So i found a really cheap g4 cube.I was wandering if i could use it as a apple tv.Id upgrade it and put leopard on it so i could use front row.Is there any way to make the cube output video to componet or composite?like the red,yellow,and white.
So someone offered me a g4 cube and a 32 gb 2nd gen touch for my 160 gb apple tv. I already have a 8 gig touch so i figure ill sell the 32 gig touch cause i dont need all that memory.The specs of the cube are 450 mhz processor,1gb of ram,leopard,and a 20 gb hard drive.Should i do this trade?
I currently have a 450MHz Cube with a standard CD-ROM. I would like to add a CD burner, but I'm debating whether to buy an internal burner, perhaps one that originally came with the Cube, or a faster external version.
Is there any mod for the cube that would allow it to output component video?Also if i upgrade the video card would it be able to power a 20 inch or so tv?
Just got a cube and a 17" ADC studio monitor off ebay from different sellers and there is a problem with one of them... when i connect everything and I switch everything on the cube turns on and automatically switches the monitor on but I get no picture. I get the tune that the thing started up but no picture at all
i tried the cube with a very old compaq monitor i had running around that uses vga and still no picture...
I guess it is the cube that is the bad thing... Am I guessing right?
what can I do to solve the problem (apart from getting another cube)
I'm looking to replace my current failing speakers and I'm thinking of getting the old Apple Pro Speakers (with that fancy connector) or the USB ones that came with the G4 Cube. Griffin had their PowerWave thing a while ago that could amplify the USB speakers because the USB port didn't have enough juice to power the speakers like it did on the Cube. My question is, does anyone know of an alternative USB amplifier that could get the job done? Or a way to convert the Apple Pro Speakers into a usable form? I have the unibody MacBook, is this even an issue anymore, or are the USB ports the same power as the Cube's?
I just bought a used cube from a local computer shop. It was abandoned by its owner. I saw the computer running last week when it was in the shop. I went to pick it up today and got it home. I can't get it to power on. The power "button" pulses when I push it but nothing happens. The ACD display that it came with gets power. I have tried reseating ram, reseating the DC to DC board and the graphics card riser.
Bought a new power supply thinking that was the problem still nothing and changed the internal battery and nothing. Dont want to send to apple due to finances being tight.
I have two macs(one is macbook, another one is G4 cube). On my G4 Cube OS 9.2 is running and it is up to date. (last firmware update installed) I want to install mac os x tiger on it but i can not. I tried almost everything but i couldn't install yet.
Firstly I downloaded tiger.dmg and burned into a dvd, then inserted to the Cube. It can read the DVD but couldn't run the tiger dmg file. so i could not install in this way.
Then i connect the macbook to my Cube via firewire and I inserted the installation dvd to the macbook but the result was same. cube can read the DVD but couldn't run the tiger dmg file.
Then I changed the host and target. I saw G4's harddisk as an external harddisk on my macbook's screen and i found the OSInstall.mpkg after I mounted Tiger dmg file on desktop. I choosed as installation destination G4's harddisk and installed the tiger on it. Then i open the Cube and I opened startup disc on os9 to choose os x as startup system. Though Tiger's system files are on the G4's harddisk there is no choise as os x in the startup disc menu so i couldn't start tiger.
Just wanting to know for a friend if the stock 8x AGP card from my G5 Powermac would work in a G4 Cube? I didn't think it would but does anyone know for sure?
I recently acquired a G4 cube with no os. It came with the original disks, but the only problem is instead of booting from them a flashing question mark on a floppy drive is shown. I have tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM which hasn't worked.
I know I can get the bulk of it here: [URL:..] But is there a controller board? I can't find any documentation on this thing. I want to use it for a PC. Making an acrylic top is no problem. Just looking for pin-outs, dimensions, and maybe some pictures of someone else dissecting one.
My grand dad found some old g4 cube speakers. You know the round ballish ones. They used to connect to a cube with usb. You could just plug it in and they would work. My granddad now has a imac g5. He wants to connect his cube speakers to his IMac.
Now, I have Apple eMac 1 GHz, G4. I would like to have an extra hard drive, since this one is almost full. As I've understood, there are only 2 "slots", and one of them is used by DVD/CD reader, other is, of course - hard drive.
