Leopard installed on my MBP. A while back I installed Windows XP Pro SP2 via bootcamp. I have a 130GB Leopard partition, and a 18GB Windows partition. Now I want to add another partition, splitting the Leopard partition into two. I want to add a 20GB partition. I have cleaned my computer, and there is plenty of free space to do this. Currently 70GB free. So I go into disk utility, and try to partition. Doesnt work. Says that it failed to verify, repair disk. Then i boot from Tiger install disk, open disk utility, and verify disk. Says there are errors so i repair disk. Says that it repair worked. Verified again just to be sure, no problems. Go back into leopard and disk utility to try and partition, still does not work, I get the same error.

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OS X :: Cannot Partitioning Disk For Boot Camp?

Jun 27, 2009

I keep getting this error..."The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved. Back up disk use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again."So I've checked and my HD is already a Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. I've gone to Disk Utility and verified the HD, verified permissions, and repaired permissions. I don't know what else to do. I don't want to backup the entire drive and format it.

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Software :: Installing 10.3 Panther - Finding Step By Step Guide

May 13, 2009

I upgraded my Power Mac G4 from OSX 10.2 to 10.3. Got 3 install discs. The puter asked for the 2nd disc but completed the install without asking for the final disc. Its working fine.

Not sure whether the 3rd disc is significant or whether I should leave sleeping dogs lie.

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PowerPC :: Imac G3 Disk Partitioning Options?

Jul 20, 2008

it's that imac g3 again. I would like to know how to partition the hard drive without a bootable cd or any external drivesis it possible?ipartition (demo) says that I cant partition my hard drive if I boot off of it, but I have nothing else that I can boot off of.

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OS X :: Partitioning With Disk Utility For Storage And Backup

Jun 25, 2009

Here's my setup:
One, dual bay enclosure (1.5TB x2):
OWC Mercury Elite - AL Pro Dual Bay Enclosure
and one, two pack of 1.5TB Seagate HD
Total: paid $310 including shipping for the 3.0TB external setup.

I'm going to use FW400(since my MB pro has no 800 port) and partition this into two 1.5TB partitions. one for storage, and one for time machine backup. My question is if I choose 2 partitions in disk utility, will it automatically know to use one of the 1.5TB Seagate HD for one partition and the other 1.5TB seagate for the 2nd partition? Or will it use half of one and half the other? I would like one partition to be one seagate 1.5TB HD, and the 2nd partition to be the other, that way if one fails I have a backup (using Time Machine with one partition to backup the other 1.5TB drive).

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Software :: Disk Utility (Defragmenting / Partitioning) For G4

Mar 14, 2009

I use a G4 400MHz and need a defragmenting / partitioning utility, what are my options? Drive Genius requires more horsepower.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Restore Partitioning Using Disk Utility

Apr 8, 2012

I'm trying to restore the partitioning of my late 2011 Air drive, after messing it up while trying to dual boot OS X and Linux. The goal is to get rid of the superfluous partitions and resize the OS X one so I can use the whole drive again. Data loss is not an issue. According to Disk Utility the partitioning looks like this: 

Macintosh HD
Recovery HD


MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Quit Disk Utility While Partitioning?

Jun 5, 2014

I was in the recovery hd, and i was partitioning my main drive into to partitions. while it was pertitioning, i accidently quit the disk utility. i saw that now the hd was in one partition and was nearly full (it was half filled before). i did a disk repair and it came back to half filled. now that i retry to partition it it gives me error  

" Partition failed with the error:  Couldn’t modify partition map because file system verification failed." 

Is there anything I can do except from reinstalling everything?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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Windows On Mac :: Setup Boot Camp - Partitioning Disk

Apr 7, 2009

I setup boot camp yesterday and it messed up, blue screen of death, unresponsive, etc. I deleted the partition and I tried making a new one. 40GB out of my 250GB (173 Free). I got a error that said i needed to restore my system, i do not have a external hard drive and i couldn't do that. Then i figured out what this error means:I read it has something to do with not having enough memory, where i have to defrag something, basically it was a long explanation but it made sense (I just deleted a 50GB file).So i was able to make a 5GB partition, and i'm like, "Ok, it works, ill try a 32". I tried a 32 partition and it just sits at "Partitioning Disk". If i open disk utility i can see

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Applications :: Partitioning Time Machine Disk - Getting Errors

Apr 30, 2009

Disk utility doesn't seem too happy with adding a partition to my existing time machine disk. It has 750GB capacity, with over 200GB avail. I'm just trying to add a 70GB partition and it raises errors every time. I even tried using a mac that doesn't recognize it as a time machine disk, just a USB drive. Still no luck. I cant delete the data on this drive, so its important I just resize and partition without deleting. Any other options other than disk utility out there?

