I take the minutes for a local operatic society. At these meetings there are usually 6 or 7 people present. I have their email addresses stored in my address book, but how do I set up a mailing list which contains all members names and email addresses so I can send just one email which will reach all of them? I am sure this is an easy thing to do, but I just can't seem to fathom out how to do it. Â
I would like to create a mailing list that I can send out to a group of people using mail, I would like to store there contact information under a group called 'mailing list' but I do not want the contacts to appear in my main address book. Is there an app or a way to use mail so i can email the group but not have their contact information in my address book?
I have a mailing list and I would like to send emails to everyone on the list in one go, I copied and pasted the list into my email, but can I have this group somewhere so that I can just call it up like an ordinary address from the address book, preferably without having to type every name individualy into the address book. I tried making a group in the address book and pasting the list in without success,if this is possible can some explain how I can acheive this
How Do i make a copy of my mailing address book to give to the local print shop? I tried and copied it onto a stick. When she put it in her computer , the only option is to replace her mailing list with mine.Â
How do I create a mailing list (group) of colleagues to whom I send a common email every week? I've tried Help topics in Mail and on th apple site, to no avail.
Apple Mail has a preference to 'Trust junk mail headers in messages' but I can not find a list of what those headers are.By trial and error I've learned the "X-Spam-Flag: YES" will work (exactly that, no extra info), but I'd like to know what other options there are... particularly if I can send a score/rating back and have it look at that.But I can't find a list of supported headers.The Internet is full of "common spam headers" and yet none of them actually seem to work and lots of people who can't get it working with spamassassin which is incredibly common.
We have had a software problem with my wife's mac. I set her up as a user on my iMac, then we wiped her machine and reconstructed. Here is the problem. On her laptop now, there are no previous recipients in Mail. As it turns out, she really needs these. They are on the iMac. I need to move that list from the iMac to her laptop.
I have looked in Library/application support, but can find no entry for Mail or Address book. I know that there must be a file somewhere with this data.
Mail iwill show that I have x (22 for example) mails, but instead of showing the 22 different e-mails, it lists one e-mail, with 22 copies.The only way to get the proper list back, is to rebuild the mail box. When this problem is bad, like today, I've rebuilt my mailbox 5 times in the last hour.
I've recently migrated to Lion and am finding the new layout of Mail frustrating as it shows my mail by the recipient rather than the sender. As the recipient is usually me, I have what appears to be a inbox of emails to myself but I have to open each email (or preview it) to reveal who actually sent it to me. Is there a way to have the sender (From field) showing in the list rather than the To field?
I need to have them sorted by Date so that the most recent messages are at the top. But when I choose View > Message Attributes the option to select "From" is already ticked but it is also greyed out. I have temporarily fixed this by using the classic view but I would really like to know how to do this in the new view?
Although the number of unread messages is properly shown under Inbox on the Mailboxes list next to two of my three Mail accounts, the other one shows none when there some. The quantity is also missing from the total number of messages next to Inbox when I collapse the list. This was working fine for many years.Â
I want to connect a wireless Epson XP 510 printer. Installed drivers from the Epson website but they do not appear to be compatible according to the drop down list in the apple menu for adding a printer.
This is probably a stupid question, but why isn't there an address contact button that you can click on in a new message from MAIL? Am I missing something here? In all previous versions of the OS one could just do that and a list of contacts popped up and then you could click on one and it would go to the "To" slot. There's got to be an easier way than to open the contact book, find an address, copy it, then place it in the message "To" slot.
I tried using the mail application that comes with the MacBook Pro. I set up my hotmail account on Mail. I just keep getting old mail on my hotmail account. Is this normal? Are the Mail meant to receive both old and new mail on it and saved it to my mac? Or are there any other application that you guys use that you use instead of Mail?
I found my contact list from my mac mail highjacked 2 weeks ago. My router was not secured then but it is now. What should I do for preventing my contact to receive some bad intentioned emails from whoever did that?
Does anyone know of an easy way to search through Apple Mail to list all the messages with attachments and sort them by size? I was hoping to slim down my mail folder.
So my dad is finally switching from his beloved gmail.com web app to Mail. There is just one problem. A bunch of his contacts that he normally emails are already in Address Book. However, Gmail has a list of about 300 people that he has emailed in the past. He probably still emails about 100 of them from time to time.. I noticed Mail.app has a "Previous Recipients" list, and you can delete entries from the list or add them to address book. Is there anyway I can manually add some of the email addresses from his Gmail account into that list? In Snow Leopard, the file seems to be located in ~/Library/Application Support/Address Book/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr
I know I can just export all the contacts and put them into Address Book, but he uses his address book's all contacts field on his iPhone, and I don't want to clutter that with those email addresses. Unless there is a way of making an entry that appears in a specific address book group, but not in all contacts.
I have a home business with a couple of hundred customers. I'd like to maintain a mailing list so I can contact them all en masse occasionally, whenever there's something that might be of interest to them. What's the best way to do this? Can I build a mailshot list within Mail? Or should I keep the list separately somewhere and paste the addresses into my mailshot?
I have a problem with Apple Mail. I do not know how long this problem exists but not very long. Maybe it is related to the OS X Update to version 10.9.3.
My problem is that the receivers of a mail (and the other fields like reply-to or cc) are no longer displayed correctly. They are only visible when I select the text.Â
This is what a mail looks like.Â
This is what it looks like when I select the receivers
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Mail 7.3
dose anyone know where the auto complete list is stored for mac mail?
So i can copy all the email address, ones i have typed into mail, across to my new setup. I have copied the com.apple.mail.plist and the mail folder/mail downloads into the right places. But i when i type a email it doesn't fill out the address for me.
I have a LOT of rules in Mail. For example, one of my clients has about 10 different project managers and I filter messages from each PM into a separate folder. Occasionally I need to make changes to these rules but they only display in the order in which I created them, which is a PITA. Is there any way of changing the list order, e.g. by name etc.?
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Mac user since 1995- also MacMini
I unintentionally clicked 'remove from recipients list' an email address I use all the time, now I can't undo the remove, and Mail won't autofill this address when I go to make a new email.
I am trying to create mailing labels from my contacts. When I preview the labels, they are shown with the names as <Lastname> <Firstname>. Is there a way to print them so they would appear as <Firstname> <Lastname>?
In Windows MS Outlook, while creating a numbered list, I just used shift+enter to enter one or more lines within the same number and then only hit enter once I needed a new number. In this way, I could have many paragraphs within the same number and also blank lines between two numbers. But it doesn't work in Apple mail or Entourage.