OS X V10.7 Lion :: Install On More Than One Family Computer?

May 5, 2012

Q: What is the best way to load Lion on to multiple family computers? We have 2 iMacs, one Mac mini and one Mac Book Pro. I downloaded Lion to the newest iMac but now I need to bring my other machines into line preparing for Mountain Lion.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X :: Backing Up Family Computer Using Time Machine

May 10, 2009

I've been using my Macbook for almost a year now and I backup my regular files using Time Machine and a Seagate HD. I store ALL of my digital media on another external HD. Its a decent system, but I'm taking on a bigger "backup" project and need to have all of my bases covered. My family's computer (a shoddy, 10 year old custom build pc) has their digital photos from the last 10 years on it. The computer is being "wiped" (its really in bad shape!) but before that's done, they want their files and photos backed up. My intended shopping list is:

- 1 External HD - for Important Files/Digital Media
- 1 External HD - a backup for the above

- 1 New Desktop with a huge HD that can hold all old media as well as anything new they add in the next 10 years (that's how long we keep our desktops!) I'm trying to talk them into a Mac but budget is small and for email, word processing and photo storage, its just not necessary. Any PC suggestions? Should I wait for Windows 7? (No Vista...)

I am terrified of losing valuable data, but would love to see ALL of the family photos in one place. Backups needs to be accessible by Mac and PC and would (hopefully) be periodically updated. Is there reasonable backup software available for PC's that works like Time Machine? How big should I go on the Externals? The family currently has less than 100gb of photos, but that will exponentially increase now that digital cameras are getting better. I was going to buy 500gb or 1tb or bigger, since Newegg has some good prices. Is that excessive?

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OS X :: Mac Snow Leopard Family Pack - Install Disk Faulty

Sep 30, 2009

I have replaced may Snow Leopard Family pack and have found that the replacement disk is also faulty. It stalls at around 40 minute mark and does not install. I have confirmed a general problem from two store sources. I also have similar problem with copies i bought from US. There is a noticeable defect along the outside edge of disk and swirling to a coma form of about a centimeter. Seems like a quality control issue at the disk creation instead of information burning. I have had no problems with the single versions of the OS.

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App Store :: Iwork 09 Install Using Mac And Existing Family Pack Retail License?

Apr 28, 2012

I previously purchased iWork 09 with the Family Pack license.  I did so by first downloading the trial version, then purchasing the license through the app.  So, I never had a DVD for the app to use for installing it.  I added it to my second mac by downloading the trial version to it, and then entering my license number.  I never added it to my 3rd mac. I have now upgraded all 3 macs to Lion, and need to add iWork 09 to the third.  How can I get iWork 09 on my Mac with Lion without buying it from the Mac App store?  They have taken down / disabled the trial link and now point everyone to the App store so the old option is no longer available to me. 

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OS X V10.7 :: Install Lion On A Second Computer?

Apr 9, 2012

I bought the Lion upgrade and am trying to intall on both my laptop and desktop. Where are the instructions so I don't have to pay twice?

Info:Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 :: Install Osi Lion On A Second Computer?

May 3, 2012

if I go to apps store to buy, will I be charged again, or will the store recognize I already bought the product and download it at no charge to my second computer?

Info:Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Click To Restart The Computer To Install The Update, The Update Doesn't Install?

May 10, 2012

I'm trying to update my Macbook Pro to the new 10.7.4 I have downloaded the update twice (no interruptions during download) and when i click to restart the computer to install the update, the update dosent install. I keep getting an error message saying the download is corrupted, when the update tries to unpack to install.  

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Combining Multiple Weights Of The Same Font Into One Family?

Apr 18, 2012

I downloaded (legally) a font family, containing multiple weights. However, when I try to install it on Font Book, each weight comes out as a separate font.  Is there a way to combine all the weights into one font?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Can You Do A Computer To Computer OSX Install Via Ethernet

Aug 26, 2009

I've previously installed OSX on my MBA using an external DVD, using a wifi remote disc option, but because of my current network situation (and current lack of external disc drive) I'm wondering if it would be possible to install OSX on the Air through a direct ethernet connection to another Mac.

Basically it would go like this: MBP <> ethernet cable <> USB ethernet adaptor <> MBA

Possible? Any problems? Any special procedures I need?

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Software :: Unable To Install Leopard / Cannot Install Osx On Computer

Nov 4, 2008

i have tried to re-install leopard into my macbook but it is just all a mess. i inserted leopard cd (original copy) into macbook to do a clean install to my new(to me) used macbook. the computer message after choosing language says "cannot install mac osx on this computer".

