Applications :: Successfully Upgrade To Aperture 3?

Feb 13, 2010

I bought the boxed upgrade from A2->A3 and have been trying for days to install the upgrade. It's been one continuous crash fest-- not crashing while using new features of Aperture 3, but crashing while it sits there processing thumbnails or some such. Faces is off, Places is off. I finally tried switching into 32bit mode. Nothing but fail.

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ICloud On Mac :: How To Retrieve Videos Which Didn't Transfer Successfully To Aperture

Sep 5, 2014

I regularly download my photos and videos from my iPhone to Aperture for storage. In my latest download approximately 100 videos and photos did not download successfully - I get a message "unsupported image format". They were deleted from my phone as the message stated they had downloaded successfully (which they hadn't). I can retrieve the photos via my Photo Stream but how can I retrieve the lost videos? 

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Applications :: I Can't Upgrade Aperture 3.0 To 3.01?

Feb 25, 2010

I have Aperture 2.1.x also installed. COuld that be the problem?

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Applications :: Aperture 2 Using Too Much Memory / Should I Upgrade To 8 Gigs?

May 28, 2009

I'm trying out Aperture 2 for the first time, I always used Iphoto. I have imported my large library into Aperture. Activity Monitor says that Aperture takes up 1.3 gb of memory when being used and 600 mb when It's not being using it.

Is it normal for Aperture 2 to being using this much memory? Iphoto uses 350 mb of memory. My 2.66 Ghz Quad Core has 6 gig's of memory. I run aperture alongside Iphoto, Firefox, Itunes, New York Times reader, Rhapsody's flash player, etc.

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Applications :: App Store/ Upgrading From Aperture 2 To Aperture 3

Jan 6, 2011

I noticed that Aperture 3 is priced really, REALLY low on the Mac App Store. So I made the decision to buy it. But... I already have Aperture 2 installed. So what happens when I buy Aperture 3? Does it recognize that I have Aperture 2 installed, and upgrade it, or will it install Aperture 3 alongside Aperture 2?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Upgrade To 10.7 So I Can Install Aperture?

Jul 5, 2012

How do I upgrade to 10.7 so I can install Aperture?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), upgrading to version 10.7

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Aperture :: After Upgrade Library Contains No Photos?

Dec 6, 2014

I have lost 6 years' worth of photos from my Aperture library.  After the upgrade, my Aperture library contains no photos.  I am trying to recover the photos from my Time Machine backup but so far I have been unsuccessful. The Aperture library was located in my HD folder named "Pictures." 

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OS X :: Viewing Aperture Photos Without Opening Aperture?

Feb 9, 2009

Is there a way I can access my entire aperture library without opening the actual program? If so, how can I do this.

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Applications :: Zoom Out More Than 25% In Aperture?

Sep 23, 2010

It only lets me zoom out to 25% in aperture.

I need to zoom out more to see all my picture i am editing (or attempting to)

in photoshop you just slide it to as low as you wan't

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Applications :: 10.6.5 Killed Aperture 3.1?

Nov 11, 2010

What in the world is Apple doing lately? One ****** up after another... Aperture 3.1 won't open. It crashes every single time. I repaired the permissions, deletede the preferences and nothing!

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Applications :: Aperture Does Not See All Photos?

Mar 3, 2009

After running the latest release of updates today (ilife, raw camera, etc.) Aperture 2.2.1 (whatever the latest release) no longer sees all of my photos - about half of my projects are missing from the Aperture program itself, however they are still in the library as I can get to them in finder.

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Applications :: How To Get All Masters Out Of Aperture

Oct 9, 2009

I've downloaded the trials of Aperture and Lightroom and have them both installed. I'm playing around with them trying to figure out which one will be best for me. I'm not a pro photographer or anything, but I don't like iPhoto because of the way it deals with events. I like to have hierarchies for my picture folders but apparently iPhoto will only allow you to have one level of events.

So, I understand that Aperture has you choose between the masters being managed in the Aperture library file or have them be referenced on disk. My main concern is that I want to be able to pull all of my master files out of Aperture and preserve my old folder hierarchy structure. Every time I try to export files (even from multiple folders), Aperture exports them all into one huge folder rather than preserving the folder structure. Is there any way to do this?

