OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't See TimeMachine Restore Interface

Apr 13, 2012

running OS X Lion, and try to backup to a Stora NAS with Time Machine. Have (as so many others) struggled to get it to work, now it seems OK, I have a full backup, and two incrementals have run OK.But the restore GUI! I did have it up and working some time during all my backup tries. But now I can't get it to display. I press the "Go into Time Machine" from the TM symbol on the menu bar. I get the connect to disk progess bar, and it seems to succeed, because I see an icon on my desktop "TimeMachine backups" and in  Finder I get the Time Machine entry under Devices. But how do I get nice GUI to be able to browse back in time and restore? When I saw it before, I can't even remember what I did to get there, it just appeared... But not now...

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: (10.5) How To Use Timemachine To Restore On Another Mac

Mar 3, 2009

I have been using Time Machine for backups. Now I'd like to use Time Machine to have the same desktop as my last backup on another Macbook.

How do I do it?

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OS X :: Can TimeMachine Restore Just One User Profile Instead Of Everything

Dec 4, 2010

what I am trying to do is to take my wife's profile from my iMac and restore it to a MacBook Pro. But the MacBook Pro already has my profile on it and I don't want to screw it up. I'd like to just add her profile to the MBP.

Is there a way in TimeMachine to restore just an individual profile from one machine to another?

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OS X :: How To Restore Dashboard Stickies From Timemachine

Oct 1, 2009

I have a new mbp and after a few months of confirming i didnt need anything from my old mbp i formatted only to find out today (just my luck) thats the sticky notes i had in dashboard contained info i need! is there anyway to restore this?

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Mac Pro :: Restore Mail Files If Backed Up Not Using Timemachine?

Apr 11, 2012

My macbookpro was stolen while travelling, I had copied everything to an external hardrive but without using time machine. I desperately need to recover my entourage mail for my tax return. I found the files but can't restore them.

Entourage for Mac

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MacBook Pro :: Restore Timemachine Backup To New Computer From NAS Drive?

Mar 28, 2012

I want to verify if Migration Assistant will restore a backup from NAS drive to a new computer. I just got a WD My Book Live Duo NAS drive which supports Time Machine backups for Lion (and Snow Leopard). Unlike backups in Snow Leopard and the WD My Book World Edition (white light), the new NAS drive creates a sparsebundle the first time a backup is initiated.  When I open Time Machine, a single volume for my backup appears. I have 3 Macbooks backing up to this drive but when I open Time Machine on any computer, only the backup created for that computer is shown.  This raised a question for me that if my computer dies, how do I restore the backup from the NAS drive to the new computer?  Is this what Migration Assistant will do?  What are the limitations?  Does the new computer have to have the same IP address as the old computer?  Can I select what gets restored?   

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Restore Mail 5.2 3 Column Interface

Apr 27, 2012

I'm having problems with Mail 5.2. I can't seem to get back to widescreen layout in my mac mail. I'm not sure what I did, but is there a way to get the 3-way split screen back? I went into Preferences and tried that, but nothing changes. I've read that once you go back to classic mail, you cannot get the widescreen layout back. Anyway, tried the Letterbox app. as well, is not working on Mail 5.2.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: TimeMachine Won't Recognize Old Backups

Jul 2, 2012

I have a TimeMachine drive running for years over USB. Yesterday I connected it to my AirPort Extreme and ran TimeMachine by accident. Now when plugging the drive back to USB, TM will let me browse all the old backups, but when I try to perform a new backup it acts as if it's the first time I'm running it — meaning it indexes everything and try to store a full copy of my files (which it can't since the drive is full with the old backups). 

what might have happened when I ran TM over the network and moved back to USB? Is there any way to force TimeMachine to use the old backups? It's really cryptic how I can browse the backed up files but not make a new backup. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Any Way To Include Description To Timemachine Backup?

Jun 17, 2012

- Is there any way to include a description to a Timemachine backup? It would be helpful to include information such as "backup before installing a specific program or system update".

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Error Occurred While Restoring From The TimeMachine Backup

May 16, 2012

I have an brand new HD that I want to restore from TimeMachine. Erased and partitioned this brand new drive.  Created 2 partitions and formatted as “OS Extended Journaled/ GUID.”  

Did a “Command R recovery boot” and went through the steps to backup from TM to my new HD.  15 seconds into the restoration process Msg. reads:  “Error occurred while restoring from the backup.Restart your computer and then try restoring again.”

Trouble shooting:

Luckily my original files and initial boot drive that TM was backing up from remains fine and I performed some more TM back ups as well as a TM backup onto another drive as well.  

I even tried restoring to another empty drive with older backups and backups off of another HD and got the same error message.  All my BU’s and BU attempts have been within 10.7.3 on the same MP.  

Mac Pro 2X3 Ghz duel core intel xeon, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 16 GB Mem

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Recover Data From Stolen MacBook Pro To IMac Using TimeMachine?

