OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Mail Deleting Emails Too Soon?
Apr 24, 2012
I have Mac Mail setup to delete all emails after one month, this includes the Sent, Junk, and Trash. However Mail is only keeping one week's worth. I use iCloud as my sole email account. This issue has been occuring for a few months now.
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Mar 2, 2009
I am using a new 24 inch IMac. I just decided to use mail 3.5 vice thunderbird and have had a number of issues (To me, the program seems incredibly buggy which shocks me)...I have been able to work through most but here is a minor annoyance I cant seem to figure out...
When I delete an email from a list of emails, I want the next email that is highlighted to be the one that is the next one down, not the one that is the next one up. How do you establish this preference?
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Mar 26, 2012
I just set up my iCloud account and now I receive emails to both my Cox account on my Mail app on my Mac Pro AND on my iCloud account. How do you set it up to where if you delete emails off your Mail app on your Mac it will also delete that same emails off your iCloud account?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 10, 2014
Because Mac Mail crashes from time to time, I have duplicate mail from generations of imported mailboxes. How can I find and delete the duplicates safely in Yosemite?
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 18, 2012
Apple mail out of office rule is sending auto replies to all emails not just newly received emails--HELP! I set up the rule according to another apple support thread and instead of only sending the reply to new mail received, it was sent to all messages I believe that were in my INBOX, I only had a few but several people that hadn't sent me emails since I set up the rule, received the OUT OF OFFICE reply.Here is the procedure I followed for the out of office rule-[URL]I just used my email account which is a business account- not an ECU account but these rules according to the apple thread apply for all emails.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2012
I know this issue is kind of old, but there are so many flavors of it, that it is hard to find exact match. I've been having problems with single account, and it happens that this account has admin rights. Emails get pulled/deleted from user's mailbox within 10 secs after arrival. There are no other devices that may be pulling those emails, however, I've noticed something strange in the logs:
Jun 4 13:47:43 osxserver dovecot[173]: imap-login: Login: user=<xxxx>, method=CRAM-MD5, rip=, lip=, mpid=406, secured
I don't know if this event is normal to run on server itself, but seems it runs only for this one account that I'm having problems with. There is no imap client setup on that server, and based on my time stamps observations I'm pretty much convinced that's what's deleting my emails.
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Mar 28, 2012
I got a macbook pro for christmas and i'm starting to get to grips with it and such but ive found one problem i can't solve myself. I've set up my mail account on the mac, but whenever i try to delete a message off it then if i log onto my mail account through the internet the message is still there, same if i re-open my mail app on my mac.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Email account is a Gmail account
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Apr 3, 2012
if i set up a gmail account (my main one) with mac mail and now want to delete that account because im not too thrilled with the mac client can i do so without deleting any of my gmail? in other words will my gmail account remain unaffected if i delete the account through mail preferences? i just dont want to run into any issue where all of a sudden all my mail is gone from gmail. i know he prompt says it wont affect mail on the server but i have a knack for messing these types of things up.
iPad 2, iOS 5, 16GB Wi-Fi
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Mar 20, 2012
I was logged into my Workgroup Manager remotely and lag caused me to accidentally delete the wrong account, which is used primarily for email. When I re-created the account, I found I could no longer log into the email account regardless of repeatedly re-entering the proper password into Workgroup Manager thinking that I had somehow typed it in wrong. From Apple Mail, it tells me the credentials are wrong. But from the Mail Server's logs, I see these entries in the log substituting <xxxx> for the actual user account name:
Cache lookup for user <xxxx>
mail SACL is not enabled; error = 2
found user <xxxx> in cache as <xxxx>
Credential verification failed because account is inactive.
I don't see any settings that indicate an active or inactive account. Anyone know what could be causing this error and how to fix it? It sounds like it's treating the new account with the same name as a completely different account but is still trying to access the deleted account, but I'm not sure if I'm right. If the old account is still in the cache, how do I clear that cache so that the newly created account is unique?
