PowerPC :: Power Cord For PowerBook G3?

Sep 3, 2008

I've recently acquired a (rather old) PowerBook g3 (Lombard if you are wondering). However, I have by yet acquired a power cord for said notebook.
The laptop was free, but the power cord will apparently not be so I expensive. Basically PowerBook will be used for writing papers, other non-Internet stuff I need to do this year (senior in high school). Right now I am using my iPod touch as my primary computer. My question is, should I go ahead and just pay the money for a power cord or should I just suck it up and wait until may-isu when I get a new notebook? Obviously I'd like to avoid paying a lot but would the money for a new cord be worth it? If not I could always use google docs for papers when I'm not at the house, how advantageous would having an actual notebook be

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Wont Wake Up - Power Cord Stays Green?

Jun 28, 2007

About a week ago I received my new battery due to the recall. The last few days my power book has been great when I open my power book today it will not wake up. So i figured I would plug it in. The light stays green, does not change to orange, and still continues not to wake up. Even taking the battery out and trying to turn it doesn't work. Power cord stays green then as well.

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PowerPC :: Looking For Power Cord For G4ibook

Sep 19, 2008

My girlfriends 1.07ghz g4 Ibook's power cord broke, and we are looking for a replacement she will have a new macbook in about a month but I still want to use the ibook for a few things. I've noticed that some descriptions on ebay say that this particular book is not compatible with the cords that most of the others have. Was wondering if anyone knew which one works for sure, and maybe for the cheapest

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PowerPC :: Replacing IBook G4 Power Cord

Jul 23, 2010

The cord on the 45w power brick for my iBook G4 has frayed and is no longer usable. I am considering removing the jack from the iBook cord and splicing it onto a 45w yo-yo-style cord (originally used with a 1400) that I have. Are there any issues associated with this of which I should be aware? I want to resolve my problem, but do not want to break my computer in the process, of course.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Shuts Down When Power Cord Turns Red In Color

Jan 11, 2010

My iBook G4 crashed on me one night, and the only way I could turn it on again was to unplug the power cord from my computer, turn it over, remove the battery, put the battery back in, plug the cord back into the computer, hold down the start button, and it would restart. Although, when it restarted, the fan would go on first, and then the computer would make the normal start sound. Some times the finder would be on the screen after I restarted it displaying a quick link icon of the hard drive. So after a few weeks, it did it again, then a few days, and then it got to the point where I had to keep my computer in the same position otherwise it might shut down.

Now, if the power cord is green everything is fine, but if I move my computer and bump the cord into the wrong place it turns from green to bright red, makes an evil buzzing sound, and in three seconds the computer shuts off and I have to restart by using the method above. If or when the power cord goes bright red I do have 3 seconds to pull out the cord before it shuts down. I then sleep the computer, put the cord back into the computer, and move the cord around until it is green again.

I took my computer to a mac genius, and when he looked at the crash report he said it was frequent, but not caused by the battery and couldn't tell me what was the exact problem. I bought a brand new power cord, but I still couldn't move the computer around to much or it would shut down.

1.) Has anyone ever heard of this happening? And if so, what causes it to be so touchy?

2.) What can I do to fix it myself?

3.) If I send it in, will they be able to fix it so that it is perfect again without having to spend more than the money assessed?

I would like to try to have it fixed. At this juncture, my only option is to send it in for $280 and hope they can fix the problem that no one seems to know what is the exact problem, or even where the problem stems from. I should add here that the battery is fully charged, and the report says it can hold about 1 hour of life, although it's more like 30 minutes, and then without warning to plug in or risk shutting down (like it used to give me) it will shut down.

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PowerPC :: Power Button Cord Connector Broken Off EMac Logic Board?

Nov 28, 2009

I was attempting to replace the hard drive in my eMac, but for instructions I HAD to follow some darn take-apart guide that said pull out the connection for the power button cord from the logic board. I didn't know that it was SOLDERED in there, and now I can't complete putting my eMac back together without doing so.

Can this be fixed without having to send it to Apple? Does it HAVE to inolve soldering, or is there an alternative? Is there a way I can temporary have my eMac power on until I get the connector fixed?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Won't Power Up - Battery Indicator Showed One Flickering Power Circle?

Mar 19, 2008

My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.

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PowerPC :: Best Way To Power My Powerbook?

Oct 23, 2006

My G4 Powerbook 17" 1.5mhz stays on most of the time. Only thing that really gets any rest is the screen once in a while. For this reason, is it better to just power it off the powersupply and take out the battery? Any harm done in having the battery there and charging for extended periods?

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PowerPC :: My Powerbook Will Not Power Up?

Jun 19, 2007

My powerbook will not power up, I have already ruled out PRAM battery, am i looking at buying another logic board?

