Power Mac :: G5 Won't Startup Completely
Apr 6, 2012
We own a powermac G5 that has had some problems in the past, but nothing like this. When we press the power button there is a chime and fan that shows everything is working up. A white screen appears with the apple sign showing that it is loading. After this screen has been loading for a while the computer just shuts down completely.
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Sep 13, 2009
I have a:
Power Mac G4
1.25 GHz PowerPC G4
1 MB L3-cache
And I would like to know how to completely powerclean my computer, I know that most of the things you delete or visit somewhere on the internet, or messenger conversations still get stored somewhere inside your computer, but not possible to find or simply delete. I want my computer to be faster etc. again because sometimes it's getting a little slower than it used to be. Also I maybe want to sell it, so I thought this would be useful then. I don't want to reinstall mac OS X again, because i have many important files, photos, memories, ... etc. on my computer and I am too lazy to make a huge backup. Any good free downloadable software that deletes all the hidden files, messenger history, caches, deleted files, etc.
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Apr 14, 2012
how I can disable one of my video cards in my MacBook pro. The better of the two recently crapped out, or at least if am able to get it to turn on and can login to switch to the other video card it works fine.
Basically the screen glitches up and freezes the computer. I think it could have potentially taken damage from possible prolonged over heating from high temperature spaces, and a lot of dirty air over time blocking the vents. (after multiple cleanings)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 7, 2010
I've been considering of getting as my next laptop a macbook air. Now they have flash storage and what I was wondering is the following: Is there a possibility that if the battery is completely used and there is no power, you will loose the information on your computer
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Nov 12, 2007
Is there a way to get a USB startup on the dual 1.8ghz G5?My macbook enables USB boot obviously but my ppc does not support it
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Jul 14, 2008
My Power Mac (2x2GHz G5, Late 2005 model) is acting strange since a couple of days when I want to start it up. When I press the power button the white light comes on for a short time and goes off again. When I press again and hold the button the white and the red light come on, usually also the startup chime sounds, and then the lights go off again. When I repeat the action the computer eventually starts and boots normally and then works normally. Sometimes it works already the second time, sometimes I have to try more times.
Does anybody here know or have an idea what this might be and wether I can repair it myself?
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Mar 17, 2012
I recently developed a problem where my Blue and White G3 Power Mac will not start in OSX. It starts but then displays a screen that tells in four languages to restart my machine. When I restart I just get the same message.This all started when I switched from booting in OS 9 to OSX. Both had worked in the past. Now I cannot return to OS 9. Is there a short cut of keys to press to bring up the start up disk control panel during start up to try switching back to OS 9?
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Apr 26, 2012
I have an old G5 power mac tower. The hard dives were removed and replaced with PCs ones before I was given it. I do not know if they were formatted. I have the original boot up disc and I want to start again with this tower. The tower turns on but does not recognise the keyboard (which I know works) so I am unable to boot from the CD to have a fresh tower.
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Jun 5, 2012
using system version 10.4.11 on a power mac G5, all of a sudden when i try to open MS word or quark xpress, my computer hangs up and the app won't open. i have to force quit to stop the rolling beach ball.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Oct 11, 2007
We have an older model G5 Dual (no Intel Core) at the office that we tried to install CS3 on. I told them that first we would need to upgrade from 10.3.8 to 10.4.10, which they did, and then installed CS3. But they did it without running the disk utility repair permissions after the OS software installation, as I have routinely done with my Mac Mini at home, after the horror I experienced with the 10.4.9 upgrade. For a couple of days, the computer ran fine, but I noticed an increase in the fan spinning up yesterday afternoon, then quirky keyboard things -- like I'd select an item with point and click, and it would highlight everything else near it, I'd go to quit an application and it would ask if I wanted to quit all applications.
After backing up my current InDesign work files on a flash drive (but not the whole darn art folder), I rebooted and it came up in Safe Boot mode 6 times without holding any key down. Attempts to boot from disk have failed, even with holding down the "C" key. It's also not allowing us to type out full passwords at the log-in screen... you start typing and after you hit four digits, it clears, then only allows two digits. How we can:
1.) Force boot from disk, and,
2.) Hopefully fix with disk utility whatever wonkiness is occurring?
