Every once in a while my PowerBook beeps. One of those short beeps you hear on old DOS computers when they boot up is the best way I can describe it. I thought at first it was my PC since it has a built in speaker than can only beep, but I've heard it in many places from my laptop. When it beeps it beeps at different times: sometimes once during just general computer use, sometimes just once during startup. what to make of this? If the beeps were becoming more frequent I'd say it was a countdown to the explosion of my PowerBook, but so far they just seem to occur once or twice a month.
I've tried searching the web and I read the little book that comes with the computer but I cannot find a concrete answer anywhere. Anyone know the reason for this? I'm not getting any video or anything. It just keeps beeping every couple of seconds.
1) I am in the possession of a June 2004 PowerMac G5 DP 1.8. 2) It's the AGP+PCI variety (not PCI-X, not PCIe). 3) It's running Leopard 10.5.8 4) I've got an Ultra 6800 DDL installed.
Main Question:
What is the best way to add another (3rd) monitor?
I've noticed more general CPU usage, although less with Flash (), namely WindowServer has been getting up to about 20~30%+ when doing something as simple as scrolling down a webpage.
I had the spinning beach ball today, nothing would force quit, so I shut down with the power button. When I tried to start up again, it got as far as the gray apple, but nothing else. I started up from the Tiger CD, tried to install and it got stuck at Destination Disk. I made it to disk utility, tried to verify or repair, then got this error:
Verifying volume "diskOs9" Checking HFS Plus Volume Invalid node structure Invalid node structure Catalog file entry not found for extent The volume needs to be repaired. Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit. 1 HFS volume checked Volume needs repair.
Then a popup window: First Aid failed, Disk Utility stopped verifying "diskOs9" because the following error was encountered: The underlying task reported failure on exit. I am stuck. How do I proceed?
My iBook G4 will not start or even the display turn on. When I flip it over, there are no lights in the battery. I read on the ebay listing that the charger may need to be replaced. But, when I tried to plug it in, the charger displayed a green light.
I have an iBook G4 that I got from a friend. It was dropped once and since then it won't start up. When I turn it on I hear the chimes, and the apple logo and the rotating "loading" symbol show up but that's all. It just stays on that loading screen forever. It will stay like that as long as I leave it on. Anything I can do?
how loud are the new machines in general? How much louder do they get under load? How much of the noise is contributed by the graphics card? How do they compare to the 2008 MacPro or to the PowerMac G5?Many questions, I know. I have a G5 Quad 2.5 at the moment, at it is rather loud, especially under load. Back then, I bought it with a better graphics card (7800) and exchanged the graphics card fan with a quieter fan from Zalman. This eliminated the annoying, high-pitched sound, but the complete machine is still very audible.
Whats the general consensus on OSX Firewall. It's not enabled by default and I never knew the option existed. Is it problematic at all, or prone to slowdowns. I am behind a home router
so i have a macbook unibody late 2008 and i wanted to go on the itunes store and it said to update java. So i did the update that ocmes up on your mac and once it restarted it gave me an error that will not go away.
I am running bootcamp and windows works just fine. Also not sure if it makes a difference but i jailbroke my iphone right before i restarted and my iphone was connected so im not sure if that makes a difference when it boots up.
it would be very annoying to have to reformat.
Also if i do have to reformat can i leave windows intact?
I have a bluetooth wireless Apple keyboard and magic mouse combo. I bought a Power Mac Dual G5 from a friend just to "play" with as my friend needed money badly. In fact, I am letting him buy it back if he comes up with the money within a year - forget the fact that I loaned way more than it's worth, but I just want to see if I can play with it to get something for my terrible investment.
I don't have a wired keyboard and mouse for it. He told me it has bluetooth AirPort card installed in it. When I try starting up, all I get is the grey screen with the Apple logo and spinning circle thing. I had hoped it would just "auto sense" my Apple bluetooth keyboard and magic mouse, but it doesn't appear to be. But is there any way to have it automatically find my bluetooth keyboard and mouse or do I need a wired keyboard and mouse to even start it up?
Brother in laws imac g4 laptop does not start up. Is there a way to key command the computer to start up as a hard drive so we can save the data on his desk top?
He of course did not save the disks that came with his computer.
I've had my iBook for about a year and a half now, haven't had any trouble with it until now. For some reason it won't start up. It's plugged in and the green light is on but it's just not booting up. why my iBook isn't working all of the sudden?
