Mac Pro :: How Loud Are The New Machines In General
Mar 15, 2009
how loud are the new machines in general? How much louder do they get under load? How much of the noise is contributed by the graphics card? How do they compare to the 2008 MacPro or to the PowerMac G5?Many questions, I know. I have a G5 Quad 2.5 at the moment, at it is rather loud, especially under load. Back then, I bought it with a better graphics card (7800) and exchanged the graphics card fan with a quieter fan from Zalman. This eliminated the annoying, high-pitched sound, but the complete machine is still very audible.
I just bought my MacBook Pro last week. When I power it up, it makes a loud noise for about a second and a half. I think it's the hard drive starting up or the disc drive. I'm not sure which one, but it's pretty loud, so I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this and if it is normal.
I've noticed more general CPU usage, although less with Flash (), namely WindowServer has been getting up to about 20~30%+ when doing something as simple as scrolling down a webpage.
Whats the general consensus on OSX Firewall. It's not enabled by default and I never knew the option existed. Is it problematic at all, or prone to slowdowns. I am behind a home router
so i have a macbook unibody late 2008 and i wanted to go on the itunes store and it said to update java. So i did the update that ocmes up on your mac and once it restarted it gave me an error that will not go away.
I am running bootcamp and windows works just fine. Also not sure if it makes a difference but i jailbroke my iphone right before i restarted and my iphone was connected so im not sure if that makes a difference when it boots up.
it would be very annoying to have to reformat.
Also if i do have to reformat can i leave windows intact?
Every once in a while my PowerBook beeps. One of those short beeps you hear on old DOS computers when they boot up is the best way I can describe it. I thought at first it was my PC since it has a built in speaker than can only beep, but I've heard it in many places from my laptop. When it beeps it beeps at different times: sometimes once during just general computer use, sometimes just once during startup. what to make of this? If the beeps were becoming more frequent I'd say it was a countdown to the explosion of my PowerBook, but so far they just seem to occur once or twice a month.
When I'm in iTunes on my MB I want it to be loud but I cant. iTunes and OSX doesnt allow me to raise the volume as much as I want to. But when I'm in VLC I can raise the volume reaally high.
My MacBook is from the Summer of 2007, so its not the newest one but the last model, a black one. Basically, it just runs slowly. Sometimes i'll boot it up and just dragging icons can be really choppy and opening files or just double-clicking the Mac HD icon will cause that spiral of colors to pop up. It isn't always super slow but I would say that my mac is a lot lot slower than it was in the first 6-8 months I owned it. It has 1gig of memory and it isn't like I have lots of programs running at once (if i was i would understand it being a bit slow) My guess is just from going to websites, cookie build-up, maybe the hardware is just againg, pop-ups, pornography, or whatever is just causing it to slow down. I'd like to not have to reinstall the os and i'm at school anyways so i dont have the disc for that. Any idea what I can do?
Does anyone know how I can download a general midi file (from any of the various places online), import it into Logic Express 8, and then (this is the important bit) be able to change those general midi instruments into one of the OTHER instruments in Logic? Logic only shows me the much more limited range of general midi instruments.
I just ordered a macbook pro 13" 2.26ghz for school, however this means i probably will not get an iMac until mid 2010. This means i will have to use my macbook pro as my main computer for a while. Does anyone else use the macbook pro 2.26 as their main machine and how good is it at managing general usage (word processing, watching vids, etc.
I am one of the unfortunate early adopters of the aluminum non-pro unibody macbooks, and I just wanted to as some general information about them (even though that may seem a bit odd:
A)Does anyone know exactly (month-wise) how long they were produced? B)What the cost was (in my case for the 2.4 ghz. It wasn't put on my credit card, so I can't look it up) C) The initial price (is it the same as now?) of the MBP aluminum unibody 13" D) If there was ever anykind of restitution for the early adopters (there wasn't that I know of, just checking)
and before anybody tells me that I'm just complaining, Look (assuming my facts are straight, which is why I am making this thread)...I bought this laptop and not but a few months later, they basically re-released a pumped up (and by pumped up I mean included features that were standard in many other laptops at the time I bought mine, for example 4gb of ram instead of 2..) version of it at a lower price. Now I'm not whining, the laptop has served me pretty well (although it's had just as many hang-ups and problems as any other laptop I've owned, apple or other) I'm just a bit dissapointed with apple, and if things stand as I believe they do, this will certainly be the last apple laptop (the only thing from apple that I do buy) I buy .
I am running Final Cut Pro 7 on a MacBook with a 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. I have used FCP to edit before using video from a camera that used mini DV tapes and that worked fine. I recently got the Flip Ultra HD, which records straight to MP4 with the following format: 1280x720, 30 FPS, H.264 video compression. I imported the files on my computer and then imported them into FCP. When I try to play them in the viewer I get a window that says: General Error. Then another window that says: out of memory. I have tried restarting both the computer and the program.