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Jun 11, 2012
i've got a mbk with lion os x, and im using the mail app to sync with my email account via IMAP.
the mail just deleting masseges from the app and on the server, and not touching the sent masseges ..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Mar 28, 2012
My mail has stopped being able to receive email from yahoo. Everything is set up properly and it was working fine up until a couple of days ago. Mail seems to have problems connecting to the server.I can receive but not send. When I use the connectivity doctor it stays for ages trying to connect to the yahoo server, sometimes it connects after a few minutes, sometimes it doesn't connect at all. I have no problems sending or receiving emails from my ipod, other computers or yahoo itself, the only problem is with Mail.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 20, 2012
I have emptied the Trash and set preferences for all my email accounts so that emails are permanently erased on quitting Mail.I also selected Rebuild from the Mailbox pull-down menu.I bought an email archiving program called MailSteward. When I run it, it pulls in many thousands of emails that I have already deleted from Mail. This is no good at all!The programmer of MailSteward
(By the way, MailSteward does not go online to find emails: it just looks on my computer. Also, these supposedly deleted emails were sent to my mac.com account and my gmail account, so it's not .Mac or gmail that's the problem.)
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Mar 26, 2012
some of my emails are not deleing on my mac
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 29, 2012
Just moved to new iMac with OS Lion. The Mail function used to search the body of the email, but now it does not (apparently).[url]More importantly, the search function is not looking at my old emails in separate folders. And apparently it is not looking at emails not received by the new computer either. Thus I have no historic email search function, which is annoying.How can I force Mail to look at and search all the other old email folders?
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Mar 9, 2012
It just spins forever on the .mac POP account.I didn't change anything from a perfectly functioning Snow Leopard.
MacBook 2.22 10.5.1, iBook 14 1.33, eMac 800 superdrive, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Apr 14, 2012
I need an easy and reliable way to schedule emails to be sent out at a particular time via mail.
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May 29, 2012
I recently upgraded my dad's system from Snow Leopard to Lion, and it went without a hitch, however he's noticed now that Mail is no longer finding emails that it should be. For example, when he would type in Mark in the search (scope: all) in Snow Leopard, he'd have at least 100 emails show up from mark@address, however now in Lion the result returns only 2 recent emails (scope: all). I played around with it for a bit -- but I couldn't get it working. Here's what I tried:
I typed in the name of the person and still only two came up. I tried the email address, and still only two came up. It doesn't matter whether what's being searched for is a part of the person's name, email address, subject, to, from, or message, it's just not coming up. Again, scope was set to all, i.e, inbox, sent, etc.
Worked perfectly on Snow Leopard. Doesn't work at all on Lion? Dad should be able to type in "Mark" and see the hundred or so emails sent to or from mark@address.com, etc., and this is happening with all his previous emails. He types in things and stuff just doesn't come up anymore. He's on a Mac Pro running the latest version of Lion.
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Jul 3, 2012
how do you delete your photo from an email?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011)
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Jul 3, 2012
How can I transfer e-mails from Mail in Mac to Outlook in a PC that is in a different city?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 4, 2012
I have massive problems with Mail. I use mail at work and have 3 accounts running:
1. Mac. mail account
2. Gmail mail account
3. Exchange Server
I have quite a few folders in my accounts where I have to archive my emails to. Often very often or lets say annoyingly too often mail stops working.
- Stops receiving emails
- Emails I have put away in folders disappear in my inbox again
- If I try to quite Mail it won't I have to force it and then when I open it again all my emails I was working on open again even so I have sent them already. Also all the emails I have folded away are back in my inbox.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), iOS 5.0.1
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Apr 29, 2012
I tried to email a video as an attachment to 5 recipients. I did this 5 times in a row with different videos attached to each. They got jammed up and never went out. I deleted them on my macbook pro and they do not show up in my outbox. Now I can't send or receive email on either my laptop or my iphone. My iphone worked for awhile, but now no. I think I need to delete them on the 'server'...
