OS X :: Cannot Get Gmail To Work With Mail Application
Apr 28, 2010
I have problem with mail application. I cannot get Gmail to work with it, I don't know why. I tried and nothing, I remove it and try again and same thing. It's written: The Gmail IMAP server [URL] is not responding. Try checking the network connection, and that the server name is correct. Otherwise, the server might be temporarily unavailable. If you continue, you might not be able to receive messages. I have already hotmail, and it works without problem. I even enable IMAP server at the gmail when I go through website directly. I am using MAC OS X. Mail application is is 4.2 version.
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Nov 6, 2010
Well I've noticed lately when sending out emails, I select one of my accounts that I use online(specifically craigslist) but when I get a reply, they are going to another inbox from my other(private) account. I don't want this account exposed, especially to the likes of craigslist as that's a big time spam magnet and for potential scammers. What's going on with the Mail application? I checked my settings and all my account information is correct. This has just started happening recently so it must have been an update or something? I checked my "sent" folder and it's showing as the mail has gone out through the right email account but I got a response showing it was sent to my private account.
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Nov 28, 2009
I have an iMac running Snow Leopard and I am trying to add my gmail account to the mail app and im entering the right password and username and I keep getting- "Logging in to the Gmail IMAP server [URL] failed. Make sure the user name and password you entered are correct, then click Continue. If the information isn't correct, you cannot receive messages." And my mail wont sync or anything. I tried with both imap and pop and neither work. In my gmail setting I have both pop and imap turned on so I dont get why im having a problem. My gmail account that I used to have on my account before I upgraded to snow leopard still works and my mobile me account works but I cant add any new gmail accounts. I've tried adding a few different gmail accounts and none will work.
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Mar 28, 2012
My Gmail and Cox accounts and won't work well with my Apple Mail, The mail won't download into my gmail account and I frequently am requested to put my IMAP password in, and it is then rejected.I go to mail preferences and put the password in the appropiate place and I am told the password is new and do I want to use it. I reply yes but its not saved.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 1, 2010
Any Users of Apple Mail with HUGE Gmail IMAP accounts? I'm switching to Apple Mail and am wondering if it will work with a Gmail IMAP account of 8 GIG and 80 folders? Is this even worth trying to setup or will it just crash? 1. Will it freak out during sync and give me the "too many simultaneous connections" error? 2. Is it fast enough with such a huge IMAP folder or does it crawl?
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May 6, 2009
Have a new iMac (last years) with 10.5 on it. My email worked normal before I transferred Applications, files & etc from my old G4 with 10.4.
Now I can only get to my email through through my Earthlink home page by logging in & etc. (a real pain just to check my email!)
If I try to use the email icon on the iMac dock I get the email line at the top of the screen , but email page does not open. I have to go to menu and click on "In" and the page opens up but does not download any email. Will not send from this location either. When I try to quit email it will not close. I have to force quit it.
Earthlink said to trash their "Total Access" as it won't work with 10.5. So when the iMac was working ok before the transfer of files I must have been using Apples Mail application. How do I get it working again? I looked all over Mail Help and Apple help and nothing seems to work. Safari works ok.
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Sep 3, 2008
I had to shut down my Mac by holding the power button. My Mail application didn't like this and it asked me to re-download all of my messages again. I did this but now the message topics and message content are out of sync.
I.e. I click on a title and the message is completely different.
Without wiping all of my e-mails is there someway to correct this with a refresh?
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Jun 17, 2014
How can I import mp3s from my gmail account into my iTunes application so that I can import audio for recording into GarageBand ?
iPad, iOS 7.1.1
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Jun 21, 2012
I have been using Gmail for about 7 months, now. I am using it in conjunction with a MacBook Pro (15 inch, mid-2010, i5, 2.53 GHz, running OS 10.7.4 and the current version of Mail) and an iPhone 4S (iOS 5.1.1 with the pre-installed Mail app). I, rarely, use Gmail's web interface and prefer to view and manage my mail using my devices.
