OS X :: Unable To Use Screen Capture / Using Apple + Shift + 4
Jul 14, 2010
I am stuck with a Windows computer, and am desperatly trying to find out how to do a screencapture. I am familiar with both alt/shift + prtScreen, but if there is someway to size a screencapture without having to go through Paint or similar,
i was trying to get a screen capture of an issue with itunes when previewing tv shows/movies..etc but it appears you can no longer take screen caps of iTunes movies/tv shows (well ones you didnt import yourself).... or is there a work around?
I am using a macbook with lepard installed. I am running boot camp to be able to work on programms such as C++ and I need to get a screen shoot for the class. I have tried all of the Mac things that should work such as apple **** 4 and nothing happens for me. I have no print screen key as I am on a Mac ideas to capture the screen in the Windows side?
How would I redefine where the screen capture utilities (command-shift-3, etc.) place the image? I can cut out a step in my work if, rather than placing the image on the desktop, I can place it in a specific folder (or even a network folder).
How can I change the location of files created with the screen grab features of OS X Snow Leopard ? I tried to play with the "Keyboard" control panel, but I'm always getting an error when I try to capture a screen picture (something like : "can't write file to the specified location"). I really don't know what is that "specified location" and how to change it. Any idea ?
For some reason the function keys on my mac book changed, I restored them and now the shift keys have the function of showing the desktop and all windows.
I there a way I can restore the original function?
I cant use the right shift button to get capital m or j. Theres no problem with the left shift button. I�m using MacBook unibody with 10.5.7 but its been so since I bought it.
Since getting a new iMac with Lion, I have noticed that frequently the screen will shift sideways without warning, when the mouse has moved only slightly, and disappear. Sometimes there is an arrow in the lower righthand corner that allows retrieval of the lost screen, but not always. This causes particular problems when my son is doing schoolwork online -- sometimes the answers he had put down to questions will be gone when we retrieve the screen, or answers to matching-type questions will be scrambled. Is there a way to stop the screen shifting sideways?
My iMac was performing ver slowly so I restarted. After that cannot get passed the grey screen.I tried holding the shift button down to go into safe mode but a kernel screen starts ( black and dos type commands appear)
This is the image I get on my iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo OSX10.5.4. I have repaired permisions and removed all login items. Once I move the cursor or open up a window the screen clears behind the cursor or window etc... It freezes up at least once or twice a day...
I started up again and attached another screen, the image was normal on both screens. But alone the iMac still starts up with the pixelated screen.
This is the image I get on my iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo OSX10.5.4. I have repaired permisions and removed all login items. Once I move the cursor or open up a window the screen clears behind the cursor or window etc...Any suggestions? It freezes up at least once or twice a day...
I was wondering if there was a way to take a screen shot/screen grab ect. movies on mac? Because I wanted to put it as my desktop and take a few and just have them alternating.
This is unnerving. At random intervals, my screen flashes. It more like "winks" - as though a screen capture was being made. Actually, when you make a real screen capture, the screen doesn't wink, but that's the impression I get. The screen doesn't flicker or flash like it's a hardware bad connection, but goes through a fast, but continuous normal-white-normal cycle. I'm looking at my activity monitor to see if something is unusual, but I can't tell. Everything I look up seems to be real.
I was testing out the MBA 13" and 11" again. My main goal was to see how much faster Flash & SSD are in comparison to HDD. It's so fast at restarting and booting. However I noticed something strange. Both units had darker tint towards the edge of the screens. I know colour shift happens with TN panels, but not like this?
I have an apple remote control (the new aluminum ones). As I have log in password set up on my mac, when my mac is asleep, and I want to use my remote control, my mac wakes up with the window asking for my log in password, as it happens when you wake your mac up. Before entering the password, you cant see the "front row" screen.
Is there anyway that I can enter my password remotely using my apple remote? Or do I have to come back to my mac, enter the password by keyboard and then be able to use remote control? If not possible to use apple remote; maybe some good iPhone app instead
I own an iBook G4. I could not get it to boot up, it would just go to a grey screen with the apple symbol and a timer/clock that looked like a gear.FYI: I may provide more information than necessary in the text below. I'm not sure what is and isn't relevant.
Following some advice I found in this forum I got out my old OS disks to boot from the disc instead of the hard drive. I intended to archive the old hard drive and install my latest OS (10.4.6 on the disc, 10.4.11 was the version I had been running on the machine, I believe). The machine told me it needed 4.5 Gb to install 10.4.6 Tiger, but I only had 4.0 Gb left on the hard drive. So instead, I archived and installed with the OS that came with the computer originally, 10.3.4.