I recently lost my G4 MDD 1.25 GHz tower to a power surge. I've replaced it with a G4 MDD dual 1 GHz. This is a dual boot machine. When booted up in 10.4.11 I can select the 9.2.2 disk but it will restart on 10.4.11 - Selecting Target Mode, it will boot on 10.4.11. The only way to boot 9.2.2 is with an Option start. When in 9.2.2 and using the Start up Disk control panel and choosing 9.2.2 - it boots up from the 10.4.11 disk. Additionally, when a Tiger DVD is inserted and the Install and Restart are clicked - it boots up the 10.4.11 disk.
I installed 10.4.11 and 9.2.2 on two partitions of another hard drive - same results. I Reset-all in Open Firmware. Pressed the PMU reset. I'm out of ideas.
I really hope I'm not the only one to experience this.
Have been searching all over for My 20" iSight G5 iMac won't start.
Already tried:Removing power cord Using other power cord Inserting power cord while holding down power button Holding power button for 6 secs+ Plugging cord to wall outlet Begging and praying to the mighty white apple.
Here's a fun one for you guys. My teacher in my class (tech school for computers and networking) acquired an old iBook, 14 inch. He has no idea what model it is, or what the specs are. He gave it to me to try to repair, being the only Mac guy in the Here's the deal. It charges the battery, and but won't turn on. I tried the PMU reset.
When I'm in iTunes on my MB I want it to be loud but I cant. iTunes and OSX doesnt allow me to raise the volume as much as I want to. But when I'm in VLC I can raise the volume reaally high.
My MacBook is from the Summer of 2007, so its not the newest one but the last model, a black one. Basically, it just runs slowly. Sometimes i'll boot it up and just dragging icons can be really choppy and opening files or just double-clicking the Mac HD icon will cause that spiral of colors to pop up. It isn't always super slow but I would say that my mac is a lot lot slower than it was in the first 6-8 months I owned it. It has 1gig of memory and it isn't like I have lots of programs running at once (if i was i would understand it being a bit slow) My guess is just from going to websites, cookie build-up, maybe the hardware is just againg, pop-ups, pornography, or whatever is just causing it to slow down. I'd like to not have to reinstall the os and i'm at school anyways so i dont have the disc for that. Any idea what I can do?
I'm currently out of the country doing field research and just the other night, there was a power outage here and now my ibook won't start up. Of course, being in a "third world" country, I wasn't able to invest in a good power surage protector.
Is my computer dead for good?
I have a lot of work that needs to be done and my computer is essential here. Anyway, I can rescue my computer? I press the power button and it does absolutely nothing.
What do you people think might be the problem and how much am I looking at to fix this?
After never having done so in the past, my 1.33 12'' ibook has suddenly started rejecting all CDs it's given. Both new and old data CDs are turned away, and yet it accepted a DVD I tried a few days ago. What's causing this?
Today i powered up my iBook G4, after a long time of waiting for the blue bar on the start up screen to reach the end, it became stuck once it had reached the end, i left it for a hour or so on this screen, and it hasn't got past it, i did a hardware test, and everything is fine, although it took about 8 minutes to complete the 'memory' test, so i'm thinking it could be a RAM problem ?, what do you guys think ?
EDIT: Just used disk utility and apparently there is a problem with the disk, that it can't fix, so i'm gonna have to reinstall OSX
I'm trying to help a friend get into her old PowerBook 165 but we can't get it to boot up. Whenever it turns on we get the BONG startup sound and then it just flashes a floppy drive with a question mark. We can't get it to go any further and we're at a loss for how to get the files off of it now.
I just received a iBook (1.2 30GB 512mb) no cd include, but I have a macbook tiger cd. I wanted to do a fresh installation of tiger or even leopard but when I have the macbook tiger cd and press "C" it just goes start to the desktop without loading the CD.When I load any CD/DVD i am about to view the content of the CD/DVD within tiger, but I just can't boot it to do a fresh installation. Also when I click on Option, it doesn't give me the option to set the boot devise.
I just started my iBook g4 up and after the initial grey screen with the spinning thing and apple logo, it just stays at the blue screen straight after that. I have left it for ages and it is still there and I have tried several times now. Does anyone know what the problem is and how I could fix it?
I have a Powerbook G4 17 that I have been working on. I recently replaced the screen and verified that it worked prior to buttoning it back up. When buttoning the powerbook back up, I nicked two wires with screws. One was part of the LCD wire that comes from the LCD itself. The second was the airport wire that is wrapped around the screen. I wrapped them back up with a cover and preceeded to get using my comp again. Once finally put back together, I could not get it to turn on.