Mac Mini, Intel Core & G5 Dual (not Intel)
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Nov 30, 2007
I am running a quad core G5 PPC. I updated to 10.5.1 last week when it was made available and had no problems until yesterday. I tried to empty the trash and immediately had a kernel panic. I restarted and that is when the problem became more apparent then a simple restart! The Kernel Panic continued to repeat itself on the startup screen. I called apple support and went thru all the steps with them including trying to boot from the OS X 10.5 disk, in safe mode, as a target, trying to reset the (I guess I forgot what we were resetting but I was told to hold down Apple-R and Option-P) as well as opening the case and holding down the small button underneath the RAM. Anyway, nothing worked. Even in target disk mode, it made my G4 Powerbook running as the main pop up with a kernel panic! I cant get to the finder to see what the kernel panic parameters are.
G5 Power Mac
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Mar 12, 2012
My usually stable 10 year old G4 hard drive (attached to VGA monitor) is having serious problems with it's starting up process, so I am presently nursing it along (without shutting down at the end of the day) by using sleep mode. If I shut it down, chances are it fails to power up again. When I press the power on button to startup, I hear the chime and the startup process as usual, then everything stops within seconds, before the monitor screen is due to come on. The two external devices attached are the keyboard with mouse, plus a USB hub. No recent upgrades or changes. Everything is backed up on an external firewire disk. Since this trouble started a few days ago I have replaced the lithum battery and managed to successfully start it up only once (after a number of attempts) so I can nurse it along. I have tried all the usual troublshooting - when I restart in either safe, verbose, or reboot off OSX CD, single user mode, extensions off, or try to reset the PRAM fails to chime twice - in every instance it won't get past the chime. Checking the system profiler 'power on self test' indicates 'failed', failure type is 'external cache'. As I can't reboot off the OSX10 or systemworks CD I can't run Diskwarrior on the operating system or reinstall the operating system. So, I am now at the limit of my capabilities.
Info:PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4 Quicksilver 2002 Dual 1GHz
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Mar 30, 2012
My iMac 24 inch freezes on the apple startup screen, then it takes along time for the cog wheel to start turning, and then that's all you'll get untill you switch off. I've fixed permissions and erased and reinstalled but still same issues, any ideas for what to do next?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 27, 2012
Last night I was defraging my G4 OS Tiger 10.4.11 and at about 53% the power went out. Now all I get at start up is the Kernel Panic screen. What should be my first step?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Dec 7, 2007
Thinking of using 500GB and 750GB internal drives for a raid 0 startup disc (software raid obviously)?
Dual 2.5 G5
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Nov 3, 2007
I am having a problem getting my G5 to boot. Half the time when I turn it on I get no chime. The other half, I get the chime but the boot process does not continue. If I leave the computer on the fans begin to progressively get faster and louder after about 5 minutes. I've tried starting with various USB and Firewire components unplugged and have even gone to just a keyboard and mouse. No change. Can I get the computer to boot from an OSX CD? How do I open the tray? etc.
Powermac G5 Dual 2.5GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.7)
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Feb 6, 2012
I have an old "vintage" Macbook with Tiger as my OS. I have all sorts of sleep issues with it, and recently after accidentally hitting the sleep button, I had to force quit the machine by holding down the power button because it was just (beachball) spinning when I tried to start it up again.Â
I went to start it up and I get the gray screen with the apple on it and the spinning "clock hands" this goes on until I get a darker screen without apple and more spinning. It stays there. We've tried a host of solutions including the resetting through battery removal, we've tried to "archive and reinstall", etc.
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Jun 5, 2012
Cannot eject the start-up disk from my PowerBook G4 (laptop). Can anyone help me? My screen is blank too, that's why I'm using the start-up disk.
MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 1, 2012
I've been reading a great deal in this forum regarding the issue in the subject line of this post. But it all has to do with 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. My 10.5.8 on my system has not been updated in any way for a while. So how is it that in the last couple of weeks all of my Power PC apps still on board, are going through this crash on start up routine. If I select 'relaunch' from the dialogue window that pops up upon the intial crash, the app will run fairly normally. This can't be about a security update like with Snow Leopard.
Info:Mac Pro Quad Core Intel Xeon / Macbook 2.4GHz, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Sep 11, 2014
on startup, macbook pro showed flashing gray folder with question mark, but no startup. After several retries, now shows circle with diagonal diameter, and still no startup. worked fine yesterday.