May 28, 2012

Recently My MAcBook Pro 13" was stolen. I have importan archives inside Time Machine (from the MacBook pro 13) and now I want to recover just some iles from the stolen MacBook to my IMac using Time machine.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: TimeMachine Won't Create Hard Links For Replacement Drive If Not Connected

May 26, 2012

With TimeMachine, I backup two external drives (let's call them drive A and B). Recently, drive B broke and I restored the data on a replacement drive and gave the volume the same name as the broken one had. I made TimeMachine aware of the fact that this new drive corresponds to the old one by using the "tmutil -a associatedisk" command as described here: [URL]When TimeMachine started the next backup, it did not perform all full backup of the new drive, though still way more than it should. So far so god. 

The problem is: if TimeMachine performs a backup while the new drive (the replacement of drive B) is not connected, it does not create the hard links for it. Drive A is not connected either, though hard links for it show up in the Backups.backupdb folder for this backup. If the replacement drive is connected the next time, TimeMachine will perform a full backup of it ... most likely because the previous backup does not contain any hard links. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Firewire Audio Interface + Kanex XD?

Jun 7, 2012

I have, since a couple of years ago, used a nice little gadget called Kanex XD. It is simply an HDMI to Mini Display port, which allows me to play Xbox 360 on my iMac 27 ". It has always been clear as a bell!  

When I decided to buy the thing, I was not sure if it would work with my current sound system. But it did! I run all the audio from my mac through a firewire audio interface called Focusrite LS 56 (from the audio interface I have Yamaha HS80M, info for geeks like me).  

The audio has functioned really well through my Focusrite. But when I updated to the latest OSX (10.7.4), the audio from my Xbox only plays through my internal speakers. Otherwise, the sound works as usual. It's only when I play my Xbox through my Kanex XD, the audio goes through the internal speakers.  

I guess it's something that happened in the new update that makes it impossible to play the sound from my Xbox through my audio interface. I contacted the Kanex XD support. They said that there's nothing they can do and that it probably have something to do with the update. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Restore Lion OS From Lion Server Time Machine Backup?

May 3, 2012

I am running a Intel Imac 2008 clean install SL then Lion upgrade, followed by Lion Server install.I have multiple home macs, and intnded the server as a way to monitor and restrict kids internet use.In short, it has changes/screwed up multiple programs, and complicated home sharing issues considerably. Mail on the server machine has permission problems (cannot send mail, unable to sign), Spotlight in mail is non-functioning, finder spotlight searches are inconsistent, etc.I want to revert to plain old Lion.

I have done disk utility/verify disk and verified/repaired permissions, and have 'fiddled' (i'm not an expert) in the keychain/certificates areas, but I think the best solution is a clean install of Lion. When I backup to TIme Machine, is there a way to pull a 'Lion' version of my disk image back, and just not upgrade to Server? I understand I can disable Server and turn off applications in Server, but it doesn't fix my buggy machine. My options are to back up my 250GB of music, 100GB of photos, 100GB of movies, etc on to external drives, and clean install and then reimport everything, but even that will probably mean I cant reinstall my single user licesnse of MS office, VMware fusion, etc that I didn't buy on the App store.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: 10.5.6 TimeMachine Bug?

Dec 17, 2008

I installed the update the day it came out. I'm using a USB HDD connected to my Airport Extreme n as TimeMachine Volume. First: TimeMachine still works, BUT anytime i switch off the external HDD or power up my MB in a non-home-environment I get the '!' in the menu-bar-logo, that he couldn't do his backup job becuse there was trouble. I never had this problem before. He never tried to backup while his backup wasn't connected.

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OS X :: Backup - CCC And TimeMachine

Nov 19, 2010

I am currently pondering how to make a backup of my Imac. On the old threads I skimmed through I could not find the right answers - so I made one of my own In my imac I have a 500 GB hard drive (~300GB in use). I also have a 1.5 TB external hard drive which will be my backup drive. I am planning to combine CarbonCopyCleaner (or SuperDuper Im not 100% sure yet - any suggestions?) with Time machine to get.

a) a bootable copy of my system
b) regular backups with time machine.

On top of this I want to move certain things (like movies and stuff I dont really need to back up) on the external hard drive. Now I am wondering two things however: Can I achieve CCC, Time machine backups AND seperate data on one partition? I guess not because then it would not be bootable? If I use 2 seperate partitions (one for CCC and one for Time Machine and the data/movies etc) - can they be resized WHILE data is on them? I am asking this because I am using my mac to produce music and the data keeps growing. I would love to avoid fixed-size-partitions if possible.

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OS X :: Set TimeMachine On Menu Bar?

Jan 27, 2009

How can i set Timemachine to appear on the menu bar? The appropriate check box does not appear in Timemachine preferences, why is that?

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OS X :: Erasing Backups In TimeMachine?