For me, it's easiest to buy internal S-ATA drive. Now, how will I connect it. Are there any S-ATA to Firewire cables / adapters.
While poking around on youtube I found Steve Jobs presenting the Cube in 2000. Seems like it was the mid level headless Mac people call for on the Internet. I wonder is there any interest macrumors? I like the Cube design and the way you were able to access the guts was very cool. Some have written that the Mini IS the natural progression of the Cube but I think the Mini is too locked down. It would be nice to make drive swapping a little more user friendly and maybe have a PCI slot (or two) available. Maybe even the ability to upgrade CPU/GPU. Think of it as a Mac for people who can't leave well enough alone but can't afford a Pro.
Finally got around to reinstall Ubuntu 9.10 x64 natively on my MBP, since I accidentally deleted the partition that was already on there. Anyway, got it all perfectly working, then I played around with the 3D cube. I was freaking blown away how neat it was! Does anyone know of something like it for Mac OS X? I searched, but couldn't find anything.
I'd love to be able to add a Blu-ray drive (internal) to my Mac Pro, now that the Format War is over. But I don't want to just buy some BD-ROM drive and pray that it will work in my machine.
Does anyone have any clues about when Apple will announce a BD-ROM drive, available as a purchase-time option or an optional later-on add-on from Apple, which Mac Pro users can buy and install?
I recently purchased the new mac mini from Best Buy: [URL] Unfortunately they had no option to upgrade the units RAM, so for now I am stuck with the standard 2gb.
My question to you would be my best option out there for cheap RAM. My preference would be either a single 4gb stick or to 4gb sticks to get me to 8gb. In full I am looking to spend no more than $300 dollars, but want to have the best performance possible. Unfortunately the Apple branded RAM is a little too steep for me at this time: [URL](8gb in particular), and I would hate to get two 2gb sticks and have to re-purchase everything again when I decide to go to 8gb in the future.
does anyone think that Apple wil create a professional version for web developing. I mean it seems they're heavily invested in the web developing world and with html5 around the corner an all. Not to mention, I dont want to use dreamweaver as it doesnt seem to be intuitive (at least to me) and rapidweaver is very nice and very easy to use, except missing a lot of features, even with 3rd party plugins, there is a lot left to be desired.
I've been having the problem with my i7 iMac that the computer randomly stops responding to my remote about 5 minutes after I start using it. I can unpair/pair the two and they'll work for about another 5 minutes, but then it happens again and the remote is useless until I go mess around with the machine. This problem has been noted by noted by several people over at the Apple forums, but I hadn't seen it mentioned here. I guess the first question is asking if anyone with a 27" iMac and remote DOESN'T have this problem (i.e., has an iMac that doesn't crap out and stop recognizing the remote periodically). I've got both the old white remote and the new aluminum remote and it happens with both, so it's definitely an iMac issue rather than a remote issue.
Does anybody happen to know if Apple has a feedback or suggestion page for Safari? I would like to request a feature that they seemed to overlook, the "Home Page" button. This is like my most used button in a web browser, and I miss it in such a great browser. I've tried searching to but no result.
The Air Force uses IMT forms but the reader they provide is not compatible with Apple, the files are .xfdl, is there any IMT or .xfdl readers for apple?
Ok I've looked around the net and the fastest dual G4 I see is a 1.8 GHZ upgrade to the 7447 chip that has 512KB of L2. I've seen a single 2.0GHZ g4 updrade but will we ever see a dual 2 GHZ g4? More importantly is freescale or whoever owns the chips now are going to make faster G4s for those still not willing to let go of their g4s (myself included going strong after 4 years) I would like to hold on to my dual 1.25GHZ longer but a 2HZ+ dual G4 seems promising for Final Cut Pro and Photoshop.
The 64 bit 33MHZ PCI slots on a G4 are running at 133MBps correct? Also I want to know if all 4 of them are running fully inpendent from each other? So if I have a RAID card in there I can get the full 133MBps and will not be robbed of speed if I have a neighboring Firewire 800 or SATA RAID next to it.