PowerPC :: Anyone Successfully Booted Ubuntu On IMac G5?
Oct 10, 2006
I've tried to boot an Ubuntu live-CD that I ordered, unfortunately all that happens is a weird unix menu comes up and tells me to choose how to boot it? I tried all the options, some left the screen offf with fans on max, others actually brought up some loading bar then the system kinda shutdown but it was still on. Anyone successfully booted Ubuntu on an iMac G5?
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Mar 6, 2007
I have been trying to upload ubuntu on imac g3 graphite 600 mhz model with the cd they sent me it goes through the steps loads what it wants makes the music sound but all i have is a black screen???? any ideas what to do? Cannot see anywords the desktop nothing.
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Aug 13, 2010
I scored a G3 400DV from an internet auction site for AU$10. So far I have put 256mb ram, and changed out the HDD (storing the original just in case). I have a fully up-to-date PPC Ubuntu install on it, Firefox 3.6.6 running on an old G3 mac. I want to overclock it as discussed Is it necessary to SOLDER the bridges in, or does graphite pencil do the trick? I'll pick up a B pencil this weekend and when I feel cocky enough I'll de-solder a resistor and test...
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Jul 5, 2007
My girlfriend's eMac stopped booting successfully a few days ago. I thing the next step might be to reformat her hard drive ad re-install OS X, but I'm hoping there's some less drastic solution out there. I at least want to make sure I've exhausted all other options. Here's what I know: System is a G4 eMac. 1Ghz I believe (not sure). OS 10.3.9. 256MB RAM. The computer has worked flawlessly for her and her son since she acquired it several years ago. The hard disk was far from being full (around 41% used).The computer "bongs" normally, then goes on the grey screen with the Apple logo ad spinning "gears", then just sits there indefinitely. Some hard disk activity is heard at first, then silence. I started up with OS X CDs and ran DiskUtility. It reports the volume "repaired" successfully, but subsequent "verifications" still show some problems.
Started with "Option" key to see there is some bizarre startup volume selection, but as expected, the only volume shown is "Macintosh HD." Tried to start up in "safe" mode, but never saw any kind of "Safe Mode" indication. Only got as far as it ever does (grey screen, Apple logo, spinning "gears"). I started up in "verbose" mode. The last console message listed is "IP firewall loaded", and the machine just sits there. I started ip in "single user" ode, and ran 'fsck'. The result was the same as when I ran "Disk Utility." We changed the PRAM battery and reset PRAM/PMU. No effect. The computer starts up fine in "Target Disk Mode" and it looks like I can see the files on that hard disk just fine from another computer. As I said, my next step may well be reformat/install, but I want to make sure I haven't missed anything.
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May 21, 2012
I have first revision iMac G5 with 1.8GHz processor and 17" display, graphics adapter is NVIDIA FX 5200. Problem is that the machine seems to work only if cold booted, if I shut it down after succesful boot (after some use) and wait just little after powering it up again, it will display artifacts and/or lock up. When booted succesfully, I was able to play Halo for 20 minutes (after that I quitted) and run various benchmarks. When the machine is in "artifact mode" Apple Hardware Test says that GPU is the fault, but isn't it strange that I was able to play Halo for such a long time, 3D games are the ones which should tax the GPU and reveal flaws? Also when cold booted to AHT everything passes.Â
I know that this model suffers from bad caps and I have already replaced some of them, not all, but with no difference. I cannot look inside the power supply properly because there are security screws which require their own type of screwdriver.
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Feb 18, 2007
I'd like to try running Ubuntu (6.06) on my G3 400 IMac. Is there a tutorial on how to do this? At least how do I get to boot mode? I'm running OSX.
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Jun 9, 2009
I am toying with the idea of moving from Windows PC to iMac, and am starting a bit of research on it.
Question - Can the monitor be successfully and easily calibrated? I currently have a Spyder3 Elite.
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Apr 28, 2012
When I email a number of jpegs as attachments (from newly acquired iMac) to pc users they are unable to view them as attachments.
I have removed the auto signature and also changed to Palin Text as suggested in other threads but still no joy!
