OS X V10.7 Lion :: Gmail Account Won't Work Well With Apple Mail?
Mar 28, 2012
My Gmail and Cox accounts and won't work well with my Apple Mail, The mail won't download into my gmail account and I frequently am requested to put my IMAP password in, and it is then rejected.I go to mail preferences and put the password in the appropiate place and I am told the password is new and do I want to use it. I reply yes but its not saved.
I have an iMac running Snow Leopard and I am trying to add my gmail account to the mail app and im entering the right password and username and I keep getting- "Logging in to the Gmail IMAP server [URL] failed. Make sure the user name and password you entered are correct, then click Continue. If the information isn't correct, you cannot receive messages." And my mail wont sync or anything. I tried with both imap and pop and neither work. In my gmail setting I have both pop and imap turned on so I dont get why im having a problem. My gmail account that I used to have on my account before I upgraded to snow leopard still works and my mobile me account works but I cant add any new gmail accounts. I've tried adding a few different gmail accounts and none will work.
Any Users of Apple Mail with HUGE Gmail IMAP accounts? I'm switching to Apple Mail and am wondering if it will work with a Gmail IMAP account of 8 GIG and 80 folders? Is this even worth trying to setup or will it just crash? 1. Will it freak out during sync and give me the "too many simultaneous connections" error? 2. Is it fast enough with such a huge IMAP folder or does it crawl?
I had a hotmail account and about a month ago apple mail deleted all my messages from the hotmail account, therefore I am unable to access any of them from anywhere else except my mac.
I learned that that was due to me leaving the box "remove copy from server after retrieving a message." Now I fixed that and moved to gmail, as I was able to upload all hotmail messages to my gmail account through tuhunderbird.
Since I am not a big fan of Thunderbird as it is giving me some password issues, today I set up the gmail imap (I think) accunt on my apple mail, but there is no box "remove copy from server after retrieving a message" for gmail in prefrences, just for hotmail.
Now I am scared, will apple mail delete all my messages from the gmail server, and if it will, how do I prevent it from doing so?
I cannot seem to get my apple mail to accept my gmail account or the password. Gmail works fine if I use the google site for my mail.I know if I am using the correct password because it works in gmail's site?
I synched my work (.org) Gmail to Apple Mail with IMAP, and then took the account "Offline" in Apple Mail. I now want to delete messages in my work gmail, But want to make sure that the messages in my Apple Mail will save there forever, even after my work gmail account is archived or deleted?Is there another setting I can click to keep the gmail account on Apple Mail from updating, so myI can start deleting personal emails from my gmail ?  Â
if i set up a gmail account (my main one) with mac mail and now want to delete that account because im not too thrilled with the mac client can i do so without deleting any of my gmail? in other words will my gmail account remain unaffected if i delete the account through mail preferences? i just dont want to run into any issue where all of a sudden all my mail is gone from gmail. i know he prompt says it wont affect mail on the server but i have a knack for messing these types of things up.
I have been using Gmail for about 7 months, now. I am using it in conjunction with a MacBook Pro (15 inch, mid-2010, i5, 2.53 GHz, running OS 10.7.4 and the current version of Mail) and an iPhone 4S (iOS 5.1.1 with the pre-installed Mail app). I, rarely, use Gmail's web interface and prefer to view and manage my mail using my devices.
I, recently, discovered a Gmail behavior that I wasn't aware of. Whenever I deleted an email from my Inbox on my MacBook, it wouldn't, actually, delete from Gmail. Instead, a copy of the mail would remain in Gmail's "All Mail" folder. It seems that Gmail and I have different ideas about deleting. When I delete, it means that I would, actually, like to get rid of it, not hide it somewhere else. After sorting through the, almost, 3000 emails in the "All Mail" folder and re-deleting everything that I thought I had already deleted (a pain, to be sure), I found the solution to my problem.In Apple Mail, I checked both Trash options in my account preferences then selected Gmail's "Trash" folder and used the "Use This Mailbox For" option to map it to Mail's trash (similarly, I mapped the trash folder on my iPhone to Gmail's trash folder). Now, everything I delete is going to the same place (and actually getting deleted).
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have just set up Gmail IMAP in Apple Mail 5.2, during the setup I ticked a box asking me to set up chat. Now I cannot see anywhere in Mail where I can use chat, no icons or no indication that chat is set up or how to use it ? How do I use gmail chat with Mail 5.2?
I've had this email account with AT&T for a few years and it has worked with Mac Mail with no difficulty for a few years. Recently the account has been able to receive messages. Every time I hit Get Mail it asks for a password. I have installed all the latest updates through Software Update. I have a Mac Mini with OS Lion. After struggling for awhile, my inbox eventually comes in. I have reset all the incoming and outgoing POP Server accounts, as well as used the Web-mail version through [URL] and it all works fine.
suddenly and i think this is the first time it has happened on this account My Freeserve pop mail account needs the password entered.BUT I entered it and I know it is correct. So why am I being asked for it again and again.I think I need to do something in the keychain but as I can;t remember exactly what I don;t want to mess it up.I need my mail as awaiting an important message.
