Software :: Safari Running Slowly - How To Make Fast
Feb 27, 2010
Is it my Mac or Safari that is the problem? Every website comes up so slowly now on Safari. I have emptied the cache. My husband is working next to me on his PC and his sites come up instantly, so its not our internet connection.
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Dec 2, 2009
On pressing the power button on the back of my brand new iMac i5 (Bought in store on Nov 21st), the white screen appears after 5-7 seconds and then the boot time is incredibly fast since I have an SSD installed. But I'm disturbed now with the fact that the white screen takes such a long time and I was wondering if anyone else had a similar issue?
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Jun 4, 2014
My Macbook Pro (from mid-2010) has recently started running EXTREMELY slowly, and the fan continuously runs loudly. From other posts, I have checked my activity monitor to see if any process is taking up a lot of the CPU % and have found that nothing seems high, except the kernel_task which, from what I understand, is supposed to be high. I have also attempted to reset the SMC which didn't fix the problem either. I have taken my computer to the genius bar 3 times now, and they keep telling me nothing is wrong (because it works perfectly there), but when I get it home the fan comes back on, and everything runs slowly.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Feb 12, 2012
My macbook is only a year old, and out of nowhere has started to run really slowly and the rainbow wheel of death is appearing more and more. I have 62gb available (when I opened finder this was at the bottom of the folder), and 2GB of memory when I checked 'about this mac'. I dont understand why this is happening, I have Sophos Anti Virus and Iantivirus they say their are no threats, I update my software regularly. Am I missing something? Currently I have openoffice running with one document open and I am using google chrome.
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Apr 2, 2012
My Macbook is running slowly. Is MacKeeper a good utility?
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 21, 2006
Okay, basically, I've had my PowerBook for a little over 2 years. Over the last few months, it's been incredibly slow. For example, I can only load one or two tabs at a time in Safari before the 'rainbow spinning wheel of death' appears, and takes a couple of minutes to leave, and load the page. This type of thing happens across the board, on pretty much all applications.
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Aug 19, 2010
a few days ago i unplugged a USB cable from the back of my MacPro 1,1 and the screen turned all blue (like an overlay) and the machine crashed. Since then the computer has been running extremely slow? it takes 15-20 minutes to start up (if not more) and once booted, every action is delayed as the computer is "thinking". I can type about three letters into a search box per minute as an example.The machine has moments of clarity where I can open a window or start launching a program, then to begins to pause again.The machine as of now is unusable. I have been able to get the process manager open and did not see anything unusual.
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Apr 11, 2012
My MacBook Air 13" 128 GB was running slowly so I restarted it. Now I have the grey screen with the apple and the "flower" with the rotating pettles but it doesn't get any further.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13", 128 GB
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May 13, 2012
Just recently my 13" Macbook Pro started to run very slowly. When I search something on google, the spinning wheel will pop up as my cursor and remain for about 30 seconds while I am unable to do or click on anything and if itunes is playing in the background then the song will stop abruptly. Everything eventually loads but its just a pain in the butt. Before this i was doing the exact same type of things with my computer and it handled them fine so i do not believe its an issue of RAM. THis happened to me once before and when I turned my computer back on it just got to the gray apple logo and would go no further, somehow my harddrive failed.
Info:MacBook Pro
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Mar 29, 2009
So, recently, my Mac Mini has been running pretty damn slowly. So, I decided to reformat the drive, reinstall OS X and then restore from Time Machine, in the hope that it would help.It didn't.Before restoring from TM, I booted into the fresh install of Leopard. It was SO fast.So, my question is this:Is the only true way to get speedy again to reformat and basically start again? What is it that I've restored that keeps me slow?
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Mar 17, 2009
Firefox scrolls very slowly when I'm on a very detailed web page lets say [URL].
It also happens on YouTube when I scroll down to view the comments, it is slow when I scroll through where the video is and it speeds up when at the comments.
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Mar 14, 2009
I am using an Intel based imac 2.8GHz, has 4GB memory, OS 10.5.6. It has 16GB Hard disk free.
After finder has been up for 20 seconds or so the response time between clicks gets really slow (1 or 2 minutes). The problem repeats every time Finder is restarted. When I look at the Activity monitor the Finder shows that it is taking up 840MB of RAM and most of the CPU.
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Sep 16, 2009
I work with a lot of large ms word documents, all text, no pictures. They tend to be slow in saving, requiring a few seconds to save rather than doing so as quickly as smaller word documents. Is there anything I can do to speed up my interactions with these larger documents?
