Yesterday it would not power on, the day before it was working perfectly. I tried switching out the power cord, and also holding down the power on button for a few minutes. Purchased in August 2005 never had a problem. It is 1.8 GHz 20-in integrated flat panel.
ive got a macbook aluminum but my mums pc has crashed so since my switch over to apple i have been over impressed with the stability of mac cut a long story short i have had some great feedback from this site so wondering if you guys can help.ive seen a 17inch imac g5 1.8ghz ppc processor..and is it possible to run most streaming internet sites like youtube!! bbc iplayer. etc etc..and also can it run windows 7 so she can play some chinese games via flash...??
basically does flash support the power this imac produces..??
My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.
I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.
I'm using a B&W Power Mac G3 with 512MB RAM and OS X Tiger for a SMB file server (with 5 users) and a USB printer server. Everything is working good, but I have a problem.
It doesn't have a monitor or keyboard/mouse attached normally (I can configure it via VNC). The problem is that I would like to be able to turn the machine off when it's not needed (like at night sometimes, days when I won't be home, etc.). I would like to just hit the power button and have it turn off, however it puts it to sleep instead.
Normally, sleep would be fine, except on the B&W, the fans still run, just the HDs shut off, so it's still noisy as heck.
Is there a way to make the power button shut it off? If not, any other easy methods of shutting it off you can think of? Via VNC won't cut it, as my dad needs to be able to turn it on (not a problem) or off as well.
I have a PowerMac G5 with the first motherboard that is out of order, and another PowerMac
G5 Late 2005
with 2x2.0GHZ
Mounting the powersupply from the 2004 on the 2005 is the powersuply compatible or not?
EDIT: I looked on Mactracker and compared the two: Max Watts in the first is 604W and 450W on the late 2005. I want to put a powersuply from a G5 2004 (604W ) on a G5 2005 that had a 450W powersuply is this possible ?
i just got my new imac 2 days ago. I was wondering is there another to turn on the power without pressing the power from button? (cuz i remember u can power on from the keyboard b4)
My G4 Powerbook 17" 1.5mhz stays on most of the time. Only thing that really gets any rest is the screen once in a while. For this reason, is it better to just power it off the powersupply and take out the battery? Any harm done in having the battery there and charging for extended periods?
I just bought a used cube from a local computer shop. It was abandoned by its owner. I saw the computer running last week when it was in the shop. I went to pick it up today and got it home. I can't get it to power on. The power "button" pulses when I push it but nothing happens. The ACD display that it came with gets power. I have tried reseating ram, reseating the DC to DC board and the graphics card riser.
I am getting ready to install a second (500 GB) hard drive in my Power Mac G5, and I was wondering how it will show up. I want to install OS X and all of my Apps on my 250 GB HD, that is already in the computer, and put all media and documents on the 500 GB. Will the additional HD mount on the desktop, light an external HD does?
During last 6 months I saw at least 5 PowerMac G5 that shows the same malfunction symptom, hangups, no video, fans running at full speed. It seems to be the main board, and many of them are 2.0 dual version (different models) and today I have a 2.3 Dual processor with the same problem. Anyone has other experience like me?
My mother just had her G4 Mac die on her. She bought it four years ago! She got the last MDD Power Mac G4 with dual 1.42 GHz PowerPC 7455 processors, running on OS 9!
Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark, Flash, Office, GoLive, InDesign, Image ready, Dreamweaver and so on, is the programs she use the most.
She has been quite satisfied thus far with the performance of the G4, until now(DEAD...)
She now considers getting an Mac Mini, with 2,0 Core 2 Duo Processor, 2 GB Ram running on Lepoard with a 160 GB Harddrive.
My question is - Is the Mac Mini powerful enough for the programs that she uses mostly(mentioned above) Will the Mac Mini be more powerful or equal to the G4?
The Mini has a integrated Intel 950 GPU - Would it be enough to run does programs decently?
I know that the buyers guide suggests not purchasing a mini, but we are short on money, and she needs the computer to do her job as a web designer/art director!
An alternative would be to purchase a refurbed G4 similiar to the one she had before!
I dont know what to advice to her. When money is an factor, and considering that she has been happy with the G4 for the past for years, I just dont know...
Currently it is almost entirely unresponsive. I came to wake it from sleep a few days ago and it refused to wake. It is totally unresponsive to the power button on the Apple Cinema display and when the power button on the front of the tower is used the button lights up blue and then goes out. There is no fan activity or other sign of life. There is no burned oder or evidence of anything charred.It is a dual 1.42 MDD FW800 machine with AGP graphics. Model: M8570So far I have:
-Removed and reseated the graphics card, RAM and other PCI cards. -Removed battery and let it sit unplugged over night. -Performed PMU reset. (once)
At this point I have come to believe the power supply needs to be replaced. it is model: 614-0224 (360w). After looking online they are stupidly expensive, from $180 to over $500 each. I will be ordering a new MB (PRAM?) battery (Saft 3.6v LS14250C) and replacing that as well.
Questions: - Have I missed anything here? Is there any other explanation or method of troubleshooting I should try? - Is there any cheaper source for the power supplies? Why are they so absurdly expensive? Does anyone here want to give me a sweetheart deal on one? - Can anyone recommend a source for the LS14250C battery locally in Manhattan? Radioshack has it as an online only item and wants $15 for it.
I just found this environmental report for the 27" iMac's on Apple's web site, which lists the amount of power they use when off/asleep/idle.
