OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Regular Use Of Onyx & Other Utilities Show Down Mac
Feb 1, 2012
Am I right in thinking it's better to leave your Mac alone and maybe run disk utility once in a while.Will regular use of Onyx, Memory Freer, Disk Diet etc slow down the Mac and cause more problems longer than benefits they give you in the short-term.I do use these apps regularly especially Onyx. I have noticed the beach ball appearing recently and I have read tonight that programs like Onyx can slow down your machine.
Imade the giant leap from panther to Lion and after the disasterous update , I got rid of what I consider Apples version of Windows Vista and had them give me SL . Im very happy with SL , but want the same controler in the corner that im used to instead of the whole bottom of the screen being the contoler . After I click out full screen , I see the controler but not in full screen mode .
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.5Ghz intel core i7 , 4gb 1333 mhz
OS loads very slowly...then once it does load, regular apps load okay, but safari and firefox and finder will not show up. it goes to sleep much faster than it usually does. i get spinning beachballs all the time. strangely, if i click a link in adium, it will come up in safari just fine.
I am having serious issues with my Mac Book Air. Upon start-up it brings me to Mac OSX Utilies page and not my log in page. Has anyone got an idea on how I repair it so that I can get onto my normal start up page.
problem with my new macbook pro running osx lion 10.7.3, many of my utilities including activity monitor are are not working, there icons have also gone blank and also many of my widgets are not working, and same as utilities there icons have also gone blank!
I'm tired of having to jump thru hoops to replace files in my Utilities folder with updated versions. First I have to move the old file to the trash, but I have to enter my password. Then I copy the new file to the Utilities folder but, again, I have to enter my password. Much less user friendly than older versions of Mac OSX (and even Classic). I'm guessing it has to do with security, though I can replace files in the Applications folder without so much effort.I'm guessing the permissions of the Utilities folder have to be changed but changed to what? I want to be able to simply drag an updated application file to the Utilities folder and replace the old one without so much effort.
I have an older tme capsule and I'd like to use it as just a 1-tb extenal hard drive with my Mac Pro. I messed around with the Time Capsule configuration and finally have a green light, yay! BUT, I was hoping it would show up on my desktop like the other drives.The Time Capsule: Is connected directly to my Mac Pro via a cat 5 cable. It is showing a solid green light. I have wifi turned off. I have a time machine set up with a western digital 2TB external drive. I see it show up in my finder side bar as a shared device. When I right click it the TC icon in the side menu and select open, the window shpw "not connected" at the top. (Even thought the light is green)
Is it possible to convert the backups.backupdb folder on an external HD I've been using for Time Machine into a regular folder? Or to otherwise move around and delete files within the backups.backupdb folder on the Time Machine HD? My old Macbook Pro was stolen and I got a new MacBook Air. I had full Time Machine backups of my MacBook Pro on an external HD. I restored the majority of the data to my new Air, but I want to leave my iTunes music on the external HD in a separate folder or partition. Unfortunately, to do this, I need to move (rather than copy) the Music folder. I can't seem to move folders around on the HD; instead, I get a message saying "The operation cannot be completed because backup items cannot be modified." I've seen a few solutions but they haven't seemed to work--I tried something in Terminal, logging in as a root user, etc. Note that I cannot enter Time Machine to turn off backups for the Music folder, because the Music folder that was being backed up was on the stolen computer.
I want to add Drive Genius and Disk Warrior to my recovery Hard Drive partition on my Macbook pro. I can make it visible but can I add them to the patition once I make it visible or is it read only or exactly the right size for what's on it?
Info: 2 mbp's, mac mini, ipods, iphone 30, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Can't access to mac os x utilities to repair disk from a macbook pro 15" with lion. When I restart holding command key + R it would get stuck in a grey screen after the apple appears.
I just downloaded oynx for tiger version 10.4.11 last night and ran it. seems everything is good on my g4 powerbook titanium 400mhz/512 but my question is how often should oynx be ran on this machine? im still kinda used to windows where you had to run programs like oynx or the microsoft built in crap at least every week to 2 weeks to keep the computer usable. should oynx be run that often or once a month?
I would like to create a Smart folder that only has applications & utilities in a sub-folder.
This will be similar to the default applications folder that shows in the dock, but without all the extra files & folders - just a list of applications.
I can do this by esily by just having a smart folder of applications showing only type=application.
However, I would still like to have utilities in a sub-folder.
If thats not possible, then it would be OK to have 2 seperate smart folders, 1 for apps excluding utilities & 1 for utilities only.
Is there some way in the smart folder options i can exclude a sub directory?
The reason I'm asking this is simple: Since I installed OSX it started up so damn fast. Recently a month after (I guess monthly scripts were executed) my start up became slower. I enter my password, after a few seconds I see background, then top apple bar, a few seconds later dock and then all the apps start to load in the top right corner. Why is this happening?
But i would like to make sure i am at peak performance... i did a little digging and i discovered a program called OnyX which is a utility for system/OS cleanup and overall maintenance.
I'm posting this so that i can ask for advice on how to use it, i dont know which options are safe, what caches to delete etc...
I just want to make sure my mac is optimized and running well. No problems yet, but i thought it might be time, as it's been over a year since i did anything but use it.
I usually "repair the Authorisations" with Disc Utility about once a week.But digging into my Apps I find that I do have Onyx installed... as it came with the Mac I assume the version corrisponds to Panther...
I am having Onyx run for the first time. I am in the Maintenance tab and I have selected for reindexing of spotlight, display of folders content refresh, help viewer, and finder sidebar refresh. This is still in progress for 8 hours. Is this normal for the first time? Or just not normal at all?
I used Onyx to clear my system cache and user cache. When it was done, my iDisk icon was changed, any way I can restore this? The problem is that he saved this one as the original icon, so I can't delete it from the "get info" window.
I was researching the best way to clean up my mac and I came across onyx. I have over 16 gb which is full of "other" data and don't know how to get rid of it. So I came across onyx is it safe to download?
I was just curious what the main differences were between the applications Deeper and Onyx? Onyx seems to be the same thing, with a few more features. Is there something that Deeper can do, that Onyx can't?
Also one more random question.. does Transparent Dock work on OS X 10.4.9, and does it allow you to change the color like Cleardock?