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Mar 14, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro running OSX 10.7.3. It is running very slowly. I have tried various cleaning apps such as CleanMyMac, Spring Cleaning and Lion Cache Cleaner, but they don't make any difference. The drive has plenty of free space. How I can speed it up, or at least bring it back to normal?
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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May 27, 2012
My Mac Mini is running very slowly, everything I do is running slowly from google chrome to destop functions. My internet lags and I can hear the processor working chirping away all thwe time. I have tried to defrag and even turned off the wifi to see if it was internet related. Even textedit and preview drag and when they do open the window opens slowly. I am going to take it to the genius bar this week, I wonder do I really need more RAM? I am using Lion 10.7.4 Mac Mini i5 2.3 GHz. I am getting apple's router and replacing my belkin to be on a secure network.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 11, 2014
Every since I upgraded my OS to 10.9, my performance has been going downhill. Now, even though I have reformatted my hard drive and have not even put any new data on it, it takes 45 minutes to restart and 25 minutes for me to open the window to write this message. Below is my system info. Why my system seems to have slowed down so much. You can see there is nothing on the hard drive to slow it down.
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Jul 12, 2009
alright... i got my MB in october 2007, and it ran great for about a year and half, but just recently, its been dogging and lagging so much, its bugging the crap out of me to the point where i borrowed my friends external HD and put all my important stuff on there, and erased and reinstalled mac OSX on there, and it still behaves the same way. my specs are in my signature so let me explain...
ill be running just itunes, ichat, and safari watching youtube videos or something, and the youtube vids just start skipping, and then the sound gets all distorted like it sounds like its underwater gargling. then i shut the macbook, reopen it, and its fine for about 2 or so minutes and then it does it again. or ill be listening to music via itunes, and reading some forums or the news or something, and when i scroll down, the music skips. its really annoying. i rarely get beach balling, but safari, or firefox, or itunes takes an eternity to load. and my fan allways seems like its on, and running hot as hell.
cpu user runs about 63% to 70% all the time
system about 15%
memory: active- .98 gb to 1gb
wired: 319 mb
temps: allways around 150 F or a little higher.
fans exaust- 6192 rpm
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Nov 20, 2010
Here's my set up:
Macbook Pro (Early 2010) running 10.6.5 w/ 2.56GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HD w/ 290GB free space.
There have been times when I'm just running iTunes and the wheel of death will come on, or i'm on Chrome or FF w/ 2 other programs running and will get the wheel again and will get locked for about 1-2min. Before I hadn't had too many problems on a different MBP with lower specs, this one is higher yet is slow. I don't understand what the problem is because I also monitor my CPU and when it locks up the CPU remain at normal. Also, flash has always been lagging on here but will freeze for 5-10sec while audio keeps playing. I possibly think it's the Hard Drive which is a WD Blue Scorpio w/ 5400 RPM.
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Dec 7, 2010
When i scrool down over a youtube window, with the magic pad (two fingers) stop scrolling,get stuck !
don't know why, but is verry anoying, AND IT'S NOT into the main page, it's when the youtube window it's into a blogspot or other page, and olny happend in safari and chrome, Firefox work fine, too bad because i like safari, but i don't want to use it because of that !! make's everything goes slower.
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Jul 28, 2008
heres the problem, anything on youtubes site or embedded is extremely slow to load, i mean about 10 minutes for a 1 minute video.
the rest of my internet is running at about 280k.
the problem started about 3 days ago, and i have tested it at various times day and night.
