OS X :: How To Completely Power Clean G4

Sep 13, 2009

I have a:
Power Mac G4
1.25 GHz PowerPC G4
1 MB L3-cache

And I would like to know how to completely powerclean my computer, I know that most of the things you delete or visit somewhere on the internet, or messenger conversations still get stored somewhere inside your computer, but not possible to find or simply delete. I want my computer to be faster etc. again because sometimes it's getting a little slower than it used to be. Also I maybe want to sell it, so I thought this would be useful then. I don't want to reinstall mac OS X again, because i have many important files, photos, memories, ... etc. on my computer and I am too lazy to make a huge backup. Any good free downloadable software that deletes all the hidden files, messenger history, caches, deleted files, etc.

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OS X :: How To Completely Clean / Clear Hard Drive

Feb 18, 2009

I am going to be getting rid of a PC soon and I would like to know how to clear the hard drive completely clean so that no one who takes the machine if I throw it away attempts to take control of things that are on this computer. Also, I may let my dad or mom clear the hard drive but I don't want to let them do so if there is any way they look at the stuff that I've looked at on the hard drive.

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Power Mac :: G5 Won't Startup Completely

Apr 6, 2012

We own a powermac G5 that has had some problems in the past, but nothing like this. When we press the power button there is a chime and fan that shows everything is working up. A white screen appears with the apple sign showing that it is loading. After this screen has been loading for a while the computer just shuts down completely.


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MacBook Air :: Battery Is Completely Used And There Is No Power , Will Loose Information?

Nov 7, 2010

I've been considering of getting as my next laptop a macbook air. Now they have flash storage and what I was wondering is the following: Is there a possibility that if the battery is completely used and there is no power, you will loose the information on your computer

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Power Mac G5 :: Need To Clean Up A Fat32 Drive?

Oct 2, 2007

Its a big 'ol drive that I've filled up with allot of important stuff and now its acting up. So none of my mac dick utilities will work on it. Should I try and use a disk utility from Virtual PC? Does any one know if that will work or if it will cause me more problems in the future?

Dual 2Ghz G5 and a 30gig video ipod
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
300GB WD, 80GB Lacie, DSL

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Power Mac G5 :: What To Do After Archive And Clean Install

Dec 13, 2007

I had to re-install 10.3 on my G5 after the hard drive icon icon disappeared from my desktop and the finder froze. Its back to normal now after I did a clean install of 10.3, choosing the archive and install option. What should be my next step? How do I get all my stuff in the 'previous system' folder (my music, photos, etc.) to the main account? Can I somehow log in my old account with all my stuff and delete the new one I had to make? What's the easiest way to do this?

G5 1.8 Ghz
Mac OS X (10.3.x)

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Power Mac G5 :: CD Burner Laser Cover Need To Clean?

Dec 16, 2007

I've been having problems burning audio CD's lately. I have burned hundreds in the past successfully. No problems burning data discs onto DVD's however. Last time I tried to burn an audio CD error "laser not hot enough and bad media" have both come up. Some audio CD's that do burn successfully have skips throughout them or a static noise in some cases. This problem first happened when I bought a 100 pack of Sony's and chalked it up to a bad batch and then I bought another 50 pack of Sony's ( a brand I have had a lot of success with in the past) and am getting the same issues. The CD burner has seen a lot of use but should that matter?

Is the HD fragmented? My CD burner laser cover need cleaning?

G5 dual 1.8
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
iPod 80GB

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Power Mac :: Wipe The Hard-drive Clean Before Throwing It Away?

Feb 2, 2012

Have to throw out my old Power Mac 8600, since no one wants an old but perfectly good computer.How do I wipe the hard-drive clean before throwing it away?

PowerMac, Mac OS 8.6 or Earlier

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Won't Power Up - Battery Indicator Showed One Flickering Power Circle?

Mar 19, 2008

My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 - When I Press Power Button, Power Fan Comes On, But No Picture Shows

Feb 10, 2008

I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.

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Hardware :: Repair 23" Cinema Display (no Power After Power Surge)

Apr 18, 2008

I had a bad power surge (USB hub that was plugged into the back of the display had the wrong power cord plugged in... very stupid mistake I know!!) take out my 23" Cinema Display. The display shows no sign of life (no power light, etc) and the brick has been tested and is OK. My local service place says that they will have to send the display back to Apple which means a minimum of $400 for repair so I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar issue that they resolved successfully? The service place suggested that Apple would replace the logic board but is there any way to test to see if this is the main issue? I have seen logic boards sold separately online but would be hesitant to buy it without know that this would fix this issue.

