Safari :: Just Updated Now It Crashes And Hangs - Will Not Function
Jun 12, 2012My MacBook updated Safari tonight only to render the program inoperable. It hangs and freezes and shuts down. Takes forever to load.
View 1 RepliesMy MacBook updated Safari tonight only to render the program inoperable. It hangs and freezes and shuts down. Takes forever to load.
View 1 RepliesSo I recently updated to Safari 4 and it crashes every time I load it. I send the report to Apple but it doesn't do anything.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using a Macbook Pro (latest version) with basic specs as below :
Mac OS X V.10.7.4
Processor : 2.4Ghz
Intel Core i7 Memory : 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Safari Ver 5.1.7
Safari doesn't reload fast and crashes / hangs frequently. Youtube takes a long time to load and when it's up, the visuals, audio are jerky. Vimeo hardly loads up. This machine is only about a month old and it acts up sluggishly. Some other programs running are slow too.
Aperture 3, Mac OS X (10.6)
I have just updated my iMac G5 to 10.5.6. When I restart, it hangs on the blue screen before log in. I have restarted in Safe Mode (no problem there) and removed the APE files in the library folder, as suggested on I have also repaired permissions and verified the drive. Still no luck.
Is it really possible that the computer needs hours to restart after the update? And would it be better for me to restore using Time Machine or do an Archive & Install with the Leopard discs? The computer was acting a little funky before I updated to 10.5.6 (iTunes was sluggish), but I never had a problem rebooting.
A few months ago I had a problem with my Macbook Pro, (late 2009 model, 15" 2.53 ghz) that many users with Snow Leopard have, the random 30 second freezes. I simply reset the PRAM and SMC and I never encountered it again. Now, out of the blue, on Sunday (yesterday), I started experiencing these hangs again, but worse. The night before I had been browsing the web and my battery went to reserve and shut down, so I plugged it in and when I awoke and turned it on I started experiencing problems. I figured I would try the same fix, and it almost seemed to make the problem worse. Now if I shut down the computer via "apple -> shut down", then turn it back on and log in etc., from the first few seconds the machine hangs. If I open a folder I get the immediate beach-ball and the machine is un-responsive for anywhere from 1 minute - 5+ minutes.
I have read a lot of fixes for this problem, but most of the people's problems resulted from using Safari or Spotlight. I strictly use Firefox and very rarely even open Safari, and I think I've used Spotlight maybe 3 times total, none in the past few months. So far the things I've tried are:
- Reset PRAM
- Reset SMC
- Run Disc Utility and verify, repair etc. (from SL install disc)
So I'm wondering right now what can I do? Its finals week right now and im in college so wiping my HD is not an option. I feel like there is just something hanging the computer but I can't find the culprit.
Since upgarding to itunes 11.2 When ever I plug my iphone in to sync or even have it on the same netwrok to auto sync via wifi. My itunes crashes and I have to force quit the application. I have tried reinstalling itunes but this hasnt worked. I get this script in my console  Â
03/06/2014 06:40:14.480 SyncServer[37207]: [0x7f9b7940bc90] |SQLite|Error| Detected out-of-space situation: 0 (Undefined error: 0). 56576303104 bytes free in davidcolbert.
03/06/2014 06:40:14.482[208]: ([37207])
My mid. 2011 Macbook Air recently updated to Yosemite crashes and restarts 50% times I open lid after suspension.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
If I were to run the disk utility that asks for the CDs that come with the MBP, what will that do? It is a software utility of sorts. Can I just re-install the basic system files for the OS, or perhaps even just download or copy over from another computer the "Preferences" file? This seems too simplistic, but I am an ex-Windows user. Don't want to format and re-install or anything of that nature if possible.
