OS X V10.7 Lion :: Create It From My Iphone?
May 28, 2012I just erase the info of my address book in my icloud. How can I re create it from my iphone?
Info:iPad 2, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just erase the info of my address book in my icloud. How can I re create it from my iphone?
Info:iPad 2, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i wanted to download an app form app store and was asked for my id.. apperntly my iPhone id is limited to my country's app store and my email is in use for that id... how do i create/combine my mac id with my iPhone id so i can download apps from appstore?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I create folders on my iPhone/iPad sacreens?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
I've downloaded a few movies from iTunes, and one was able to be put on my iPhone, but the other two will not. I never looked too far into it- just figured it was a bug- but I recently have purchased a movie I want on my phone and found out I can use the "Create iPod or iPhone" capability in the advanced menu. The only problem is... I can't use it. It's un-clickable. My iTunes is up-to-date and I made sure i'm selecting the movie I want to convert, but it still won't make itself an option to click.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6
Also, is it possible to share an iTunes library between my MBA and my PC so I can sync my iPad and iPhone without having to create a new library? The library file is currently on the NAS and just wanted to use the same one. Would it allow me to sync my iPhone with the PC and the iPad with the MBA using the same library on the NAS? I know this is more of an iTunes question, but figured I would post it here instead of starting another thread.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have not been able to connect to the AppStore. My internet connection may be too slow or there is some other problem. The Apple helpdesk is less than helpful. They do not assist with connection problems. Result: No AppStore for me. So How do I upgrade to Lion? (The problem started when the Lion USB stick was not yet available)Â One possible solution is to buy a new MacBook. I may have to, because the one I am using is falling apart.Â
So, suppose I have this brand new MacBook and no connection to the AppStore. Is there a way to create a recovery DVD or USB stick from the new MacBook, without buying the official USB stick?Â
All articles about Lion recovery assume that you have an internet connection. I have news: not every internet connection counts as an internet connection as far as Apple is concerned. Funny thing is, that all updates to Leopard and Snow Leopard went without problems.Â
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I traing to create rule with sub conditions which will do following:If all of the following conditions are met: [code] I am running OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50) Mail.app Version 5.2 (1257)I cannot create sub conditions. If anyone have idea how to create ub conditions, please let me know.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created an Automator Service to restart my computer in Bootcamp (since I was getting very tired of having to navigate to the Startup Disk Prefence pane every time). What I would like to do, is make this service have a global keyboard shortcut. However, when I try to set one in the Keyboard Shorcuts preferences (i.e. double-clicking and holding down the desired keys), my computer just beeps at me.Â
I thought maybe it was not allowing the specific shortcut I was trying - thinking maybe it was already in use. So I tried many other key combinations - enough to come to the conclusion that this was not the issue.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
If I try, i get a strange error: Partition failed with error: Necessary support for resizing file systems, such as HFS + with Journaling enabled. (translated with google)Â What can I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Is there a way to create user logins or some other grouping for a set of applications to use (memory) resources optimally -- for example only mail and Safari and Word in one grouping and another for Safari and an audio recording application, etc.?
MacBook Pro 15" & 13" ghz / iPhone 4G, Mac OS X (10.6.5), 4 GIG RAM
I would like to use the stationery and put in a professional signature.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
Is it possible to create a new admin account, transfer all the information from my current to new, then delete the old admin account?
View 14 Replies View RelatedHow can I create new folders in Mail?Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i want a backup of mail..i have 5ys old of mail and i dont want lost.how do you do to create a backup?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I add/create user via terminal?
iPod shuffle
I've created a PDF with 15 Pages. I created the PDF using Pages and the document using "Page Layout" not "Word Processing". Since the document was created in Page Layout mode, I can not create anchors inside the document.Â
I'm wondering if this is possible after converting the doc to PDF and using the Preview application.
I don't know much about Terminal, but I need to compress a folder from one external hard drive directly to my Time Capsule and split archives to 4GB each. What is the command to do that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I create a resume from my MAcBook Pro? ex. resume template
How i can create a dvd/cd recovery disk instead usb?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How to create a my signature without scanning?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), New airport express
I bought a Mac Mini Server yesterday and set it up successfully (Set OD, etc). Everything was working great until I went back and tried to create new users via the server app. As of now, it gives me the error "SEUserErrorDomain error1" and tells me that it cannot create the user. Even though it says that, it will still show up in the user list with the "blue globe" (that I believe is from OD?) but disappear the moment I drill into it and try to save anything. Workgroup Manager will allow me to create the user, but it does not show up in the user list in the server app so I cannot enable certain services for the user (i.e. assign folders for share point, etc). Â
P.S. Apple tech support had me reinstall the 10.7.4 combo update - no help. They also had me use disk utility to repair permissions - no help. P.S.S. On a side note, I did install Samba 3 on the server via mac port to try and help with LDAP auth (I ended up going with pGina for my windows users), but I have no clue how to uninstall it.
Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac OSX Lion Server
There are some files, approximately 10, that I need frequent access to, but I want to keep the originals orginised deep in my document folder structure.Â
Is there any way of creating a "favourites" stack in the dock to allow me to do this?Â
I can drag one file to the dock to create an alias, but I cant drag any more files on top of this.Â
Dual twin Intel Xenon 3GHz, 4Gb RAM, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I am surprised that this is as tricky as it appears to be. I would like to have a signature with a jpg pic that is a small file and is quickly downloaded to recipients.
Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have been, having issue with creating a Folder in my "Mac 10.7.3" in Macintosh drive, this is happen sice Thursday this week, the problem I have is that every time I want to create a New Floder, Transfer folder or Delete any file in Macintosh, is keep asking me to inter a password, ( Finder Wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this) but I never had this issue three days ago, I was in the phone with Apple technical support for about 40 minute today.dose any one know how to anable this password settings ?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2010-silver
I have set up an alias I frequently use when working on the command line and I'd like to change it now but I can't find the file where I set it up. I googled a bit and found some people saying it must be in either .bash_profile or ~/.bashrc but I don't have either of those files in my home directory. So basically how do I go about finding out where I have initially set up this alias so that I can modify it?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm working though emails on a web based interface. I was wondering, is there a way i can create some sort of temporery short key which will click the 'Next' Key instead of me having to use the mouse everey time to speed things up? the same way that CMD + E opens up Edit.
Info:MacBook Air
I want to use my time Machine to reinstall what I have now, and install 10.7 Lion on the other partition, my question is the Lion next month for $19.95...is it a complete install, or a upgrade?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPad3
I have an issue with pdfs that I make in OS X Lion 10.7.4. If I create a pdf through the Print dialog I get a perfectly OK document. If I pass the pdf to a Windows user (Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 3) and they open it using Adobe Reader or Acrobat 9, the pdf seems to be masked with random black rectangles. These appear where there was an indent or tab in the original document, but not in every case, and they are also randomly distributed in other parts of the doc.Â
I have also used the method of taking a screenshot as pdf, with the same result. Using the excellent Skitch to take a pdf screenshot gives a different problem, with Acrobat displaying a uniform grey box, so no joy there.Â
For some unknown reason my new IMac does only create .pdf with the format Letter US. My printers all only do A4 and similar. Where can I change preferences for it to create .pdfs of European Standard A4?
Mac OS X (10.7.4), 12GB
I want to create a disk image of a Mac drive (.dmg file).I figured that it might not be a good idea to try and image a live disk, so I unmounted it (the user dragged the disk icon to the eject icon), and I confirmed it was unmounted by looking at /Volumes. To be clear here, this isn't the boot volume, that is /dev/disk0./dev/disk1 is an internal drive - as it happens it's the original drive for this OSX 10.4 G5, AND /Volumes/HITACHI is the mount point for an external USB drive.I have tried this twice.On both occassions, things seemed to go well, but after a few minutes (about 10 - 20 minutes), I observed that the target file on /Volumes/HITACHI stopped growing, then a bunch of unpleasant stuff started to happen:
* I did lsof /Volumes/HITACHI/MacHD_20120201.dmg and found the PID of the diskimage binary, ps waux showed it was doing nothing (CPU% was 0.0). This indicates a stuck process to me.
* The hdutil command stopped producing '.'
* I could not cancel the hduitl command
* I could not rm the MacHD_20120201.dmg file
* I could not ls the /Volumes/HITACHI directory
* unlink also hung
A little further into this, the Mac became unresponsive. I observed that the disk was now mounted again (grrr!). As a work around I switched the USB drive off and on, and Mac came good - all my terminals started to respond, the GUI responded for the user.My workaround has been to use CCC to make a clone of the disk - but I don't like this because I think .dmg files are much more convenient (for a start, now that I've used CCC I can't use the USB drive for anything else).
* Is my methodology wrong? Do I really need to umount the /dev/disk1
* Can you disable finder from automounting an internal hard drive (I am particularly interested in this)Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)