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OS X :: Want To Completely Re-install Mac OS X On My Mac Pro?

Nov 4, 2010

I want to completely re-install Mac OS X on my Mac Pro for several reasons:

The system is old. I started it with 10.4.1 and upgraded it to 10.5, then to 10.6. On the way there, the system has been moved from an old Mac Pro to a new one.

The system has seen a lot of playing around with, tons of installs (incl. drivers) and by now is simply a grown mess with a lot of problems that I can't seem to fix nor want to fix.

So - I want a fresh start. And I need some help planing this.

Back in the days of 10.5 you had the option to "archive and install", which would simply move the old system to a folder and install a baby fresh Mac OS X on the system. You could then go ahead and move things like applications, the user library and what not from the archived location back to the new install, one by one, piece by piece, in a very controlled fashion.

With 10.6 that option is no longer available.so the question is: How do I erase and install Mac OS X 10.6 while retaining my old stuff? I know how to do the fresh install, the point is more like how do I keep and import old stuff...

How good is the migration assistant? I figure you can use it to import old stuff from a time machine backup.

In the end, I want a fresh install and be able to import things like preferences/library for certain applications (that I don't want to rebuild from scratch, like a huge Plex Media Center install) - without reimporting things that are causing problems on the current install.

Any ideas,

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OS X :: How Can I Completely Copy My Mac's HD To Another Mac

May 20, 2009

Anyway, before the celebrations begin I want to know how I can completely copy my current Mac's hard disk to an external hard disk so that I can then copy this all onto my new Mac. Forget networking old and new Macs, that's out of the question for reasons too complicated to go into here.

Ideally I'd like to have my new Mac with all of the apps and documents and what have you that I've got on my current Mac.

Can I achieve this all with Time Machine ie. can another Mac read the backed-up data from another Mac?

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Safari :: Whole Of The Top Bar Has Completely Gone?

May 13, 2012

The bar which I need to use to type in the Address, and search, etc, is completely gone. And please don't tell me to press 'view' and something else, because VIEW ISN'T THERE -.- Nothing is there, only the bar with 'Apple' 'Yahoo!', etc, etc. It's gone, and I need to get it back. Quickly.

Windows Vista

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MacBook Pro When Completely Off While Using

Jun 27, 2012

My MacPro suddenly turned off and I cannot get it back on. It has a black screen. It is a 2011 model.I am new to the world of mac.

Mac Pro

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Power Mac G5 :: G5 Power Supply Beeping/Churping Corrected With Leopard

Nov 8, 2007

I made this a new topic because I think it is important enough to do so. Probably most of those that originally complained about this have moved on to the new MacPro but I am sure there are still enough G5 owners out there that still have concerns about this topic.

A clean install of Leopard eliminates the infamous power supply beeping

Its amazing, my G5 is like a new machine; no more of the annoying power supply beep; although, I learned to live with it after a while and didn't even notice it. However, the silence is now very noticeable.

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Power Mac G5 :: Finding 23 Inch Cinema Display 90w Power Adapter

Nov 19, 2007

Where can I obtain a new 23 Inch Cinema Display power adapter? I've searched the Apple Store but I cannot find it.

G5 Dual Core PowerPC
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
23 Inch Cinema Display

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OS X :: Firewire Audio & Intel CPU Power Management Causes CPU Draw More Power?

Jun 19, 2010

I have found that by plugging in my Apogee Duet firewire audio interface and ONLY WHEN AppleFWAudio was loaded there was a 10c CPU raise that was making my MBP (late 2008) hot!I wanted to monitor the power that was required for Duet to run and to see if the temperature rise was due to that, so:With Apogee drivers uninstalled (just to be sure its not their drivers related, which is notMBP on battery power with System Profiler opened (to monitor the mA required by the computer from System Profiler -> Power)

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Power Mac :: What Steps Need To Take To Isolate A Graphics Card Failure In A Power Mac G5

May 29, 2012

a friend recently gave me a g5 power mac that had some issues, and the failure was described as intermittant. The machine supposedly would work properly when booted and start freezing up after time, but if turned on the next day it would work properly for some time. I assumed it was an overheating issue, but apperently there is more to the picture. I have tried booting the machine quite a few times and the display always reads no signal. The machine sounds as if it were booting normally, but there is not output. At first I assumed it was my display cable, which was a DVI-D single link, however the DVI-D dual link cable leads to the same result. Is it nessicary to have a DVI-I cable? None of the error LEDs light up on the motherboard. After doing some hunting I haven't found anyone with the same issue, but I am wondering if I should assume the graphics card is dead. What steps do I need to take to isolate a graphics card failure in a power mac g5?