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Stuck On Status (Partitioning Disk)

Aug 21, 2009

The title say it all, I've tried with my vista disc in the drive and out of the drive, given it a few goes for 10-20 minutes (recommended by people online) and then an hour just incase.

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OS X :: Restoring Disk Image And Partitioning To Install Win7

Nov 8, 2009

I recently decided to partition my hard drive on my macbook in order to install Windows 7, but upon doing so I was greeted with a message informing me that some files couldn't be moved and that I would have to reformat my HD. I created a backup disk image using disk utility and proceeded to erase and reinstall my OS. My OS is now reinstalled but I don't know how to go about using my backup to add all my old preferences, files, and applications. I've tried using restore through the disk utility but it isn't allowing me to do so. All I want are my old files and the ability to partition my drive!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Formatting And Partitioning An External Disk Drive?

Apr 1, 2012

how to properly format and partition an ext drive using Disk Utility. I will be making a clone using CCC.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Will Disk Utility Partitioning Erase Hard Drive?

Dec 19, 2010

I have a hard drive with about 250 gb of film and music on fbut it's formatted as HFS+ which windows cant read! I need to partition the drive to make windows be able to read at least a portion of it. But If I run disk utility and create a partition will it erase the info I already have on there? I don't have this data else where so I hope it wont!

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OS X :: Disk Warrior Unable To Replace Startup Disk / Connect To TC To Transfer Across DW's Preview

Feb 18, 2009

Yesterday I switched on my macbook (Leopard) and got the flashing question mark. Ran all the resets and booted with disk utility which encountered an 'Invalid B-tree Node' when attempting to repair the disk. Additionally, the SMART status was verified.

I ran DW 4 last night, and performed the hardware tests which reported that the disk was operating like normal. The majority of my media files and additional work is backed up to my Time Capsule but I still have a folder of papers that are relatively new, and wanted to retrieve. While DW managed to reconstruct the majority of my drive (there seemed to be 15g missing - but it's just music files) including this folder, it couldn't replace the disk, as it encountered 'Serious Disk Malfunctions'.

So, via the Disk Preview I want to transfer my saved folders to my TC, but I don't appear to be able to locate it (via ethernet) through DW - even if it's connected when I boot up in DW. So, first request is: Can I connect to my TC to transfer across in DW's preview?

Second is: What are my options if DW can't replace? Do I need to take it into Apple and get a new HD (it's out of warranty)? It's possibly worth noting that I'm a student and have absolutely no money - so cost effective options are a bonus!

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MacBook Pro :: Folder With Question Mark At Startup - Disk 0 Showing In Disk Utility

Jun 24, 2014

I get this question mark along with a folder when starting up. I tried holding down the option key when turning on the power and then I get an internet recovery along with a globe. I click on the arrow below it and it takes maybe 15 minutes to start up. Then i get this disk utilities screen. I'm now unable to do anything. When going into disk utility, disk 0 shows with Mac OS X base system underneath it. All the clickable buttons are faded out. Is there something wrong with the hardrive? and where could i get this fixed? There isn't a warranty on it.

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OS X Leopard :: Using Disk Utility / Verify And Repair Grayed Out, Using Startup Disk

Feb 28, 2009

I'm trying to repair my hard drive. I restarted from the OS X Mac Mini install CD (holding down the letter C when I heard the chime), opened Disk Utility from the Utilities folder, selected my hard drive image, but the "verify disk" and "repair disk" options are grayed out. I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.

Mac Mini
Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Hardware :: Internal Hard Disk Does Not Show In Startup Disk Options

Jan 1, 2008

I have 2 internal Serial-ATA disks:

Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.

PowerMac G5 / OS X (V.10.4.11)
3GB memory

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