How to export all the mailboxes (many) with all the emails that I have in my Mail programme in a form they can be imported by other email clients (Thunderbird, Outlook etc.).
If drivers for your printer do not show up in Snow Leopard, and there is no option for a generic driver (that you can use until original ones arrive), then you might be in luck if you've got your Leopard disc handy. Insert your Leopard disc, and then click on Optional Installs. Then in the next window you might have to click on Optional Installs again. From the new Window, select Printer drivers. Select the appropriate brand, and then install. So really, we're trying to use Leopard drivers here, moved from your Leopard disc onto Snow Leopard. If you're in luck, usable drivers might show up in your System Preferences, or perhaps a generic driver that will work.
When working in iMovie things always seem a little laggy. Like pressing the space bar to play, there is always a delay before it actually starts. And when dragging clips in it's definitely less than smooth. Is this a CPU thin or a RAM thing or neither. Just wondering if I'd see some improvement bumping up to 8GB of RAM or if not
A few days ago I took the back off of my MBP to clean some of the dust, and put it back together. now when I start up I get a bar under the spinning gear that disappears after a few seconds. My start up and shut down have been really slow and often hangs on shut down, when I first installed Snow leopard, every thing was instant.
Recently I have been having weird application crashes and problems with installing programs from a DMG (steam). iTunes has given me errors and so has Mail, it just suddenly crashed and asked me to rebuild the messages constantly until a re-boot.
ive just purchased my first iMac as above for my son as his 1st desktop. im in the process of upgrading the RAM to 2gb and looking into purchasing Leopard 10.5. could anyone advise whether there are any other 'home' upgrades i can carry out to maximise this unit's potential for online use in 2012? and whether these 2 initial upgrades should give noticeable increase in performance to warrant the spend? i do have an iPhone4 and wish to use this unit for connection via iTunes. he currently likes to play online games such as 'Minecraft' and we have found it very slow so far...the unit does have the Airport wireless card installed, no bluetooth though.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), iMac G5 Powermac 8,1 1.6ghz 17"
Finally the new iMac have dropped - what would be the MacRumors suggestion for general family video editing? Essentially I just want to be able to edit some family videos, create some DVDs on iDVD and not have it cug on me. Will the Nvidia 9400M suffice or do I need the ATI 4670?
I currently use a number of Airport Express's to stream my itunes music content around my house.Is there a general consensus over wether Apple will ever add the function to itunes to allow different tracks/songs to be played on the express's at the same time?
1) I am in the possession of a June 2004 PowerMac G5 DP 1.8. 2) It's the AGP+PCI variety (not PCI-X, not PCIe). 3) It's running Leopard 10.5.8 4) I've got an Ultra 6800 DDL installed.
Main Question:
What is the best way to add another (3rd) monitor?
I've had my MBP since Oct of 2007. About 2 weeks ago it would not turn on so I had the logic board replaced. After I got it back it would randomly shut down, the only solution I could do is take out the battery and work at the lower clockspeed but it still shut down without warning, just less frequently. I thought it might be the power cord or the battery so I got those replaced but it is still happening. The first day I had the battery (yesterday) it worked fine, no random shutdowns, I calibrated the battery per apple instructions and today it worked great (during charge up and plugged in at full charge) for about 5 hours, then it shut down, I turned it back on and it shut down shortly after, I reset the SMC by taking out the battery and holding down the power button and putting it back in and it shut down again.
Then I tried to run the hardware test and it shut down again so now I am posting this out of frustration. I also reset the pram and it shut down again. Now it won't stay on for more than getting through the login screen. I don't have applecare but they replaced the logic board for no cost (which I don't fully understand), I'd rather not take it back but I will if you guys have no ideas. I looked up (with difficulty) the previous shutdown code: -2 ( and it said it was a "General System Error (VBL Mgr, Queue) -2 vTypErr invalid queue element" but I have no idea what that means.
Whenever I close the Safari browser, by clicking on the red dot (top left of page), the "Safari Preferences" page remains open. When I close with "cmd Q" on the keyboard it closes fully.
This has only started happening in the last couple of months...
I don't know why but, I cannot change the option of scroll bar in General, System Preferences. Every time I turned it to "Automatically based on mouse or trackpad", it always changes back to "Always" the next time I launch the System Preferences.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
My Mum just gave me her old iPhone 4s. It doesn't have a 'software update' section under settings/general. I wanted to try to update it somehow using iTunes, but I need to update my IBook G4's iTunes first. But when I try my laptop just says it can't connect with the server. However, there's no problem with my internet connection.