View 7 Replies View Relatedapple support forums [URL]
I have two new iMac 20", did the update 10.5.3 for both units unit A now won't load safari, when i downloaded safari 3.1.1 it won't install "this needs 10.5.2" but "about this mac" says 10.5.3 tried software update again, and nothing to update. Unit B--same update, but safari runs fine.
some suggested that we reinstall safari from the install discs that came with the computer
Was autonotified that 2 updates were available: Safari 1.5.1 and iTunes. After the installation, all my Safari bookmarks, bookmark menu, bookmark bar are gone and reset to what looks like a default list. I am running the latest LION release/version... Â
I know I can back up from my Time Machine by going to ~/Library/Safari/bookmarks.plist and restore.. however I can not locate the file?Â
I know that ~/Libray is hidden so I went to Finder and pressed option GO and library displayed... I then opened TIme Machine and attempted to find the bookmarks.plist under Safari on an older backed up copy and the file was not there..
It seems that the Top Sites thumbnails almost never get updated. I have sites that are updated multiple times daily, and their thumbnail on the Top Sites page still show what they looked like days ago. Even when I click on one to read it and then return Top Sites, the thumbnail doesn't get updated.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Updated to OSX 10.7.3 and Safari now quits unexpectedlyÂ
I have copied the error message - im not particulary computer savvy
Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Safari [663]
Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/
Identifier:Â Â Â Â Â
Stuck on screen with apple logo. No curser, nothing.
Last try got stuck on a blue screen that alternated tones of blue every few seconds. Was able to start up in safe mode ( held shift). Finder loaded after a loooong wait. Once there I used Disc Diet to empty caches- this usually help to get rid of the rolling beach ball. Wasn't able to do much at all- all with rolling beach ball. Restarted without shift key- stuck on apple.
Should I uninstall Safari?
MacBook hangs on certain websites (yahoo mail, cbs sports, mens fraternity) but only from one of my wireless networks. PC works flawlessly on this situation and macbook works flawlessly on my first wireless router so the problem is tied to the interaction between my Macbook and the second wireless router. I've searched the forums and tried many fixes already that have been posted here or elsewhere: Reset Safari (it then allows me to reach yahoo mail once, hangs on every try thereafter). Go to Safari preferences and uncheck the box for warning of fraudulent sites (no change) Go to advanced settings and input DNS numbers from my ISP (this solved the problem for some websites but not others) try firefox (same problem as safari) software update everything (no help) install onyx (about to do that). network is a DSL modem connected to the first wireless router (DLINK N+). Second wireless router is linksys G (the problem child) and it is hardwire connected to first wireless router.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI seem to have a problem with safari, it mainly hangs on launch where I usually have to wait 5 minutes for it to recover, this is the log i get:
Mar 29 13:53:33 Lynnerup Safari[202]: QUERY-HANG-DETECTED - time: 3.182763, DB size: 181256192
Mar 29 13:53:35 Lynnerup Safari[202]: INSERT-HANG-DETECTED: Tx time:3.319087, # of Inserts: 1, # of bytes written: 24392, Did shrink: NO
Mar 29 13:53:54 Lynnerup Safari[202]: INSERT-HANG-DETECTED: Tx time:12.832515, # of Inserts: 24, # of bytes written: 747312, Did shrink: NO
Mar 29 13:54:19 Lynnerup login[214]: USER_PROCESS: 214 ttys000
Mar 29 13:57:43 Lynnerup[249]: Debugger() was called!
Mar 29 13:59:57 Lynnerup[249]: Debugger() was called!
the debugger was called entering here. I also seem to get hangs whenever i'm maxing my system, safari typing what I wrote in say google up to 5 minutes after I wrote it...
It doesn't work for me. I wonder if Glims is conflicting somehow. A reboot got it working, but it's a bit buggy. Sidebar won't turn off. Contextual searches aren't loading.
View 5 Replies View RelatedGood morning, I recently updated my software via Software Update yesterday, and I noticed that I can no longer play Flash videos in Safari. I just get the generic lego block and it says that Flash unexpectedly quit. I'm running the most recent Safai and Snow Leopard, and have included a screenshot of the updates that I ran yesterday. I also tried to run Camino and FireFox, but they just quit when I get to a Flash video. I also tried to install the most recent Flash player, and also the newer beta Flash player, but none seem to work. Anybody know of any fixes? Do I have to reinstall Snow Leopard?