I, recently, discovered a Gmail behavior that I wasn't aware of. Whenever I deleted an email from my Inbox on my MacBook, it wouldn't, actually, delete from Gmail. Instead, a copy of the mail would remain in Gmail's "All Mail" folder. It seems that Gmail and I have different ideas about deleting. When I delete, it means that I would, actually, like to get rid of it, not hide it somewhere else. After sorting through the, almost, 3000 emails in the "All Mail" folder and re-deleting everything that I thought I had already deleted (a pain, to be sure), I found the solution to my problem.In Apple Mail, I checked both Trash options in my account preferences then selected Gmail's "Trash" folder and used the "Use This Mailbox For" option to map it to Mail's trash (similarly, I mapped the trash folder on my iPhone to Gmail's trash folder). Now, everything I delete is going to the same place (and actually getting deleted).
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 22, 2009
I use gmail as my main email account. I have it synched to my iphone (IMAP) and mail.app (IMAP). This was all running smoothly until about a week ago when I turned on my mac and opened mail. It started downloading hundreds of emails.
I looked over them and it seems that all the mails that I have moved to sub folders have been copied to my inbox again and marked as unread.
I have not knowingly changed any settings on my iphone, mac or web based gmail.
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Aug 13, 2010
I have decided to start using gmail and keeping my email online instead of stored locally in the Mail program.
I have all my old mail and sent mail downloaded locally in the Mail program.
Is there an easy way to export all of that into gmail? I see I can import mail into gmail from other mail accounts, but here I am talking about importing mail that is now stored locally.
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Apr 25, 2009
Is there a way to stop MAC MAIL from downloading the spam mail from gmail?
I want to leave on the server and delete it like once a week
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Jul 1, 2009
how can i have a folder or section in the sidebar in the Mail App for Junk ? That i receive to my Gmail account.
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Dec 16, 2009
I've looked over the settings and can't figure out what's going on.
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Apr 28, 2012
I have been a fairly happy OS X Lion and Mail 5.2 user for some time now. Gmail worked finde (IMAP) - have followed all instrucitons and recommendations.A few days ago, Mail stopped fetching mails from the gmail server.While this contines to work fine on my iPad (and obviously directly in gmail via Safari), it no loger seems to work on the iMac I have. Tried restarting, repairing disk permissions, running Captcha on gmail (via Safari).
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May 3, 2012
I am able to send messages however am not able to receive any messages. the circles is constant "checking". i have also tried taking all accounts offline and back online.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 21, 2010
I want to set up my Gmail IMAP account in Mail.app so that when I hit the delete key in Mail.app, the message gets archived permanently (in the All Mail folder). What's the best way to do this? Should I select the "All Mail" folder and then choose "Use this Mailbox for Trash"?
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Feb 28, 2010
Don't know if this was addressed yet, but "Spam" mail from my gmail (spam folder - duh!) keeps popping up in my "Sent Mail" folder in Mac mail. I found this post online, but am not tech savvy enough to know what they're talking about.
Okay. I know what's going on there. You are correct this is spam that does not originate from you. The issue is that it is not your gmail address that is being forged, but your other address that forwards to gmail. You have also configured your forwarding server as a valid mail originator for your address in SPF. So the mail looks completely legitimate to gmail: it arrives at gmail from a server that you have configured as a valid server to send from your email address, therefore gmail thinks it really is from your email address.
If you control your own domain and you use gmail's smtp server for outgoing mail, you should remove the SPF entry that marks the forwarding server (URL) as a valid originator for your domain. Then gmail will be able to figure out that this is forged. This will likely cause gmail to put this stuff properly in Spam and to avoid showing you the images.(URL)
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Apr 30, 2010
Ive set up my Mail app with my gmail account and its downloaded all my old email. I want to delete alot of these messages to save space but if i delete it in Mail it also deletes it on the server - and its gone forever!!
Anyone know how I can change this. Ive looked through the settings but cant find anything.
