PowerPC :: Installing Cheetah On IBook G4 - Doesn't Boot
May 29, 2009
i didnt have much to do a couple days ago so i thought i'd install Cheetah on my iBook G4, turned out to be harder than i thought. For some reason it doesnt boot any os prior to Tiger, so I installed Tiger and copied an image of the Tiger OS with the OS 9.2 (i think you have to have it on the system to install prior OS's). So i did that and when i pop the Cheetah cd in it loads and opens OS 9.2 but then it says: "This Application Does Not Run In The Classic Environment - To Install Mac OS X, start up your computer from the Mac OS X CD." Which i did but still doesnt load. I still have an old PowerBook G3 and installed Cheetah on it, then i removed its hd, and created a new sparse image from it. Then i booted up Tiger on the ibook g4 and restored from the image, all went fine, i selected the correct boot device and even repaired permissions but still it doesnt want to boot up Cheetah on the iBook!
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?
I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.
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Mar 30, 2006
I remember hearing about it on a website, is there any rough tutorials to go about this? Don't ask me why I want to do it, my friend said it can't be done, and I just want to show him up. he also thinks macs are dumb, so hes not so smart in the brain.
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Feb 26, 2009
I have a 1.33gh 14" ibook that Im selling so Im trying to reinstall leopard. so I put in the disk load it up everything is fine until it actually starts installing.. it gets about 10-20% and the says Install failed could not validate "Essentials" package. then I tried again and let it check the disc prior to installing and it tells me to clean disk from scatches and dust. i noticed there were a couple small scratches on the disk so i got another install disk but when i try to put it in, the ibook just spits it back out after a few seconds and i cannot load the installer with the new disk
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Aug 17, 2009
I have an iBook G4 model number A1054 made in 2003 that I havent used ever since I bought a new laptop. I forgot my password years ago and I am not sure what has to be done first. I'm purchasing OSX panther complete installion discs because I want to update it and add more memory. If I buy the OSX software would I still need my password before being able to reinstall the new program?
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Jun 11, 2007
I have an iBook G4 1.07 GHz 30 gb 256 RAM with Panther. It was working fine until my HD got close to being full. Now I can't get it to boot past the Apple screen. It will either freeze there, or move on to the blue screen and freeze before the progress bar enters. I want to re-install Panther but I can't get any CD to boot during startup by holding "C", including the Panther OS CD, the Hardware Test CD, or the Tech Tool CD. I am able to boot to single user mode, where I type fsck -fy, and I recieve no errors with the hardware. I had this issue beore and my HD had to be replaced by Apple.
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Oct 20, 2007
I have a G3 iBook, 600MHz, 2 USB slots, 1 firewire slot, DVD ROM/CDRW with 640Mb. I bought a Tiger DVD which on the front says: "Mac OS X Tiger. Includes Xcode 2. Install DVD. Version 10.4.6." It came as new, inside a Mac OS X box (no grey installation discs - just 1 black DVD). But...it won't install on my iBook. In fact, it won't even mount on my desktop! I've tried holding "C" on startup but that won't help. Incidentally, I can't repair permissions (I just get "No valid packages (-9997)") but that seems to be the only thing going on with my Mac! Any ideas to get this show on the road?
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May 26, 2008
could some one tell me where I would find info on instaling a new screen maybe a website.
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Sep 12, 2008
i attempted to install leopard with firewire through my mac mini, yet it get to the install menu and says: leopard cannot be installed on this machine. it is the two leopard discs that came with my mac mini intel c2d. I also have a powermac g3 i could run firewire out of if necessary. I dont know if it is the discs because i used the restore disc from a powermac g4 to upgrade this ibook to tiger.
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Apr 3, 2009
I've got an old Ibook G4 with Panther and Ilife installed - I want to update to Tiger but keep Ilife - I have a retail copy of Tiger that doesn't include Ilife... What is the cleanest way for me to install Tiger and keep Ilife ?
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Jan 9, 2010
I recently recived a iBook G3, Specs are 600Mhz, 635Mb Ram, 20Gb HDD. I go to install OS X Tiger and it either shows "You Have To Restart Your Computer......) or a System Failure: CPU=0 (Unaligned Stack) error. This is as it boots the CD for install. When it spits the error code in the background is the apple boot screen
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Jul 20, 2006
My RAM I ordered for my iBook 1.42ghz came in today. I'm trying to install it, but I can't seem to get the brackets to snap. I can get it in so it feels pretty secure, but only the bracket on the left side (when viewing from the USB-port side of the iBook) is clicking in place.
