I will want to perform a clean install when SL is released in September. But, I would like to have my iPhoto library (events, faces, places, etc.), my itunes library (song ratings, play counts, etc.) and my Mail (messages, mailboxes, etc.) kept in tact. Is this possible? If so, how would I got about doing this. I know people have asked similar questions to this, but I have not been able to find a reliable answer for all these concerns of mine.
When the hard drive on my MacBook Pro 13 needed to be wiped clean, I restored all my files from Time Machine except for my iPhoto files. Not sure why my iPhoto library wasn't restored, but it wasn't, and I can't find it on my Time Capsule. I want to move my partial iPhoto library from my old MacBook Pro to my new one. I understand this is possible by linking them in some way.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a very large iTunes library, with content spread over multiple volumes. Recently, I would add, say, a movie to the iTunes library. I don't have iTunes set to copy content into the library, so it stays where it is. Now, the item looks like it got added. If, within iTunes, I'm in the "Movies" library, and I search for the movie I just added, it isn't there. I do a search for it, and it isn't there. However, all the AppleTVs connected to the library show that it is there, and I can play it.Â
So, clearly the item has made it into the library, otherwise it wouldn't be streamed to the connected AppleTVs, (and iPhones, and iPads). But, it still will not show up in the iTunes library list. No matter what I do. I can quit and relaunch iTunes, I can quit iTunes and open it back up with the "option" key to that I can specifcally choose that library, etc. But, it never shows up in the list. I just upgraded to iTunes 10.6.1, and still, no dice. It will not show up in the iTunes list, but I can still play it from shared iPhones, iPads, and AppleTVs.
I'd like to migrate my old iPhoto Library from an external HD to my new iMac. I've copied the 'iPhoto Library' folder to my desktop, but am not sure what to do from there because I've got two library files (?), 'Library.iPhoto' and 'Library6.iPhoto' in the 'iPhoto Library' folder.Â
I've read some of the other discussions re. migrating libraries, but I'm afraid I'm confused! I've been mostly PC based for so long, I don't know all the dos and don'ts of using Mac... and don't want to mess with files and folders I'm not supposed to touch.Â
I am currently developing an application which will be able to sync your iPhoto content with Flickr. First shot will be one-way, i.e. iPhoto will be the master and all images will be uploaded to Flickr and added to Sets. The application will use the capture date to keep track of images and so it should work even if you already manually uploaded some of your images. With this post I hope to gather some feedback on the idea.
I hope to have a version ready for beta test in a few weeks. If you would like to participate in such a test, let me know. My email: Here are a few more things for you to comment on:
1. Currently I sync everything, but I expect to have an option where you can filter out images which should not be synced. 2. Currently an iPhoto Album = a Flickr set. What about events? 3. Currently all keywords from iPhoto are added as keywords on Flickr. Would filtering be nice to have?
So I had Macbook Pro 13 prior to getting the new Macbook Air. Everything is in sync except the iTunes data on my Air. I didn't use Migration utility because I didn't want to completely mirror my old settings. How do I migrate my iTunes data to my new Macbook Air so that I don't have to resync EVERYTHING that I currently have on my iPhone 4?
I bought a new MacBook Pro, which has Lion. My old MacBook Pro has Snow Leopard. Last night I used migration assistant to move everything from my old computer to my new computer. My instincts told me not to do it, because my old computer is 6 yrs old and has so much stuff on it. I was thinking it might be better to just go on an as needed basis, however, there is so much I need, I decided to do it.Â
Problem one, CS5 will not work. Maybe I need to do a clean install?Â
Are there any other issues I should be aware of? I see I need to re-enter my license info for Word ...Â
Have I messed up my new machine? Should I start over and wipe the new one clean and use another method?
My son just received his new Macbook Pro (15 "); he is running Snow Leopard on his 2008 model Macbook Pro. Is it possible to migrate from Snow Leopard to Lion using the setup assistant or does he have to upgrade to Lion first?
I am using an iPad2: I used to sync all my contents to my iPad with my Windows Vista Laptop through iTunes till a couple of days back. Somehow, i managed to poof up my Windows Vista Laptop. I have replaced this Windows Laptop with a MacBook Air.
I now need to sync my iPad with my Mac air.
Coming to the contents.