View 8 Replies View RelatedEver since updating to Safari 5 (33h and 19m ago on an Aluminium 20" iMac with 2.0GHz and Mac OS X 10.6.3), SHIFT+TAB closes application windows for me, instead of going in reverse (like with buttons and text fields in Safari).I've checked System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts and couldn't find anything. it seems, to only close windows instead of quitting applications
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just recently updated my Safari, to have it up to date.Now all of a sudden it will not play any video in Safari.How can I get my videos to play again?
Mac mini
Unexpected power loss while browsing with Safari V4.0Beta (unrelated problem) left me in a state where I can no longer run any version of Safari. I have already restored (via time machine)my entire Library twice with no effect. Other users on this iMac G5 can run Safari with no problem. This appears to be some form of intentional lock out... Somewhat like a parent lock, but parental controls are not being used. In addition, this is the only admin account (I'm the primary user) so I don't make a habit of telling myself I can't use an application. Bottom line: When I invoke Safari, the URL never changes and I am stuck with the spinning colorwheel and an empty white Safari screen.
View 1 Replies View Relatedon ebay sign. anyone know why this happens? i can sign in fine on camino.
View 5 Replies View RelatedGave it a try but it seems to hang occasionally on familiar sites. Any hope that the production version will do better?
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhen I open Safari, the page hangs up for a bit, I usually have to click on "Empty Cache"...then it continues loading. What is causing the delay? this also happens when I start up my Macbook Pro, so I know my cache is not full.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis has been ongoing since I upgraded to Safari 4.0 in my new uMBP 17" running 10.5. Since then I've upgraded Safari to the most recent 4.0.3 always hoping this issue will get fixed. Instead it is happening more and more frequently. Because it could be a number of things I've avoided posting here about it. Yesterday I upgraded to 10.6 (Snow Leopard) hoping that would resolve it but no. At this point I can't stand it and want to throw my machine out the window. Here's the specifics. The spinning pinwheel of frustration lasts anywhere from 15 seconds to a minute, expect after I upgraded to 10.6-- now sometimes after a minute I force quit from frustration. I run Little Snitch and always deny random things on Yahoo mail so perhaps denying some of these things cause it. I also run a lot of RAM intense software (AE, FCP) very often and thought this could take a toll, but this happens even after a fresh restart with only Safari being the only application running or even opened. I have 4Gb RAM. It's so frustrating I'll probably go back to Firefox but thought maybe this has come up before.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have been using the MBP 2010 since it released in April. There was no problem until recently. For about the past two weeks, Safari has been hanging very often with the spinning color ball. Anybody knows how to fix the problem? I am running Safari ver 5.0 (6533.16) on Mac OS X ver 10.6.4 Build 10F569.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have windows XP Operating System, and I have safari installed, but when I open the browser, it hangs and displays a blank white page (without finishing opening any websites). I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but this doesn't seem to work. Also, when I reinstall, all of my bookmarks and reading list are in tact. (although I think if it is officially uninstalled, then none of my bookmarks should be saved). Somehow, it seems to be saving the previous state of the last Safari installation whenever I reinstall.Â
Windows Safari, Windows XP
I am running Safari 5.0.6 on OSX 10.5.8. I have had this problem for the past year and has become gradually worst, on 2 separate machines. I have resetted Safari numerous times, I have repaired permission, re-booted computer, and as suggested by a Genius at apple store, re-booted in "safe booth" to clean up stuff. It appeared to work for about 1 month, until it slows to a crawl, and become unresponsive.
Problem is now it does not seem to cut it anymore. I performed all of theses operations on both My desktop (power PC G5) and my laptop Macbook (intel) again yesterday. On my desktop, Safari is working marginally, but on my laptop it is not at all. The laptop is a more recent machine, but is less responsive. When I use other browsers, like google chrome or firefox, I can surf the web no problem. How to clean Safari up to run anew again.
2-G5 1.8ghz, 1.5GB ram, 2-23Cinema display, Epson 900, Sony TRV-17, MacBook 2GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
After I loaded Lion,My safari does not work.And I cannot open my mail.Any solutions?
Info:Mac Pro
Safari just hangs after loading the homepage. It just doesnt go to any other webpage. It hangs.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am unable to get Mac OS 10.7.3 with Safari 5.1.5 Lion to function. Anyone familiar with the probelem and solution?? i've tried a number of suggestions that have all failed.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)