OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Have 2 Separate Address Books On Computer At Same Time
Apr 13, 2012
I would like to know if a single user can have 2 seperate address books on his computer at the same time? If so, how would one go about setting it up? I want to import it from my desktop to a laptop computer. Both are running Lion.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 31, 2012
I have an iMac 27 (end of year 2009) I5.It has 1 TB internal and I want to replace it with a 2 TB internal. I have time machine backups on an external hard drive that has been connected via Firewire. I have another iMac (my son's)Imac 24 Intel Core 2 Duo that has it's own separate Time machine backup to it's own separate firewire connected external drive.Both machines are completely up to date with the latest version of Lion and all other necessary software updates.When the internal hardrive is replaced - I want to use my latest time machine backup to create one profile on the imac and then use my son's latest time machine back up for a second profile.The end goal being to have everything from my current set up ie: apps, documents, itunes, etc existing in one profile and everything in my son's current set up existing in the other profile.We can both be administrators for the time being as well.I should note even though we both have some of the same apps, we both also have other apps that the other does not.
My profile will be using about 900 gigs of total space.My son's profile will be using about 250 gigs of total space.This is temporary until the new iMac is released.Then I will want to transfer my profile to that leaving my son's intact on the iMac 27 I5.I realize that during the temporary period that Time Machine will be making backups of this entire two profile setup, which I am now understanding as I write this will create a new issue for me when I want to transfer only my profile to the new computer as well.But one bridge to cross at a time, I guess.I need to do this because we must bring his current computer to my father - as his iMac G5 is inoperable. We have been doing this round robin hand me down in our family since IMac DV special edition :-)
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 9, 2012
Downloaded OSX Lion to my laptop. I want to install it on my desktop directly because bandwidth is slow. Can't find OSX 11 installation file on the laptop. How do go about the transfer and install to the desktop
OSX Lion, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 1, 2012
How do I set up my Time Machine for the 2 separate accounts on my iMac?
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2012
I have three Macs backing up via Time Machine. They are using an external hard drive connected to one of the machines. These back-ups take place on site every day, but I also want to use the same back-up system to back-up to a second hard drive which can then be stored off-site.I have initiated first back-ups OK using this system, but now when I look to change the back-up drive once a week the machines don’t seem to recognise the earlier back-up files on the external drive and start to make a new back-up each time. The back-ups are all large and I can’t afford the time this is taking. How can I make my drives recognize the earlier back-up files and just perform an incremental back-up rather than a complete new back-up each time.Â
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Aug 22, 2014
I had a Mac from 2006. Bought a new one in 2011. I have a time machine back up from my old mac.. This HD was damaged in 2010 and recently repaired. I bought a new HD and used it with time machine on my new mac. I am looking for something on my old Time Machine... Specifically iTunes playlists.. They are very difficult to find by just searching through the back up folder.. What I want to do is, enter the old time machine on my old HD and export some of the iTunes playlists to my new HD. Then of course go back to my current time machine back up and continue using my computer... Can I do this? and Can I have both Time machine devices connected to the computer at the same time?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Jan 18, 2009
I receive hundreds of business cards and I would like to retain the information digitally, but would not like to input them all in my Address Book as I don't want to have thousands of entries. This could get especially tiresome while scrolling through my iPhone contacts database, you know? Do people keep multiple Address Books, like for either work or personal? I can't imagine CEO's like Steve Jobs keeps the info of tens of thousands of people they meet all in one Address Book.
I bought a Penpower Card Scanner which has it's own database for business cards which I haven't played with yet. I was planning to keep a database there and the cards that turn out to be useful I would export into Address Book. Let me know if anyone has any insights into this matter. A Google search surprisingly bred few results.
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Jan 18, 2009
I receive hundreds of business cards and I would like to retain the information digitally, but would not like to input them all in my Address Book as I don't want to have thousands of entries. This could get especially tiresome while scrolling through my iPhone contacts database, you know? Do people keep multiple Address Books, like for either work or personal? I can't imagine CEO's like Steve Jobs keeps the info of tens of thousands of people they meet all in one Address Book.
