My beloved iBook 1.33 wont boot, has flashing? and freezes when I try to boot from original CD with a bunch of vertical lines. I ran the diagnostic DVD and it says Invalid memory access. I removed the external ram chip for computer and still get same error. I also zapped PRAM, reset NMVU (whatever it's called). I already have the iBooks case open and willing to try anything.
My iBook G4 will not boot even from DVD.Boot with option does not show the hard drive, but shows the Tiger dvd.Memory access error shows at open boot.How can I get this thing to boot?
I have an iBook G3 Clamshell 466MHz with 192mb RAM and 10GB HD. I recently updated the OS from 9.2.2 to Panther on a single partition. The upgrade went flawlessly.Then I purchased a 512mb RAM module from a 3rd Party Vendor and after fitting it discovered the iBook no longer boots past the flashing folder/?.
I removed the new ram and replaced the 128mb module but haven't been able to boot past this flashing folder/? icon. I've zapped the PRAM, reset Open Firmware, disconnected the Keyboard then booted, reset the PMU (need to do this each boot or I see black screen only) and tried to boot from the Panther Disc #1 holding the 'C' key. I also tried TDM with my Intel Mac Core 2 Duo but couldn't boot past the flashing folder/? icon.
well where do i begin ?? basicly i purchased a ibook g4 14" 1.33ghz that had its harddrive upgraded by a apple service provider. About two weeks after this upgrade took place the harddrive started playing up and the machine would not see the boot volume on the drive when restarted or every now and then the machine would freeze after some time of use, a few hours maybe. i ran apple hardware test and it came back clean after zapping the pram and disk warrioring the drive it fixed this for a day then it started again oh well.
so i sent it back to the service provider who said yep its the hadrdrive goody !!! oh NO he calls back the next day and says the new harddrive is not reconized and that they tried a new ribbon cable WTF when i sent it in the machine saw the harddrive via target disk mode all the time it just didnt see the boot volume.
NOW his saying its the logicboard **** sake !!! so my question could this machines logicboard be fried when it was fine before i sent it in , i mean the ide controller was fine i checked it and now im faced with a brick !!!what do i do ????
I have an ibook that boots up first to the flashing folder with the question mark then quickly loads to apple screen , then into the os x. This just started happening but I've never seen it before is this a bad sign?
I bought it refurbished almost two years ago. For several months it has been occasionally showing the flashing question mark on start up. Usually I will restart it in safeboot and then restart and it's fine. This has gone on for a while. I wasn't sure what that was about and have not been successful in finding information about if that was common and what to do about it. (I have two babies so not a lot of time to spend searching for answers when things aren't dire) It usually seemed that if a disc was left in the notebook and/or the top shut without being properly shutdown before hand, this would happen.
Well just a bit ago it was froze on a spinning wheel and I force quit the program it was stuck on and not long after shut it down. Now it won't get past the flashing question mark. I thought it was a startup issue. Now I'm worried it might be a hard-drive issue. My second child's birth video is on there! I know, I should have backed up. I tried Shift on start up and that didn't work. I tried Command+V on start up and that did nothing. I don't have another Mac to hook it up to, just my old trusty PC
My main concern is the files like photos, music, and videos on the hard drive. My husband is not working at the moment so we can't spend a lot of money on it and the nearest Mac Genius bar is over an hour away. Looking for some good advice!
Well, a friend of mine spilled wine on my ibook g4. Other than trying to decide how much if not all of it to ask her to pay(my wine, but on an armrest and I was in the other room), I was wondering if anyone can fix suggestions. We got the battery out and it unplugged right away, but when I turn it on the screen violently flashes on and off. It does seem to run fine other than that, though.
I have recently come across an extremely cheap ibook (free) which i was able to keep if I got it too work. Well I've been successfully fairly by using it for a few weeks, then it just died. Not sure how it did but it did. The problems seem to be with the flashing (Finder/?) folder on a gray screen back ground. I've already run through the [URL] tutorials of what's wrong and have successfully done a PRAM and a PMU reset with no result. One of the times that I restarted the iBook and after the flashing folder got two new separate folders. One with an arrow turning clockwise on the left, and another folder with an arrow pointing right on the right. Both in blue folders as the flashing folders. Now I believe the problem is that the iBook is unable to find and utilize the Startup Disk. Forums I have read state to put in the reinstall disc, which I don't see how that will work on account of the CD tray not responding to anything I've yet put in there. Not trying with disc until i know that is the only possible solution. Don't want to loose my disc. Maybe some of you have come across this situation and know of a sure fire way to fix it. If not, Ill have to just send it in to some site.
I have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?
I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.
