OS X V10.7 Lion :: "View Option" Background Selection Keeps Changing
Jul 5, 2012
I just upgraded to OS 10.7. I configured the OS to appear as I want except that one option refuses to keep. Under "Show View Options" (Command+J), I put in the background image I want to appear and I select "Use as Defaults" so the OS knows to use this for every new window. Unfortunately, Lion never gets this right. Some of the windows use the image selected, others uses an older image, then the rest have a white background. I just want one image I select to be consistently displayed throughout. I've run Disk Utility and repaired my permissions, not sure what else to do.
I downloaded a picture of the black Apple Linen texture online.I wanted to change the background of the finder. The picture is 1920x1080 so I figured the size would be fine I have the 21.5" iMac.But when I change to the picture it doesn't fill the page, but fills the top left of the page. The area of the picture doesn't change when I change the size of my Finder.I also downloaded a picture of size 128x128 The picture didn't stretch, it just took the size in the top left of my finder screen.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For some reason, every time I turn my mac off, the desktop background changes. It always returns to the same picture, which was the second or third thing I changed my desktop to after getting my mac.
I have background switching unchecked in my preferences, and I have never selected it as an option. Also, when I go to my preferences, it will show the icon of the picture I changed it to, even though the desktop itself has switched back.
In the Print window the option to Print Selection is messing since the Mavericks update. I have only 1 option and that is to ring the whole page. What I am having to do now is copy and paste what I want to print into Text Edit then print.
I have several iMacs in my office with Lion and Mail 5.1. I have a user who wants to View attachments as Icons to ensure all are attached prior to sending. Unlike all the other iMacs, hers does not have the option "View in Place" and "View as Icon" when she right-clicks on the attachment.
I have found in other posts that you cannot set a defaul to ensure Icons or View in Place will always occur, and that the default depends on the type and size of attachment. I am not sure of that logic, but she can't even choose on an individual email basis. How can those options be enabled?
I downloaed a bunch of (maybe 35) different wallpapers and I set my MacBook to change between these wallpapers everyday in a random order. However, the wallpaper doesn't change eveyrday instead I notice it only chnages when I restart my computer.
When I set my background to change everyday, it changes every time I restart instead. Do Macs consider that a day change or something? When else does it change, every time it's midnight?
I am trying to change the background on some Aliases and folders I created on my desktop. I downloaded some icons in .ico and .png format online, and I am able to use the .png format. I open up the .png file, ctrl-c it, then goto the Alias or Folder I want to change the icon on. I do a "Get Info", then I click on the icon at the top and do a ctrl-v. This changes the icon, but it puts a White background behind the icon. See the screenshot below to see what I am talking about. Screenshot of resulting icon on desktop. Site where I downloaded the icons: http://www.iconarchive.com/category/...condrawer.html
Anyways, so when you go to change your background. You have all these options to choose from folder wise. Well I remember clearly, very very clearly back in Tiger that you could create a folder, or just an existing folder within say "Photos" and you could click it and it would access that folder and all its pictures. Mainly for changing the pictures every 5/10/30/day w/e I like my background to change often. Many pictures.
Well I have had leopard for a while. I forgot when I installed it. But I have noticed ever since then that when I try and change my background. It only lets me use photos that are inside the original Photo folder. There are no folders present inside the photo folder in the Background change area. Only pictures are present. This is a huge issue due to how I like to have things organized.
I'm running OSX 10.5.8, installed adobe 9. Now while surfing using Safari some pages load automatically into adobe pdf, but background is totally black, with yellow text. Very annoying. Why can't I just use Apple's Preview as my pdf utility? When I save pdf files they now save into adobe 9 format, can I convert those to Apple's Preview format?
I manage a small deployment of different macintosh products and I currently have to run 5 different images so that the background images look right on all the various resolutions. I have been working on a piece of applescript to prompt the user on first startup to select their hardware type to apply the proper background image but I am running into a few issues. Firstly the method I am using limits me to three options and I cant seem to find any documentation on how the list function works..Second, I keep getting errors saying the files can't be found. [code]
The background image of time machine suggests that going back in time brings you to the "Big Bang". Is there a way way to change this to something more realistic?
So I have several CME Conference Lectures (slides made in PPT). Unfortunately, I guess these presenters love color, and so all slides are in a blue background with white text or some variation thereof. Personally, I like to have a print out of the slides when I am reading/preparing for my future cases. etc. and so I physically print these slides out. Unfortunately, the unnecessary background color is an unnecessary burden on my printer, and so I was wondering how I can change the the background and text in one shot so I don't have print out the unnecessary color.
I have tried trying to change the background from within powerpoint, but because the text is often in white, this causes the text to "disappear" on a white background. The only way to get the text back is to change the text color on a slide by slide basis. This is fine if the presentations are short, but most of these presentations are 200+ slides.
