OS X Mavericks :: IMac Running Very Slowly - Takes 45 Minutes To Restart
Sep 11, 2014
Every since I upgraded my OS to 10.9, my performance has been going downhill. Now, even though I have reformatted my hard drive and have not even put any new data on it, it takes 45 minutes to restart and 25 minutes for me to open the window to write this message. Below is my system info. Why my system seems to have slowed down so much. You can see there is nothing on the hard drive to slow it down.
2 days ago my computer stopped being usable. It is the slowest thing ever now. Spinning wheel all day long. Takes 8 or 9 minutes to restart... Crazy lag time even opening a finder window. NEVER ran slow before. No new software installed...
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I updated my circa 2013 Macbook Air 13" to OSX Mavericks and a strange issue has started. Every time I open Finder it takes literal minutes to load the file listing, and while it loads it freezes the section where the file listing loads with whatever background it was opened over. This happens all the time, and once it finally loads, it will do the same thing if I try to go to a different folder. This renders Finder essentially useless and I have had to add a third party (forklift) app to browse and manage files.
A few days ago, I found my macbook running slow. The starting time used to be 2+ min but slow down to 10+ min. I tried to reinstal by installation DVD but the time bar showed 5+ hours required. I restarted the macbook and tried to format the HD, after proper steps taken, the time bar showed 17 days. Instead booting from the system, I tried to boot direct from my installation DVD.
After formatted the HD and re-instal the system, the MacBook seems running smooth again. But after installation of other programs, the same problem recurred. The system was getting slow. Re-starting it required waiting over 10 minutes. I tried to re-format the HD and installed the system again but still doesn't work. Under the disk utility "first aid" scanning through the HD, it showed "Invalid key length." and "The volume Macintosh HD could not be verified completely."
I updated my late 2012 27" iMac from the latest Mavericks to Yosemite. now it takes 30+ second between mouse click and action. For example, if I click on iTunes it takes 30 seconds to a minute before iTunes opens. I get the pinwheel while waiting. I rebooted and the startup hangs on the progress bar for several minutes, then black screen for several minutes, then eventually gets to desktop.
I have a 2012 iMac with 2 partitions, one main partition running Mavericks and one smaller partition running Mountain Lion. I normally do all my work in Mavericks, but sometimes I need to boot into Mountain Lion and do a few things. When booting back into Mavericks it takes at least 30 minutes (if not more) for my Mac to get back to full speed. I think it's primarily due to the spotlight indexing which goes on for 30 minutes or more after the restart. In spotlight prefs I do have my Mountain Lion disk added to privacy so that it won't be indexed, but that doesn't appear to solve the problem. what exactly is it indexing after a reboot and why does it take so long.I would really like my Mac usable at normal speeds within a couple of minutes after a reboot at most.
My iMac takes 3 minutes after logging in, until it allows any inputs. Stays stuck on the desktop, none of the hot corners work, nor does the dock allow inputs for about 3 minutes. I checked the Console immediately after it allows me to, and theres a bunch of stuff on the IOkit that seems to be the culprit.
Have my iMac since March and absolutely no problem. Installed Snow Leopard this weekend and worked just perfect UNTIL I turned the machine off. The next day restarted my computer and now takes about 2 minutes to boot up/then when screen comes up it is frozen for about another 2-3 minutes before can start using it. So basically, takes about 5 minutes from start up to being able to use my iMac. Spent an hour on phone with Apple on Monday night--they really tried--but couldn't fix it and now want me to bring to local Apple authorize dealer to work on it. Called them and they think it is the hard drive going out. But just doesn't make sense---worked just fine until I loaded 10.6 and then turned off machine. Before I bring it in and have them open it up and fool with the internal hard drive---DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA'S WHAT IS HOLDING UP THE STARTUP.
I always quit out of all apps before doing a shutdown. I make sure that nothing, except Finder, is running when i shutdown. And, I do a full shutdown, not just sleep.
Yet, occasionally, the apps that were running before I quit out of them will restart when I turn the MacBook back on.
My Macbook Pro (from mid-2010) has recently started running EXTREMELY slowly, and the fan continuously runs loudly. From other posts, I have checked my activity monitor to see if any process is taking up a lot of the CPU % and have found that nothing seems high, except the kernel_task which, from what I understand, is supposed to be high. I have also attempted to reset the SMC which didn't fix the problem either. I have taken my computer to the genius bar 3 times now, and they keep telling me nothing is wrong (because it works perfectly there), but when I get it home the fan comes back on, and everything runs slowly.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
Only an issue in OS.X not OS.9. Pulling the power cord eliminates issue for next start but not subsequent starts. Pulling the cord isn't easy how the computer etc is set up so I'd like to rectify the issue.