I got things going, did the archive and install, and got to the log in screen. Unfortunately, I could not remember the password, so I booted up in single user mode, and entered the following to get into the machine:
1. mount -uw / 2. rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone 3. shutdown -h now
This got me in with a new admin login, and I started up in 10.3.4. I soon noticed that I could still see all of the files that I put on the hard drive on my old operating system. I thought I shouldn't be able to see them, but since I could I decided to try to copy them to an external hard drive. When I did, I got an error message saying that there was a read/write error. I was not entirely surprised, but I decided it was time to turn back to the forums for help.
What I want to do is copy everything from my old hard drive onto an external hard drive, make room on the iBook hard drive to reinstall my latest operating system (10.4.6). Once I've done that I'd like to get the essential files back onto the iBook from the external hard drive and continue using my computer (even though it is a dinosaur).
Hi all, I have two Powerbook G4 laptops. Both have very similar problems. When I try to start up, the grey screen with the apple and spinning wheel appears, but I can't get beyond that. If I walk away for an hour, when I come back there will still be a grey screen with apple and spinning wheel.
I admit I know little about this sort of thing, so I began poking around online for solutions. I tried Tech Tool Deluxe. Inserted the disk and held down "C," but again it never progressed beyond the grey screen with apple and spinning wheel. Most frustrating. Is there any other way of running the disk with the laptop?
Entering the terminal yielded slightly different results on each machine.
...tried /sbin/fsck -fy over and over, always received the same results.
Powerbook #2: Once in terminal, this appears...
jnl: update_fs_block: failed to update block 1073777488 (ret 5) jnl: journal_open: Error replaying the journal! hfs: early jnl init: failed to open/create the journal (retval 0)
...and it won't even let me type /sbin/fsck -fy.
I tried plugging both latops into my desktop in target mode. In both cases the target icon appeared on the laptop screen but the hard drive icon never appeared on the desktop screen. I would love to at least retrieve a few files off each machine, if nothing else.
I have had my MacBook for almost two years and the battery had just died on me. So I sent it back to Apple and got a new one. But ever since switching over to this new battery, my computer has had issues starting up. A grey screen fades into white and the Apple logo never appears. The computer will just stay like that for hours. A friend suggested turning the power off and back on, holding apple+ctrl+P+R, which worked. However, the next time I turned my computer on, the screen stayed white again, without an Apple logo. Can you tell me what the deal is? Should I bother reporting this to Apple? Is this permanent damage I'm going to have to go thru everytime I start me laptop? Any way to fix it? Thanks.
This worked fine until today....when I apple shift 4 to take a picture I get this error message....The attempt to take a screen capture has failed. The error is: 'Cannot write file to intended destination. Please make sure that the destination folder is writable.'
I remember seeing rumours about a possible screen capture program being included with Snow Leopard. While I was just scrolling through all the new features on the Apple website for Snow Leopard I saw this: Record your screen.
Catch the action taking place on your screen with screen recording. Start recording and QuickTime Player captures the activity on your screen and creates a movie file. It�s perfect for creating instructional media or when you need more than a simple screen shot.[URL]
I don't know if I missed the point at which everyone else found this but it came as a surprise to me. Are there any developers that can elaborate on how good this is and how it works?
Out of the blue 'shift+Command+3', and 'shift+command+4' are not working. I can hear the camera clicking sound and a .png is saved on the desktop but it is always a stripy image.
I want to capture what is going on my Mac's screen as a video. For example. I want to turn something on, start an application and demo a few features, and then turn the something off, resulting in a video file of my screen during that period, showing my application demo.
I am looking for a good quality/fast free screen capture video recorder software for my iMac that I can record things on my screen.
I require a software that is resizable to your specific dimensions that you require recording of.
For example, if you only wanted to capture and record a section in Pages, you would be able to click and drag how much area you wish to record.
I have tried both "Capture Me" and "Copernicus", but I had issues with both. Copernicus seems to let me click and drag the surface area I wish (then nothing else besides a viewfinder preview window pops up), then when I hit record it might record a second or two and then shut off... or maybe that was on Capture Me, I cannot remember right now...
Does anyone have a good video screen capture software? I really liked the Hypercam on Windows, but that had a water mark that needed to be paid to remove...