I also tried a solution suggested in another thread that involved typing something into Terminal which shows works at iMac end to show jpgs as individual attachments but there is no clip when it arrives in outlook on pc just a joined up line of thumbnails.
we regularly have to send emails with several images attached - I know you will suggest using the zip folder but many businesses block these from their systems and the folders are stripped from the email.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 28, 2007
I am making a summer project out of dual-booting my G4 PowerBook with OS X and Ubuntu. I downloaded and burned the Fiesty PowerPC ISO. The live CD is awesome. I really really want to make this happen. I had tried installing Ubuntu back in the Edgy days, but it just wouldn't work properly. The trackpad wasn't working right, my wireless card wouldn't work (damn you Broadcom). Has anyone installed Fiesty and have it working on thier G4 PowerBook?
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Jun 11, 2010
I used to have a crappy old PC a few years ago that could barely run XP soooo I put Ubuntu on it, and it ran smoothly... my crappy iMac has these specs.
64mb of ram
OS 9.1 (or 9.2... don't really know, except for the fact that it's still classic) Will it run linux? I'm currently downloading Ubuntu Netbook... will it work for my iMac? If I end up hating it will I be able to go back (with proper install CDs) and install Mac OS again?
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Aug 8, 2010
I finally got a chance to sit down and test out the Belkin AV360. I have seen other people complain of problems with the Dr. Bott and Kanex (note I have not tested either of these, just posting complaints I have seen) products. Well Belkin has really impressed me.
It has a simple setup. Plug in the HDMI cord from your XBOX, Playstation, whatever into the belkin box. Then plug in the Mini Displayport cord and USB cord from your iMac into the Belkin box. Then when you are ready to play, just turn the XBOX on. Your iMac will automagically know when it is turned on and flip to display the XBOX on the screen. When you are done playing, just turnoff the XBOX and your iMac instantly switches back to the desktop. It really is idiot proof.
The Belkin AV360 does display in 720p. Visual sticklers will probably not be satisfied with this quality when they know that the iMac's screen is capable of more. 720p was fine for me. Definitely could see some pixelation because I was sitting pretty close to the screen which only enhanced the pixels. I was still satisfied because I doubt 1080p would be much better since I was sitting so close.
Everything you need to connect your iMac to the Belkin AV360 is included in the product. You only need to supply the HDMI cable to connect the Belkin to your XBOX. This can be picked up for about $3 at Monoprice.
I give this product 4.5/5 stars. The only thing that I would like to see improved is for the Belkin device to be a little bit smaller (stuff can always be smaller right?) and brushed aluminum instead of white as Apple seems to be moving towards the brushed look over the classic white. Those are minor inconveniences and do not distract from the overall experience of the product.
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Jun 5, 2014
What does apache 2.2.22 (ubuntu) server port 80 forbidden user mean?
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May 29, 2012
I am going to buy a Mac Pro Server to replace my older Mac Pro. I'm currently running 10.6 and am not ready to go to Lion for this machine - can I simply clone my existing 10.6 system and boot the Mac Pro Server off it?
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Jan 7, 2009
It seems to me when I restart into XP using bootcamp, my fan in my late 2008 Macbook doesn't seem to be working, or at least not going over 2000 rpm. Is there any way i can fix this?
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Aug 8, 2010
How can I tell my Mac to connect to a server, once its booted?
My server does appear under the "shared" category in finder so once Im booted, I have no problem accessing it but my iPhoto is also stored under there and in order for iTunes to talk with it properly, it needs that server to be connected to when I boot and I dont want to manually connect to the server every time.
Currently, the method that I have and it works is that I just dragged the particular server folder as one of my "log in items" under system preference > Accounts > Login Items.
Only issue with it is that once booted, finder opens the window as well. Its of course really no big deal, but wondering if I can just tell my Mac to connect to it, without that window popping up.
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Mar 7, 2012
When I first turned on my MacBook, it never booted up and ultimately the screen went blank. The battery is fully charged and now when I depress the start-up button, nothing happens. Its worth noting that when I close the lid, the sleep light turns on.
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Feb 22, 2008
Does anyone know if the program SMC fan control will work when booted into XP via Bootcamp? I am running the game Crysis and I think my Video card may be running hot as after about three hours the game slows to around 15FPS.
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Jan 27, 2010
When I boot into windows 7, on my iMac, the audio is muted by default. The audio works fine; no hiccups whatsoever, but it's just annoying to have it boot and be muted.
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Mar 13, 2012
My 5 month old MacAir's fan has started making its presence felt very noisily since the past 3 weeks. This happens even when I switch on the MacAir first thing in the morning without any prior work done over several hours. The RPM monitor shows >6400.Have read the related threads but not found a solution yet.