I was hoping there is some trick either in powerpoint or keynote to be able to change slide themes (such that background and text can change in one shot).
I am not that new of a mac user, but one of the biggest things that Im having trouble with coming from windows is that in windows when you get a dialogue box it comes with a selected option, pressing enter would automatically activate the selected option. Now this is the same in OSX, but in windows you could press tab and the highlighted option would change. For example, in a save dont save box, how do I change the blue shadow without making a trip to the mouse?
Ive just been watching a YouTube video about adding colors to Folders, when the guy in the video clicks View he gets this .. the bottom option to change the background missing
has any one an idea why my change background option is missing and how to get it back. I am running 10.6.5
I've been searching in vain around the internet for a few days now for a way to change the hotkey for switching between spaces (by default, option-arrow keys, though I have changed it to command-option-arrow keys) to option-tab and shift-option-tab. To be more specific, I'd like option-tab to switch to the space to the right, and shift-option-tab to switch to the space to the left. I have downloaded BetterTouchTool (http://blog.boastr.net/?page_id=1722), and it can assign any shortcut key to the simple option of bringing up the spaces interface itself, but I can't find a way to assign a different shortcut key to actually switching spaces. Interestingly, using that app, I was able to assign a five finger swipe (which blew my mind, by the way) in the corresponding direction for which space I wanted to switch to by assigning the gesture to the shortcut key for switching spaces (so, five finger swipe to the right is assigned to command-option-right arrow).
I am new to MacRumors Forums and I have a problem with both my Alt/Option Key and the left side Command Key on my MacBook Pro. Basically, whenever pressed the Alt/Option Key performs the "Expose" function revealing all the open windows so that I cant ever actually use the Alt/Option key in various key commands with different programs. Also, the left side Command Key, whenever pressed, hides all my open windows to reveal the Desktop, but thankfully there is a right side Command Key to my keyboard that I can use. Now, Ive gone into the System Preferences and tried to alter the Keyboard short-cut commands as well as restore the defaults to no avail, I just cant seem to get it to revert back to normalcy - I need this key to work right so that I can do the necessary shortcuts in Logic Pro.
I'm currently running the latest version of Leopard, all up to date. Recently, I started to collect some old footage (videos) in my Movie folder, I even added some silly covers to them like Joe's birthday - 2009 etc., The thing is that even with the ICON set to 128x128 I still think it's a bit small, so whenever in this folder I like to use the CoverFlow view and all it's glory.
Now, here comes the tricky part, is there a way to force this folder to ALWAYS open in the CoverFlow view? I just want this particular folder to do this, the rest should open normally in the default view with their 48x48 icons.
When I'm looking at files and folders in Finder, I want it to be in List view. When I open a folder that contains photos, I want it to show them as tiles. However, when I set a folder to show as tiles, it changes *all* folder options, meaning my normal files and folders start showing as tiles too, when they should be showing as a list. How do I fix this so that it shows the right view depending on the contents of the folder? This is proving to be a major headache coming from Windows 7.
In addition, the Finder window keeps on defaulting to a size that isn't wide enough to view all columns. I keep on having to press the + button to make it shows all the columns of information. How do I fix this so that it shows all of the information straight away?
I have to admit, these are some really major usability hurdles I've come across, and after a week of peaceful usage, I have that feeling of buyers remorse again right now because of this!
So I like the hierarchical structure Column View has, and I don't have to double click to open folders. username > documents > school > biology > lectures > file But, I also like the "Date Modified" option List View has. Can I have both?
I accidentally set up an email account using IMAP.I meant to use POP.I have deleted the account and have attempted to set the account up again but it now automatically uses IMAP and does not give me the option to chose POP.Using a brand new Imac using as my macbook just died. Latest software etc.
I love Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail. I have been getting emails from a subscribed content provider and now I realize that I'd like to have a Smart Mailbox with all of the past and future mailings from them. Is there any way to select just one (or all) of the emails I have received and create a Smart Mailbox with a single menu selection? I have tried selecting one of them, then 'New Smart Mailbox...' bt it doesn't recognize I have a selection...or doesn't put the sender of the email nto the recipient field (which is the default criteria in a new Smart Mailbox'). If it doesn't now do this, hey, Apple, future feature?
A simple matching condition for a smart: Card is not member of group xy doesn't work: Some members of the excluded group are still shown. I found this error in a posting as early as 2008 , but still no fix for it.
First off, I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer -- sorry if I missed something.Just got a new machine running 10.6.3 -- ugh, the dock and folders and so on look like clunky Windows junk :-(I miss my simple, elegant 10.4.11 dock ...I don't want to add novelty icons or that kind of thing, I just want a borderless dock that's semi-transparent or clear. And apparently all the apps out there to change the dock background don't work with Snow Leopard.I know CandyBar can help me with the folder icons and app icons, but as far as I can tell, not the actual dock background.