OS X :: How Can I Completely Copy My Mac's HD To Another Mac
May 20, 2009
Anyway, before the celebrations begin I want to know how I can completely copy my current Mac's hard disk to an external hard disk so that I can then copy this all onto my new Mac. Forget networking old and new Macs, that's out of the question for reasons too complicated to go into here.
Ideally I'd like to have my new Mac with all of the apps and documents and what have you that I've got on my current Mac.
Can I achieve this all with Time Machine ie. can another Mac read the backed-up data from another Mac?
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Aug 12, 2010
I think I have found a flaw in OSX 10.6.4 file copying..I normall back up my files, by dragging from a folder on my HD to an identical folder on my external HD.The folder I am copying has 86 files in it, but there are only about two dozen new files added since my last back up.I have been telling it by the dialogue box, not to replace identical files in the back up folder, and clicking the check box to apply to all."but when I press the dont copy button, in the copy progress box it says it is copying 86 files. WTF is going on...!@#$%^&*().
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May 27, 2012
Do I have to copy each file individually or can I copy an entire folder to external hard drive?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Aug 26, 2014
How to copy one folder from Mac and copy to external HDD ?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 4, 2010
I want to completely re-install Mac OS X on my Mac Pro for several reasons:
The system is old. I started it with 10.4.1 and upgraded it to 10.5, then to 10.6. On the way there, the system has been moved from an old Mac Pro to a new one.
The system has seen a lot of playing around with, tons of installs (incl. drivers) and by now is simply a grown mess with a lot of problems that I can't seem to fix nor want to fix.
So - I want a fresh start. And I need some help planing this.
Back in the days of 10.5 you had the option to "archive and install", which would simply move the old system to a folder and install a baby fresh Mac OS X on the system. You could then go ahead and move things like applications, the user library and what not from the archived location back to the new install, one by one, piece by piece, in a very controlled fashion.
With 10.6 that option is no longer available.so the question is: How do I erase and install Mac OS X 10.6 while retaining my old stuff? I know how to do the fresh install, the point is more like how do I keep and import old stuff...
How good is the migration assistant? I figure you can use it to import old stuff from a time machine backup.
In the end, I want a fresh install and be able to import things like preferences/library for certain applications (that I don't want to rebuild from scratch, like a huge Plex Media Center install) - without reimporting things that are causing problems on the current install.
Any ideas,
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May 13, 2012
The bar which I need to use to type in the Address, and search, etc, is completely gone. And please don't tell me to press 'view' and something else, because VIEW ISN'T THERE -.- Nothing is there, only the bar with 'Apple' 'Yahoo!', etc, etc. It's gone, and I need to get it back. Quickly.
Windows Vista
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Jun 27, 2012
My MacPro suddenly turned off and I cannot get it back on. It has a black screen. It is a 2011 model.I am new to the world of mac.
Mac Pro
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Jul 17, 2008
Does anyone here know of a way to completely remove BIND from Mac OS X?
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Oct 7, 2010
i was having trouble completely uninstalling wine, ive tried wit appdeleter and such but it never really deleted the part where if u command click a exe file and click on open with, it still shows wine there! how do i completely obliterate wine from my computer?
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Nov 1, 2010
There have been many brief posts mentioning that unlike previous MBAs, the new MBAs do not slow down the CPU when heat goes beyond a certain point. Does this mean there is completely no CPU throttling at all? Or that it still throttles, but at a higher heat level? If there is completely no CPU throttling, then logically it should fall back to another common method of handling overheating which is to automatically turn off the machine (not a very elegant method, but at least it's something). Do the new MBAs do this? If not, how do they handle overheating?
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Dec 5, 2010
I wonder if it is possible to hide the Dock completely. If you go to Dock settings and hide it, it will appear when the cursor near its edge. What I want, is to hide it completely - dont want it to appear all of a sudden and interrupt me. I found the app Dock Gone, which hides the Dock and makes it accessible via a keyboard-shortcut. Thing is, it costs $14.95, and I just want the dock to disappear.
Is there a way to do this? A terminal command or something? I guess there must be - Dock Gone is doing it somehow.
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Aug 28, 2006
I opened up Garageband, went into preferences to configure the audio for my peripheral audio device, and the computer and curser locked up, so I had to shut it down by pressing the power button for 4 seconds. I restarted the G4 and it would only boot up to a blue screen with the pointer curser, but would not finish loading anything on the desktop, no icons, no menu, nothing. I tried restarting repeatedly this way, but got the same result each time.
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Sep 17, 2006
can someone tell me an easy way to get rid of Final Cut Pro 5.1 on my Computer. I install it yesturday but the files was huge and I'm not planning to use it yet. There is no uninstaller, and I got all this QMaster and LiveType install witht eh FInal Cut Pro as well. So yeah it's quite a mess now. I'm deleting 1 one 1 searching through folder but I don't think I get rid of everything. Wish there is a uninstaller for this.
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Dec 3, 2008
Im selling my macbook and Im just wondering whats the best way to format the hard drive.
I have read online it is very easy to recover files and I do not want this to happen.
Can anyone tell me how to completely wipe the hdd permanently.
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Mar 14, 2009
I installed this pinball game yesterday. I used a package to install it, so I didn't just drag the application into the folder. Now I don't want it anymore, so how can I completely remove everything it installed? I can't find an uninstaller file anywhere... but I want to make sure all of it's files and settings are gone.
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Apr 5, 2009
I have had a new 24" 2.66ghz iMac for 12 days and started using a wireless mouse and keyboard 5 days ago. Everything's been great until today where the system has completely froze up twice resulting in doing a hard switch off. Both when using Safari 4 which i installed when first purchased. My question is how can i find out what causes the freeze?
