PowerPC :: Ibook G3 Will Not Start?
Apr 26, 2008My friends ibook, g3 (Blueberry) will not start up completely it turns on but the screen stays gray.
View 4 RepliesMy friends ibook, g3 (Blueberry) will not start up completely it turns on but the screen stays gray.
View 4 RepliesMy iBook G4 will not start or even the display turn on. When I flip it over, there are no lights in the battery. I read on the ebay listing that the charger may need to be replaced. But, when I tried to plug it in, the charger displayed a green light.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an iBook G4 that I got from a friend. It was dropped once and since then it won't start up. When I turn it on I hear the chimes, and the apple logo and the rotating "loading" symbol show up but that's all. It just stays on that loading screen forever. It will stay like that as long as I leave it on. Anything I can do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had my iBook for about a year and a half now, haven't had any trouble with it until now. For some reason it won't start up. It's plugged in and the green light is on but it's just not booting up. why my iBook isn't working all of the sudden?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHere's a fun one for you guys. My teacher in my class (tech school for computers and networking) acquired an old iBook, 14 inch. He has no idea what model it is, or what the specs are. He gave it to me to try to repair, being the only Mac guy in the Here's the deal. It charges the battery, and but won't turn on. I tried the PMU reset.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm currently out of the country doing field research and just the other night, there was a power outage here and now my ibook won't start up. Of course, being in a "third world" country, I wasn't able to invest in a good power surage protector.
Is my computer dead for good?
I have a lot of work that needs to be done and my computer is essential here. Anyway, I can rescue my computer? I press the power button and it does absolutely nothing.
What do you people think might be the problem and how much am I looking at to fix this?
After never having done so in the past, my 1.33 12'' ibook has suddenly started rejecting all CDs it's given. Both new and old data CDs are turned away, and yet it accepted a DVD I tried a few days ago. What's causing this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedToday i powered up my iBook G4, after a long time of waiting for the blue bar on the start up screen to reach the end, it became stuck once it had reached the end, i left it for a hour or so on this screen, and it hasn't got past it, i did a hardware test, and everything is fine, although it took about 8 minutes to complete the 'memory' test, so i'm thinking it could be a RAM problem ?, what do you guys think ?
EDIT: Just used disk utility and apparently there is a problem with the disk, that it can't fix, so i'm gonna have to reinstall OSX
I just received a iBook (1.2 30GB 512mb) no cd include, but I have a macbook tiger cd. I wanted to do a fresh installation of tiger or even leopard but when I have the macbook tiger cd and press "C" it just goes start to the desktop without loading the CD.When I load any CD/DVD i am about to view the content of the CD/DVD within tiger, but I just can't boot it to do a fresh installation. Also when I click on Option, it doesn't give me the option to set the boot devise.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI just started my iBook g4 up and after the initial grey screen with the spinning thing and apple logo, it just stays at the blue screen straight after that. I have left it for ages and it is still there and I have tried several times now. Does anyone know what the problem is and how I could fix it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have had my g4 for about two years and all of a sudden the thing decided that it's not going to turn on anymore. Power is getting to the machine and a certain amount of whirring is heard but not the signature! as it starts. The screen remains blank and would stay like that all night if I let it. The only thing I did differently before this appeared was to take it to work in a different bag a few times. Rucksack before, Side bag (more vibration).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got an early '08 MacBook and an iBook G4. The iBook will only work for a few minutes before freezing completely.
I want to use my MB to get info off the iBook, but when I follow the instructions to start the iBook in Taget Disk mode, the MacBook asks if I want to 'initialise' the harddrive. What's that about?
How can I get the data off my iBook (ideally without re-installing the OS)?
(I just posted this over at [URL] but figured I might as well post it here too) My Old iBook g4 1GHz, has just started kernel panicking. it wont start at all, it kernel panics my MacBook Pro when i try to start it in Target Disk mode, and it wont boot a DiskWarrior CD, or an OS Install disk i have either. I did manage to run an Apple Service Diagnostic Test CD, and it found no errors. ive booted into Single user mode, run fsck -fy and get no errors.
I tried:
/sbin/mount - uw /
and get the following message:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x00110824): "/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.7.58/bsd/vfs/vfs_journal.c:3109: tr blhdr max_blocks looks bad: 31
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x0009B518 0x0009BEBC 0x00029DDB 0x00110824 0x0025EC9C 0x00268FAC 0x0025EF44 0x0025A6B0....................
I have an iBook 500Mhtz PPC G3, 384 RAM, 10GB HD, Dual USB. Several months ago, I opened it up and it simply would not start up. No start up sound, no noise from the fans/HD/anything, motionless. Completely dead. I've held (many times) the PMU, and tried almost anything. Is there anything else I can do to get it to AT LEAST turn on? The battery is dead, and the charger is fine, but the battery won't charge. I tested the charger on a PB G4. I'd rather sell the whole computer as a working computer. I figured I'd get more money that way. do I need to sell it for parts?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have an ibook g4, and was using it just fine the other night, then when i came back to it a few minutes later it had shut off completely. now when i boot up, the computer freezes at the spinning gear startup screen or at the blank blue screen immediately after the spinning gear. it will boot in single user mode, but it won't boot up with my os x install disc. does anyone know any unix i could try to use to get my mac up and running again, or has anyone had this same problem and knows a fix for it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedA friend of mine brought over his 14" iBook G4, 1.33GHz, 60GB HDD and 1.25 GB RAM. The problem with it is that upon start-up, the grey screen with the apple/turning gear comes up, then after a few moments a blue screen will appear, though no box showing the start-up process. I've run a few basic diagnostics on this, including the lovely disk utility (which did nothing), I've run fsck, zapped the PRAM, etc, no success as of yet. At one point, I received a screen with alternating folders, one showing the smiley mac face, the other folder with a flashing "?". I cannot replicate this for the life of me. I have attempted to acquire files via TDM, though am not able to see the hard drive despite using 2 different laptops. Possibly the firewire cable itself is spent, though it's brand new! Here is where I become increasingly frustrated: I ask my friend for the boot disks as the ones for my own 12" iBook don't work (for whatever reason). He tells me that he loaded Leopard this summer (currently running 10.5.2, no updates loaded since), then proceeds to bring over boot discs for a MacBook...:headdesk: To begin with, it seemed like the HDD was fried, however, after running disk utility (and not hearing any negative sounds), it does appear that the HDD is fine. I'm thinking a kernel panic, though not sure how to resolve these.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?