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May 9, 2012
Why does my emails keep downloading after deleting them?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 22, 2014
Bought a new 13" Macbook Pro w/ Retina Display back in June, and ever since I set it up, I've been having issues with mail. Both issues relate to deleting messages, so I figure they're likely related.
First thing is, sometimes when I delete emails, close the program, they magically reappear in my inbox when I reopen mail.
The second thing is, if I close mail right after deleting an email, it gives an error message like 'The message “...” could not be moved to the mailbox “Trash — On My Mac”' and 'An error occurred while moving messages to mailbox “Trash — On My Mac”.
This never happened on my last Macbook Pro, which was the mid-2009 model, even though both laptops run Mavericks. I'm assuming that it's some setting that I'm not aware of causing this issue. I thought it was the fact that my iCloud account was set up to work with Mail, but I turned that off, and it's still doing this.
One of the funny things I've noticed, is that under Mail Activity, it will say "Incoming messages 12 of 48" or whatever number at the time, even when there are no new messages. It never did this on my last laptop.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 22, 2012
Some of my mail is not showing up in my inbox on my Mac but came through on my phone. Am using imap so it should not have deleted from the server...and I have never have had this problem before.
It seems to be working again now, but there are 5 or so emails that just will not come through to my Mac inbox even though I can see them in the inbox on my phone...important work emails....concerned this may happen again and something will slip through the net.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 25, 2012
I have just installed Lion and Mail is not longer receiving mails. These are arriving on my Blackberry and iPad.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 7, 2012
I need to access my university emails from my mac mail.
My email ends with @live.aucb.ac.uk.
What I need to know for preferences is:Account TypeIncoming Mail ServerOutgoing Mail Server
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 28, 2012
I have been sending duplicate emails inadvertently recently. It seems it's when I use mBox for mac (registered copy) in Mail to use my Hotmail with IMAP.I hadn't noticed it at first, but now I see every time I send a mail I get 2 copies in my sent box. I can turn off the store sent messages on server option to fix it (but that's the whole point of having IMAP!). Or I can turn off mBox for mac and it also seems to work (but then I can't use IMAP!).
I've also tried on the same machine from gmail, and iCloud accounts (MobileMe), and I had no issue at all.I've also tried 2 different Hotmail accounts, and both of them send double messages every time I send.I think anyone still using a hotmail account will eventually install something like mBox for mac if they've gone Mac recently - as I have. I checked the mail headers of the 2 mails, and they are quite different (masked where appropriate) -
Mail 1 -
From: xxxxx <xxxxx@hotmail.com>
Subject: Test 19th
Date: May 29, 2012 12:06:19 AM GMT+08:00
To: yyyyy <yyyyy@me.com>
Content-Type: text/plain .....
Mail 2 -
From: xxxxx <xxxxx@hotmail.com>
Subject: Test 19th
Date: May 29, 2012 12:06:19 AM GMT+08:00
To: yyyyy <yyyyy@me.com>
X-Originating-Ip: [zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz] .....
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Using Mail with mBox for mac
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Jun 6, 2012
It is possible to use the IMAP INBOX folder for sent emails in Mail.app?I configured Thunderbird on my Linux Machine like that, it is very useful to have this conversational view! Is it somehow possible to do that on MAC too?
MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 10, 2012
I am trying to use my gmail account through the mail application, however it is marking all my emails, even ones from when I first made my account, as unread is there a way to sync it so it can tell when I have read an email on gmail.com and mark it as unread? Also is there a way to synch the various labels that I have created on gmail?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 4, 2012
How can one delete emails from the "all mail" folder? It seems that every single e-mail is stored in that folder perhaps forever?? I am fairly new to the Mac World. I like to keep my mail folders clean but find that by now I have well over 7000 emails stored in tat "all mail" folder. I can delete those mails "temporarily" but they come back after powering up again.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5
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