There doesn't seem to be a similar document for the Late 2006 iMac's. I'm just wondering if anybody knows the power consumption stats for the older iMac's (the 20" model in particular) - I'm interested to now how the newer models compare as I'll be buying one soon.
i was wondering, how hot is the little magsafe connector on the mac book pro supposed to be. i've heard about issues of them burning so i wanted to make sure of the heat issue. when i touch the sides of it it's pretty hot, hotter than the rest of my machine. is this normal?
It got REALLY hot. I had to snap my hand back after touching it, and my hand was red. I noticed it had turned off, so I went to see what was the matter. It felt hot enough to possibly catch fire.
I have an old G4 mirror-door that I use as my PVR. It's stuffed with 4 big drives to record media, but it runs all day and sucks tons of power. Plus, it heats up the cabinet like an oven. Is there a piece of software etc. that can help the mac better manage its power consumption? I don't like using the OS X drive sleep option because the drives always go to sleep just when you need them..
I thought I'd write this brief how-to incase anybody else ever needed the information. I have bought 3 power cords/connectors/adaptors for my iBook in the last three years - crazy, right? I stepped on the tip of the first one by accident, and was unable to bend in back into shape. The second one (a third party version by MacAlley) spontaneously conked on me, the brick stopped worked. And more recently my third, another third party bought cheap off eBay because I was fed up of paying, developed a connection issue somewhere in the wire (it worked fine, then I had to fiddle with the wire to get it to work, then it stopped working). With all these broken connectors sitting around, I figured there must be a way to solder them together and avoid paying another 30$ on eBay and being without a laptop for 2 weeks.
STEP ONE: Assemble all the broken adaptors you have, asses what works with what. - I took the brick from the original which was working fine and the tip from the 2nd cord (the one where the brick stopped working)
STEP TWO: Cut off the tip from both cords, make sure to leave plenty of wire attached to the brick and tip your using.
STEP THREE: Strip the tips of both wires, there should be two sections; an outside section (wrapped around the inside section) and an inside section. In the original Apple adaptor, the outside section was braided around the inside (which was incased in rubber) along with a yellow insulator. In the second adaptor (MacAlley) the outside was twisted around the separate inside wire.
STEP FOUR: Clearly seperate the two sections of wire from each, then twist them together. MAKE SURE THEY TWO SECTIONS (INSIDE VS. OUTSIDE) ARE NOT TOUCHING. You don't want to short-circuit your adaptor.
STEP FIVE (optional): Solder the wires together
STEP SIX: Tie a knot in the power chord before the connection, to avoid accidental stress on the joint, and cover it all with electrical tape.
So far, its been working fine. But be warned, THERE IS SOME RISK INVOLVED WITH THIS PROCEDURE. My battery is charging fine and the iBook is powered as usual. I'm just waiting for the battery to fully charge to make sure the power adaptor stops charging the battery when its full (don't want a cooked battery!)
G4 733 D/A , 10.4.11. This morning there was a few second power failure according to my wife. Ther G4 shut down from the power failure. I didn't have "restart after power failure" selected in the Energy Saver prefs. I restarted the G4 when zi got home and after I was done with it, selected SLEEP from the menu. The G4 wouldn't respond to sleep. I logged out and tried SLEEP from another user acc't and from the login screen. I then went into the Energy Saver prefs, made sure everything was as I wanted ( 5 min display sleep, 10 min HD sleep, and "put disk to sleep whenever possible". I then rebooted and sleep still wouldn't function.
My Power Mac (2x2GHz G5, Late 2005 model) is acting strange since a couple of days when I want to start it up. When I press the power button the white light comes on for a short time and goes off again. When I press again and hold the button the white and the red light come on, usually also the startup chime sounds, and then the lights go off again. When I repeat the action the computer eventually starts and boots normally and then works normally. Sometimes it works already the second time, sometimes I have to try more times.
Does anybody here know or have an idea what this might be and wether I can repair it myself?
The plastic piece around the dc jack is broken and blocking the power adapter from being able to charge. Is this piece required or can I remove it? Does anybody know where I could get a replacement piece?
I've recently acquired a (rather old) PowerBook g3 (Lombard if you are wondering). However, I have by yet acquired a power cord for said notebook. The laptop was free, but the power cord will apparently not be so I expensive. Basically PowerBook will be used for writing papers, other non-Internet stuff I need to do this year (senior in high school). Right now I am using my iPod touch as my primary computer. My question is, should I go ahead and just pay the money for a power cord or should I just suck it up and wait until may-isu when I get a new notebook? Obviously I'd like to avoid paying a lot but would the money for a new cord be worth it? If not I could always use google docs for papers when I'm not at the house, how advantageous would having an actual notebook be
My girlfriends 1.07ghz g4 Ibook's power cord broke, and we are looking for a replacement she will have a new macbook in about a month but I still want to use the ibook for a few things. I've noticed that some descriptions on ebay say that this particular book is not compatible with the cords that most of the others have. Was wondering if anyone knew which one works for sure, and maybe for the cheapest
I have found a cheap, broken Power Mac G5 for sale on the internet. It is a 2.5 GHz dual model. The owner says that one of the G5 processors is damaged.
Will the Power Mac work with only one processor? If I bought another processor will it have to be the same speed?
I have a pioneer 111d drive that is in a external enclosure,that I don't use anymore. I would like to put it in my mac pro. How much current do the drives draw when in idle or stand by mode. The only reason I ask. Is because, I have no need for a mac pro with two drives, as of now. I would be adding the second drive just because I can. I would pass on this if I new it was just sitting their wasting energy.
i have a blue and white g3. it has a slow 400mhz processor and 640mb ram. i would like to upgrade this machine to something i can use for daily tasks. websurfing, music, videos, etc.i was thinking motherboard and processor from a g4 or g5?