ITunes :: Transfer Content From IPad 2 To MacBook Air?
May 20, 2012
I am using an iPad2: I used to sync all my contents to my iPad with my Windows Vista Laptop through iTunes till a couple of days back. Somehow, i managed to poof up my Windows Vista Laptop. I have replaced this Windows Laptop with a MacBook Air.
I now need to sync my iPad with my Mac air.
Coming to the contents.
I have loaded a substantial amount of content on my iPad: Music, Videos, Podcasts, Books (eBooks and PDFs), Apps and Photos.I have backups of my Music, Video and Photos on an external HDD (FAT32): so getting this material over to iTunes on Mac Air is no problem.Perhaps Apps would also get loaded on iTunes on Mac Air through iTune Store.My challange is how to get my Books (eBooks and PDFs) from my iPad to my Mac Air. The same challange stays for the Podcasts.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Also involves iTunes
Recently purchased video content is reloading to my devices even though the same content is already on the device.Â
Can successfully remove the video, and that stops the reload during subsequent syncs. If the content is put back, the reloading starts again in subsequent syncs. Â
Not the worst problem, but a big time and data consumer, and very annoying. I have tried the following without success of stopping this behavior;
1.)Â Deleted the video in question from my library and downloaded it again from Apple. 2.)Â Downloaded/Reinstalled iTunes from Apple on my laptop. 3.)Â Device soft reset. 4.)Â Device factory reset and restored.Â
My current system is;Â OSX 10.9.3 and iTunes 11.2.2 running on MacBook Pro, while OS Version 7.1.1 resides on my iPhone 5S and iPad2.Â
I want to transfer the music from my iPad, most of which is not purchased from iTunes, to the new computer (PC) but getting a message stating that the device is syched to another computer. Anyway to make my new computer the home computer and transfer the non-iTunes music without erasing the content of the iPad?
My Imac is dead and I lost the entire storage Now im trying to find the way to transfer all photos I have on my iPad and Iphone to the new iMac I have....Â
The problem is that I tune only sync pictures taking by ipad/iPhone and not the entire libraryÂ
I found some software but they have problem with file names not reading correctly all files from iPad as I have the same file name on different folders.Â
So I just rented an episode of Top Gear on my Macbook Pro.
Then I plugged in my iPad so I could transfer the file from the computer to the iPad - want to watch on a plane ride.
But I don't see any option anywhere to transfer?
I've done this previously with movies. I just clicked on the Movies tab for my iPad and moved it over. But I can't find any mention of Rentals anywhere in the iPad tabs.
I rented a movie in iTunes and using the movies tab of my iPad, I clicked "Move" to move the movie over to the iPad. WHen I sync the device, it goes through the motions and after finishing, it moves the movie back over the iTunes side of the display. Effectively, not transferring the rented movie.I tried this same thing on my iPhone and got the same result.I'm using the latest version of iTunes and the iOS 5.1 on both the iPad 2 and the iPhone 4.
I have already rented several HD movies straight to my iPad (1) and never had a problem. Tonight however I decided to try a new thing and insted of renting straight to the iPad I tried to rent it in iMac first (iTunes) and than move it to the iPad (thought the download could be quicker and was right: it took some 15min to download an HD movie with the iMac when it normaly takes some 45min with the iPad on the same network).Â
The problem is, when I try to move the movie into the iPad and click "Apply", I get the message saying that "This movie can not play on this iPad".... I tried to do it directkly on the iPad (and paid for the movie again...) and it downloaded just fine... (though it took 45 minutes).Â
I just noticed that I cant bring up my music/tvshows/movies from my itunes library (from my mac) on my ipad. I checked all the home sharing setting on the mac and on the ipad, restarted everything, to no avail! My apple tv works fine! I recently updated my OS on the iMac to 10.7.4, would this cause the issue? I am running 5.1.1 on the ipad.
Just paid for a movie on iTunes, (The Great Escape), but it won't play on my iMac or transfer to my iPad... what gives? When I try to play the movie I get error: "This movie requires QuickTime, which is not supported by this version of iTunes."When I try to move it to my iPad I get the error: "The Great Escape (1963)" was not copied to the iPad (My iPad) because it cannot be played on this iPad." I have iTunes 10.6.1 (7) 64-bit on a brand new iMac 2.7 Ghz Intel Core i5 with OSX 10.7.4. I'm a little ticked that I can't see a movie I just paid $9.99 for.Â
transferring files and apps from my PB G4 to my new Air. I am going to do the clean-up first, then sync what I can from Mobile Me but there are still some apps that will not sync - hoping just to be able to transfer them over to the Air simply!
Just purchased a new iMac and want to transfer all my files, pictures etc. from my older iMac to the new one. When I use the migration assistant I get as far as it asking me for a passcode of the new computer?
I have a mac book pro with mavericks and i have my ipad mini with all its updates and my air drop on my mac does not read my ipad! do i have to do something special to make it work?
I hope this possible but I need to edit the photos on the iPad and if I make a mistake and go back I cannot go back get the pictures they are gone I think. I just want to go through the pictures and they are about 2500 pictures once I done I would resend back to the iPad.
I have a MacBook with Snow Leopard and Windows 7 installed on it. I have my iTunes library of about 250 songs (so not a huge one) in Snow Leopard, not Windows 7. I am interested in purchasing a Zune HD and syncing the iTunes content to it.
Now here comes my question(s):
Does removing the DRM (upgrading to iTunes-Plus) allow the content to be moved onto the Zune HD? If so, could I copy my music, videos, etc. to an external hard drive, boot into Windows 7, transfer the files into Windows, and sync my content to the Zune HD? Would this work? Also, would I sync through the Microsoft Zune software, or what?