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Feb 8, 2009
I am very confused as to whether or not I should use the iMail that came with my MacBook.
1) Is it always free?
2) Is it SAFE? Even though I hear people cannot hack or get into Apples I have to ask
3) What type of file does it download the mail as and is it compatible with PC?
4) Is there any impact on the online Gmail account?
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Apr 4, 2012
Why wont video chat from gmail work? it used to work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2014
My gmail mailbox will not work.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8), Mail does not work
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Apr 4, 2010
I've exhausted the best part of my brain looking for a way to continue using my venerable Apple iBook, OS X,10.3.9, Mail 1.3.9, all of which I still revere. It works fine for me, I'm mostly an email kind of guy who works off his lap while gmail labors in the background. When things were harmonious, Mail and gmail worked well together. For the past 10 days, Mail has neither sent nor received a single piece of mail. (Happily, I'm not totally dead, gmail has been solid as a rock. To remedy Mail's failure, I need Google's configuration instructions to start looking for errors in my settings. I'm an inveterate tweaker, and I'm sure I tweaked something when I should have baked a cake.
Well meaning friends have repeatedly referred me to Google's web site where the elusive "configuration instructions" for Mail.app can be found and I must repeatedly tell them that the instructions at the web site are for Mail 3.0 and up. Remember, I need the settings for Mail 1.3.9! I should state now, I have no interest in IMAP, I use POP exclusively. Be there someone.
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Oct 2, 2008
I use Apple Mail as a client for my Gmail account instead of Gmail's web interface. There is one thing the web interface provides that I'm not sure how to set up within Apple Mail. In the web interface under Settings --> Accounts, the first section is called "Send mail as:" and allows you to send mail from the interface that uses another email address in the From header. I have it set so that when I receive a message that was sent to one of these other addresses (they all forward to my Gmail address), replies will automatically be sent with that address as the From header. How do I set up this functionality within Apple Mail without creating a separate account/inbox for the other accounts? I am not checking mail directly from the others, just want to be able to send as them.
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Aug 11, 2008
I've recently been having trouble attaching files when using gmail. When I compose a message and I try to attach a file, the window that opens up is too big. It's difficult to click the "Okay" or "Cancel" buttons because they're off the screen. I can't seem to find a way to resize the window (the usual way of resizing by pulling the corner doesn't work).
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Apr 13, 2012
I have an early 2011 MacBook Pro running OS Lion (10.7.3) and in the last two weeks I face the following problem with the Mail application and my Yahoo mail account: although the account appears in the side bar of the application and it will search for new messages when I launch the Mail app, it doesn't load any messages and I also realised that all Mailboxes of the named account are blank! The messages appear normally when I reach my account through the Yahoo page! I tried to remove and re-import the account in the Mail app, but it just worked for two days and now the Mailboxes are blank again! I have no problems with the other two mail accounts I reach through the same application (both POP accounts).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2010
I am having problems with my mac mail and gmail. It was consistent across my iphone, imac and macbook. Only with one gmail account, the other is fine. It tells me there is a username or password error. I know this isnt the case because I have tested it by logging into the web version of gmail. I have tried deleting and recreating the account - still the same problem. On my iphone the problem was fixed by using exchange.
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Apr 30, 2009
Can I sync my read messages on mail.app with gmail? For example:
I'll open up mail.app and see a message "Subject 1 - jondoe@me.com" and read it. But when I go to my gmail inbox on Firefox, it is still unread.
Can I sync them so I don't have to read messages over again?
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May 17, 2009
i cant tell if it was the os x update, or gmail's failings the other day, but i can recieve... but not send any mail via apple mail... anyone got any troubleshooting advice?
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Nov 30, 2009
When i first set up my gmail account with the standard email that comes on the Mac i didnt have any problems, as of this morning everything was working fine, now i am not receiving any emails. I have to physically go to gmail.com to get my email. I have tried to take me account offline and then put it online again, i just dont know how to fix it.
There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Verify the settings for account "Gmail" or try again.
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