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PowerPC :: PowerBook Power Adapter

Jan 1, 2007

It got REALLY hot. I had to snap my hand back after touching it, and my hand was red. I noticed it had turned off, so I went to see what was the matter. It felt hot enough to possibly catch fire.

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PowerPC :: Power Options With My Powerbook G4?

Aug 17, 2008

The plastic piece around the dc jack is broken and blocking the power adapter from being able to charge. Is this piece required or can I remove it? Does anybody know where I could get a replacement piece?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Will Not Power On After HD Installation?

Mar 31, 2009

I recently tried to upgrade my powerbook with a new HD (see but forgot to format the drive before trying to install the operating system. I gave it another go last night but with the new disk installed and everything back in place, it would not power back up. I took it to bits again and checked everthing was connected including the little ribbon cable from the keyboard but still nothing. I put the old disk back in with the same results. there is no response from the power key at all. Everything is pushed home where it should be so I'm a lttle worried about what could have happened.

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PowerPC :: How To Get Files Off PowerBook G4 Without Power

May 16, 2009

I have a PowerBook G4 with a broken power connector, and a brand new hard drive for my Mac Pro which I bought to transfer the files to. What is the best way to do it?- I could attempt to open the case and remove the harddrive myself, get a 2.5-to-3.5-inch harddrive adapter for about $10, and put it in my Mac Pro. From what I've read this would work, although I've never tried anything like it and I'm not sure how hard it would be.

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PowerPC :: PowerBook G4 Won't Power On / Turn On?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a PowerBook G4 1.67 that shut itself down sometime during the day yesterday, and will not power back up. It's completely unresponsive to the power button, with no signs of life whatsoever.

I've tried resetting the PMU. There has been no new hardware or software installed. This has been tried with 2 batteries, and 2 AC power supplies.

There is inconsistency with the color of the AC power supply tip, as it doesn't seem to indicate the strength of the battery. Regardless of which battery or how much charge is left, the tip is Green, and will flicker Yellow very quickly once, when plugged in. It was Green following the initial shutdown, Yellow when I placed a dead battery in it, and then eventually turned Green. Now, it seems permanently in the Green / flicker Yellow state.

It did fully charge one battery while like this.

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PowerPC :: Mode PowerBook To Have MagSafe Power?

Dec 5, 2010

Is it possible to mod a PowerBook to use the MagSafe adapter instead of the regular adapter? I'd be willing to do it myself, but I haven't found any real consensus on whether or not it's even possible.

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PowerPC :: PowerBook G4 Alu Power Cable Explosion?

Dec 24, 2007

Was on my PB last night, went to pick the power cable up by the transformer and it emitted a spark, a little bang and then some smoke.

It was very very hot. It was late, and I was slow to react and it remained plugged into the computer after this had happened still charging it as if nothing had happened.

The computer is fine too.

Basically, I'd like to know if anyone has had a similar issue happen to them, and if I should get a new power cord? Or if you think it is okay to carry on using this one.

I haven't plugged it in since last night to see if it works or not, I am worried it will break the lap top.

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PowerPC :: How To Turn On A Powerbook Without The Power Button

Nov 26, 2008

Does anyone know if there's anyway to turn on an aluminum powerbook without the power button? I mean is there any keystroke combination that can turn a powerbook on?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Will Not Power On - Disconnecting The PRAM Battery?

Jun 22, 2007

My Powerbook will not power on. I have followed some instructions on disconnecting the PRAM battery and that did not work, any ideas? I just stopped coming on without any explination.

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PowerPC :: Use 65 Watt Power Adapter With 12 Inch Powerbook?

Jul 23, 2007

The 45 watt power adapter on my 12 inch powerbook is on it's last legs. I have access to a very cheap replacement but it's a 65 watt adapter that came with the 15 & 17 inch models. Is it safe to use this as a replacement?

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PowerPC :: No Power On Powerbook - Recharge The Light Goes Green To Red Then Off. ?

Aug 29, 2007

I searched forums etc. I have a 867 12" powerbook. The problem is that it will not turn on at all. I took the battery out and pressed a few key and it worked for a little while. Now when I plug it up to recharge the light goes green to red then off. I found a so called reset button on the apple site and lifted the keyboard and it is not in site.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Power - LCD Backlight Comes Back On But It Does Not Displayed?

Oct 2, 2007

I acquired a gimped Powerbook G4 from one of our 'daughter' companies. The laptop works fine when using the A/C adapter. If I unplug the A/C adapter while the power is on, the screen/keyboard lights will go off. However, the hard drive is still spinning. If I plug the A/C adapter back in, the LCD backlight comes back on, but it does not display what was on the screen. I have to hold the power button down for a few seconds to power it down completely. Upon turning it back on, everything works fine again. Does this sound like a battery issue or motherboard problem? I have checked the battery serial number against the recall list and this one is supposably good.

