OS X V10.7 Lion :: Transfer Content Of Macbook Pro To IMac?
May 5, 2012I need to restore my imac with the content of my macbook pro.Â
View 1 RepliesI need to restore my imac with the content of my macbook pro.Â
View 1 RepliesJust purchased a new iMac and want to transfer all my files, pictures etc. from my older iMac to the new one. When I use the migration assistant I get as far as it asking me for a passcode of the new computer?
View 4 Replies View Relatedtransferring files and apps from my PB G4 to my new Air. I am going to do the clean-up first, then sync what I can from Mobile Me but there are still some apps that will not sync - hoping just to be able to transfer them over to the Air simply!
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am using an iPad2: I used to sync all my contents to my iPad with my Windows Vista Laptop through iTunes till a couple of days back. Somehow, i managed to poof up my Windows Vista Laptop. I have replaced this Windows Laptop with a MacBook Air.
I now need to sync my iPad with my Mac air.
Coming to the contents.
I have loaded a substantial amount of content on my iPad: Music, Videos, Podcasts, Books (eBooks and PDFs), Apps and Photos.I have backups of my Music, Video and Photos on an external HDD (FAT32): so getting this material over to iTunes on Mac Air is no problem.Perhaps Apps would also get loaded on iTunes on Mac Air through iTune Store.My challange is how to get my Books (eBooks and PDFs) from my iPad to my Mac Air. The same challange stays for the Podcasts.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Also involves iTunes
I have a MacBook with Snow Leopard and Windows 7 installed on it. I have my iTunes library of about 250 songs (so not a huge one) in Snow Leopard, not Windows 7. I am interested in purchasing a Zune HD and syncing the iTunes content to it.
Now here comes my question(s):
Does removing the DRM (upgrading to iTunes-Plus) allow the content to be moved onto the Zune HD? If so, could I copy my music, videos, etc. to an external hard drive, boot into Windows 7, transfer the files into Windows, and sync my content to the Zune HD? Would this work? Also, would I sync through the Microsoft Zune software, or what?
I have an old (bought in 2003) iMac flat panel, 1.25GHz PPCG4, with 768MB DDR SDRAM, with the Tiger 10.4.11 system on it. I want to buy a Macbook air or pro but I discovered that I cannot transfer files directly from Tiger to Lion. I cannot upgrade to Leopard neither (not enough space). I don't want to loose my photos or music or emails etc. What options do I have ?
Is there anything that would not be possible to save, whatever the option? I have another question about external hardware: I'm using a LaCie external DVD drive Super Write Master and an external hard disk (only 300GB) LaCie Little big disk, a few years old. Would they work with the new computer?
iMac flat panel- 1.25GHz PowerPcG4 768MB DDR SDRAM, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
When I transfer my photos from Iphone to iMac I cannot view or edit those photos or any of my previous photos or scans. I am a new IMac user. This problem just began yesterday. I have not had any issues before this.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I want to migrate only iPhoto and iTunes content from an older Macbook Pro to a new one, not ALL User files.Â
Migration assistant doesn't allow me to fine-tune the operation as much as I'd like.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), new MacBook Pro has Lion OS
I have to change my Time Machine back-up unit with another one.Can anyone help? I have a partition on the first external hard drive, and I cannot change it.Is there a way to transfer the content of my "old" hard drive used for Time Machine on a new back-up unit?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to transfer two user accounts and their data from my old iMac 21" to a new a Mac-mini. What's next after i connect my firewire 400 cable?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For some reason, on some of my emails, it shows its from a certain sender but the body of the email does not correspond. The odd thing is that on my iPhone, the emails are fine. I did recently get the new 27" iMac and restored from Time Machine however this is happening with new emails as well, not just old ones that were already on the computer. It's also only happening to some emails, not all.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI will shortly be receiving a new i7 iMac to replace my aging Mac Pro. I have a couple of TB of movies and music that I had on an internal drive in the Mac Pro that I used to stream to an Apple TV in another room. Since I am losing all of the drive bays I had with my Mac Pro, I am looking at external drives to use on the iMac. I was wondering how a USB drive would handle streaming movies and music. That is about the only thing that would be on the disk. Would it be fast enough? Or would it stutter? Or should I bite the bullet and go for a fire wire drive? I have a USB enclosure that I can use for it and when my Mac comes I can obviously try it, but was wondering if anyone was doing something similar.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am a home theatre enthusiast, and I have setup Plex, Boxee, Netflix, Hulu, Front Row and Etc. The menus and interfaces are absolutely stunning and the customization of them are endless. So now I have this 27in LED iMac with greater than 1080p Resolution and these Apps look great but I want the content to look as good as the menus. Aside from the iTunes pseudo (low frame rate) HD, does anyone have any suggestions of a resource for "stunning" video content to match my beautiful 27in screen. It sure would have been nice to have a Blu Ray option. Hopefully the "bag of hurt" will soon be sitting on my desk killing me with pain.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow can I archive my loaded mailbox content?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I attach a jpg or pdf to a mail it shows as the whole document "pasted" into the mail.how I get the file to just show as an icon and not as a mass of pasted in docs?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mail 5.2
I recently purchased the LG BE08LU20 External Blu-ray Disc Rewriter. I installed Windows 7 (64-bit) through Boot Camp on my 27" iMac. When I try to play Blu-ray discs through the external drive on the Cyberlink PowerDVD software, it says that the software "is not able to play the protected content on [my] digital output device". Is there any way to fix this issue?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have 2 mail accounts setup in Mail. They are on separate domains I host on my server. One account works great, the other gives this error message every time I try to send. "Sending the message content to the server failed." It offeres me to use a different outgoing mail server.I am on latest Lion 10.7.3. mail version os 5.2 (latest). I connect through Airport Extreme.I Googled the problem and searched everywhere. I also tried deleting and setting up the account. I checked all my settings (multiple times). There is nothing to fix in settings. The Connection doctor does not see any problems.