MacBook Pro
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May 7, 2012
I have Black MacBook with 10.7.3 in it when i press alt/option while starting the laptop the startup manager wont come and OS X boots.
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 6, 2012
I am attempting to select a different startup volume. I restarted my Mac Pro while holding the Option key. The Startup Manager screen never appearded for me to make a selection. I have two bootable volumes on separate internal disks available. I see them displayed in Disk Utilities.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 19, 2012
6 month old MBP 15", been running 100% fine, plugged it into a projector the other day and it auto changed the screen resolution. I unplugged the device, went into settings and changed my screen resolution back to it's factory size as well as command & the minus key to make sure I wasn't zoomed in on anything.Â
I then did a system update for the following; Airport utility, Safari, Ricoh Printer, Digital Camera Raw, java, Itunes.Â
Restarted the computer as the updates had finished, then when turning back on the loading screen with the grey background, apple symbol and rotating loading symbol was zoomed in as much as the resolution would allow. So i restarted a couple more times, still the same thing - every time i turn the computer on the loading screen is massivly zoomed in, once it's done loading and moves to the log in screen it is fine.Â
I've tried plugging into the projecter again and editing my settings, that did nothing. It's like because i updated while the settings where wonky it's saved it somehow?Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Only on loading screen!
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Mar 19, 2008
My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.
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Feb 10, 2008
I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.
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Apr 18, 2008
I had a bad power surge (USB hub that was plugged into the back of the display had the wrong power cord plugged in... very stupid mistake I know!!) take out my 23" Cinema Display. The display shows no sign of life (no power light, etc) and the brick has been tested and is OK. My local service place says that they will have to send the display back to Apple which means a minimum of $400 for repair so I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar issue that they resolved successfully? The service place suggested that Apple would replace the logic board but is there any way to test to see if this is the main issue? I have seen logic boards sold separately online but would be hesitant to buy it without know that this would fix this issue.
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Apr 5, 2007
My brother's iBook G4 (I think it's a 2003 model) has a problem with the screen. When the computer is turned on, the screen stays black, although the backlight is on (the apple glows). Sometimes, on start up, the screen works normally for a random amount of time before going fuzzy and then black again.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it likely to be a problem with the hardware in the actual computer, or just the screen? Or is it a software thing?
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Nov 4, 2010
I want to completely re-install Mac OS X on my Mac Pro for several reasons:
The system is old. I started it with 10.4.1 and upgraded it to 10.5, then to 10.6. On the way there, the system has been moved from an old Mac Pro to a new one.
The system has seen a lot of playing around with, tons of installs (incl. drivers) and by now is simply a grown mess with a lot of problems that I can't seem to fix nor want to fix.
So - I want a fresh start. And I need some help planing this.
Back in the days of 10.5 you had the option to "archive and install", which would simply move the old system to a folder and install a baby fresh Mac OS X on the system. You could then go ahead and move things like applications, the user library and what not from the archived location back to the new install, one by one, piece by piece, in a very controlled fashion.
With 10.6 that option is no longer available.so the question is: How do I erase and install Mac OS X 10.6 while retaining my old stuff? I know how to do the fresh install, the point is more like how do I keep and import old stuff...
How good is the migration assistant? I figure you can use it to import old stuff from a time machine backup.
In the end, I want a fresh install and be able to import things like preferences/library for certain applications (that I don't want to rebuild from scratch, like a huge Plex Media Center install) - without reimporting things that are causing problems on the current install.
Any ideas,
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May 20, 2009
Anyway, before the celebrations begin I want to know how I can completely copy my current Mac's hard disk to an external hard disk so that I can then copy this all onto my new Mac. Forget networking old and new Macs, that's out of the question for reasons too complicated to go into here.
Ideally I'd like to have my new Mac with all of the apps and documents and what have you that I've got on my current Mac.
Can I achieve this all with Time Machine ie. can another Mac read the backed-up data from another Mac?
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May 13, 2012
The bar which I need to use to type in the Address, and search, etc, is completely gone. And please don't tell me to press 'view' and something else, because VIEW ISN'T THERE -.- Nothing is there, only the bar with 'Apple' 'Yahoo!', etc, etc. It's gone, and I need to get it back. Quickly.
Windows Vista
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