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MacBook :: Lose Power To It Within Three Minutes After Power Cord Comes Off?

Apr 9, 2012

Last Thursday I down loaded software updates from apple and have been losing power very quickly ever since. It just seems like as soon as I remove the power cord I lose power with in three minutes.

MacBook, iOS 5.0.1, purchased feb 2009

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MacBook Air :: Identifying The Right Power Adapter And Power Cord?

Jul 6, 2012

Can I use existing 85w magsafe adapter from existing macbook pro with new MBA 13 magsafe2 port ?

MacBook Air

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PowerPC :: Power Cable Plug Socket Pulled Off Inside Powerbook?

Oct 29, 2005

so today was the day to replace the broken harddrive inside my 12" Al Powerbook and naturally I've ballsed it up.

The problem came at this stage of pbfixit's instructions. In pulling the power cable out of it's socket, I've pulled the bloody socket off the board.

So this is bad, that much is clear, and I need help, and lots of it. What's the best course of action now? It's not under warranty or anything, it was second hand to begin with.

For what it's worth, if anybody else finds this while searching for dismantling instructions, it's actually not too difficult. I would change this section of the instructions though, as I'm sure it'd be easier to lift up the top case slightly and then disconnect these two cables rather than fiddling through the tiny holes. I think going in that way give you a side angle and more opportunity to grip properly. And less opportunity to break your Powerbook. Anyhoo...

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Power Options - Battery Is Showing Full Charge?

Sep 7, 2007

I have a 1.67 GHz Powerbook G4. This morning it was fine. When I got home from work, it decided that it suddenly no longer wants to stay on when not plugged in. The battery is showing a full charge. The light on the plug is green. But the second I unplug the cord from the laptop, the entire thing shuts down.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Start Powerbook / Plugging Power Adapter Lit Up Orange

Apr 15, 2008

I received an old powerbook from a friend today and i plugged it all in and everything and the power adapter in the back and the ring lit up orange but when i went to turn it on nothing happened at all i didnt hear anything inside, it just didnt turn on. i really want to find the problem and/or fix it up.... I dont want to part with it as i need an extra laptop...

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PowerPC :: Cannot Start My Powerbook - When Plug In Power Adaptor, There Is No Green Or Orange?

Jan 21, 2009

I went to turn on my Powerbook G4 (Aluminum 1.67GHz Low Res) today and when I plugged it in, I noticied a kind of crackling or popping noise. I unplugged the power adapter and tried again. I knew that my battery was dying before this (could only get about 30 min on a charge). But now I cannot start my Powerbook. Whenever I plug in my power adaptor, there is no green/orange light. However, when I take the battery out, I hear the Powerbook trying to start up (hard drive spin). But then there is nothing but my fans on full blast! They will not stop and there is nothing on the screen. I left it there for a good 5 min and nothing changed!

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PowerPC :: Unable To Turn On PowerBook / Using Power Adaptor Glows A Bright Orange

Mar 8, 2007

I just aquired a PowerBook G4 (500Mhz) and it is dead. It will not turn on no matter what I try and when I plug in the power adaptor it glows a bright orange (almost red)...what does that mean?

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OS X :: Power Cord Shutting Off?

Dec 5, 2009

I just started playing WOW a few days ago - now I am thoroughly addicted but today after two long sessions (about 2 or 3 hours each) the power cord on my Macbook (bought in July last year- not the aluminum one) quit charging the battery.

The first time the computer simply shut down, and I noticed the mag cord light wasn't on so I figured I had an outlet problem, switched outlets and voila light came back on. The comp started back up and I saw the battery was at zero so just figured the outlet didn't work and the battery drained out without me noticing.

Second time with the different outlet I realized immediately as I had been watching the mag cord light, light went off, now I know something is up with the cord. I unplugged it for a few minutes and it worked again. Is this some sort of auto shut off for the power cord? The brick itself is pretty hot (nothing too crazy- not even close to being too hot to touch), the magnet part where it connects to the computer is not hot at all, the processor isn't very hot (about 60 C) and I can comfortably rest the comp on my lap.

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MacBook :: Can I Use This Power Cord

Jan 19, 2010

I just received an iBook I bought used on eBay (got a great deal, and so far it looks good!). Only problem is- the adapter that came with it is like only 3-4 feet long (the adapter piece JUST reaches the ground from my desk). I plugged in the 'extension' cord from my Macbook Pro's adapter and that seems to be working fine, but now I can only charge my MBP with the little plug thing.

So my question is this: can I use any power 'extension' cable that fits (i.e. a random black one I just found) to plug the adapter into the wall? Like this: (URL) It would be great if I could, since this would save me the trouble of switching cords or buying another cord to connect the adapter.

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