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Aug 1, 2007
I have a IBook G4 labtop. how to install the memory chip.
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Aug 15, 2007
so my boss' ibook g3 just broke, he brought it to apple and they said it needs a new hard drive and were going to charge him something like 400 dollars to replace it. He decided not to do it because it's so old. (not sure how old, but it's a white g3 with a cd tray). Anyway, i told him i should be able to do it. I've found directions online on ifixit and stuff but need a few more questions answered.
1. Will any 2.5 inch hard drive fit? I think i'm going for 5400 rpms because i don't want it to get too hot and he wants 80 gb. how is this one? [URL]
2. How will i run the os once it is installed? Do i need to installl 10.0 first and then move up? Can i install from the cd or do i need to do it from another computer via target disk mode?
3. ifixit suggests i get a "spudger" which i guess it a plastic anti static toothpic type thing to remove hard to get parts. Definitely needed or no? I have a set of small screw drivers that i've used for my powerbook that i thik should be fine.
4. Any tips at all you wanna throw at me.
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Jul 23, 2008
I'm trying to install some kids games on our ibook g4 (1.067GHz, 256 MB Ram, 37GB HD running OS X 10.3.9). The game will let you start to install and then at the end it will stop and tell you errors are found. It makes you then start over. the kids games are dual pc/mac. min reqm't is OS X 10.3.2 or later.
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Jan 16, 2009
I bought an ibook a little while ago because I wanted a small, simple notebook and I love my home iMac. I found one for a good price on eBay and when it arrived everything seemed ok. I wanted to re-install the OS and set everything to my specifications because I was having a little trouble with some of the apps. Anyway, I went through the lengthy re-install and just as it finished counting down the seconds to completion, it shut down. I thought it might be in sleep mode because the little white light was on, so I hit a key and the light went off but nothing happened. Nothing on the screen, no HD noise, nothing. I'm at a loss because I really don't know much at all about hardware or software, which is why I liked the user-friendly Mac so much. The only thing that tells me it's getting power is the little green light at the power connector. I tried a PMU reset (there's no reset button on my model so it was a button combo of shift-ctrl-option-power I think) but that didn't do anything.
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Jul 21, 2010
I am pretty new to mac so a little unsure about the issue at hand. I bought an ibook without an OS installed. So I put in a setup CD but cant get it to load by holding C. This initially made me question the CD. But I then realised I wasn't able to eject it by holding fn and f12. Also the caps light wouldn't toggle on and off when I hit it, though I am unsure if this light works when there is no OS installed. My question is: is the keyboard not working?
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Oct 21, 2006
when I press the power-on button of my G3 iBook (600MHz, dual USB), its taken a few presses to get it going. Now I can't get the laptop going at all!
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Dec 8, 2009
I had the brilliant idea of trying a clean install of OS X on my circa 2002 iBook. I had Tiger on there, but the iBook was quite sluggish and I was getting frustrated with the performance of the iBook on the only thing that I wanted it to use it for: the internet. So I thought that if I wiped the hard drive and installed OS X again, I could benefit from erasing an accumulation of junk on the iBook. (One thing to note is that the hard drive is actually from a clamshell iBook. The hard drive stopped working a few years ago, and I spent a weekend replacing the drive)
The combo drive has long since stopped working on the iBook, so I hooked up the iBook to my MacBook via firewire and erased the hard drive. But like an idiot I installed 10.5 instead of 10.4 and now the iBook only returns the folder with the question mark. I have not had any luck (either before the ill advised OS X install or before) with doing a remote install. I have the original disks that came with the iBook (10.1), but when I try to install them using the MacBook's drive it just tells me that I can't install it on my MacBook, which is not what I want to do.
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Aug 10, 2006
My mom's iBook G3 has recently started doing this thing where its screen goes dark if you bend it back far enough. Right now the furthest I can open it is so it's at a bit over a 90 degree angle, or else it'll go dark. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
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Jul 4, 2006
I have a 4 month old iBook 12" 1.33/512/40/combo with the following problem. It went into sleep mode and never woke up. after complete reboot 1 long beep and silence. after taking the battery out and disconnect for about 4 hours I get the beep, but inbetween absolute nothing. Anyone has tips or a solution. there is no additional memory installed.
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Nov 22, 2006
I was playing some old freeware games for Mac OS 9 and was playing lemmings when my Clamshell iBook just turned off and now I get the Blinking folder with question mark. I made a live CD of ubuntu where it's talking to the harddrive but the iBook won't boot to OS X so i am trying to figure why.