Info: Dual 1GHz PowerPC G4, Mac OS X (10.5.6), 1.5 GB SDRAM
It seems that my MB(unibody 2.0Ghz) has some problem. I recently reinstalled leopard (and some softwares). It takes a little bit more than 2 minutes to boot. Worse comes with Windows 7 beta. I tried both 32bit and 64bit versions. It takes more than 5 minutes to boot! I saw some guy showing some comparison of boot time on youtube. It seems that Leopard should take < 1 minute and Windows 7 takes < 2 minutes (with the same hardware!). My MB takes around 3 times more than other MBs. Where should I start? I recently ran memtest and it turns out to be okay. HDD S.M.A.R.T also reports 'verified'. I'm not sure what would be the next.
Are there any suggestion on why my imac (1.5 years old) takes 15 min to shut down and how to stop this from happening? I have not had it on the internet for about 6 months and now if i connect to the internet it take 15 min to shut down. If i haven't connected to the internet it's fine.
I'm just not having luck with my last 3 MacBook Pros. My new 2.8ghz 15" now takes over 7 minutes to boot to the login screen. Before this happened, I recently copied 139 GB in sound libraries to my system drive. Before I went to work, I quickly closed the laptop and put in my bag. When I took it out of my bag several hours later, the unit was off and battery practically at full charge. When I started it shortly afterwards, it took forever to boot. It would sit there at the grey screen with the spinning circle, then get to the blue background (just before you get to the login screen) and wait there for a while. Most of the time I think you can hear the hard drive churning.
Once you log on, everything seems to be normal. I'm curious if perhaps that 139GB copy did something to the OS to slow it down. FYI it has 274/ 500 GB of free space left. Perhaps the hard drive didn't have a chance to park when I quickly put the laptop in my bag and I damaged it? To complicate matters, I have the MCE optibay installed with a 320 GB hard drive loaded in it. The only thing I can think of is to back up, and reload the OS. This should tell me if it's software or hardware related.
My 3-weeks old Macbook Air is taking almost 10 minutes to get from switch on to the log on screen, it seems to be stuck at the white screen with the Apple logo & the spinning grey wheel. Anybody faced similar problems before? What caused this? I was working with about 7 or 8 different Excel files open at one go and a couple were corrupted (but repaired). I have never experienced anything like this with my i5 iMac and wasn't expecting this on the Macbook Air. Any light at the end of the tunnel?
I turned of my mac the other day, it took 5 minutes to turn on. Bluetooth wouldn't work and the keyboard and mouse can't connect without it how can I turn it on? I have a small USB mouse to scroll around but how can I turn it on without a keybord. I looked on the bluetooth menu it just said bluetooth no available.
For some time now mail.app takes over 3 minutes to quit. Whenever I try to shut down my iMac the shutdown is aborted because mail.app has not closed so I have to wait until mail.app closes and then shut down.
If I let the system boot normally, it boots as fast as usual. And no problems during work, either. But if I boot holding the "Option" key pressed, the startup manager screen takes about 3 minutes to show up. When it does show up, however, it works as expected. This happens even if I have no external devices connected at all.
I have a mid 2011 27" iMac that is taking longer than 3 minutes to boot. I've tried turning off everything in the start up menu, but that hasn't worked. In one of the other questions like this, Linc, I believe said to go to terminal and post to questions the output showed up in Text edit, and I have posted them below:
It takes about 2 minutes to have network connectivity after my system starts up. Is this normal for a macpro? I don't have that problem on my macbook pro.
I have the early 2008 release MP. get the network connectivity to start as soon as desktop is displayed like my macbook pro?
apple during startup there is a "working bar" that the cpu has to go through and this takes 6 minutes every time. I never used to have this one until I installed a new graphic card.
I got West Wing stuck in my computer. I'm on an Intel Macbook (No Open Firmware >_<)I've tried:
1. Using a credit card to keep the CD from spinning.
2. Ejecting the CD in every program I can think of.
3. Going into Terminal and entering the eject command.
Whenever I boot up my computer, it takes about 20 minutes before my computer gives up on trying to eject the CD. I've tried pretty much everything. I'm trying to avoid taking this to the Genius Bar if possible. I'm a college kid and as such can't really afford to lose my computer for them to fix it. Anyone have any other suggestions? (i.e. is there a manual eject that anyone wants to suggest? Or anything else?)
Only God know how much regret I have for installing Lion.
Lot of problems are there but major problems is startup time it takes 3 minutes to start. Leopart used to start in seconds. Battery life has been decreased.
How to decrease statup time? Is there probme with my Macbook Pro?
I have a problem with my Mid-2012 non-Retina MBP. When I close the lid, it takes around 4 minutes for the light indicator to dim and it's not safe to move the machine as it's probably doing something and it's HDD is probably still spinning. It's not like this for my friend's machine, even though it's an older machine.