I bought a Penpower Card Scanner which has it's own database for business cards which I haven't played with yet. I was planning to keep a database there and the cards that turn out to be useful I would export into Address Book. Let me know if anyone has any insights into this matter. A Google search surprisingly bred few results.
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Mar 2, 2010
I'd like to add a second contacts/address book, comprised only of wok related contacts. I realize I can list them all in the original book and then add a group called work. However, I'd prefer to keep them completely separated from my other contacts. Anyway I can do that? Also, if I can do it, will the effort be duplicated on my iPhone?
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Apr 20, 2012
I use my iMac for keeping tabs on a list of recuring events throughout the years as well as over the years. The events generally follow in particular months each year and have new attendees as well as returning participants from previously held events who continue to attend the events. Â
I have kept records in Word for Mac, on Pages & Numbers, but nothing works best like Address Book. I have several hundred participants that I would like to reorganize into a central location and find that Address Book might be best suited for the task. The problem is that I would like to keep separate these names and dates from my personal/business Address Book if at all possible.Â
"Can two Address Books exist on the iMac, each with its own intended purpose? Namely, Address Book 1 (Personal) and Address Book 2 (Events)?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 11/2006 24" desktop
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May 27, 2008
I am in the process of creating a list of vendors and clients using Address Book (version 4.0.6). I would like to be able to view this list on other computers (using OS 10.4.11) when I am out of the office. I understand that this is possible if I have a .mac account. However, I do not have an account. Is there any other way for me to view or otherwise access the address book entries from a second computer?
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Nov 10, 2009
I have a iMac and MBP both running Snow Leopard.
I want to make my iMac the master and sync info to my MBP. Particularity the address book, ical and selected itunes playlists. I use Sugarsync to sync files.
I have tried synctogether 1.0.3 but it keeps quitting. I tried google for contacts sync but everytime I try I get duplicates and my contacts get trashed so I have to go back to a backup.
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Jun 27, 2014
I have 2 iPhones - one business and one personal. I would like to sync both contact lists separately on my Macbook pro. How can I do that?Â
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Mar 27, 2012
Ever since I upgraded to snow leopard, address book wont sync with Quickbooks.I reistalled QB, but still wont work,even though QB is set to sync addresses?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 9, 2009
How do I set up a seperate email address. I only have one at the moment, and would like to add another one for a different set of people to contact me. Surely my MobileMe account allows more then one address?
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Jul 17, 2010
At some point in time I must have chosen to group names. I have many customers, for instance, with the last name of Johnson and instead of each person having their own card, they all get grouped together within one card.
Any way to de-group these?
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Nov 26, 2010
i just shifted from my old mac to my new mac
i had loads of bookmarks in safari
i had backed up using time machine...
but as of now i dont want to put everything in my mac...
how do i trf my bookmarks to my new computers safari
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Jun 11, 2012
My wife and I have separate icloud accounts (mabook and macbook pro x 10.7.4) but share our calendars.We want to share the address book as well, does anyone know how to do that?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 16, 2012
bought a new computer and when I sync iPhone to it my audio books did not move over. it is still on my old laptop but how do i get it on the new computer so i can sync it back to my phone.
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 28, 2012
I purchased three books and downloaded them onto my computer. I now want to read them on my computer not my iPhone and I do not have an iPad. I was told that an icon next to the books purchased indicates that it's for the ipad or iphone only. I had no idea that this was the case when I purchasd them.
1) can I return these?