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Jun 3, 2012
I have installed windows 7 on bootcamp, and currently running max os Lion currently i am having issues accessing the mac os itself. When i turned it on and off or restart it, it always gives me a bootup screen that said Mac OS Utilities, just like the picture in this link : [URL]I tried restarting it several times, it does not boot up my Macbook, to my desktop. I trist the windows it works just fine. Then i tried recovering it 3x, which each takes 6-7 hours to do it. and it still always keep booting up the same thing over and over again.Â
i tried re-installing the OS, but its always giving me message, "this mac os lion is damaged, cannot be installed in this computer" something like that. i've been trying to fix it a day or so, it still wont boot up my Desktop.. I tried restaring it and choosing my disk "Macintosh HD" but it still gives me a recover screen. I also tried pressing the option key then choose my disk, and it still doing the same thing.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 11, 2010
Just got back from the Apple store after an appointment at the genius bar. I went in cause my mid-2009 13in MBP's battery last less than 2 hours when running on battery. This is with the bluetooth and wifi off, brightness set halfway and only having Pages open to edit an essay. They noticed I use SmcFanControl and mentioned that that program messes with the firmware that apple sends out cause it overrides the fan control.....iono, but its what they told me. They said that its best to get rid of that program...
I currently have it running, at 2000RPM, the lowest setting I believe...with my MBP @ 127*F. Its not uncommon when on youTube, Hulu, or watching a movie in iTunes for the temp. to rise to 175*F plus...which is when the SMCFanControl speeds up the fans to 5000RPMs. Anywho, aside from being curious as to what other Mac users think about this. I'd also like to make sure I delete SMCFanControl as if it was never there. I know I can go the route of throwing SmcFanControl into AppCleaner or something but i'm hoping I don't leave any fan speed settings from FanControl even after deleting it.
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Apr 2, 2012
Has anyone successfully set up scan to smb to mac os 10.7.x from a Konica Minolta bizhub. I'm using 10.7.3 on MacBook Pro. Don't care what model bizhub is being used as I have access to many. I've seen the posts for FTP workarounds but want to use SMB if that is an option.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 26, 2010
I just replaced the screen a my mbp. It booted up, it loaded, it ran for about 1 minute then died. Efforts to resuscitate it have failed. Nothing happens when the power button is pressed, no fans, no drives, Nothing. The battery is freshly charged. I have tried the take the battery out and unplug it, press the power button for 5 seconds, Nothing.
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Apr 4, 2012
My first generation Mac pro booted into utilities and HD recovery when I restared after installing Autodesk sketchbook pro. This isnt the first time this has happened but last time I was not trying to install any software. Fortunatly, I have time machine backups and therefore have managed to recover the HD to a recent date and I intend to do a complete system check when it has finished.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 19, 2012
I'm trying to recapture/repair my Entourage database on G4 Powerbook running 10.5.8. I've booted from the Leopard installation DVD, but when I try to "repair disk" Disk Utility says the disk cannot be unmounted.Â
Let me backtrack:Â I've run verify permissions and repair permissions.Â
When I run "verify disk" I could a couple of red-letter notaionsÂ
-- Invalid Extent Entry
-- Invalid Extent Entry
-- Incorrced number of file hard linksÂ
and then the conclusion:Â
-- Fileystem verify or repair failed. Â
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G$ 17"
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Apr 30, 2012
I recently got a 750 GB WD 'My Passport' external backup drive (the USB3 version) and every time I plug it in, my MacBook Pro starts the spotlight process and then within 5 seconds kicks the drive off!
Then, it gives me the lecture dialogue of dismounting the drive correctly (via Finder for example), not to just pull the drive out of the USB port!
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 7, 2011
Have tried using Boot Camp several times but unable to remove the partition. Can someone give me some information how to restore my hard drive?
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May 7, 2008
Anyone running this successfully on the MBA? I tried it yesterday and it got stuck, I think it is too big for the MBA.
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Feb 13, 2010
I bought the boxed upgrade from A2->A3 and have been trying for days to install the upgrade. It's been one continuous crash fest-- not crashing while using new features of Aperture 3, but crashing while it sits there processing thumbnails or some such. Faces is off, Places is off. I finally tried switching into 32bit mode. Nothing but fail.
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May 31, 2012
I have had to change my id repeatedly. Maybe it is because the computer is registered under my husband's name?
It keeps rejecting the id and password. It becomes a stalemate for me in shifting to icloud, ordering from itunes, etc. I have to keep an ongoing record of changes and still get stopped in my tracks over and over.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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