I want to update my panther 10.3.9 to the latest machine. I believe that the new macs dont have appleworks on them. I have a large document in apple works and want to add to it. I dont want to lose it. I am not very computer savvy and I hope the people who sell me my new mac can transfer most of my stuff to the new computer otherwise I will lose photos etc.
I have a 2007 MacBook, 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS 10.4.11 (which I got free of charge from a friend who didn't like dealing with the "unrecognized" battery).
I would like to know how to unghost the Spell Checker "learn" button, if that is possible. There does not appear to be an option in the preferences.
We had our iMac professionally upgraded to Leopard os 10.5.4. Now our appleworks 6 does not work. These people said appleworks 6 is no longer supported and I must have a damaged file (I think they did it on the upgrade) and to reinstall with disc. Our iMac came ready to use and I do not have any discs so I can reinstall it. I tried searching for it on the internet but could not find anything but updates.
I have several hundreds of documents that were created using ClarisWorks and AppleWorks 5. Lion will not allow Pages to open these documents. Short of opening each one and then saving each one as a Pages doc, what can I do? Is there any batch conversion that will work? DocX Converter will no0t work with ClarisWorks.
I have AppleWorks on my Mac, and my new line of work (transcription) requires me to receive and send documents in MS Word format; can i just use the 'save as' function to convert the AW doc into a MS Word doc, or are there problems when doing so--such as the text not translating correctly, etc? Wondering if i'll need to buy MS Word for Mac, or if the "Save As" function is enough.
Is is possible to export a database from Appleworks to a readable sortable file that MS Word or Excel will recognize? I find nothing telling me how to do it ?
it seems that I have lost all my documents in my documents folder on my MacBook Pro. They were there a couple of days ago, I did not delete them and no one uses the mac other than me. How can I get my documents back??? I am running Lion OS (i think)
I finally have broken down and gotten Pages to replace all my AppleWorks documents, of which there are many. There are a number of fonts in Appleworks that are different in Pages or not there. Is there a quick way to get them into Pages. I seem to forget how to do this as I'm getting old now.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), AppleWorks 6.2.8 / Pages '09 v. 4.1
There was no warning from Apple that updating to Lion, which is required to maintain my Apple email, would make all my former Appleworks files unreadable.
Info:PB G4, Mac OS X (10.4.7), Broadband connection via Airport
I have an Appleworks database used for customer info. iWorks doesn't have this feature. (Why, oh why?) Is there a way to export the database to address book? I need the sorting power of a database.
There was a thread on this forum about Bento as an alternative, but I couldn't find a definitive answer. If address book cannot import Appleworks database, can Bento?
In a related matter, I have read of a csv file being used as an intermediate in the process of exporting a database. I can't find a reference to it in Mac Help.
When I open a document, it opens but without text and the title is grayed out. After 5-7 seconds, the text and title appear but the beach ball starts going and I can't do anything except force quit.This started after an odd incident yesterday. I was working on a document I'll call A. I've been editing this document for a long time. So the file is named A.cwk. I'm not sure how I closed or saved it, but it did not appear on my desktop as usual.
I have upgraded to OSX, now when I try to open my old appleworks drawing program I get "Import error" message from keynote about the document is "not a presentation" what am I to do?
I work for a small business man and use my old Appleworks drawing program to make certificates and flyers for him because it is so easy to manipulate individual parts of the text and pictures.I want to update my computer so it can communicate with my ipad, but am afraid I will loose the ability to use my files and program. Can I still use my appleworks drawing program if I download Snow Leopard?
I have a large number of addresses for my wifes work on a data base file, address list, on Appleworks 6.2.9. Is there a program that would recognize it or I could export it to. I sure dont want to retype all those addresses!
Can't print from Appleworks after installing latest Security Upgrade and latest Brother printer software. Other apps seem to be OK. Appleworks crashes when it tries to bring up the print dialog box.
Info: MBP 13" and iMac (late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I believe that there is a website that translates things for Windows user into mac terms to help with the transition. Can't remember where that came from.