App Store :: Iwork 09 Install Using Mac And Existing Family Pack Retail License?
Apr 28, 2012
I previously purchased iWork 09 with the Family Pack license. I did so by first downloading the trial version, then purchasing the license through the app. So, I never had a DVD for the app to use for installing it. I added it to my second mac by downloading the trial version to it, and then entering my license number. I never added it to my 3rd mac. I have now upgraded all 3 macs to Lion, and need to add iWork 09 to the third. How can I get iWork 09 on my Mac with Lion without buying it from the Mac App store? They have taken down / disabled the trial link and now point everyone to the App store so the old option is no longer available to me.Â
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Apr 1, 2009
Indeed, is there a difference? I notice that Family costs more than the other one, but I can't make out what difference there is in the description.
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm thinking to buy the iWork family pack with some friends so that we can install it on our macs and divide the price up, it's a lot cheaper!
But, in the apple site they say this:
Install the iWork Family Pack* on up to five Mac computers in your household.
So my question is:
Can you only install it in your household? Is there any way the software knows the 5 computers are not in the same place?
Or can you install them in just any 5 computers?
AND- Do you think it's a good idea to buy it now? I don't know if there's a new version coming soon
EDIT- I read that the only difference between the normal and the family version of iWork is the licence. So if I buy the cheaper one, can I still install it in more computers and never get cought? Or will it stop working after I install it once?
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Sep 30, 2009
I have replaced may Snow Leopard Family pack and have found that the replacement disk is also faulty. It stalls at around 40 minute mark and does not install. I have confirmed a general problem from two store sources. I also have similar problem with copies i bought from US. There is a noticeable defect along the outside edge of disk and swirling to a coma form of about a centimeter. Seems like a quality control issue at the disk creation instead of information burning. I have had no problems with the single versions of the OS.
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Aug 29, 2009
with leopard, you could take the install CD and install it on a billion computers, because it never asked you for a serial number...
is this the same case with snow leopard?
or does it really come with a serial number?
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Sep 1, 2009
personally I thought that the family pack was for if you had 2+ Macs to install Snow Leopard on. I didn't really care for upgrading my mac mini so i just bought the regular Snow Leopard for my Macbook Pro. Out of curiosity i tried installing SL on both and it worked.
So what are the differences between the regular Snow Leopard and the family pack?
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Oct 27, 2007
i use two mac (both intel - a macbook & an imac), and want to upgrade them both to leopard, but am unsure on which version to buy.
can people please tell if a) i would be correct in saying that the only difference is the licence agreement, therfore the only diff in buying for me is how compelled i am to user-licence properlyorb) there is proper security features like phoning home etc. so i need to get family pack
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Nov 18, 2010
I want to restore my family license of Snow Leopard to USB stick for traveling but don't want it launching every time I connect to my Mac to get other files off the stick. Can I disable the image until I may need it?
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Jun 7, 2010
Last year, my roommates and I got together and bought the snow leopard family pack for us all to upgrade with. We are now getting ready to move out and go to separate parts of the country. We would all like to have a restore disk. My questions is, what is the legality of making a copy of the snow leopard family pack disk for each one of us?
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Aug 3, 2010
I bought a MacBookPro, where iLife 09 was included, my girlfriend and my son wants to use also this version. Is it possible that I can upgrade the iLife single license to the family license?
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May 4, 2012
How do I save the contact lists for the different users with a family pack onto my mac. iCloud will no longer support them. Do I lose them all except the primary mobileme account? Is it possible to have more than one contact list like iPhoto and iTunes Libraries?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2012
how can i change my MobileMe subscription from family pack to individual
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Jan 22, 2009
I have a quick question about the iWork '09 Retail box (for those of you who bought it). I downloaded the iWork '09 trial from Apple's website. When I launched Pages I was greeted with the Buy or Try screen. I bought myself a serial number. I have noticed now, that when I go into any iWork app if I click Pages/Keynote/Numbers in the menubar next to the Apple logo, I get the menu for About, Preferences, Register iWork, Quit, etc. I know that the retial box copies no longer require a serial number. My question is this: does the retail iWork disc still show "Try iWork..." as a greyed out menu option under the Pages/Keynote/Numbers menu? For the trial (that was bought with a legit serial, it does) So I was wondering if the retial box version does also? Like this:
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Jan 31, 2010
The insurance company will give a new macbook to a college at work and he is wondering if he has to uninstall iWork from the old one, to be able to install it on his new macbook. Can he use the same license (iWork came with 3 licenses) or does he loose 1? In other words, if you uninstall iWork con you install it again with the same license.
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Mar 23, 2012
Over the year I have collected 10+ visa giftcards and now want to buy a upgraded iMac. I know the online apple store only allows for two credit cards, which the visas count as, but if I go to a retail store do they still restrict you or can I use visa giftcards as much as I want. Â
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Apr 27, 2012
what's the different between I download iwork on app stores and buy iwork software?and one more question about Pages in iwork is that can Microsoft office word open the document create by Pages ?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 22, 2009
I have the Win 7 RTM currently installed on my Mac Pro, on a dedicated internal hard drive. I'm running VMware 2.0. I have the retail version of Win 7 arriving today. Anyone know if I can just install through Windows, i.e., while running my existing Win 7 installation via VMware, or do I have to go through the whole clean install via Bootcamp routine?
