Power Mac G5 :: Can't Find Antenna
Oct 10, 2007
I know this is nuts but I can't find the antenna in my G5. I just bought a wireless extreme card (up till now I was wired into the router and didn't need it)and the only antenna's I can find are the really small ones that I think are for bluetooth. I looked at the online manual and it tells me that it should be there (silver wire with a larger connector on the end) but **** if I can find it.
MacPro 2GHZ
Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Mar 13, 2012
Airport Extreme card and early '05 Power Mac G5 2.7 GHz.I bought the card on Ebay, an antenna was not included. Does the card require the antenna for this model of Power Mac?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.7 GHz early '05
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Sep 16, 2010
I know i might recieve some criticism from people but whatever.. it'l help some people out.I got ripped off on craigslist buying a powermac g5 from some punk (literally... he lived in a warehouse with skate ramps and grafitti "art" )Got this powermac, shady south side chicago kid, wont return for an antennaIve tried everything to use the airport extreme without an antenna, never get any signal without the side off. Today i was using a safety pin (a large safety pin for a hoodie or jeans)unclipped it and jammed it in the Dr. bott slot/hole ....wherever the port is on the back of your g5 that your antenna should go.Somehow i realized that it took less than 5 minutes to load a facebook page, i then scanned for networks and damn, i saw my neighbors networks.
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May 2, 2010
Can anyone say with certainty where the WiFi antenna is located on the April 2010 13" MBP?
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Nov 27, 2006
I was wondering if the mid 2005 G5 requires an antenna for bluetooth operation. After looking on ebay, it seems that the module goes for only $20 bucks, but the antenna alone goes for another $20. I plan on using it to sync with my Motorola Razr, so it won't be far from the computer. So, without an antenna, will it still work well enough? (or at all?)
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Jan 27, 2008
We use our MacBook Pro in our RV, usually in campgrounds with wifi. Often we're not near the transmitter, and the signal is unusable.
We've seen Yagi antennas on other RV's, and wonder how one of these might be used with our Mac. Specifically, what do I need to connect such an antenna to the Mac?
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May 24, 2009
Yes, I have heard that it is possible to install an omnidirectional antenna on my patio or roof to boost my wifi. Do I need to buy a router for that to work.
I have a pretty new mac desktop and I am want to boost my wifi. I heard that if I get a router it will only decrease my wifi distance because the internal on I have is stonger.
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Oct 18, 2009
Does your first gen MacBook have WiFi problems? Here's why mine has. I opened it for the first time, and here's what I found. These are the WiFi antennas cables: They've been cut by the simply opening and closing the display, for more than three years. The cables are stuck in a bad place and suffer from excessive pressure and contortion. Of course my Apple care is finished... but all these wifi problems in the apple support forum make me think every first gen macbook is concerned [URL] This is a MacBook Core Duo 2.0 ghz (Early 2006).
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Jun 29, 2012
I bought a faulty MacBook pro off eBay really cheap, it's immaculate condition externally but it won't power on. It came without a battery,charger or a HDD. The power adaptor came today and I put it in, without any battery or HDD would anything happen when you press power or not? Otherwise I'm assuming it's a possible logic board replacement?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
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Aug 20, 2009
dog chewed through the cable that runs from the wall to the power adapter for my 20' ACD. I've only been able to find either the adapter, or the adapter and the cord. I just need the cord. Anyone know where i can buy just the CORD, i dont need another power adaptor.
i believe the part number is - Volex APC13F
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Jul 18, 2010
I had just received my first macbook a short time ago and I was wondering what the exact purpose of the AC power cord was.
Is it simply an extension cord to the charger? Or does it have a different purpose?
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May 14, 2008
I have just purchased a Power Mac Model # M8570. I have tried to do the research but I can't find that model number???? It has the mirrored doors and 1 Fire Wire 800 with the 2 Fire Wire 400's. 1 GhZ processor and 80 Gig Seagate HD.
As I check into it, I can't find anything with this model number.
Can anyone help me?
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May 9, 2010
made the mistake of trashing "system", then disk icon disappeared from desk top.Shut down, then restarted which brought up the grey screen with cryptic "panic" kernal(s). Basically..."Unable to find driver for this platform "Power Mac 7.3" This is all happening on a PPC g5 dual proc. 10.4.11.
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Apr 11, 2012
I have a G5. It started whining loudly and now it has a black sceen. Can't find old discs to reboot.
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Jun 13, 2012
I got a 27 inch iMac 2011 and when I go to the power saver settings I can't find the automatic graphic switch thing. I have os x lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 15, 2012
My old Mini is in the next room to the wireless DSL modem. It gets one to three max bars, usually two, and it's just through one interior wall. I don't want to spend a bunch of money, I just want to get a little better reception in the next room. I have seen USB wifi antennas advertised. Would that do anything for me? My iBook G4 in the same spot gets full reception no problem.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have a pretty old Titanium Mac Book that runs OS 10.3.9. It's a moderately slow machine, but still works- and although I realize that it won't be able to stream video or anything, I figure it would work for email, and basic web browsing- But I'm wondering if it's going to be compatible with any new products such as a USB wifi antenna - because the room where I want to use it won't alow for an ethernet connection- Also, will the old 10.3.9 OS allow me to connect wifi to the newer airport extreme base stations?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.3.x)
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Jan 30, 2009
Yesterday, I had to re-format my external hard drive so that it could be "recordable" within Pro Tools, which wasn't a major issue, I just had to move everything from my Lacie drive to another drive, do the format, and then throw it all back on. It took a little while but this also included moving my nearly 60gb itunes library. Now that it is on the newly formatted hard drive, itunes doesn't seem to be able to find the majority of the songs any more. I've tried changing the music folder and a few other things, and there is no way I'm going through and doing the "cant find music - click here to find it" palava. Is anyone aware of a way that you can "mass find" all of the music in any way other than starting the library again and adding all the music (I don't really want to lose all of my play counts and ratings if possible!)
