OS X V10.7 Lion :: Polish Letters In WPA Password – How To Type Them
May 30, 2012
I recently went on a trip to Poland with my Macbook air (OS 10.7.3). As I tried to connect to a wifi network, I found out that its WPA password included a Polish letter (ł), which I couldn’t type in any way. I tried setting Polish as system language, copying and pasting from Word, using both the character and keyboard viewer, but with no results.
My macbook is relatively new and, for some reason, the numbers and letters won't type. It seems like I've looked up every shortcut and I haven't found one that works. The track pad and mouse work perfectly, and when I startup my keys will type in my password, but after logging in they stop typing. The F keys and the command and control and option keys also work along with delete and the arrows but enter and neither shifts work.
After I installed Snow Leopard, I noticed that when I am writing into google translation box, some letters are not shown...This also happening when I open a rapidshare link, it shows me the link with most of the letters disappeared...(see attachments)
My keyboard only types CAPITAL LETTERS. When I restart the computer it is taking ages to boot and words "Boot Safe" appears in red on the screen. Mail search is not working and nor is spotlight
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 actually
My 2009 MacBook keyboard won't type letters. just the number keys and symbols work...any advise?. Is this a setting issue. No physical damage. Also the track pad acts like only secondary click works. When I tap or click it activates "secondary" function
I need to change the local hosts and I'm using the sudo command. However, I'm unable to type my password when I'm asked to do so. I start typing and nothing comes out on the screen.Â
*ADDITIONAL INFO - I'm using Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) on MacBook Pro.
I want to wach movies with subtitles with polish fonts. Unfortunately I can not see those polish fonts within subtitles on my Mac but can on Sony vaio.
My imac takes my password and then the color wheel displays. The screen cycles quickly and then comes back to type password again. I have shut down and restarted the computer multiple times.Â
When i am supposed to type my password in the terminal, so i can uninstall an addons, i can't write... I can press enter, and it jump down a line, but when i write there, it pop up: Sorry wrong password Try again. What shall i do?
After upgrading to Leopard, when I try to install or update any program on my computer it asks for the Administrator username and password. Well that should not be a problem seeing as how I am the administrator and so I type in my name and my password and it says "you must type an administrator's name and password to make changes to software update." So I went to system settings and checked and it no longer has my account as the administrator and I can't make any changes because I am not the administrator no more. After installing Leopard, this has happened. What should I do? (I am fairly new to Macs, I have had my Macbook about 3 months.) I also noticed that my Macbook (when I shut it) has started to wake itself up from sleep mode and stay that way while it's still closed.
I don't know what I did. but I have any item in Keychain access named system I can unlock with my administrator Password from within Keychain Access. It doesn't show up on the Keychain Access item in menu bar. And I get message along the lines of. OSX requires you type password (which happens to be same as administrator password). there are only three items in it. a Dashboard advisory certificate, and the names of two airport Router items I have listed and each password for them
G4-500 1.5GB memory OSX.4.11 on 80GB WD drive set as Slave. 120gb Main drive set as Master with slave using OSX.3.9.11 There appears no way to set preference for this system Key Chain to automatically open. suggestions? I think I also have a complete and Total melt down of the key chain system on my X.3.9 Drive Because I can't get keychain, accounts, Installer, Stickies, and Pacifist to open. There may be other but applications such as word, Acrobat, and all web browsers an mail/news client I have work fine. I deal with that issue after I get this fixed.
I'm not sure when this started happening, but everytime i try to download or install something (such as updating my itunes), a message box comes up saying "Type an administrator's name and password to allow Software Update to make changes". I type in my name and password and another box comes up saying "You must type an administrator's name and password to make changes to Software Update".
I slid my laptop under my bed last night just before I fell asleep. I've pulled it out this morning and there is a huge scratch all the way across the lid. Does anyone know of anything I can use to perhaps buff it out or something?
I have a macbook that is about 2/3 years old - works fine and does the job. However i was babysitting a few weeks ago and took my laptop and nail varnish/remover with me all in a bag. (yes i regret it now, but they only live next door, i was intending to take it out when i got there but they are crazy little kids)Â I took my laptop out the next morning to find that i had a massive purple stain on the front of my laptop. The nail varnish remover had leaked onto my macbook but fortunately it wasnt alot, (the bag wasnt wet or anything). It's purpley colour like the remover and you can tell it has burnt it as you can feel the dented outline when you rub your fingers over it. Its not done any damage to the laptop itself which i am EXTREMMMELY happy about. I just have a very large purple blob on my mac thats all. I was wondering if anyone could help me?? Â
I've tried magic eraser a little but i didnt want to use that too much on the shiny part as it says so on tutorials not too ect. I tried general cleaner. I dont know what to do?! Dont know how much it would be to get it replaced or whatnot.