I have a G4 iBook - 1.07Ghz, 768Mb RAM, Panther - that keeps giving me the swirling beachball of death depending on the date setting on preferences. If I set the date to 2004 the machine runs fine, but if the date is set to today or (I'm not sure of the exact date) after 2007-ish the thing keeps freezing.
Also, after the freezing troubles I installed Ubuntu and it ran perfect with the correct post 2007 date.
I naively tried to install leopard OS on my 5-year old ibook G4 (with very little RAM). It makes a horrible clicking sound from the dvd drive and freezes on the screen that says its looking for OS 10.4(?) (which is not on the computer). When I reboot it immediately starts the install process, because the dvd is still stuck in the drive, and freezes over & over again.
All I want to do is remove the disc and go back to the original OS, so that I can add more RAM and update the OS properly. (The only motive for the update is so that I can have the same version of Garageband 2008 on both my desktop and laptop so I can work with the files interchangably.)
Is there a way to restart the computer that bypasses the install disc and dosen't default into the install porocess?
I have an iBook G4 1.07 GHz 30 gb 256 RAM with Panther. It was working fine until my HD got close to being full. Now I can't get it to boot past the Apple screen. It will either freeze there, or move on to the blue screen and freeze before the progress bar enters. I want to re-install Panther but I can't get any CD to boot during startup by holding "C", including the Panther OS CD, the Hardware Test CD, or the Tech Tool CD. I am able to boot to single user mode, where I type fsck -fy, and I recieve no errors with the hardware. I had this issue beore and my HD had to be replaced by Apple.
recently my ibook keeps randomly locking up, it first started the other day when it got stuck on a blue screen at start-up eventually it came on, but kept locking up, no spinning beech ball just completely froze, i held down the power button to turn it off, i then had to wait at least ten minutes before trying to start up again, if i didn't it would get stuck on the blue screen, then something else weird happened, when i started up it came up with the mac set-up assistant similar to when you first upgrade, so i turned it off again and it went away, so i started up again this time i noticed that spotlight was indexing, despite it already doing that ages ago when i upgraded to leopard, so i thought this had something to do with it, because it kept freezing in the process, but today i turned it on, let it index and to my surprise it didn't lock up, so i went to play world of warcraft, and as soon as the login screen came up it locked up agai
i have an ibook g4, and was using it just fine the other night, then when i came back to it a few minutes later it had shut off completely. now when i boot up, the computer freezes at the spinning gear startup screen or at the blank blue screen immediately after the spinning gear. it will boot in single user mode, but it won't boot up with my os x install disc. does anyone know any unix i could try to use to get my mac up and running again, or has anyone had this same problem and knows a fix for it?
I was playing some old freeware games for Mac OS 9 and was playing lemmings when my Clamshell iBook just turned off and now I get the Blinking folder with question mark. I made a live CD of ubuntu where it's talking to the harddrive but the iBook won't boot to OS X so i am trying to figure why.
My friend just got a 800 Mhz iBook G3 from someone. I think it's the April 2003 model. It has a CD-ROM drive so I think it's that one. The iBook has Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger on it. The problem is that in normal boot, it hangs right before the "Starting Mac OS X" screen with the bar. The mouse pointer just stays in the corner. The computer can boot into Safe Boot. He tried reinstalling the OS with Archive And Install keeping the same settings but it still does it. Apparently he says that he had to boot into the Mac OS X Install Disc in safe mode by holding shift. Starting the computer holding Option and selecting the Install Disc caused the installer caused it to hang in the same way. He is currently doing another Archive And Install with the keep settings box unchecked and has yet to do an Erase And Install.
I have a G4 Ibook, been having a problem with it about a week where it wont boot up, it switches on, makes the apple noise and even gets to the screen where the apple logo is showing with the timer at the botto,. problem is it stays there! Before i would turn off and on and try a few times and i would eventually get lucky, but obviously something is not right.What can i do? and if i can get it on what programme shall i run to check it?
I have seen this talked about a fair bit, but i thought i'd start my own thread because it seems slightly different.
To start, when the computer was last running, the (what sounded like fan) started making a terrible noise, then stopped, and the computer turned off.
After that, when booting, it just goes to a grey/blue screen and sits there.
I have an iBook G4, 1064mhz, 256/30.
I dont know what model that makes it, but from the Mac website, I have tried to reset the PRAM to no avail. All of the methods listed do not seem to do anything on my ibook.
I tried using this link to reset the [URL]
I dont know which one is for my model, but i see no reset button under the keyboard, or on the case. There is a little tiny hole on the case beside the LCD???
I have tried the shift-ctrl-opt-power but it doesnt do anything.
As well, i did hold down the "option" button when booting, and it brings me to a screen which shows an image of a hard drive with a green "x"
I dont know if the green means good or the X means bad..