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Mar 19, 2008
My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.
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Feb 10, 2008
I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.
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Apr 18, 2008
I had a bad power surge (USB hub that was plugged into the back of the display had the wrong power cord plugged in... very stupid mistake I know!!) take out my 23" Cinema Display. The display shows no sign of life (no power light, etc) and the brick has been tested and is OK. My local service place says that they will have to send the display back to Apple which means a minimum of $400 for repair so I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar issue that they resolved successfully? The service place suggested that Apple would replace the logic board but is there any way to test to see if this is the main issue? I have seen logic boards sold separately online but would be hesitant to buy it without know that this would fix this issue.
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Apr 25, 2012
I have a new MacBook Pro 13'. I already configured Icloud and I can find on maps devices sucha as Ipads, Iphones and Mac´s, but something is happened with my own MacBook Pro, I cant locate it on the Maps, I only see the image of the MacBook Pro and the instruction for locked it or send a message. I did all troubleshooting explained on support web page (location activevated on security, etc) and the problem still remains.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Icloud
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Apr 27, 2012
where can i find the cooling vents.i dont see one
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), purchased 1 month ago
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Nov 8, 2007
I made this a new topic because I think it is important enough to do so. Probably most of those that originally complained about this have moved on to the new MacPro but I am sure there are still enough G5 owners out there that still have concerns about this topic.
A clean install of Leopard eliminates the infamous power supply beeping
Its amazing, my G5 is like a new machine; no more of the annoying power supply beep; although, I learned to live with it after a while and didn't even notice it. However, the silence is now very noticeable.
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Nov 19, 2007
Where can I obtain a new 23 Inch Cinema Display power adapter? I've searched the Apple Store but I cannot find it.
G5 Dual Core PowerPC
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
23 Inch Cinema Display
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Jun 19, 2010
I have found that by plugging in my Apogee Duet firewire audio interface and ONLY WHEN AppleFWAudio was loaded there was a 10c CPU raise that was making my MBP (late 2008) hot!I wanted to monitor the power that was required for Duet to run and to see if the temperature rise was due to that, so:With Apogee drivers uninstalled (just to be sure its not their drivers related, which is notMBP on battery power with System Profiler opened (to monitor the mA required by the computer from System Profiler -> Power)
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May 29, 2012
a friend recently gave me a g5 power mac that had some issues, and the failure was described as intermittant. The machine supposedly would work properly when booted and start freezing up after time, but if turned on the next day it would work properly for some time. I assumed it was an overheating issue, but apperently there is more to the picture. I have tried booting the machine quite a few times and the display always reads no signal. The machine sounds as if it were booting normally, but there is not output. At first I assumed it was my display cable, which was a DVI-D single link, however the DVI-D dual link cable leads to the same result. Is it nessicary to have a DVI-I cable? None of the error LEDs light up on the motherboard. After doing some hunting I haven't found anyone with the same issue, but I am wondering if I should assume the graphics card is dead. What steps do I need to take to isolate a graphics card failure in a power mac g5?
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Oct 8, 2007
I hav" a "late 2004" G5 2.0 dual processor. To upgrade graphics card, I find many require a power supply splitter. Do I have a molex 4-pin connector? I can't see the location inside the box.
G5 dual 2.0, 2.5Gb
Mac OS X (10.4.3)
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Nov 18, 2007
I have the problem that I need to frequently power cycle (shut off and on) my dsl modem to maintain a reasonable speed with my internet connection. It is making the internet experience pretty user unfriendly. Does any one know whether there is a way to optimize my internet connection such that this is not required so frequently (couple times a day)? I am on my second dsl modem, and the same problem has occurred with each of them. ATT simply advises me that my solution is to power cycle the modem to sync the system, whatever that means.
Power Mac Dual 2.0 GHz
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
ATT DSL Internet Connection
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Dec 6, 2007
I added 2 sticks of 512 to my power mac g5 1.6. I had ahard time getting the computer to see the new ram, but finally was able to kinda get it working after zapping the pram. However my computer only saw these 2 sticks as 256, odd. So i attempted to troubleshoot the problem. I tried just installing the new ram, but the computer wouldnt boot. I tried a few different combos with the other 4 sticks i had, but nothing. I put the old memory back in, and still nothing. The power led looks to blink once every five seconds or so. I tried pressing the pmu reset button, but still the same out come. I also tried taking out the battery, nothing.
1.6 g5 single proc
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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