PowerPC :: Finding Portable HDD For G4
May 13, 2007I'm looking to buy a portable hard drive for my g4 powerbook. the USB power from the G4 powerbooks isn't strong enough to support some hdds.
View 3 RepliesI'm looking to buy a portable hard drive for my g4 powerbook. the USB power from the G4 powerbooks isn't strong enough to support some hdds.
View 3 RepliesI have a MBP intel that I made a clone off via superduper on my portable firewire hd. I'm trying to get my power mac g5 to boot off of the clone via the portable hd.I've tried checking Startup Disk within the sys pref area but it does not list the portable hd there, although, I am able to see the hd on the desktop (add, del, move files etc)so the portable hd is working fine.I've also tried booting up holding down the Option key but it doesn't work, I think it is because I am using a wireless logitech pc keyboard (no i dont have any other keyboard to use unfortunately).I did a search and apple said to make sure that I update my firmware? Not sure where to find that specific firmware to make this work.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have an iMac G5 (version10.5.8) and I'd like to transfer images and stuff from my laptop powerbook G4 (not sure of the version but it uses Tiger) onto the iMac. I was wondering which would be the best choice. I need a decent size as I'm a photography student and I take tons of large sized images. Would also need to possibly transfer programs also.
View 9 Replies View RelatedOk I've looked around the net and the fastest dual G4 I see is a 1.8 GHZ upgrade to the 7447 chip that has 512KB of L2. I've seen a single 2.0GHZ g4 updrade but will we ever see a dual 2 GHZ g4? More importantly is freescale or whoever owns the chips now are going to make faster G4s for those still not willing to let go of their g4s (myself included going strong after 4 years) I would like to hold on to my dual 1.25GHZ longer but a 2HZ+ dual G4 seems promising for Final Cut Pro and Photoshop.
View 24 Replies View RelatedThe 64 bit 33MHZ PCI slots on a G4 are running at 133MBps correct? Also I want to know if all 4 of them are running fully inpendent from each other? So if I have a RAID card in there I can get the full 133MBps and will not be robbed of speed if I have a neighboring Firewire 800 or SATA RAID next to it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to get a case to go around the outside of my powerbook mainly to protect the aluminum case from scratches, Are there any cases for the powerbook? I have seen a few for macbook but nothing for powerbooks.
View 1 Replies View Related will OS 10.5 from a macbook work on a powerbook g4 disk 1 2z619-6167-a disk 2 2z691-6147-a
printed on disk macbook
my powerbook g4 is 1.5ghz with 1.25 gb :ram
I would like to find a LAN instant messenger for ppc machines.
I tried powerpop, but this one crashes everytime. After, i tried quickpopup, which is working. The only problem is when sending messages, it makes a new window and...
So, i've not found a LAN instant messenger yet. Could someone have an idea? I don't and won't use leopard.
I have Powermac G4 AGP (M7628LL/A) that has the AGP slot without the 'power-supplying' tab at the front of the slot. Therefore my NVIDIA GeForce2 MX video card (ADC/VGA) will only enable me to use the VGA outlet, and not the ADC. I have two Studio Display Monitors (M7649) and cannot use them.
I need to know (1) What other monitors will work with this G4 (in case I cannot fulfill #2), and most importantly (2) Which motherboard can I replace this one with that will enable me to use the video card in it's fullest?
I am trying to purchase an Original Airport Card to put in my iBook G3 however, I am blown away by the prices. Does anyone know a good Card that will work in this machine?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know the drill, I'm new here, but I have read that the majority of people here think apple care is a good investment, and I agree. But here is the spin.
I have about 2 weeks to decide whether I want apple care on my ibook G4 14" 1.42. It'll run me just under $300 (CDN). Thing is, with all the new improvements out there, is it even worth it for me to buy it? Like, if my laptop broke, I was thinking of just wanna splurging on a new macbook (not that it wouldn't hurt the wallat of course.
Another major point, the laptop from what I've noticed on ebay is only actually worth like $900. So I'm paying 1/3 of the value for apple care (since all the new upgrades have depreciated my laptop).
Does anyone know the Brand or product number for the hardrive in a 15" powerbook 1.25ghz?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to buy an eMac for a friend and trying to decide between two options. They're both combo-drive:
1. 1.25ghz with 1ghz ram with about 10 months left on the Applecare warranty;
2. 1.25ghz with 256 ram with basically zero mileage on it but no warranty (it's owned by a family friend who tried it for about a week and then went back to her old computer.)
Option 2 would be a little more expensive, plus more memory would be needed. I'm leaning toward 2 because hey, it's brand new, but I'm concerned about the lack of warranty.
I've run Hardware Test on it, got online, played around with the applications, and there are no issues. Is this about all I can do to test it out?
