OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Create PDF In Standard A4 Format
Jul 5, 2012
For some unknown reason my new IMac does only create .pdf with the format Letter US. My printers all only do A4 and similar. Where can I change preferences for it to create .pdfs of European Standard A4?
All other articles I've seen online and on this site have been utterly useless for information on how to reformat this drive to a standard format. It has to be possible because all it is is a standard usb thumb drive.
I don't care if it gets rewritten as I've made a copy of it, and besides, if I really need the os to be installed again I'll just take it to the Genius Bar to have it done.
I'm looking for someone who really knows there stuff with terminal and permissions and all of that stuff to shed a little light on this subject.
I have Windows 7 installed on my sons MacBook Pro.
The Drive is partitioned at 500GB for Windows and 300GB for Mac.
In windows, I need to shrink the Windows drive, and then create 2 extra drives from it.
However, I can shrink the drive, but when I try to Format, it tells me that it cannot find the drive, and then it changes the drive types to all "Dynamic" including the Mac Drive.
And once this happens, I can no longer access the Mac drive during Boot, and windows will not load, as it cannot find the drive during windows boot up. And which point, I have to restore the system and it takes up to 6 hours to installed Lion, as my Internet is slowing that a cold winters day.
So, my question is the following.
How can I successfully shrink the drive.
Then Partition the FREE space
Then Format to NTFS without loosing drive type and integrity?
I have setup a Mac Mini in my office for several people to use, with me as Admin and others as Standard account. The problem is, when someone wants to install an app, they always get a prompt to input the Admin's username and password. From my research, I was under the impression that Standard users could install apps, but only for their own account, which is what we want. But for some reason, it's not working that way. I did a Google search and following one recommendation, used Disk Utiltiy to repair permissions on the hard drive of both the Admin and Standard User account in question, but with no positive result. I'm a bit reluctant to just give Admin privileges to one person; then others will may ask for the same privileges.
I installed Mac OS X Server from Mac App Store. Then I deleted it, but Mac OS X Server changed my administrator account to standard account and I cannot administrate my Mac mini :-(. I cannot use my password and there is not any other administrator account. Do you know to change back my standard account to administator account?
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac OS X Server
I have not been able to connect to the AppStore. My internet connection may be too slow or there is some other problem. The Apple helpdesk is less than helpful. They do not assist with connection problems. Result: No AppStore for me. So How do I upgrade to Lion? (The problem started when the Lion USB stick was not yet available) One possible solution is to buy a new MacBook. I may have to, because the one I am using is falling apart.
So, suppose I have this brand new MacBook and no connection to the AppStore. Is there a way to create a recovery DVD or USB stick from the new MacBook, without buying the official USB stick?
All articles about Lion recovery assume that you have an internet connection. I have news: not every internet connection counts as an internet connection as far as Apple is concerned. Funny thing is, that all updates to Leopard and Snow Leopard went without problems.
I'm running Snow Leopard on my new Macbook Pro. I've got a 1.5TB External hard drive that I'm trying to figure out how to format in HFS+ with Apple Partition Map. I can figure out how to format in HFS using Disk Utility, however it still does it in GUID format and I do not know how to do it in Apple Partition Map.
Googleing this for hours has lead with all kinds of information on how to go to GUID FROM Apple Partition Map but not the other way around. I know GUID is the new hottness.. but this drive will be used exclusively to connect to my XBOX 360 and it supposedly only reads HFS+ when its formatted with Apple Partition Map. (I have tried it with Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with GUID, and the XBOX does NOT recognize it) I do not want to use Fat 32, (I know that that is the other major option) beacuse it limits file size.
when I want to create pdf file (from different applications, mostly from word), it creat the pdf file way too larger than the original file. For example, my master thesis in .doc is about 10Mb, however the .pdf file is about 17Mb and when re-saved it in preview and cmpressed the size, it saved it as 11 Mb.
Is there any way how to save/print it to pdf and create smaller file and be able to send it via mail for example? I mean, is it possible to do that with the basic Mac OS X feature, not with some app.
P.S.: I've found few questions about the same problem here on forum and somewhere else, but the questions were asked in previous versions of Mac OS X. I'm using latest version of everything...
I am partitioning my external hard drive into 3 partititons. I will use 2 of them for time machine drives and the third will be for general storage usage.
What is the best type of format to use for these partitions?
I'm using Macbook Pro(2010, 10.6.6) and a PC with Windows 7. I need to transfer image files from both laptops to an external drive. I formatted the external drive in exFAT and wanted to know if there are any problems that might occur in the future. I already know there is an issue with such programs as Carbon Copy Cloner. I primarily need the drive for backup of the images and not system backups. Do you have any file corruption or other problems formatting in exFAT?
I bought my macbook originally with Snow Leopard, later I downloaded the latest version (Lion) of it. I would like to format my whole computer so that it looks as new, but what can I do that without loosing the Lion OS I did pay for?
I currently use a first-generation Mac mini with Snow Leopard and would like to upgrade to a second-generation Mac mini with Lion. I have many PICT images on my hard drive that I created with Color It! and am using as textures in Poser 7. Will I still be able to use PICt images in Lion, or will I have to convert them to PNG or JPEG?
How to export all the mailboxes (many) with all the emails that I have in my Mail programme in a form they can be imported by other email clients (Thunderbird, Outlook etc.).
I am not able to convert movies, keep getting this message The document “The Walking Dead Trailer - YouTube-2.mp4” could not be opened. The movie's file format isn't recognized.
I am trying to play a Quicktime file in the .mov format, latest version as of 2 July 2012, but when I attempt to open the file, a message pops up saying the file type is not a type that Quicktime understands, why is this happening and what can I do to fix it?
I am suddenly no longer able to save pdf formatted documents in Preview using Lion 10.7.3. The content is a single page consisting of 4 combined pdf images. I get a "Printer Error" message. It had been working up until now. I restarted Preview and then restarted my system, but this problem did not go away. Is there some way of replacing/updating the save to pdf function or Preview without a total OS update?
I have a text file on my Macbook. It doesn't have any special formatting. I save it to Dropbox and open it on my PC (Vista). All of the carriage returns are missing and text is a big run on. How do I get carriage returns to transfer to the PC?
I traing to create rule with sub conditions which will do following:If all of the following conditions are met: [code] I am running OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50) Mail.app Version 5.2 (1257)I cannot create sub conditions. If anyone have idea how to create ub conditions, please let me know.
After install of Lion I noticed that Preview no longer allows me to Save As an image. I work in Photoshop and cannot open the images that I scan with Preview. PS will not recognize them. I used to be able to open the Preview image and Save As TIFF, JPEG etc but that option no longer exists...and I am with unusable images.