Here is the really frustrating part: Messages actually get sent. The recipeint always receives them. If I try again with the same server, I get the same error message and again message gets sent. But to Mail it is still unsent and sits in Outbox prompting to send.I also tried the MTU trick. No luck. I should also say that I have seen this problem before on other accounts. I've also seen it come and go. It happened on Snow Leoprad and Leopard too.
Every time I do a spotlight search, intending only to get filenames (that's what it says in greyed out lettering in the search field), the Spotlight results show content as well with the result I have sometimes 1000s of items listed when I just want results containing filenames only. The search results are useless?How do I get Spotlight to search for filenames only? This is how Search used to be in Classic and for a while in OSX.Â
MacMini 2.26GHz, Mac OS X (10.7)
I have a very large iTunes library, with content spread over multiple volumes. Recently, I would add, say, a movie to the iTunes library. I don't have iTunes set to copy content into the library, so it stays where it is. Now, the item looks like it got added. If, within iTunes, I'm in the "Movies" library, and I search for the movie I just added, it isn't there. I do a search for it, and it isn't there. However, all the AppleTVs connected to the library show that it is there, and I can play it.Â
So, clearly the item has made it into the library, otherwise it wouldn't be streamed to the connected AppleTVs, (and iPhones, and iPads). But, it still will not show up in the iTunes library list. No matter what I do. I can quit and relaunch iTunes, I can quit iTunes and open it back up with the "option" key to that I can specifcally choose that library, etc. But, it never shows up in the list. I just upgraded to iTunes 10.6.1, and still, no dice. It will not show up in the iTunes list, but I can still play it from shared iPhones, iPads, and AppleTVs.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
onscreen content randomly dissolves to the sides, leaving bars which when clicked bring content back
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i am trying to erase all content and or restore my mac lion to its original settings.. i just sold it, i have already copied my information on an external hard drive....idont know what i did wrong...have a locked screen, with a picture of a lock on it with a password box below it and an arrow next to it..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), lion
I'm having trouble opening password protected contents of zip files. Box for password entry does not appear on the desktop. (iMac with Lion 10.7.4)The file inside the zip file appears but cannot be opened because I'm not presented with the place to enter the password.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How can I delete content from my Lacie Porsche Desing Mobile Drive? I am getting the message "TRASH The operation can't be completed because back up items can't be modified.Â
View 5 Replies View RelatedLion keeps dafaulting to the Column view which I find useless and annoying. I cannot find any preference setting to default to the more functional List view.
Macbook Pro
I've read some threads but none truly answer my question. I have learnt I need to create a rule in CLOUD as mail is sent to all devices from there and if I create the rule in MAIL on my desktop it does not solve the issue as it will still get sent to other devices, correct?Â
I want to create a rule for junk. Ever changing junk email addresses, content etc. Sometime mail recognies it and sometimes not. How can I set up a rule, filter, etc to delete these permamnently . Its hard when the sender address is ever changing, or the content is never the same. IE one day it is from weatherx@
next time w3ath3rx@, next vveatherx@..it is so annoying. Or the content like I saw this morning every single word had a 20 in front of it...
iPad, iOS 5
This is what i have is a 27inch 17 Imac and a 13inch mbp. I would like to make a exact copy of what on my imac and put it on my macbook and take my macbook to work and school. Then come home and then Take what i did on my macbook pro and tranfer downloaded files/applications/documents andto the imac once i get home. I this possible if so how?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I set up my new mac it offered me the ability to transfer my files from one computer to another. Silly me, I was tired, and chose not to do it at that time.
How do I get back to that screen? And, is it difficult? I have slightly more ability than basic but am not a guru. And I admit to not having done this in years, I normally just copy things on cd rom, but if there is a simple way, this would be great.
I really only want my photographs to transfer. It is easy to do my files.
I could I know download my pics from me.com but I think it would take forever as they are at full resolution.
I am trying to transfer files from my white Macbook to my new refurb 2.8 Imac. I am using firewire 6 pin to connect. Then using migration assistant, but transfer always freezes about 1/3 of the way. I've tried moving just my photos no apps but same thing happens. Only way to unfreeze is turn laptop off then I get improper device removal. Am I doing something wrong? Also wondering what is all this stuff in my document folder? 10,000 items, lots of pics, icons and html sheets. Any idea what all that is? Can it safely be deleted?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to install a new, larger HD in my macbook and then make it my primary computer. Currently, I have most of my info on my aging G5 iMac which is slowly starting to fall apart (i.e. optical drive/keyboard no longer work, making strange noises, etc.). I know that, once I put a new, larger HD in my macbook, I will have to format it and install Leopard. Is there a way to then transfer all of my info from the iMac to the new HD in the macbook after I put Leopard on it? I currently have a Time Machine'd backup external HD hooked up to my iMac.
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust picked up a new iMac today. I have my Macbook Pro pretty much all setup with bookmark, emails, ical, contacts, etc...
Is there anyway to import all that to my iMac? or do i have to setup everything manually on the iMac?
I noticed when i first started the iMac is asked something along the lines of transfering data from another mac via firewire BUT i dont have a firewire cable, So not sure if this is what i need?