I'm running OS 10.7.4 on an Intel desktop Mac. I'm using Safari 5.1.7, as well as the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox. I have the most recent version of Java. Pop-up blockers are off. The Java plug-in is enabled. When I try to use a particular web page - specifically, Amazon's - in response to various simple commands I get the error message: javascript:void (false); This happens in all three browsers. Needless to say, the important function on the web page that I'm trying to utilize doesn't work when this error message appears.Â
I am having problem updating to the latest Flash player version. It kept showing "close safari" Â after some research, i found out that my MacBook Air has no "enable Java" function.Â
I am unable to get Mac OS 10.7.3 with Safari 5.1.5 Lion to function. Anyone familiar with the probelem and solution?? i've tried a number of suggestions that have all failed.Â
What has been released to install as a security update? I seem to be clicking on one web link which takes me to another and nothing to actually install. Typical Apple. Really wish I hadn't bought this MacCrap Air - I do miss my PC.
I am running OS 10.5.8 on an iMac. There is no security update issued for this operating system - it only covers 10.6. Is my comuter vulnerable? Do I need to do anything?
I was running java 1.6.0_33 on my Mac Lion and later I installed java 1.7.0_05. Now in my Java preferences I see both the Java SE available.Now my problem is when I enable Java 7(& select Enable applet plug-in and Web start applications), my JNLP file doesn't run with java web start, from Safari as well as Firefox. When I try running the jnlp using Open With option and selecting Java Web Start present in /System/Library/CoreServices, nothing happens.Â
When I try running the JNLP file from Terminal suing command /System/Library/CoreServices/Java Web Start.app/Contents/MacOS/Java Web Start xyz.jnlp I get following errorÂ
Java Web Start splash screen process exiting... Can not find message file : No such file or directory.Â
Since the flurry of 2012 updates, Java is completely broken on my Mac Pro. Java dependent apps don't start and Apple Support says to enable the apps in Java Preferences. Nice idea, but Java Preferences WILL NOT LAUNCH either. There were plenty of tools to address flashback and they DID NOT break normal day to day operations.I downloaded the package from support to try a re-installation, but it says "A newer version of Java is already installed" and offers me the option to Close. No reinstall, nothing. Apple support is at it's usual level of service on this issue, completely INVISIBLE.Â
The find function in Safari no longer finds strings within a word. A string can only be found if if the first letters of the word are included. This is different to Firefox, where the find function will find any string.
I simply cannot get the JAVA to work right on my intelmac version of Safari. Issue is, some web sites, trading sites, the information just does not display. Is the 1.5 upgrade going to help?
I had trouble installing the Safari 4 beta a while back but ever since it had been working I have not been able to view java apps, I get the error: "java is not installed or unavailable".
I can't access my homebanking website (it uses Safari). When I try to, the website says I don't have Java Installed (it was working till last week). If I access Java test page, it says Java is working good. If I access my homebanking with Firefox, it runs OK.
I have never installed Java in Lion, I just don't need it, but I noticed in Safari the tick box for 'enable Java' is still ticked, would turning this off disable prompts to install the JRE, or does it not matter? I find it odd that its listed as enabled in Safari even though Lion does not come with Java installed. Any ideas would be appreciated as reducing any attack vector is always a good move, especially at this time.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 21.5 Mid 2011 i7 2.8Ghz, 8Gb ram.
Im doing this Target coupon thing and it keeps saying "you need to download Java" or something like that. And i have java, the newest version, updated all 3 times apple fought againt that trojan, and it's still not working! Java is enabled and working. Why is this happening?
How will disabling the java web plug-in affect my computer performance? The flashback trojan horse virus recently infected my laptop. Apple website suggested disabling the plug-in.
Question about the Command+ F function. Is there a way to close the small area that pops for you to write the word you are searching for in the current webpage by using a shortcut? The only way I know of how to close that is by clicking done, but I would like to know if there is a shortcut or something.
Since I downloaded Yosemite, Safari opens, then the spinning ball appears, can not do anything and it generally shuts down on its own or I have to force quit.
Got a hairy one here that I've been working around for ages.....perhaps someone has a real fix for me. If I try to print (or save as a PDF) from a particular web site with THEIR Java "print" button on the web page, Safari crashes. Upon restart of Safari all is well. It stays ok until I re boot/restart the computer. Then the same thing happens. After the first crash of Safari everthing is a-ok. The print function from the Safari menu does NOT crash - it works all the time. sam P.S. Intel box with Safari 4.0.4 and OS X 10.6.2.
I have had Clicktoflash for ages, and recently got the Safari extension to replace the addon. Even more recently, i decided to disable Java, because my browser seemed to still be crashing. Ever since then, i have not seen Safari crash once, we're talking about a month of daily use. I'm curious, has anyone else experienced something similar?
Does anyone know of a way I can disable Java on some sites in Safari, but have it enabled for the rest? I don't see an option natively, but maybe there is a plugin or a plist that can be edited?
The reason is my university uses Blackboard / Vista and every time I log in it asks me if I want to allow it to run. I refuse to do so, and it doesn't have an option to never allow it to run for this site.
Please don't bother posting if you do not know the difference between Java and JavaScript.
Why doesn't Apple discuss what it is going to do with 10.5 (Leopard) other than to say "disable Java?" Why doesnt Apple support its product, i.e., computers running 10.5 still COVERED UNDER APPLE CARE? Why must we disable Java and wait (and pay) for a Leoparad to Snow Leopard upgrade disk to arrive by SnailMail Apple support your products especially when we own over $15,000 of your products. I used to be your biggest fan, suggesting to everyone who would listen that they should "switch over. Why are you ignoring us, still covered
I just installed Safari 3.2.1 and find that I have no operable Back- Forward browse feature.
The buttons are there but always grayed out as if no previous page existed. Too, when I right click on a web page I no longer get "back" as a default. It comes up "reload" no matter where on the page I click. Finally, when I view History the only link displayed is the page that I am on. To get to a previous page I must select "Earlier Today". I DO NOT have Private Viewing selected.
What gives? This is a primary feature. lacking it makes it very difficult to use the browser.
Safari kept telling me I need to install a java runtime, so I finally let it, and now certain pages (like accuweather) take forever to load unless I turn off Java in preferences. The page background will appear but the "loading whatever # of #" hangs on the last number and just sits there until the page finally appears.