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Oct 8, 2007
My friend just got a 800 Mhz iBook G3 from someone. I think it's the April 2003 model. It has a CD-ROM drive so I think it's that one. The iBook has Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger on it. The problem is that in normal boot, it hangs right before the "Starting Mac OS X" screen with the bar. The mouse pointer just stays in the corner. The computer can boot into Safe Boot. He tried reinstalling the OS with Archive And Install keeping the same settings but it still does it. Apparently he says that he had to boot into the Mac OS X Install Disc in safe mode by holding shift. Starting the computer holding Option and selecting the Install Disc caused the installer caused it to hang in the same way. He is currently doing another Archive And Install with the keep settings box unchecked and has yet to do an Erase And Install.
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Jul 12, 2008
i spilled coke on my touchpad on my ibook and all of a sudden, it doesn't work at all.
the click, still works, but it won't move the cursor at all?
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Sep 19, 2006
I have a G4 Ibook, been having a problem with it about a week where it wont boot up, it switches on, makes the apple noise and even gets to the screen where the apple logo is showing with the timer at the botto,. problem is it stays there!
Before i would turn off and on and try a few times and i would eventually get lucky, but obviously something is not right.What can i do? and if i can get it on what programme shall i run to check it?
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Jul 14, 2008
A while ago, I got hold of an old Power Mac G4 (450MHz, 128MB RAM, OS X10.3) which I haven't dug out until now. As it contains the old owner's data, I thought the best thing to do would be to do a clean install of Tiger. I bought a Tiger DVD set and upgraded the RAM to 1GB but the DVD won't boot. The DVD is mounted in OS X and I can access the launch screen which has a button to restart and upon restarting, OS X just boots again.
I have tried pushing C and Alt (I have a Microsoft Bluetooth keyboard as the Apple one has been misplaced - Could this be the problem?) but nothing appears on the the display for a while, then OS X boots. I have also tried setting the Startup Disk to the Install DVD which doesn't work either. I was also thinking it could be the DVD-ROM drive as the button to eject is in the center whereas the drive's eject button is on the right (so I am guessing it isn't an original part)
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Sep 15, 2006
I have seen this talked about a fair bit, but i thought i'd start my own thread because it seems slightly different.
To start, when the computer was last running, the (what sounded like fan) started making a terrible noise, then stopped, and the computer turned off.
After that, when booting, it just goes to a grey/blue screen and sits there.
I have an iBook G4, 1064mhz, 256/30.
I dont know what model that makes it, but from the Mac website, I have tried to reset the PRAM to no avail. All of the methods listed do not seem to do anything on my ibook.
I tried using this link to reset the [URL]
I dont know which one is for my model, but i see no reset button under the keyboard, or on the case. There is a little tiny hole on the case beside the LCD???
I have tried the shift-ctrl-opt-power but it doesnt do anything.
As well, i did hold down the "option" button when booting, and it brings me to a screen which shows an image of a hard drive with a green "x"
I dont know if the green means good or the X means bad..
I have read that resetting PRAM and/or changing the resolution seem to help the problem, but I do not know how to do either.
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Dec 13, 2007
After installing an app ('Detour') I was asked to (or it was suggested that I should) restart my computer. I did so, and now my 1.33GHz iBook G4 turns on - but it will not go any further than a blank blue screen (after the initial grey screen that appears.) Thankfully, all my data is on an external drive. I keep my music and footage which I have shot on there amongst other things. I also have a backup on my external via Time Machine of all my data which I keep on the iBook drive, so nothing should be lost.
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Feb 11, 2008
I just received a iBook (1.2 30GB 512mb) no cd include, but I have a macbook tiger cd. I wanted to do a fresh installation of tiger or even leopard but when I have the macbook tiger cd and press "C" it just goes start to the desktop without loading the CD.When I load any CD/DVD i am about to view the content of the CD/DVD within tiger, but I just can't boot it to do a fresh installation. Also when I click on Option, it doesn't give me the option to set the boot devise.
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Mar 29, 2008
i found an old clamshell ibook today. it started right up and all; seemed to work fine. well, now it wont boot at all. im by no means talented in this area, but i love to tinker around with stuff, i tried putting an airport extreme card into the wireless slot, and of course i dont think to shut the machine down to pull it back out. basically the screen distorted and froze. did the logic board get toasted?
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