I have loaded a substantial amount of content on my iPad: Music, Videos, Podcasts, Books (eBooks and PDFs), Apps and Photos.I have backups of my Music, Video and Photos on an external HDD (FAT32): so getting this material over to iTunes on Mac Air is no problem.Perhaps Apps would also get loaded on iTunes on Mac Air through iTune Store.My challange is how to get my Books (eBooks and PDFs) from my iPad to my Mac Air. The same challange stays for the Podcasts.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Also involves iTunes
I have a relatively new 1.7 GHz Intel Core i5 MacBook Air, purchased in August of last year. Just recently it started giving me the HDCP error when I tried to play HD TV shows downloaded from iTunes. Given the capability of the display (1440 x 900) this shouldn't be a problem and like I said, I've never had this issue until very recently. I have tried downloading both 720p and 1080p versions of the videos and neither will play for more than a few seconds before the warning appears. Â
I am not plugging my MacBook Air into an external display. In fact, when I play the videos on my Apple TV v2 (both streaming from my machine and via iCloud directly) they play just fine. I have the lastest EFI firmware installed on my machine as well as all other software updates. I have checked to make sure there are not any partial downloads that could be causing a problem. The error also appears if I try to open the content with Quicktime. Â
I don't usually check my itunes account, but today I actually decided I wanted to buy music. I put a $100 gift card I got from buying a Mac for college in a few months ago, and bought like $9 worth of stuff and just left it idle. It says that about 2 weeks ago there were purchases made to download an app and then some gem **** (in app content) that cost $80 ******* dollars that was bought. I'm not worried about my personal information because i don't use a legitimate adress and only buy gift cards, because I like to live off the apple grid i guess...w/e, WHO DO I EMAIL TO GET THAT MONEY BACK!!!
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I had a IBook G4 and an external hard drive as its back up.IBook running something like Snow Lepord, anyway I have a Intel Macbook now with Lion, Ive been told here there is a possible confliction between the AMP external harddrive and lion.I will say a few times I have for limited time been able to access the drive on the newer MacBook, but then Lion (I think) drops it.Â
I want to transfer my iTunes library from my PC to my MacBook Pro, and then set up my iPod Touch for the MackBook.
Most of the library is on a USB 1 terabyte drive. I am tempted to plug the USB drive into the MacBook and just copy my music directory over. Then make sure the path is set correctly on the MacBook's iTunes.
Is there a better way? I am wondering if this method will cause problems.
After I have transferred the library, I will deactivate my Windows XP pc in iTunes.
I am doing a clean install of lion from the recovery HD, is it best to migrate the data back via TM back up, or clone? I don't have any programs that i don't a have disc for, and all i want to migrate is itunes, mail, and pic files etc. I have seen where migrating when you install is better than migrating later, so i want to be sure i have a clean clone, or back up, to migrate from. I also failed to write zero's over SL when i did a clean install for Lion, so it was not so clean. So i guess my question is just, clone, or TM back for migration?Â
My imac has had its hardrive replaced - (unfortunate) - and I am wanting to restore the files fom itunes and Iphoto only. I have tried for many hours following other posts, support, but have so far not had any luck. What is an "Idiots" way to achive this, hort of taking my mac back to apple and get them to do it for me!
Currently I have a 2009 macbook pro. I have it connected to my tv with a mini display port to vga i believe. currently it does not let me play HD content from my itunes to my TV, theres some message that pops up that wont let me. Anyways, i was wondering if i had the mini display port to HDMI, then ran that to my LCD, will that work to play HD content from my Itunes on my macbook to my tv?
Why Apple customers accept being forced to migrate to Icloud and Lion (an OS with bad reviews) before the end of June when knowing that Mountain Lion will be available a few weeks later?
I recently migrated a MacBook Pro to a Mac mini - all went well enough. I realized that Final Cut Express HD is on a Power Mac G5 that I've retired. I have moved and can't seem to locate the install disc, so I'm wondering if it's possible to migrate just a single app over from the G5 to the mini.
Info: MacBook Pro, iMac, PowerMac G5, 2 Mac minis, iPhone 3G, and a few XP boxes, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I have Mac Leopard and recently updated iTunes to 10.5.6.However, I found at least 3 older versions on my computer. Is it safe to drag them to the trash, or drag them into "App. Delete" without losing any important data?