2) If not, is there a way to read them on my computer that I may not be aware of - e.g. an app for the computer?Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 28, 2014
An iBook purchased text book no longer displays diagrams so I have tried to restore a previous backup but when I open my iBook library and then enter Time Machine it opens a Finder window for the Desktop, if I then navigate to iBooks app I just get info on the app no access to content. I am using a late 2012 iMac running OSX Mavericks 10.9.4.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 19, 2012
So by accident I deleted all my address contacts on my mac by accedeint. (I was trying to stop my Mac user account picture from changing all the time). I knew I had deleted them but didnt think anything of it. I came to text someone today and half my contacts have gone from my iPhone and my iPad . But i dont know how to get them back on to my address book via time machine. Â
I have tried the simple going back to where the last backup was and hiting restore, but nothing happens. I can i get them off iCloud if timemachine wont work? or have i truly lost them?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 15, 2012
Tried to restore my address book (10.7.3), but I terribly failed. What files do I actually have to restore? Tried the all the metafiles (library) and both com.apple.addressbook.plist, but no success.
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2009
My wife and I each have iPods and each have our own computers with our own iTunes libraries. We have a wireless router and want to play music from our computers to a hifi system. If I purchase an Airport Express, is it possible that my wife and I can both play music from our separate computers to the one Airport Express Base Station (obviously not at the same time)?
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May 14, 2012
Can I use Automator to put seperate files into seperate folder
Automator, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 26, 2012
I would like to use time machine for my laptop on 2 HDDs, so I can keep and off sight copy. Alternating the drives to provide maximum back-up security.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 26, 2012
Is there a separate battery for the clock? My 4 year olc MacBook doesn't seem to be keeping time anymore.
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Jan 3, 2011
I have two Time Capsules, TC1 and TC2. TC1 is the base unit, connected to the modem and broadcasting a wireless network from my bedroom. I want to set up the second Time Capsule, TC2, to pick up the in the living room. In that way, I can connect my TV through an Ethernet cable directly to TC2.I keep screwing this up. TC1 is set up to "create a wireless network," which it does. The security I'm using is WEP transitional, for 802.11a/n - 802.11b/g/n.Currently TC2 is set up as a bridge, but it only works when it's tethered directly through an Ethernet cable coming from one of the LAN ports on TC1 into the the singular WAN port on TC2. And it only works when TC2's wireless mode is "Create a wireless network." I've tried various bridge/wireless configurations but nothing quite works. I consulted Apple's pdf on "Designing Airport Networks 10-5" but the information on creating a WDS network doesn't apply. When I try to make TC1 the base unit for the WDS network, I don't get that option.
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Dec 27, 2008
I have an external hard drive that I use with my MBP at work. I'd like to buy another external hard drive to keep at home an also use with Time Machine to backup when at home. Will this work with 10.5.6? What I mean is, will Time Machine work if I plug in another hard drive at home, and still work when I plug in my other drive at work?
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Jun 21, 2014
I have an iMac 27" desktop. I also use 2 external HD (Seagate type, 3 GB each) each connected via USB 3.0. And lastly I have a 2TB Time Capsule that also serves as my wifi.Â
Originally I set up my Time Machine preferences to backup my iMac onto my Time Capsule, no problem, worked great. Left it like this for a long time...Â
then I decided I wanted to use Time Machine to back up my External HD #1 (where I moved all my video project files), onto External HD #2. This worked great, and I left these settings in place for a while.Â
then I decided it was time to back up my iMac again, so I went into my Time Machine preferences ended the current setup so that I could return to the original settings (backing up the iMac onto the Time Capsule). Â
...and so problem began.Â
My thinking was once I got a recent backup made with iMac to Time Capsule configuration then I would go into Time Machine preferences and re-establish the External HD #1 to HD #2 settings... thinking I could continue on this way manually, each week or so, and therefore have 2 different Time Machines each from 2 different sources.Â
Well, once I ended the set up of HD #1 to HD #2 I couldn't get Time Machine to successfully return to the original iMac to Time Capsule setup. At this point I called apple support; they were able to walk me through some steps to get the Time Machine backing up my iMac onto the Time Capsule, but it required me to delete the original time Machine backup of the iMac on the Time Capsule. Which led to reestablishing the backup (which in this case took almost 2 days to complete). Â
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