Applications :: Shortcut For Search Function In Safari
May 16, 2009
Question about the Command+ F function. Is there a way to close the small area that pops for you to write the word you are searching for in the current webpage by using a shortcut? The only way I know of how to close that is by clicking done, but I would like to know if there is a shortcut or something.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for switching search engines in Safari's search box (I believe Chrome had this feature before they got rid of the search box in the latest version)? The arrow on the left-hand side is cumbersome.
When I search for certain words, it won't find any. When I type in a letter, it searches for the wrong letter or symbol. For example, if I type in "A" it searches for "C" and when I search for "C"it searches for "N". What's wrong?
Hum I dont know how or why this changed havent told Safari to change it. is there a way to set it back to safari? Only thing I have downloaded is Makethewebbetter for a plug in for facebook dont think that changed it (its a app for elfyourself)
I know the 'show desktop' shortcut is F11 (which means pressing two keys to show this fn+F11). Can I change this shortcut to F13? so i can just press one key to bring up the desktop?
I'm running into a odd issue in "preview." I'm currently looking at a long PDF document and I frequently use the "search" function to pinpoint specific sections of the doc. However, I noticed that the "search" function does not highlight (or find) any section that's highlighted in grey within the document. Does anyone know what I'm referring to and has anyone else run into this issue? I cannot find a setting for this. If anyone has any idea how to remedy this issue, please post the solution.
My computer is Mac Pro, 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 4GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM, running Mac OSX Version 10.5.6. I am a big time user of search (or spotlight) on my Macintosh and I have been using for years and through all the updates. I loved the recent updates to spotlight and I was able to search not only my HD but also the network drives where all of our files are located on an Mac Server.
I am the IT person of this small graphic design firm and everyone in our office work on files that are located on a Mac Server. We only keep the applications on our own client computers. Spotlight or (search) was function perfectly up to a few weeks ago but recently when I need to search something on our Signage A, Signage B, Signage C or Print A, Print B or Print C, drives where we keep our files. The search does not bring no result. This is a problem not only with my computer but there are a few computers in the office with the same problem.
What can I do to resolve this problem and be able to search again on my network drives where I keep all the files we are working on. If this function is no longer available with spotlight or search box of the finder window. Is there another software we can use to search for files and folders on our server. Since there are a few people working on the same files sometimes when the files are moved it makes it difficult for the next person to find them, in that kind of situation search was working wonderfully and I need for that to work again.
im on a mac pro running 10.5.6 and the search function doesnt seem to be working very well anymore. I am talking about the little search box in the top right corner of a finder window. I type text in and it just doesnt find the files I am looking for. I can browse to them and locate them but search wont find them.
Is there some way i need to be re-indexing my HD from time to time? I would expect this for spotlight but I thought the finder search was different...
Just moved to new iMac with OS Lion. The Mail function used to search the body of the email, but now it does not (apparently).[url]More importantly, the search function is not looking at my old emails in separate folders. And apparently it is not looking at emails not received by the new computer either. Thus I have no historic email search function, which is annoying.How can I force Mail to look at and search all the other old email folders?
I am unable to use the search window on the right to get results when Google is selected as the search engine.I type in a search term and I am directed to a blank google search page. I have to type in the search term again, then I see a list of "hits". But when
I click on one of these hits I am not directed to the URL displayed. I have quit out of Safari and relaunched. I have rebooted my Mac. Neither changes the problem... This is a Google problem: I have the same symptoms when I use Safari on Windows XP. When I switch the search engine to Bing, the problems go away, for both platforms Has Google been hacked? Is this a Google attack on Safari? How can I enter GoGoDuck as a search engine choice?
I looked up some guides for how to do it in Safari 4, but I can't seem to find the "Text Field" entry to remove in Interface Builder. How can I get rid of the search bar?
I hope Im posting in the right section. I used google to find a answer but my work was unsuccessful. Is there a plug in for safari to use the url bar as a google search bar? The reason why I can't use google chrome is mobilme. I might sync my bookmarks over the air and I found no way to do this with chrome. I could simply change back to safari but I ll lose the nice search-bar feature.
One of the things I like about using Firefox is the ability to select a word and search for it in Google. In Firefox this opens a new tab but with Safari it uses the current tab which messes with the flow of my work. Are their any tweaks to making Safari open a new tab when using the search in google feature or am I stuck with using Firefox until Apple addresses this?
Is anyone else experiencing this using Google search in Safari?
I'm unable to remove the results pane to the left - This started happening a few days ago.... Weird thing is, the pane doesn't show up in Firefox when searching via Google, and it doesn't show up when using Safari on my brothers iMac.
1) Does anyone know when, in particular, the extensions gallery will go live? Later this summer is a bit vague. I'm waiting on a few crucial extensions (e.g., AdBlock, WOT, Xmarks).
2) Concerning the Search Bar (Bing, Google, Yahoo!), will I be able to add additional search fields via the extensions gallery (provided someone creates them, of course)?
I presently use firefox and found the 'MyCroft Project' to be absolutely invaluable. It allows me to search common websites without having to navigate to them directly (url). If I can get this added capability, I will switch over for good!
I am new to Mac; just picked up a 13" MBP yesterday. How do you add a search engine to Safari 5? In Windows, this is easily done. Did some quick search
In Safari 5, there is a search bar at the top right that allows you to search Bing, Google, and Yahoo!
I would like to know if it's possible to add additional websites to that list. So, for instance, would it be possible to add Wikipedia to that drop-down list? If so, how? Will I be able to do this when the Extension Gallery goes live, sometime later this summer?
Essentially, I want Safari 5 to behave like Firefox/MyCroft and allow me to customize/manage the search list myself. I would never search Yahoo! or Bing, so I'd like to replace those with something a little more useful.
I've been searching for the missing link in Safari - the one thing that I need to stop using Firefox. I'd like to duplicate the functionality of the Awesome Bar in Firefox, which searches browsing history when a phrase is typed into the address bar. For example, if I want to listen to a youtube song, I could just type "Radiohead Paranoid Android" into the address bar, and assuming I had listened to it before, the link would pop up. Very handy. Unfortunately, in Safari, you have to type in "youtu..." and hope that you've listened to the song enough for it to appear in your few history links. Not very intuitive.
Are there any plugins to simulate this functionality? I tried Glims, and while it's completely awesome, it unfortunately doesn't help me here. I also tried the Quicksilver Safari Plugin, and while it technically does the job, it's just a tad clunky, and also has the annoying habit of opening a new browser window.