I have read that resetting PRAM and/or changing the resolution seem to help the problem, but I do not know how to do either.
After installing an app ('Detour') I was asked to (or it was suggested that I should) restart my computer. I did so, and now my 1.33GHz iBook G4 turns on - but it will not go any further than a blank blue screen (after the initial grey screen that appears.) Thankfully, all my data is on an external drive. I keep my music and footage which I have shot on there amongst other things. I also have a backup on my external via Time Machine of all my data which I keep on the iBook drive, so nothing should be lost.
I just received a iBook (1.2 30GB 512mb) no cd include, but I have a macbook tiger cd. I wanted to do a fresh installation of tiger or even leopard but when I have the macbook tiger cd and press "C" it just goes start to the desktop without loading the CD.When I load any CD/DVD i am about to view the content of the CD/DVD within tiger, but I just can't boot it to do a fresh installation. Also when I click on Option, it doesn't give me the option to set the boot devise.
i found an old clamshell ibook today. it started right up and all; seemed to work fine. well, now it wont boot at all. im by no means talented in this area, but i love to tinker around with stuff, i tried putting an airport extreme card into the wireless slot, and of course i dont think to shut the machine down to pull it back out. basically the screen distorted and froze. did the logic board get toasted?
My iBook g3 recently had a new 40 gb hard drive put in. Now when i try to install mac os 9.1 and 10.0.3 ( Both on the same disk labeled for iBook) I get nothing. I hear the CD tray run, but then it stops and displays the flashing question mark. Ive tried booting in open firmware, resetting pram and nvram but it still wont boot.
I have a 2004 iBook G4. My internal HD broke yesterday, but I have a backup on an external firewire HD enclosure, made using CCC. I've tried to boot from it using the startup disk tool on the install DVD: it comes up as a useable startup disk, but when it restarts I get the blinking folder icon for a few seconds, and then it boots from the internal HD (or tries to.)
Disk utility says it is bootable, I can mount it and edit files using single user mode from the internal HD, etcetc, but it just won't boot from it.
I've even tried to go into Open Firmware and boot yaboot from the external drive, but it doesn't seem to see the drive at all until after OS X is booted.
This iBook G4 will not boot. I can boot it into safe mode, but that is about it. I have tried resetting the PRAM, to no avail. It cannot even boot off of an OSX disc. When I try to boot it normally, it just shows the Apple symbol, but no progress wheel thing spinning. When I try to boot it normally, it appears as if the hard drive is not being read from/written to, because it is dead silent, but when I boot into safe mode, you can hear the HDD noise. When I booted into safe mode, I checked the HDD's SMART status, and it says "Verified," so I do not think that the HDD is at fault. However, it still has its original HDD from 2004.
I'm trying to resurrect an iBook (translucent white case, 14.1 LCD) that was long neglected, so not sure on its past service history. The following do NOT work: - won't boot up past the gray screen with Apple logo and spinning gear icon (just hangs) - same problem if I try to boot from install DVD ("c" or using "option" then selecting DVD) - same problem with safe boot with "shift" - reset PRAM It will connect via firewire target disk mode to another computer, and I used that to completely wipe the disk and do a clean install of 10.5. When I tried booting into single-user mode (cmd-s), it fills about 2/3 of the screen with normal-looking messages, but then hangs after this (no keyboard response): Got boot device = IOService... [various other stuff] BSD root: disk0s6, major 14, minor 5 I'm out of ideas. Any suggestions? The machine is old enough that it's probably not worth the diagnostic fee of the local Apple shop. Since I can't get it to boot, I can't even run TechTools.
The iMac forum is clogged with news of the new iMac, so I decided to post my problem here: I just bought a friends old iBook G3 for writing and surfing the web. It's slow and full of his junk. He doesn't have the original disks, so I was wondering, would the install disks from my Intel iMac work on it?
i didnt have much to do a couple days ago so i thought i'd install Cheetah on my iBook G4, turned out to be harder than i thought. For some reason it doesnt boot any os prior to Tiger, so I installed Tiger and copied an image of the Tiger OS with the OS 9.2 (i think you have to have it on the system to install prior OS's). So i did that and when i pop the Cheetah cd in it loads and opens OS 9.2 but then it says: "This Application Does Not Run In The Classic Environment - To Install Mac OS X, start up your computer from the Mac OS X CD." Which i did but still doesnt load. I still have an old PowerBook G3 and installed Cheetah on it, then i removed its hd, and created a new sparse image from it. Then i booted up Tiger on the ibook g4 and restored from the image, all went fine, i selected the correct boot device and even repaired permissions but still it doesnt want to boot up Cheetah on the iBook!