I'm trying to do something in terminal, and it asks for my password. I press a letter on my keyboard, and nothing appears. I am in the right window and everything, terminal just doesn't react to my typing. However, when I click enter, it says 'Sorry,try again'. So it does react to the enter key.
I have a MacBook Air and am using Lion. I was on safari and all of the sudden I was unable to type in any field. I can see the toolbar but cannot type in it. It has now affected every application - i.e. in finder, I can see the search bar but cannot type in it. I have already tried force quit and made sure everything is updated.
I have two computers, one running Snow Leopard, and the other running Lion. Meanwhile, I have a 2Wire Modem supplying me with my internet. On the Snow Leopard Mac, I simply go into system preferences like usual, select my network, and enter the password and everything is great. On the Lion computer however, no matter how many times I enter the password, or how closely I stare at the screen wishing for it to work, it tells me "Connection Timeout" as if I've entered the wrong password, despite the fact that I've entered and checked it more than 7 times now. Trying to see what the difference between the two machines was, I opened the Wi-Fi prompt for both and found this, while the Snow Leopard computer says "The Wi-Fi network "My_Network_Name" requires a WPA password." the Lion computer specifies WPA2. Could the Lion computer think the router is using the wrong security type?
Is there a way to have a different mail password instead of using the one that you use to login to Lion directly? Currently the two are the same login password = mail password.I'd like to have a different password for the two.Is this possible whether via command line or otherwise?
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Mid-2011, 4Gb RAM
My Macbook Pro loses print options after a while when I work with Photoshop. I can not type in email or in text editor. Only thing that helps is to restart the computer. The error occurs both when I am working in Photoshop (CS3) and (CS5). The error did not exist before. Has 8 GB of Ram and 425 GB of free hard disk. What to do?Â
I'm on week 3 of being a mac newbie and the proud owner of a new MacBook Pro 15" (I'm even excited about Snow Leopard arriving tomorrow .... don't remember that from my Windoze daysAlas, all is not rosy ... I've just noticed a small scratch on my screen, no idea how it got there (heads will roll if I find out!). Although it not going to effect me working on it a great deal, it is starting to anyone tried to polish out a scratch using a very fine grade steel wool ... or something similar. I know this can work on scratches on glass
I have just bought iMac and on installation did a transfer of settings from my Macbook Air. Now my iMac does not recognize my password or master password
I used to use ResEdit back int he day - and have used various tools on Mac and Windows to change icons. BUt I am stuggling with a default custom icon option for Mac OS X. Â I have a set of farily simply icons for use with a number of file types that I use a lot - csv, psl, pti, tp3, xml, cfr, and others and I would like to always have newly created files get the custom icon. Â
Ideally this would be based on the extension - and they are not all from the same app. Â I am not afraid to use the terminal or edit package contents. Although some of them are windows apps - and I already have a custom set in the virtual machine. Â Some of the solutions I have seen out there such as Candy Bar seem to be only for application and folder settings. Â In a couple cases - such as the .cfr and .pti - the apps do not have an open method where you can double click on the file and have it open - so I woudl be okay with something like reprogramming TextEdit to have the necessary icons and plist updates. Although when I tried to edit the plist file in TextEdit - all I did was render TextEdit unusable. Â
when I create 30 to 40 files ( a group of 5 differnet file types for each option ) to have icons that help me determine which ones I need to run a macro against - and which to send the customer - and which to upload to the vendor - etc. Â Also missing the colorful icons in the sidebar and iTunes - as well an Unsanity Haxies?
Info: MacBook Pro 2011 17, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhone 4s 64GB
I could not use the type tool to create 'live' text on a layer. With the type tool selected I get the following error message when clicking to begin typing: "Could not complete your request because of a programme error." I quit Photoshop then attempted to launch the application by opening the file. The application opened but the file wouldn't, giving the same error message. I quite Photoshop again and relaunched the application from the Dock. The applicatiuion opens fine but displays the same error message (before I have attempted to open a file). With a file open I checked the type palette, where the dafault typeface is shown as Myriad Pro, but the default settings are: Type size: 1ptLinefeed (leading): 1ptKerning: 1Tracking 1Type height: 0% [code] Some odd settings there. The type tool bar (at the top of my display) has blank fields. Typing desired values into any of these fields doesn’t resolver the issue.I have tried restarting, creating a new file but to no avail.