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Applications :: Aperture 3 Upgrading?

Feb 12, 2010

The whole library update for Aperture 3 keeps hanging for me and I have done it two times.

So I was wondering if I could just drag the single projects from my Aperture 2 library into a new Aperture 3 library.

Would this do all of the same upgrades necessary as the normal update?

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Applications :: How To Use Aperture And IPhoto

May 23, 2010

I just purchased my first DSLR camera, a Canon 550D with a 18-55 IS and a 70-200 F4 IS USM. I bought Aperture to manage those pictures, and was wondering what to do with iPhoto.

Currently, I use iPhoto for all my photos, and have a sync with my iPhone.

I would like to know how you use Aperture and iPhoto on the same computer.

- should I put everything on Aperture, what would I lose if I do that ?

- should I keep iPhoto for my casual pictures (taken with my Panasonic FX-55), and Aperture for the photos taken with my DSLR camera ?

- if I import the iPhoto pics into Aperture, what should I copy them all on Aperture, should I just use the iPhoto database, or should I delete the iPhoto database after I import everything on Aperture ?

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OS X :: How To Successfully Remove SMC Fan Control

Aug 11, 2010

Just got back from the Apple store after an appointment at the genius bar. I went in cause my mid-2009 13in MBP's battery last less than 2 hours when running on battery. This is with the bluetooth and wifi off, brightness set halfway and only having Pages open to edit an essay. They noticed I use SmcFanControl and mentioned that that program messes with the firmware that apple sends out cause it overrides the fan control.....iono, but its what they told me. They said that its best to get rid of that program...

I currently have it running, at 2000RPM, the lowest setting I believe...with my MBP @ 127*F. Its not uncommon when on youTube, Hulu, or watching a movie in iTunes for the temp. to rise to 175*F plus...which is when the SMCFanControl speeds up the fans to 5000RPMs. Anywho, aside from being curious as to what other Mac users think about this. I'd also like to make sure I delete SMCFanControl as if it was never there. I know I can go the route of throwing SmcFanControl into AppCleaner or something but i'm hoping I don't leave any fan speed settings from FanControl even after deleting it.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Successfully Set Up Scan To Smb To Mac Os 10.7.x

Apr 2, 2012

Has anyone successfully set up scan to smb to mac os 10.7.x from a Konica Minolta bizhub. I'm using 10.7.3 on MacBook Pro. Don't care what model bizhub is being used as I have access to many. I've seen the posts for FTP workarounds but want to use SMB if that is an option.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: For Photography/Lightroom Or Aperture?

Sep 25, 2010

I am by no means a professional photographer, but I do love to take photos. I have about 9,000+ photos in iPhoto now, but Im looking for something a little more advanced. I will retouch my photos from time to time, but more so, I want to organize my photos better. I notice a lot of people use Aperture and Lightroom, and I was wondering if someone had opinions of the two, and which would be the better way to go.

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Applications :: Exposure For Raw Images In Aperture

Sep 29, 2010

I recently took a bunch of RAW images and would like to find out at what exposure I took them. I purchased aperture 3 a while back and still digging into it. I am trying to find out where in the metadata will it show where I had my exposure set.

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Applications :: Aperture Unable To Uninstall?

Oct 18, 2010

I tried to install Aperture, after I have done a complete uninstall, but the install process does not go any further than hitting the ok button after entering Name/Company/Serial. The rainbow colored circle remains on forever, so I have to force quit every time.

I wonder, if I deleted any important install files form OSX accidently?

What I did was uninstalling Aperture: I searched for 'Aperture' in the Finder window, and deleted all files which showed up!

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Applications :: Aperture 2.1 Is Losing Thumbnails?

Apr 8, 2008

I recently installed Aperture 2.1 and love it until....

A large collection of pictures (jpgs) was imported and after 2 days a lot of thumbnails are missing in the library. The images are still there, I can click on the gray spot the image supposed to be and view the preview and master.

It very annoying! I am planning to import about 10.000 images soon and this problem must be solved before.

attached you can find a screenshot of the problem

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Applications :: Converting RAW Files In Aperture?