I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.
My brother's iBook G4 (800Mhz, First Rev) has completely splattered itself and we're getting a new Macbook for him under insurance. My iBook G3 (White, 900Mhz G3..the last G3 Rev of the iBook) has a failing hard drive.
Now, could I swap out those two drives, at least to recover stuff? And is there a specific method of opening up the iBook G4 so that I don't break stuff (I've already messed with my G3..and ended up with a dozen extra screws ^_^
Mainly the aim is to salvage the hard drive and swap them out; replacing my faulty iBook G3 one with the iBook G4 one which is perfectly fine.
My iBook G4 power supply failed and I'm awaiting a replacement. In the mean time, can I use the power supply from my iBook G3 with the iBook G4?
View 1 Replies View RelatedRight now I have a G3 iBook (900 MHz, 640 MB RAM, Combodrive, 40 GB HDD). I'm looking at a G4 iBook (1.2 GHz, 768 MB RAM, Superdrive, 60 GB HDD).
How much faster would the G4 be over my G3. I figure that after selling my G3, the G4 would only be another $200ish on top of it. Would this be worth it?
I just bought a parts ibook from ebay, but I managed to fix it, except there was no hard drive. I currently have a 6 GB HD in it with OS X.3.9 on it, but I want tiger. I have the tiger family pack, so I have a license for it. It only has a CD-ROM drive, so I am wondering if I can buy a 40 GB HD, and clone the one from my G4 onto it.
ibook G3- 500 MHZ
192 MB RAM
currently has 6 GB HD
ibook G4- 1064 MHZ
1.25 GB RAM
Combo drive
40 GB HD
So, I'll spare you guys the details, haha, but I am stuck trying to decide between getting an iMac Intel or a MacBook Pro for my home use computer. What would be the advantages of one over the other? I just really love the fact that a MacBook Pro would be portable yet powerful. And yes, I have this iBook for portability to school and such, but if I want to do extensive work on the couch, I could bring a MBP vs. an iMac. What do you all think? Are too laptops redundant?
View 3 Replies View Relatedare these two LCDs swappable? Can I stick a G3 iBook Screen into a G4? I have no idea and I'd like to have some idea.
does the hinge and everything line up, too?
Will an iBook G3 keyboard ([URL]) work on an iBook G4?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan it work? I found the part I need in my closet from an iBG3 and if it worked that'd just be great.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got an iBook G3 that won't start, no idea why. I've replaced it with a new MacBook (what an awesome machine), and I have data on the iBook that needs to be transferred. How do I go about this?
I'm presuming I will have to remove the G3 hard drive, but what then?
Im trying to restore my iBook G4 because it wont let me log on so i try try starting it from the install disc but holding down "c" dont work for me
View 4 Replies View RelatedThree days ago, I stored my ibook in my bag, but I forget to take it out. (normally it is sitting on desk recharging)
The ibook itself was in sleep mode (by simply closing the lid). The battery indicator was 1/2 full.
Today I tried to continue working with it. Opened the lid, but the ibook didn't turned itself on. The sleep led wasn't pulsating either. I just thought that it might run out of juice. First I pressed the Power button. Nothing happened.
I plugged it in the power adaptor and then pressed the power button. Nothing happened. I tried holding the Powerbutton in order to force a reset. Nothing happens.
I unplugged the ibook from the power adaptor, and tried to reseat the battery. Opened the lock, pulled it out, pushed it back in, closed the lock)Pushing and/or holding the power button did nothing.
I tried starting the ibook without the battery (does this even work?), while only the power adaptor is plugged in. Pushing and holding the power button did nothing.
To sum it up: It doesn't start with and without the battery nor with the power adaptor.
The strange thing is that the battery is charging. (the light on the power adaptor plug is oragne) Three of the four battery leds on the underside are "on" while I am writing this post. Resetting the power manager (ctrl + option + shift + power) didn't do anything.
i Was Using My Ibook And The Last Thing Running On My Ibook Before This Dilemma Was The Voice Recognition Program. Out Of The Blue My Ibook Shut Off And When I Tried To Restart My Laptop All It Did Was Turn On But Would Not Do Anything More Than Just The Power Light Glowing. My Ibook Would Not Boot Up ...no Os...no Nothing Except For There Is A Lil Box In The Center Of The Screen That Flips From The Mac Man Icon To A Question Mark. But That Is Absolutely All It Will Do. I Am New To Mac And Am Devastated By This Problem. I Am Enrolled In College And Every Bit Of My Schoolwork Is On My Laptop.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen the computer is turned on the grey startup screen is full size then goes to half size for normal operation. I have already reinstalled the OS and zapped the pram. When I open the display window of the system preferences it shows the main display as 640x480 with no other options and a second display window with 1920x1080 and no options even though there is no other display hooked up. It seems like the main display is stuck in 640x480 which is why it is so small. Running OS 10.2
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