Info: MBP 17, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Buffalo 1TB EHD iPad original 16gb
I use apple mail to connect to multiple accounts. One of them went offline on Friday and refuses to come back on. The account is fully functional, because it's still working fine on iPhone, iPad and through Outlook 2011. It's like once apple mail decides an account is offline, that's it.Â
I just configured my Gmail IMAP account in Mail.app. In the Settings > Labels section of Gmail, I unselected the "All Mail" label. In Mail.app, I chose the Gmail > Trash mailbox and then "Use this mailbox for Trash" from the Mailbox menu, and did the same for Spam and Drafts.
Now there are no mailboxes listed in the Gmail mailbox, but it still appears there at the top of the mailbox list with a little triangle next to it. When I click on the triangle to expand, there's nothing in there - but the mailbox won't go away. It's an off-white color whereas all the other mailboxes are the standard bluish color.
Well I've noticed lately when sending out emails, I select one of my accounts that I use online(specifically craigslist) but when I get a reply, they are going to another inbox from my other(private) account. I don't want this account exposed, especially to the likes of craigslist as that's a big time spam magnet and for potential scammers. What's going on with the Mail application? I checked my settings and all my account information is correct. This has just started happening recently so it must have been an update or something? I checked my "sent" folder and it's showing as the mail has gone out through the right email account but I got a response showing it was sent to my private account.
Can other people using Gmail through their Mac desktop mail tell me if its sending? It appears I can receive but I cannot send. Maybe I did something wrong? Although I haven't touched the settings.
This has been bothering me for more than a year now, I did at one point give up and bought Mail Plane which is pretty much gmail without using a web browser. But anyway, I get these annoying subfolders (Highlighted in Red) when I register a Gmail account with Mail.
All of a sudden, Mail has begun rejecting my password for my Gmail Account. Yesterday the password was fine and had been fine for about 10 or 11 months, until tonight. This is the box I see when I try to get mail: Mail is rejecting every single password that I use. I'm 100% positive that I'm entering the correct password. Is it possible that Gmail is down or doing maintenance which is causing this problem?
I have a problem recieving gmail into my mac mail, it is constantly asking me to verify password which I know is correct. I have tried differnt IMAP settings withing my gmail, but nothing seems to change which my constant trouble to send and receive mail.
Is there a way to use one gmail account and retrieve that mail using different macs using mail? My buddy and I are setting up an account for our business and we want to be able to retrieve mail using the same gmail account. He will be using his mac from his place and I will be using my mac from my place.We want to be able to access the same account using our individual macs.
I am having a problem adding one of my university managed Gmail accounts to Mail 7.3 on my Macbook Pro. I have two that I use regularly, @oakland.edu and @albion.edu, and I was able to sync @oakland.edu with no issues. However, Mail will not recognize the @albion.edu gmail account and gives this message:
I have tried to override and trust the certificate and that didn't work. I also tried adding the incoming/outgoing IMAP servers manually and that didn't work. IMAP is enabled in the @albion.edu acount. It added to Mail on my iPhone 4S with no problems, so I don't know what else to do.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I've added my standard Gmail account to the Mail app on my macbook air 2013 but i also have a school email from Google that I would like to add as well. This email uses a custom domain name so instead of [URL]... it would be [URL].... I've tried to add it in as a google account and as 'other' but i can't seem to make it work. Â
I have decided to start using gmail and keeping my email online instead of stored locally in the Mail program.
I have all my old mail and sent mail downloaded locally in the Mail program.
Is there an easy way to export all of that into gmail? I see I can import mail into gmail from other mail accounts, but here I am talking about importing mail that is now stored locally.
When I send 1 email to 1 recipient from my gmail account on mac mail, the mail activity monitor on the bottom left indicates that I am sending 2, 3 or as many as 5 emails. It takes a long time to send when this happens. It only happens when I send from the gmail account and never from my other accounts. I have no "extra" mail in my sent folder. Is someone else sending email from my computer?
Mail will NOT let me select IMAP and will go to POP automatically for my gmail acct. I have the POP disabled in gmail and IMAP enabled. Why is this so difficult Is there a way to have the option to select the type of account I want as it is not giving me one like it is supposed to.
I have problem with mail application. I cannot get Gmail to work with it, I don't know why. I tried and nothing, I remove it and try again and same thing. It's written: The Gmail IMAP server [URL] is not responding. Try checking the network connection, and that the server name is correct. Otherwise, the server might be temporarily unavailable. If you continue, you might not be able to receive messages. I have already hotmail, and it works without problem. I even enable IMAP server at the gmail when I go through website directly. I am using MAC OS X. Mail application is is 4.2 version.
I won't say that it's deleted because it's still in the accounts in preferences in Apple Mail, but the gmail imap folders used to be along the left side of the program are not there.
All I see are 2 Junk (Gmail) folders on the left along with my other two email accounts I use. My Mobile Me and Comcast emails are still there.
I've had my first Mac for about a year now - 11" Mac Air - and love it. But I'm still using Gmail, rather than the Apple mail program. I've got my iphone's calendar synced up to Google's and I can't see a reason to use the Apple mail app instead of Gmail in a browser. I'm running Chrome as my browser too?