1. used disk utility to reapair disk...did no work
2. erased hd..still did not work.
3. made partition to install from external hd...now just made a total mess with computer.
4.i try to start computer from dvd drive with original leopard cd...still does not work. says cannot install mac osx to this computer...

i have macbook intel core duo 1 gig ram and enough memory.

please help i dont know what to do!!!!!

love my mac. buy i messed it up....

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Re Install Lion & Then Install Itunes + Docs + IPhoto From Time Machine?

Apr 12, 2012

Ever since I downloaded iplayer - my mac has been running slow. I have followed a few tips to remove it and all other related files - but it still runs low (spinning wheel of death) and now pdf's dont download correctly (I guess I have deleted too much). 

My ideal would be to start from scrach - although I want to keep my itunes and iphotos files as well as my documents. Is there a way to reload back to factory settings then add selected programs and folders from timemachine? I am in the process of timemachine backing up everything now. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ICloud :: Set Up Family Accounts In It?

Mar 28, 2012

We use one itune account for music and videos but each of us have Mac computers and two have ipad2s. How do I set up iCloud so we each maintain our own ical, mail, docs, etc but share pictures, family calendar, and music/videos?

Info:imac, Mac OS X (10.5.4)

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OS X :: What Is The Difference Between SL Family Pack And The Regular SL?

Sep 1, 2009

personally I thought that the family pack was for if you had 2+ Macs to install Snow Leopard on. I didn't really care for upgrading my mac mini so i just bought the regular Snow Leopard for my Macbook Pro. Out of curiosity i tried installing SL on both and it worked.

So what are the differences between the regular Snow Leopard and the family pack?

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OS X :: "Cannot Install Mac Os X On This Computer" Message Pops Up When Trying To Install?

May 16, 2009

I purchased a Macbook pro with a damaged screen for very cheap from the IT guy at my work. When I got the computer all of his information was all over it. I don't have much prior experience with a Mac, I've used a PC my whole life, but I'm interested in video production and editing and I love the Final Cut Pro interface so I've wanted a Mac for a long time. I have the Macbook hooked up to an external monitor and external keyboard and mightymouse.

I decided to get rid of all of his junk so I put the OS X disk in the drive that he gave me and it came to a screen asking me to select a langauge, I selected english and then the message came up "cannot install mac os x on this computer". It then gave me the option to click "ok" or "restart"... I clicked OK and it took me to the OS X disk utilities. I used the drive utility to (atleast I think) wipe the drive, because I figured that was the reason. I wiped the drive using the "Mac os external journaled" setting and about an hour later it finished. I rebooted the computer and the same thing happen, selected langauge and got the same "cannot be installed" message.

I read somewhere tha it could be the after market RAM in the computer. I opened it up and it does look like different RAM has replaced the original 2gigs that were in there bringing it up to four. I don't know if theres a way around this, or even what brand the original RAM would have been. The brand name on the RAM in it now starts with an "A", but I'm an idiot and can't remember the full name.At this point I'm just stuck and was wondering if anyone had any ideas.Please pardon my "noob" status with MAC's - I'm not one of those PC users that hates Mac users, I'm "pro choice" when it comes to computing.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Move Keychains From Old Computer To New Computer?

Jun 25, 2012

I had purchased the new retina MBP and i used to have a macbook air. I moved all of my files over to my new computer (NOT using migration assistant, wanted a new setup) and i got everything but my keychains.How can i move my internet keychains over?  BTW, the computer wont let me export internet keychains... 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: Family Tree Maker Alternative?

Feb 21, 2006

My father-in-law is considering switching to macs, but a deal breaker is whether or not he can continue to use his genealogy information. He's been using Family Tree Maker which is peecee only. I've read that Reunion is a good mac alternative, but will he be able to transfer his data from FTM to Reunion? What if anything would he lose?

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Oct 27, 2007

i use two mac (both intel - a macbook & an imac), and want to upgrade them both to leopard, but am unsure on which version to buy.

can people please tell if a) i would be correct in saying that the only difference is the licence agreement, therfore the only diff in buying for me is how compelled i am to user-licence properlyorb) there is proper security features like phoning home etc. so i need to get family pack

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Applications :: How Does The IWork Family Pack Works

Aug 10, 2010

I'm thinking to buy the iWork family pack with some friends so that we can install it on our macs and divide the price up, it's a lot cheaper!

But, in the apple site they say this:


Install the iWork Family Pack* on up to five Mac computers in your household.

So my question is:

Can you only install it in your household? Is there any way the software knows the 5 computers are not in the same place?

Or can you install them in just any 5 computers?