Jun 3, 2009

I'm running out of disk space due to loads of RAW files in Aperture. I was wondering if it's possible to convert all the files in my library to jpeg (masters + edited) and move the RAW files to an external HDD just in case.

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Applications :: How To Move Aperture Folders

Jun 11, 2009

I am currently running low on disk space on my Macbook Pro and most of that is due to my large photo archive in Aperture. Right now I have my photos stored in 3 places: once on computer, once on a LaCie Disk with TimeMachine, and another time on another LaCie Disk with the Aperture Vault Backup.

So my question is, how do I move to only have my most recent and best photos on my computer and than the rest of my photos on the external hard drives.

I know there is probably some simple way, but right now I really don't know how to do it.

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Applications :: Aperture Photo Library?

Oct 11, 2009

I have recently installed Aperture onto my MacBook. When I started it up, I said 'yes' create an aperture library from my existing iPhoto library. I then watched in some dismay as Aperture then proceed to 'clobber' my hard drive.

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Applications :: Aperture 2 Not Working On IMac

Nov 27, 2009

I've just bought Aperture 2, and during installation blithely told it to import all my 10,000 or so iphoto images. After several hours I'm just looking at it in browser view with 10,000 grey rectangles, and a little "thumbnails" flash appearing every few seconds on the bottom bar of the browser.
24" IMac 3.06 with 4GB RAM

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Applications :: Aperture 3 Memory Leak?

Feb 12, 2010

Alright so I bought a copy of Aperture 3 and just upgraded from Aperture 2 once I installed it, it had to convert my older library into Aperture 3 format it said it would take overnight so I came back in the morning to see a massage saying something like " your startup disk is full please close other applications for more memory " which was really strange because my Aperture library is not even on my start disk and I had 60gb's left on my startup when I went to bed. not to mention the computer was the slowest I had ever seen it. could this be because it ran out of ram and started using the startup as virtual memory? and if so why did it use 60gb/s of storage and still not have enough? this is a huge problem apple needs to fix it seems to do this as soon as I start up Aperture every time.

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Applications :: To Migrate Away From Aperture Completely?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm interested in using Aperture to manage my very large photo library. I may not want to use Aperture forever however. So, in the future, if I want to migrate away from Aperture, how do you get your entire photo library out of Aperture?

1) Do you have to "export" all photos?

2) Can you retain your original folder structure?

3) Is there a way to browse to the actual photo files when using Aperture? Or are they completely "locked up" within Aperture?

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Applications :: Aperture 3. Image Not Displaying?

May 3, 2010

Ive had a trawl through the Internet looking for someone else having this issue, but no luck.

When using Aperture, I get a very strange choppiness of photos. (Ive tried both 32 and 64 bit mode)

Please see the photo: [URL]

It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.

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Applications :: Using Aperture 3 After Import From IPhoto

Jun 9, 2010

I am using the 30 day Demo version of Aperture3 (awaiting the arrival of my ordered copy). Apple claims it to be "fully functional for 30 days, and I believe them, so I don't think (but can't rule out) that this is the source of my issue. I have imported my iPhoto Library (approx 20GB), not by reference, but actually copied the photos into the Aperture Library (as evidenced by the fact that it's physical size is approx 32GB). After that I did about a days work setting up faces and places for my many projects before I discovered the following: When I look at the metadata (General Category) for any photo, it shows my project source as being in my iPhoto library; not as I expected in the aperture library. I was hoping 1) to be able to trash the iPhoto library after the import & 2) not lose the day's work I put into places and faces. One more note, iPhoto (as expected) does not see these changes. Any ideas how to change the reference to the aperture library, is it possible that after applying a new serial number(when my paid copy of aperture arrives) that this will rectify itself? One more note; in the preferences (general tab) the library is correctly referenced as the Aperture3 library.

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OS X :: Unable To Successfully Uninstall Partition

Jan 7, 2011

Have tried using Boot Camp several times but unable to remove the partition. Can someone give me some information how to restore my hard drive?

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MacBook Air :: Photoshop Elements 6 Will Run Successfully

May 7, 2008

Anyone running this successfully on the MBA? I tried it yesterday and it got stuck, I think it is too big for the MBA.

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