OS X :: Onyx Not Compatible With 10.6?
Sep 7, 2009My beloved onyx says not compatible with 10.6.
View 10 RepliesMy beloved onyx says not compatible with 10.6.
View 10 RepliesWhat maintenance, cleaning, utilities, automation, parameters - there are SO MANY options I DONT know which to use!
Is there a guide? What do you use?
i leave my macbook pro on all night, not sleeping , just on, i assume the scrips are running
do i need to use onyx at all ?
if i do how often?
I just downloaded oynx for tiger version 10.4.11 last night and ran it. seems everything is good on my g4 powerbook titanium 400mhz/512 but my question is how often should oynx be ran on this machine? im still kinda used to windows where you had to run programs like oynx or the microsoft built in crap at least every week to 2 weeks to keep the computer usable. should oynx be run that often or once a month?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe reason I'm asking this is simple: Since I installed OSX it started up so damn fast. Recently a month after (I guess monthly scripts were executed) my start up became slower. I enter my password, after a few seconds I see background, then top apple bar, a few seconds later dock and then all the apps start to load in the top right corner. Why is this happening?
View 22 Replies View RelatedBut i would like to make sure i am at peak performance... i did a little digging and i discovered a program called OnyX which is a utility for system/OS cleanup and overall maintenance.
I'm posting this so that i can ask for advice on how to use it, i dont know which options are safe, what caches to delete etc...
I just want to make sure my mac is optimized and running well. No problems yet, but i thought it might be time, as it's been over a year since i did anything but use it.
I usually "repair the Authorisations" with Disc Utility about once a week.But digging into my Apps I find that I do have Onyx installed... as it came with the Mac I assume the version corrisponds to Panther...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am having Onyx run for the first time. I am in the Maintenance tab and I have selected for reindexing of spotlight, display of folders content refresh, help viewer, and finder sidebar refresh. This is still in progress for 8 hours. Is this normal for the first time? Or just not normal at all?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhich is better...?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Macbooks and was wondering what I am allowed to delete while using Onyx.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSeeing as onyx doesn't work with snow leopard are there any other alternatives that do work with snow leopard?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used Onyx to clear my system cache and user cache. When it was done, my iDisk icon was changed, any way I can restore this? The problem is that he saved this one as the original icon, so I can't delete it from the "get info" window.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was researching the best way to clean up my mac and I came across onyx. I have over 16 gb which is full of "other" data and don't know how to get rid of it. So I came across onyx is it safe to download?
MacBook Pro
There is now extra space between by the trash can and by the separator bar thing. There doesn't seem to be a way to undo this in OnyX?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was just curious what the main differences were between the applications Deeper and Onyx? Onyx seems to be the same thing, with a few more features. Is there something that Deeper can do, that Onyx can't?
Also one more random question.. does Transparent Dock work on OS X 10.4.9, and does it allow you to change the color like Cleardock?
I am trying to figure out how to properly use Onyx and it just seems daunting to use - because of my unfamiliarity with OSX...and the terms used.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAm I right in thinking it's better to leave your Mac alone and maybe run disk utility once in a while.Will regular use of Onyx, Memory Freer, Disk Diet etc slow down the Mac and cause more problems longer than benefits they give you in the short-term.I do use these apps regularly especially Onyx. I have noticed the beach ball appearing recently and I have read tonight that programs like Onyx can slow down your machine.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have an OnyX program to clean and maintain my Mac. This was recommended by the Geek Squad. Is this safe for my Mac and is there a better program for this purpose? I was previously using Mac Keeper.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
After I executed automation and default clean up function with Onyx. After reboot Finder doesn't open anymore on the menu bar there are only three options: finder, files, help. I have to click on the finder menu and choose run full finder to get it back to work.
Launchpad simply doesn't show anything anymore
spotlight just disappeared...
Im able to create a new account and everything works fine. I have keychain in the current account so it will be better if I can fix this.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
Just finished using Onyx on my laptop and asked it to repair preferences. All went well until I read the bottom line which said the settings for the SUID file "system/Library/coreservices/remotemanagement/ARDAgent.app/contents/MacOS/ARDAgent were changed and unrepairable. Why would they be changed and how do I get them back to "normal"?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am still relatively a new Mac user (5 months so far). As per my sig specs I have 4g RAM in my MacBook. I use istat and I am always aware of my RAM usage.After I installed FF3, I noticed my RAM usage has gone way up. I also tried FF2 after and it still was up in usage.Even when I have FF closed I still have 1g of RAM being used. I then noticed in activity monitor that kernel_task is using 232 mB of RAM right now. What is it and what is it doing?I have installed ONYX and cleared all caches, etc It seemed to have help for a few hours, then the RAM usage has crept back up.
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs running the OnyX Maintenance Program same as reinstalling the system?
If I have been using my system for a while, should I reinstall the system or just run OnyX?
Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) 204-Pin DDR3 SO-DIMM DDR3 1066 (PC3 8500) Laptop Memory Model CT2KIT51264BC1067. Looking to put it in a MBP 17 i5 with an ssd?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI am wondering which SSD is the correct choice to go with. I can spend around 250USD for the SSD and I want it to be compatible with OSX. I read some forums about trim and garbage collection but I am not sure which models come with those features and which one of them are supported by OSX.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWell I have done the upgrade twice now to try & fix the problems I am having. I use the app mail a lot as I'm sure most of us do. But whenever I open Mail in 10.6.6 it say's it is not compatible with my operating system. I will most likely bump it back to 10.6.4 but I was wondering if their is any download from apple that could fix this. The app store is alright I can definitely live without it but no with out my Mail.
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And are all SSDs the same, or are some faster? and where should I get them, I'm googling atm.
I'm planning on buying an external hard drive soon. I browsed through the forums and I saw a couple threads discussion about external HDs. My question is, is there an external HD that you can read/write on a Mac AND a PC? I know formatting to FAT32 is one way of doing it, but I was just wondering if there are any HDs out there that doesn't need formatting for you to be able to read/write on a Mac and a PC.
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