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OS X :: To Completely Remove BIND From Mac?

Jul 17, 2008

Does anyone here know of a way to completely remove BIND from Mac OS X?

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OS X :: How To Completely Uninstall Wine

Oct 7, 2010

i was having trouble completely uninstalling wine, ive tried wit appdeleter and such but it never really deleted the part where if u command click a exe file and click on open with, it still shows wine there! how do i completely obliterate wine from my computer?

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MacBook Air :: Completely No CPU Throttling At All?

Nov 1, 2010

There have been many brief posts mentioning that unlike previous MBAs, the new MBAs do not slow down the CPU when heat goes beyond a certain point. Does this mean there is completely no CPU throttling at all? Or that it still throttles, but at a higher heat level? If there is completely no CPU throttling, then logically it should fall back to another common method of handling overheating which is to automatically turn off the machine (not a very elegant method, but at least it's something). Do the new MBAs do this? If not, how do they handle overheating?

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OS X :: Is It Possible To Hide Dock Completely

Dec 5, 2010

I wonder if it is possible to hide the Dock completely. If you go to Dock settings and hide it, it will appear when the cursor near its edge. What I want, is to hide it completely - dont want it to appear all of a sudden and interrupt me. I found the app Dock Gone, which hides the Dock and makes it accessible via a keyboard-shortcut. Thing is, it costs $14.95, and I just want the dock to disappear.

Is there a way to do this? A terminal command or something? I guess there must be - Dock Gone is doing it somehow.

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PowerPC :: G4 Won't Completely Boot Up

Aug 28, 2006

I opened up Garageband, went into preferences to configure the audio for my peripheral audio device, and the computer and curser locked up, so I had to shut it down by pressing the power button for 4 seconds. I restarted the G4 and it would only boot up to a blue screen with the pointer curser, but would not finish loading anything on the desktop, no icons, no menu, nothing. I tried restarting repeatedly this way, but got the same result each time.

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OS X :: Completely Uninstall Final Cut Pro 5.1?

Sep 17, 2006

can someone tell me an easy way to get rid of Final Cut Pro 5.1 on my Computer. I install it yesturday but the files was huge and I'm not planning to use it yet. There is no uninstaller, and I got all this QMaster and LiveType install witht eh FInal Cut Pro as well. So yeah it's quite a mess now. I'm deleting 1 one 1 searching through folder but I don't think I get rid of everything. Wish there is a uninstaller for this.

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OS X :: How To Completely Wipe The Hdd Permanently.

Dec 3, 2008

Im selling my macbook and Im just wondering whats the best way to format the hard drive.

I have read online it is very easy to recover files and I do not want this to happen.

Can anyone tell me how to completely wipe the hdd permanently.

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OS X :: How To Completely Uninstall A Program

Mar 14, 2009

I installed this pinball game yesterday. I used a package to install it, so I didn't just drag the application into the folder. Now I don't want it anymore, so how can I completely remove everything it installed? I can't find an uninstaller file anywhere... but I want to make sure all of it's files and settings are gone.

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OS X :: System Has Completely Frozen Up Twice?

Apr 5, 2009

I have had a new 24" 2.66ghz iMac for 12 days and started using a wireless mouse and keyboard 5 days ago. Everything's been great until today where the system has completely froze up twice resulting in doing a hard switch off. Both when using Safari 4 which i installed when first purchased. My question is how can i find out what causes the freeze?

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OS X :: Password - Is There Any Way To Reset It Completely

Oct 2, 2009

I bought a macbook 3yrs ago and I let my brother use it and he locked it and I dont know what to do.

I tried to put the osx cd in and press c or option on startup and all I get is a lock asking for a password. On normal logon it asks for user name and password. He remembers the user but not the password. Is there any way to reset it completely?

He deleted my user and saved my files on his side.

I want my pictures and things but I dont have to have them

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Applications :: How To Completely Uninstall CS4

Oct 6, 2009

Ok I've tried to completely uninstall Adobe CS4 Suite with no success. I've uninstalled using the Adobe Uninstaller, then deleted every Adobe folder off my hard drive. I've also tried using the clean uninstall script from Adobe.

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