AND- Do you think it's a good idea to buy it now? I don't know if there's a new version coming soon

EDIT- I read that the only difference between the normal and the family version of iWork is the licence. So if I buy the cheaper one, can I still install it in more computers and never get cought? Or will it stop working after I install it once?

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MacBook :: Transfer Registration Of It To Family Member?

Mar 29, 2012

I am planning to lend my nearly 5 y/o MacBook to a family member who does not live nearby.  This is a long-term loan.  I will be doing a clean re-install of Lion before sending it to her.  However, I have the computer registered to me and want to make sure she has no hassles if she needs Genius Bar help while she is using it.  How do I transfer the registration to her name?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Best Video Sharing Site For Family?

Apr 14, 2012

what is the best video sharing site for family.... not you tube

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: Won't Load Page On Family Imac

Jun 3, 2012

Safari won't load page on family imac.    This is limited to our main account as it works fine on Guest.  Have tried reinstalling safari, deleting the cache, resetting safari. No Sucess. 

Not sure how to specifically remove plugins

Have Imac running Snow leopard 10.6.8, 2.16 GH, 3 GB RAM, 250 GB HD

Safari, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Yosemite :: Adding Apple ID To Family Sharing

Dec 6, 2014

I converted an old apple ID to an ID that is a real email address, as the old one no longer was a valid email address. After creating the new Apple ID I tried to add this ID to the family share as many of the iTunes purchases of songs and apps were done under this ID. The invitation was sent to the new apple ID email address, but when I tried to accept the invitation, I received an error bubble that said " Invalid Invitation, you are already part of this family". When I went back to iCloud it would show that the invitation was still unaccepted.

iMac, iOS 8.1.1, 3.06 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB DDR3

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MacBook Air :: Setting Up Family Share For Music?

Dec 2, 2014

How do I activate/set up family share for music?

MacBook Air, OS X version 10.9

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Applications :: Restoring My Family License Snow Leopard

Nov 18, 2010

I want to restore my family license of Snow Leopard to USB stick for traveling but don't want it launching every time I connect to my Mac to get other files off the stick. Can I disable the image until I may need it?

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Applications :: Reunion 9 Versus Family Tree Maker

Dec 23, 2007

I have a Mac and PC. I've been working on my family tree using the ever-so-popular Family Tree Maker. As a gift this year, someone gave me a copy of Reunion 9 for Mac. Knowing that I'm picky tho they also gave me a gift receipt. Should I bother opening it? Is it that much better/different from Family Tree Maker? I'm "guessing" since they both import/export GED, moving the data between the two is not difficult. Is there something one does better than the other? I'm not all together too pleased with the sample web-output of either of them (so far) but some guidance as to which is easier to work with and generally looks the nicest would be nice. Anyone use both have a firm positive/negative to say about either? Other than Reunion being on my mac instead of my pc, is there anything worthwhile it brings to the table?

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OS X :: Current MBP And IPhone - Incoming IMac - Family Setup ?

Oct 22, 2009

Id like to have the calendar she sets up on the new iMac to sync with my MBP and my iPhone so that we can stay on the same page when it comes to whats going on with work and our two children. Can this be done across my wireless network? I have the Airport Extreme WBS (802.11n)if that makes a difference.
We both use calendars quite a bit... My iPhone is setup with my MBP, and since i travel quite a bit i need to keep it that way.

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OS X :: Making Copies Of Snow Leopard Family Pack

Jun 7, 2010

Last year, my roommates and I got together and bought the snow leopard family pack for us all to upgrade with. We are now getting ready to move out and go to separate parts of the country. We would all like to have a restore disk. My questions is, what is the legality of making a copy of the snow leopard family pack disk for each one of us?

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Applications :: Upgrade Of Single ILife To Family License Possible?

Aug 3, 2010

I bought a MacBookPro, where iLife 09 was included, my girlfriend and my son wants to use also this version. Is it possible that I can upgrade the iLife single license to the family license?

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Way To Transfer Music On Personal ITunes On Family Mac To New MacBook Pro

Apr 29, 2012

My family shares a large iMac, i have my own personal account with my iTunes account on it. Most of my music that is on my iTunes is downloaded from my personal CDs, so when i sign in on iTunes on my newly bought MacBook Pro, it does not pick it up. I am trying to find a way to transfer my music on my personal iTunes on the family Mac to my new MacBook Pro.


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ICloud :: Family Account Will Not Transit - Keep Going Round In Circles

May 23, 2012

Keep going round in circles - get Congratulations message from mobileme then still cannot sign into iCloud. Have successfully moved 2 other family accounts weeks possibly months ago but this one will not? Am running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 OS X.

iCloud, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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