Nov 20, 2009

My TimeMachine external HD is almost full, so I would like to erase a couple of iMovie projects that I don't need anymore and are pretty big. I did this once my opening a 'find' window and moving the files to the trash from there but this no longer seems to work.

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OS X :: SMB And Timemachine - Access Share Again?

Dec 23, 2010

I was following some instructions on trying to get my time machine to backup to a Network Server SHARE on my home network, and I did one change that made time machine show it, and it tried and came back with a error 41 I believe it was. So I did some research on that, and ran some more commands to try and get it to allow the backup. Well after this, I am no longer able to connect to that SMB share anymore or ANY network share. I can't figure out how to fix this as I am not really familiar with MACs as good as some of you. Can anyone tell me how to fix this so I can access that share again?

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OS X :: Does TimeMachine Back Up BootCamp?

Nov 23, 2007

Have not used BootCamp. Just wondering if TimeMachine in Leopard backs up BootCamp entries also.

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OS X :: Transfer TimeMachine Backups?

Feb 5, 2008

My timemachine disk is getting full soon and i'd like to use a bigger disk from then on. Is it possible to move the timemachine backups from the old to the new disk and continue flawlessly where it left off? Is there any special recommendation how to copy the stuff over or should i use an app like carboncopycloner to clone the disk over to the new?

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Software :: TimeMachine Does Not Backup Everything

May 25, 2008

I have just noticed that Time Machine does not seem to want to backup certain big files I have (such as VMware virtual machines 5gb files). I have checked the options setup in TimeMachine and there is no setting here that could imply that these files would not be backed-up. I have made a test and noticed that TimeMachine will not backup the stated files. Does anyone know what could cause this?

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Software :: How Can I Set Timemachine To Appear On The Menu Bar?

Jan 27, 2009

How can i set Timemachine to appear on the menu bar? The appropriate check box does not appear in Timemachine preferences, why is that?

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Software :: TimeMachine Backups?

Feb 5, 2009

How can i delete selected days of TimeMachine backups?

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IMac PPC :: Mac Air 10.7.3 Share TimeMachine With 10.4.11?

Jun 3, 2012

Will the "sharing" feature allow me to use Time Machine on my iMac OS 10.4.11 if I use my MacAir OS 10.7.3 as a base? (I know that Time Machine is not compatible with my iMac 10.4.11 by itself).

iMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x), and Mac OS 10.7.3

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MacBook Pro :: Which Drive For TimeMachine Backup?

Oct 29, 2010

I just bought a MacBook Pro 2009 model and would like to have a dedicated external hard drive for performing TimeMachine backups. I know there are probably great options out there for me to purchase, but I'd like to take one of the two that I currently have, format it to GUID and for Mac via disk utilities, and then use it for TM.

The two external drives drives I have are:

1.) WD5000AAV 500gb (about 2 years old, requires AC outlet)
2.) Toshiba Canvio 640gb (about 3 months old, no AC outlet required).

I just can't find specs for the actual drives inside of these external drives (drive speed, cache, etc.). Maybe it doesn't matter which? I just want whichever is fastest and most reliable.

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OS X :: TimeMachine Post 10.5.6 - File Differences?

Dec 15, 2008

I wasn't sure where else to put this and I know people here have TimeMachine/backup experience. I don't know if this is true after every system software update, but after applying 10.5.6, Time Machine wants to backup 70GB worth of stuff. That's an additional 70GB worth of space taken up on my backup drive. I'm guess that that is all of the file differences because of the update? it so happens that I have a little over 71GB worth of stuff on my drive total. (What can I say, I leave a small footprint and archive a lot off disk). So it basically wants to back up my entire drive all over again. Is this normal? I could nuke the existing backup and just start fresh and not be concerned with losing anything.

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OS X :: Timemachine - Not Recognizing Previous Backups

Jan 3, 2009

I've been having problems with my backup. The last few times I've tried to backup my computer it's saying that the backup is too large for the backup volume. The reason for this is not because the disk is too small but because it's not recognising that there is already backup-ed info on that disk and not integrating with that. Up to about two weeks ago my computer was backing up grand and in the space of two days it stopped allowing me to back up due to this error. I don't want to delete the old stuff as it kind of defeats the purpose of the backup to do so.

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Applications :: Can't Delete Timemachine Backups

Apr 21, 2009

Timemachine is currently using up a lot of my diskspace for silly backups i don't really need. So I tried deleting some files. When I saw you can't just drag the backupthing wherever you want, I did some research. Here I learned you're supposed to go into timemachine and delete the backup through the 'gearsign'. I tried this, but it does not seem to work. My external HD just makes noise, but nothing happens. I tried a really small file (20kb), to check if it was the size that mattered. Nope. It won't even delete that. What am I supposed to do? I have other files on the external HD that I don't want to ruin, that's why i'm not formatting.

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OS X :: Setting Custom Timemachine Backups

May 29, 2009

Is it possible to set Timemachine to make backups on a time schedule basis set by me. Say for eg. every day and not every hour, or every friday? How?

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