Also, how much of a factor is usage? Option 1 has been in use every day with some bigger applications- is it more likely to fail sooner? I realize there's no way to predict longevity, and from my own experience I know that Macs last forever, but I'm not familiar with eMacs and maybe there are some issues that I'm not aware of with them.
Note also that my friend plans to use this for a long time. She had an older eMac until now that she loved before it got stolen, and doesn't do anything more intensive than email-internet-digital photos.
I was wondering what the 'normal' operating temp for the hard drive in an emac is supposed to be. According to iStat, the hdd in mine is currently running at 77 degrees C. It has only been on for about an hour and a half. I'm pretty sure no hard drive should operate at this temp.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI currently own a iMac G4 700 MHz and I was wondering if a iMac G4 1,25 GHz 20inch is a lot better than the 700 MHz ? Im not thinking of video editing or gaming, but basic use in Leopard.
If someone has any experience with a 1,25 GHz with Leopard, please tell me so I can compare.
A friend of mine wants to buy a "vintage" iMac. He's an interior designer so going for the iconic look rather than specs and looking at the original G3 style or the "pod" style G4s.
Now this will be used primarliy for web browsing, email, iPhoto and iTunes (streaming his music collection to Apple TV - about 50GB of music). He'd like it to run OSX and preferably Leopard.
I'm guessing (from memory) that the original iMacs are out of the question but can anyone suggest a spec he might look for? Maybe somebody that's still using one of these machines could give an opinion? Also, what's the max spec (cpu, hard drive, RAM) that he could expect to pick up?
iMac G3/finding reviews?
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo i found a really cheap g4 cube.I was wandering if i could use it as a apple tv.Id upgrade it and put leopard on it so i could use front row.Is there any way to make the cube output video to componet or composite?like the red,yellow,and white.
View 11 Replies View RelatedId like to use a 9400 or maybe even a 9500 pci video card on my powermac g4 fw800. Right now its got an ati 9000 agp video card, but i already ordered a flashed 7800 for it.
I know a few of the newer macs use 9400 video cards, so is it possible to add a pci 9400 to my powermac for CUDA support.
What is the best way to go about this? I have seen some on Amazon that are dirt cheap but I don't know if they work. This is kinda off topic but will this work with a g4 AGP?
USB 2.0: [URL]
Gigabit Ethernet: [URL]
So I got offered a Quad G5 for $450. It comes with Leopard and I have wanted one for a while.
What are the benefits and detriments of this system?
1. can i have a good software for burning avi. or mp4.
2. will leopard work on g4
've been a PC person since forever but more and more I've come in need of a mac, mainly for editing and the use of Final Cut Pro and After Effects. My PC has served me well but was slowing and so when I saw a cheap G5 for sale I snapped it up. Now I'm aware it's the older PowerPC style and it doesn't support the latest and greatest apps but FCP 6 will do me fine. However I have some hardware setup questions I can't seem to find a simple answer to anywhere so I turn to you for.
My G5 came with a rather nice 23' HD Cinema display that I'm currently using, however in my old PC setup I used 3 monitors, 2 identical ones and a TV via DVI-HDMI so I could edit over the two windows and monitor my work on the telly.
My friend found an old Performa 6300 from 1995. It's fully working aside from the missing ADB mouse. I've been searching for an ADB to USB adapter or even an USB card but to no avail.
View 4 Replies View RelatedLooking to get a monitor calibrator for my powerbook. I have about 750 pictures I need to edit for print via an online print shop but am having a hard time configuring my powerbook screen. I am partially color blind and wear glasses so using software hasn't worked very well for me. I was wondering if anyone could reccomend any of the hardware monitor calibrators.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was looking around and found this. Do you guys think it is worth 19.95 plus 6.12. shipping or I'm I just crasy. Here is the link
View 7 Replies View Relatedmy new-to-me iBook is blank for serial number...how do I find it's serial number? [URL}
View 15 Replies View RelatedThe title says it all. I want to monitor the CPU temp of my g3 800mghz ibook. I DLd iStat, but that only tells me the temp of my HDD...
I just want to see what temps the fans turn on around, and stuff.
I nabbed an old G4 Quicksilver from the office. 1ghz, dual processor, 1.5gb ram. I'm going to use it as a home file server to serve 1 powerbook and 1 pc laptop over a wireless airport network.
I've got it up and running headless in the basement, plugged into the airport. Out of sight, out of...well I don't have to listen to the thing. It's loud! Anyway, I can control it via VNC on my Powerbook. I use Vine Server and Chicken of the VNC for a viewer.
Here's the plan. Right now it has two 80gb drives in it. One has Tiger on it and one is empty. I just ordered two 500gb Seagate Barracuda drives for it. I believe that it is a late enough model that I don't have to worry about the 128gb limit. I hope that's right.
I also have 1 external 500gb firewire drive. 1 external 250gb drive and 2 external 160gb drives.
If I want to take the hard drive from my defunct G4 Mac Mini and put it in an external enclosure, will this work?
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