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Jun 25, 2012
Need to update 2 MacBook Pros to Lion. Did one yesterday. When I sign in on the second one, it says I've already purchased Lion. Do I just download it again? Is the second one free? If not, how do I purchase the second Lion?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 16, 2012
I just bought a $10 iTunes card and I want to by iMovie from the Mac App Store. (which brings my balance to $16.48) My problem is whenever I try to buy this product I'm sent to the billing page. I don't have a credit card so I select "none" and try to purchase iMovie again. But it just sends me back to the billing page. I don't want to buy another card in order to redeem something on the billing page so what do I do?
Macbook White 13" spring 2010, Mac OS X (10.4.6)
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May 28, 2012
i just wanted to simply get the updated free Facebook App on my ipod, i dont have a credit card so it wont let me review my apple there anything else i can do?
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Jun 10, 2012
Using an existing Apple ID with the iTunes Store and Mac App Store
iPhone 4S, No
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Feb 8, 2009
So I used the iWork '09 trial for 30 days now and now I have a box version and I want to simply use the buy function from the trial to upgrade to the full non-trial version. It has: Quote: If you've purchased an iWork '09 box, you'll find the serial number on the Installing iWork '09 booklet. There's only one problem, there's no serial number on the booklet! How do I install using the buy function or do I have to install the full iWork suite again on my computer? Seems kind of silly. If so, do I need to then uninstalling one of my versions of iWork '09? And if so, which one? How do I tell the difference at that point?
Some of you might be wondering and about to comment on the fact that I should have just bought the online version and saved the hassle. The reason why I bought the box is because I could get it for $39 at my girlfriend's campus computer store.
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Jun 30, 2012
I have an eMac (the 1GHz USB 2.0 educational model) and retail copies of OS 10.3 and 9.1. OS 10.3 is installed, and I would like to install the Classic Mac Environment using my retail copy of OS9, but I can't figure out how to get it to work. The machine won't boot from the OS9 cd, and when I run the installer in Panther, it stops with a message that I need to update OS9, but cannot unless the drive is writable (which it isn't, because it's a cd). Is there a way to get OS9 onto my HDD so that I can actually update it, or do I need to buy another copy of OS9 to get this to work?Â
eMac (usb 2.0), Mac OS X (10.3.x), 1GHz educational model
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May 5, 2012
Q: What is the best way to load Lion on to multiple family computers? We have 2 iMacs, one Mac mini and one Mac Book Pro. I downloaded Lion to the newest iMac but now I need to bring my other machines into line preparing for Mountain Lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Mar 1, 2009
I have a nvidia white macbook turning up in a few days, it's missing it's hard disk and install disks so I will need to use a retail edition of leopard.
I would like to know if there are any issues with doing so. Are the nvidia macbooks running a newer build of leopard?
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Mar 22, 2009
I don't have my install cds anymore, but I do have my leopard retail disc, so can that take the place of my install discs?
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Jul 29, 2009
I'm trying to install a retail version of OS X Tiger on an iBook G3 600mhz but all I'm getting is a blue screen after the initial grey screen with white apple logo. I've managed to get OS X Panther on it no problem but Tiger is just not playing ball. I'm having to boot up in Target Disk mode or use an external Firewire DVD player and it does the same thing every time. What I can say is that the iBook only has 128mb of RAM at present but I'm upgrading that in a day or two and I didn't think that would necessarily prevent the OS from being installed. Oh and it doesn't need a firmware upgrade.
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Feb 7, 2009
so I have a very unique, bizarre problem. A friend brought her G4 1.67gHz 15" Powerbook to the office to have it looked at as it wasn't working properly. I took a look at it and found that one of the RAM chips was shorted out. I took it out and ordered her a new pair (since it was like $26 for 2gb, and with the one removed she was running on 512). Here's where it gets bizarre: I installed the new RAM and it was freezing regularly. I then took one out and it was still freezing regularly. I booted it from my Utilities partition (I have a bootable firewire drive set up to fix problems and recover data) and ran Disk Warrior, TechTool, and a whole heapin helpin of other fixin and optimization apps. I got it to fix all the reported errors, TechTool reports no hardware errors, everything should work perfectly. So now, the laptop boots to a blue screen. I can't boot it from a retail Tiger install disc, and I can't boot it from the hard drive, it just boots to the Apple logo, the Unix spinner, and then goes blue and freezes. So I set it as a firewire target drive and was able to do an archive/install of Tiger using my G5. It recognized and installed fine and it booted my G5. Ok, so it's not the drive. I restart and nothing, apple/unix logos then blue screen. Same with the Tiger DVD. I replace the original 512MB stick (the working one) and still same result. So finally I go back to my Firewire repairs disc and everything boots fine, all tests come out fine, drive is recognized and works fine, etc. What could cause a computer to boot, a drive to be bootable, but a computer not being able to boot on any installed drive?
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Jun 24, 2009
I'm sending my 13" MBP in to Apple to have a minor mechanical issue repaired and so I'm installing a fresh copy of 10.5 just for security reasons. Yeah I know, paranoid maybe, but whatever. I have a time machine backup so it's really no sweat off my back. In any case, I thought I'd just use my retail 10.5 disc, but it gave me a bunch of grief. When the computer would boot up with the disc it would just go to a gray screen and sit there.
You'd hear the CD spin up and then stop and it just sat at the gray screen. I tried holding down 'option' before the full boot and it found the CD, but when you clicked it it would just freeze. I just put in the Leopard install disc that came with the computer and it's installing just fine. I guess I'm not too worried since I have the disc that came with the computer and I'll be getting Snow Leopard as well, but it'd be nice to know my retail 10.5 disc would work regardless.
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Feb 18, 2009
Is it possible to install the software that comes with the Mac Box Set with a single license on multipe computers?
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