(i am using safari on leopard 10.5.3, and get the same issue on a mac running tiger)
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Feb 23, 2012
So I just bought a new Macbook Pro in September (MPB 15.4" CTO: 2.2Ghz Qaud-core i7 processor, 8gb 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM, 128GB SSD). This was my first apple laptop, and I was just amazed at how quick, smooth, and fluid everything was running (internet, apps, etc.). I ended up installing a few applications from the apple store, installing microsoft office, and partitioning my computer to use Windows 7 through bootcamp (for those windows-specific applications). I'm a student, but take all of my notes by hand; I bring my computer to class with me anyway. When I get home, I plug it in right away. It usually goes from full charge to 80% - 90% and then back to full charge everyday. Whenever I'm not using it I just shut the case and put it to sleep (never turn it off, always plugged in). Recently (In the past month or so), I've been noticing that if I leave Safari open for a few days and then keep using that same, open Safari application to browse the web, open new tabs, etc. it becomes slower to load pages (pretty much noticibly slower). Also, when I have a bunch of tabs, it tells me that I need to reload all of them because something went wrong with the one I was just loading. Also, when I'm multi-tasking; using Safari, and then working in Word, Word will not respond as quickly as it used to. So when I get annoyed that everything usually takes a few more seconds to load/respond, I restart the laptop (allowing all windows/apps to reopen upon restart), and then everything is smooth and fluid as the first day I bought it. I would like to know why this is? It kind of feels like I need to restart every 3-4 days to get everything going back to it's original fluidity. Is this normal behavior? Is it a rogue process slowing everything down? Now, when I say slowing down... by all means this doesn't mean unresponsive, just takes 3-5 more seconds to do things it normally would as if it were new. Is this just the way Macbook Pros work, and they clear some sort of "memory" file or "cached" process upon restart? Thanks for the input, I just want to be reassured it's not some sort of virus per se or some rogue app taking up memory. For the most part, my cup is broken up to: User 5%, System 5%, Idle 90% (although it could be more/less since I'm not constantly looking at it).
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Dec 18, 2010
I have a 2008 2,4 MBP and I have a problem with it. I was using snow leopard and everything was going fine for a few months. Then suddenly, it froze on the desktop at the opening. After few minutes, and command+ctrl+Shift+esc, and a few prayers it sometimes came ok.
I got tired of that and decided to format my hard drive and reinstall osx. I had to do it 3 times before it worked. Then I installed the updates and BANG! New problem! Now it was booting for 6 minutes before I see the desktop.
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Mar 21, 2008
I am running an Ethernet (hardwired) connection from my Comcast modem to a Netgear WNR834B v.2 router then to my iMac 20" 2.16Ghz (previous white version)'s Ethernet port. I did this because I have been experiencing slow connection and frequent drop-outs (gets disconnects frequetnly when playing WC3). Now that the same problem still exists when using this wired setup. Whenever I open up Safari and go to a webpage , the page hangs while loading, and it will take about 10~20 seconds to get the page fully loaded with pictures and everything else. If I unplug the Ethernet cable that goes to the iMac from the router, and then plug it into the modem (so that my iMac is connected to the modem directly), the connection speed is blazing fast, and the webpages would fully load in no time. Therefore I am wondering what might be the cause of the slow Ethernet connection? Is it my router since that connection speed is super fast when connecting to the modem directly?
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Jul 20, 2008
I got a white iMac G5 about a year ago. Everything has been working fine until recently when I started to notice that its REALLY SLOW. What I mean by this is that whenever I try to open an application, load my widgets or basically do anything, it is really slow and Im seeing A LOT of beach balls. Just as i started typing in the title for this tread, it gave me a beachball. This computer is not that old so it should still be running smoothly.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
btw: I have 1GB of RAM, but it still operate really slow when I only have a few application open.
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Dec 31, 2008
I just tried to load this page and see if the video worked on my MBA GEN 2 ...
the large file loaded but was kinda jerky .... does anyone else get this?
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Mar 14, 2009
After the latest update of front row and itunes my mac started to go quite slow.
so i repaired the permissions and turned up loads of errors with those two and iphoto. anyway i thought it was all good, but it didnt get any faster. Every time i try to run repair permissions the same problems keep arising.
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Jun 16, 2009
Recently my macbook slowed down during it's initial boot process. It now takes 42 seconds just for the apple logo to appear. Finally after 1:20 I'm at the desktop. I can certainly live with this but am just curious as to why all of a sudden the initial process has basically doubled (getting to the apple logo).
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Jul 8, 2009
When I open up my finder, and try to search through files with my mouse, i will click on a folder with my mouse and the sub folders will not show up. It looks like they don't exist. BUT when I use my up and down arrows to search through the files, everything works great. The files show up immediately.
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Feb 15, 2010
Iv installed a cracked version of FCP7 and once it is up and running it runs very slowly and after closing down FCP7 my mac runs very slow but if i re-start my mac it is as fast as ever untill i start up FCP7 again. i dont think there is anything wrong with the program but more that there is something wrong with my mac (my ignorance).
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Apr 4, 2010
when i used to shutdown it took all of 6 seconds, it went to a blue screen then shut down
but since about a week ago its been taking almost 15 seconds and when the blue screen comes up a loading circle appears at the bottom
2.4 GHZ core 2 duo
250 Gb HDD (i have 105 gb of free space)
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