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Sep 13, 2009
I have a:
Power Mac G4
1.25 GHz PowerPC G4
1 MB L3-cache
And I would like to know how to completely powerclean my computer, I know that most of the things you delete or visit somewhere on the internet, or messenger conversations still get stored somewhere inside your computer, but not possible to find or simply delete. I want my computer to be faster etc. again because sometimes it's getting a little slower than it used to be. Also I maybe want to sell it, so I thought this would be useful then. I don't want to reinstall mac OS X again, because i have many important files, photos, memories, ... etc. on my computer and I am too lazy to make a huge backup. Any good free downloadable software that deletes all the hidden files, messenger history, caches, deleted files, etc.
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Oct 2, 2009
I bought a macbook 3yrs ago and I let my brother use it and he locked it and I dont know what to do.
I tried to put the osx cd in and press c or option on startup and all I get is a lock asking for a password. On normal logon it asks for user name and password. He remembers the user but not the password. Is there any way to reset it completely?
He deleted my user and saved my files on his side.
I want my pictures and things but I dont have to have them
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Oct 6, 2009
Ok I've tried to completely uninstall Adobe CS4 Suite with no success. I've uninstalled using the Adobe Uninstaller, then deleted every Adobe folder off my hard drive. I've also tried using the clean uninstall script from Adobe.
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Oct 8, 2009
I want to completely remove final cut studio from my machine before I install Logic Studio. I used App Cleaner and then emptied the trash.
But still, when i put in the Logic install disc, it says it detects an install of Final Cut Studio 2 or older.......
And in software update it still has updates for final cut. But with the application being removed it shouldn't try to upgrade it right?
What else do I need to do to get everything off my machine?
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Oct 9, 2009
I seemed to have had a keylogger or virus on my MAC. I had to reformat it. I used google, I am relatively new to MACs, and the method I used was inserting the disk 1 while holding down the option key. It is reformatting as I type this. My question, does it completely erase everything? I know with PCs, a simple reformat like this does not always remove all the problems.
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Nov 2, 2009
I thought I'd help my Dad out by upgrading his MacBook Pro from 10.5.1 to 10.5.8. I downloaded using software update. I acknowledged the restart request. After a quick 'reboot' of sorts I have a blue screen with 'Installing 1 Item', a 1cm pulsing bar and 'configuring installation underneath. This has persisted for 4 hours. A Mac friend recommended letting it run all night, but it keeps going to sleep. I am waking it every ten minutes.
I was thinking of forcing shutdown and rebooting in Target from my powerbook, repairing permissions, and reinstalling the upgrade from a disk image instead. I need to get into the drive to quickly backup the home folder, although I did backup a few documents that I think were important before all this.
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Nov 5, 2009
I don't want to open my remote Mac's desktop in a window. I want to use my client Mac like it was a workstation for the remote Mac with the remote Mac's desktop filling the screen, full resolution, etc.
Is there a "Remote Desktop" app that does this? I've only used Leopard's built in feature.
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Mar 11, 2010
I have recently installed little snitch, later i prefer to uninstall that, because, whenever i open any application, immediately one notification window opens and asking about some TPC connection. see the photo. how to make to uninstall little snitch
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May 25, 2010
This is an issue I've come across with Macs the last few years & it's only taken me until now to raise any question as to why. It's not specific to Snow Leopard.
Sometime after using my Mac for a while it will just completely freeze up without any explanation why. The CPU is below 50% and still has around 100mb free memory. Eventually if I leave my machine long enough it will get to the state where I can quit a few apps, but it still be awfully slow until I restart the computer.
I admit that I very rarely shut my computer down, most of the time just sleep repeatedly for as long as 2/3 weeks... This isn't a specific issue to the machine, I've experienced this on my old iBook, iMac & now MacBook Pro.
while using iphoto
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Jul 18, 2010
I have an iMac that I have had for about 2 years. It has alot of stuff on it, and everything that I need I have put on an external hard drive. I was wanted to completely erase everything off of the imac now. I have the install discs it came with. But I never set up my time machine. I have googled to find how to do this and all I see is through time machine but I never set it up. So how do I completely restore it so it is fresh with nothing on it besides the OS?
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Feb 6, 2012
It will turn on and show a blank grey screen and the apple with the rotating circle as if it's loading everything to turn on, but it stays on this page, I left it on for a few hours to see if it would eventually start up but so far... Nothing !!! I do not have my installer disks!
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6), I
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Mar 25, 2012
My MBP has been acting strangly for more than two months now. It started with taking a couple minutes to locate the WiFi, then just general slowness, and now is so troublesome that I want to just wipe it completely to factory fresh and try again. I nearly chucked it out a wondow today, the first time a Mac has made me feel like I was using a PC.I originally posted quite awhile ago (url...) although 300+ reads got not a single reply. So I don't know whether I am even posting this in the right area.is this more likely a Lion problem? Or something else? I don't know and am tired of being stressed. Had an important paper to write today and probably should have used my iPhone rather than trying to convince my MBP to work.
I have repaired the permissions, zapped the PRAM, re-installed Lion, re-RE-installed Lion, and tried just living in Safe Boot Mode. I just want my Mac to work, as it always has in the past. So now, let's just start fresh and see what happens. Except guess what? I can't find any specific instructions as to how to even do THAT.So I am begging someone to give me simple instructions to erase my hard drive so I can just start over.
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 29, 2012
When I shut down my iMac, everything seems to shut down ok until it gets to the grey screen and then the wheel just keeps spinning. I have repaired permissions but am at a loss for what else to try.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 6, 2012
We own a powermac G5 that has had some problems in the past, but nothing like this. When we press the power button there is a chime and fan that shows everything is working up. A white screen appears with the apple sign showing that it is loading. After this screen has been loading for a while the computer just shuts down completely.
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