Applications :: Changing Slide Background And Themes In Powerpoint Or Keynote
Mar 12, 2010
So I have several CME Conference Lectures (slides made in PPT). Unfortunately, I guess these presenters love color, and so all slides are in a blue background with white text or some variation thereof. Personally, I like to have a print out of the slides when I am reading/preparing for my future cases. etc. and so I physically print these slides out. Unfortunately, the unnecessary background color is an unnecessary burden on my printer, and so I was wondering how I can change the the background and text in one shot so I don't have print out the unnecessary color.
I have tried trying to change the background from within powerpoint, but because the text is often in white, this causes the text to "disappear" on a white background. The only way to get the text back is to change the text color on a slide by slide basis. This is fine if the presentations are short, but most of these presentations are 200+ slides.
I was hoping there is some trick either in powerpoint or keynote to be able to change slide themes (such that background and text can change in one shot).
I can't delete keynote themes I installed from Jumpsoft. I can't even find a iwork file in users/library/application support. I even deleted all of iWork from my computer and reinstalled and they were still there in keynote. What should I do?
I when I am in Keynote, and working on slides that are smaller than the window size (the picture will explain) I like the slide to be in the center of the windows - like Powerpoint.
I hate to have to use Powerpoint, just because I need to work with objects off the screen. I have looked everywhere for the setting; but not found it yet. I know it must be out there!
I am making a presentation for one of my classes and I need to insert equations into Keynote. The type of equations I need are one's that use theta's, delta's, lots of greek symbols, and they have to be in variable form with stuff on both sides of the equal sign. I can't find a way to do this. I've tried creating them with Word then cutting and pasting, but they don't show up. Anyone able to do this or have an idea?
I am using the latest Keynote version and office Mac X.
P.S., I thought about using PowerPoint, but everyone will be using that so I want have my presentation stand out, so I am going to use Keynote.
I am pasting a screenshot on each slide and I wan them to fill the entire slide but their size is 70% the hight of a normal slide. I do not want to stretch them vertically because proportions will be a mess. I want to project slides in the size of the screenshots. Is this possible? can I change the size of the slides to accommodate the size of the screenshot?
I used to use powerpoint 2007 for the presentations at the uni and I really like it. I also tried Keynote which in my opinion creates better looking animations and slightly better looking slide shows.
But Keynote does not have SmartArt Graphics which in my opinion reduce great amount of time when creating a slide show.
How do you cope with lack of SmartArt Graphics?
And what are your reasons for using Keynote not the Powerpoint?
i give lectures at a local university and wonder if you could suggest a few programs as a repository/organizer for a bunch of images (most will come off the web). I realize that Iphoto can do some of this, however, its tendency to group images by date is not terribly useful to me. What I'd prefer is something like Papers that would let me preview and tag the images.
I wish I could be more specific; however, my imagination is hampered by my lack of familiarity with what software is out there.
Also, if you have any suggestions for organizing materials for presentations--I give 8-10 different 1-hour presentations per week-
I am creating a presentation in Keynote for a project in school that uses Windows with Powerpoint 2003. Will my special effects and transitions work in Powerpoint when I present? Is there a way I can ensure they will work in a different format?
Do you know of a program that will allow my Mac (Snow Leopard) to play the music included with most Windows PPS slide shows. Keynote (a Mac program) displays the slide shows perfectly but I can never get the Music.
doing a bit of self advertising for my tiling business and have created this afternoon a wicked little presentation/slide show to use as a bit of an advertising ploy only problem is im not sure how to get it from the keynote to a dvd type package that i can post to people and they can just wack in their pc/dvd player and play it?
How can I avoid having a black border when I make a video from a PowerPoint presentation with screenium. When I choose the Apple wide screen monitor, the border is on all 4 sides, when I choose my second monitor as the output, the border is top and bottom.
Is there a way for the powerpoint slide show to go truly full screen?
Is the a product or method available to burn a keynote presentation slideshow with sound, onto a CD / VDV without loosing any Image quality, sound quality, Transition quality? I'n frustrated trying to find an answer!
I'm new to Mac and Keynote and experienced a problem today that I didn't know how to fix.
In the past, I hooked up my MacBook Pro (using the connector dealie that allows you to plug the MacBook into a projector with the prong thingees on it) to an overhead projector mounted in a conference room and it worked fine (I can't remember if I was running PowerPoint or Keynote -- I may have used each app during the different times I was in that room). That hook up worked better than fine, much easier than hooking up a PC.
However today, I was in a different room and had to use an LCD projector to do my presentation. When I hooked everything up and turned it on, I immediately got my desk top on the screen in the room as expected.
But when I opened Keynote and went to "play" the slide show, I got the presenter's version of the slide show (with a timer, a view of the "current" slide and a view of the "next" slide) coming through the LCD projector and onto the screen in the room and the actual slide showed up on my MacBook Pro screen. In other words, it looked like the opposite of what you would think which screen would be projected where.
I have a BIG presentation next week in another city and was planning to use my MacBook Pro. Anyone know what I need to do if I have this problem again to make sure the "slide show" shows up on the screen in the room (through the LCD projector), and not the "presenter's version" on screen?
When I use some powerpoint presentation containing audio-visual info keynote always seems to prematurely end the audio part. Have tinkered with it a little, but can't seem to sort it out
The background image of time machine suggests that going back in time brings you to the "Big Bang". Is there a way way to change this to something more realistic?
I made a powerpoint using Keynote and now when I go to open it on a pc to present it won't open. What do I have to do in order to open my powerpoint on a pc?
I just got a 8 core Mac Pro at work and it has developed a nasty crashing habit. I think that I have narrowed the problem down, but I wanted to see if anyone had any advice. The machine crashes whenever I view a PowerPoint (08) or Keynote (09) file in presentation mode. In the current setup I have the presentation on one screen and my notes and information on the other screen. I am running dual 24 inch LED monitors (not mirrored) and when I disconnnect one of them, there is no crashing and the presentations work great. I have two NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512 video cards.
I have several clip arts that are in .jpeg and .png format. These are of somewhat irregular shapes, and are on a white background. I want to eliminate the white background so that I can use these clip arts on colored backgrounds. I know that there is a simple way to do this in MS PowerPoint 2008 for Mac, but I've forgotten how.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I downloaed a bunch of (maybe 35) different wallpapers and I set my MacBook to change between these wallpapers everyday in a random order. However, the wallpaper doesn't change eveyrday instead I notice it only chnages when I restart my computer.
When I set my background to change everyday, it changes every time I restart instead. Do Macs consider that a day change or something? When else does it change, every time it's midnight?