OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Attatch Jpg File To Email
Apr 27, 2012
I am new to mac, I scanned a document and it became a jpg file, I tried to attatch to an email, and it would not attatch to my email. Do I need to change the document type?
I need to create a Watch Folder that when a file is dropped in, a folder action is triggered and that file is moved to another folder and an email is sent to say that the file has been moved.Â
The easy bit is creating the Watch Folder action, I have that working no problem. I can also send the email but what I can't figure out is how to customize the email content to say which specific file has been moved? How can I obtain the file name and paste that into the email notification?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a number of emails where the person sending it, copy and pasted a photo on the email. I want to take this embedded photo and make it a file with a .jpg extension.I used Preview, Photoshop, iPhoto.
When I send a PDF to a windows user, the PDF shrinks. I'm not talking about file size, but when they open the document, it's 50-75% of the original size and hard to read.Â
On my computer everything looks fine. I'm not using any filters to reduce file size.Â
scanned using: HP Laserjet pro 300 all in one
OS 10.9.4
new 2014 MBP.
email sent via Mac Mail and my iCloud.com account.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
Gmail is my default email client. I'm trying to send an email blast to my groups in address book. When I right click on a group, and click "send to...", none of the email address show up in the TO field, only the name of the Group appears.Previously, I used mac mail and clicking "send to" group would result in all email addresses going right where they're supposed to go.I don't know how I changed the client to Gmail, but if I can't get it to work, I'd like to switch it back.
I just ran into a problem. On my mac account I can send email but not receive email. I have tried all he normal stuff like permisions repair rebooting software updates but so far nothing has worked.Â
I have a weird experiencing problem I have to shut email down and restart it to check on new email
when I tab the new e-mail icon it only checks for a 1/10 of a second not enough time to check server  so i shut down e-mail restart and finds new email
so question is were do i change in setting for e-mail to search a little longer
I have received a .swf file in an email and I don't know how to open it. Can someone help? I have an iMac Intel 2 Duo, OS 10.4.11, I have the current Adobe Flash Player. The file attempts to open in Adobe Illustrator CS but mesage says file type not recognized. Have tried some other things but with no luck. I am sure that it is a simple thing but it has escaped me.
I want to be able to right click on a file and have the the option to send it to a mail recipient. Very Windows like I know but I think its a useful feature.
However with a twist I want to send it via GMail not the Mail app.
I received an email attachment with a .pub file extension, but my MAC can't open it. I saw that some users had success with ZamZar or Adobe sites, but I can't access them since the file won't download.
I have often created pdf files and attached them to email. Today I created a letter and made it a pdf. everytime I attach it to an email it becomes the body of the email. No other pdfs do this.
I'm trying to compress (.zip) a RapidWeaver theme to email. The theme is a package of other files and folders including images, stylesheets and scripts. There are no other compressed files within this package or Flash files. When the file has been saved to my desktop, I right click and select "Compress" from the menu. The progress bar gets about 2 thirds along and just freezes. Evidently there is a corrupt file or something in this package, because I have never had this problem before. The package is only 1.6MB in size.
There are about 150 files in this theme. I have looked for any suspect messages in Console.app to try and work out which file is corrupt or causing the problem. But nothing seems to be shown? If I compress the RapidWeaver theme as a GZip file using TarPit, it works fine. But this does not solve the issue of somebody else trying to compress the sent file and hitting the same problem. So my question is how can I work out which file in the package is causing the error?
Why can't I attach a file to an email unless I export it to Word or Excel?Â
If I create a file in Pages, Numbers, or Keynote and save it to my documents, I can't attach that file to an email. It says the file cannot be attached. If I go back to the file and export to Word or Excel, It will attach to the email. How can I fix this?
I have a disk image .dmg file, and chage the icon by highlighting the file in Finder, then press Command-I. Then I'll copy and past a new icon in the file information dialog box. I can then see the new icon in the finder, and also the icon for this file in the dock changes. Great. Then I'll rsync the .dmg file from one Mac to another, and the icon reverts to the default icon for .dmg files. Is there any way to make the icon change stick, when copying the file to another Mac?Â
I have a problem that when selecting a file that is either an attachment in email or is in my finder, double clicking on it fails to load the associated application successfully. For example, selecting a pdf file results in the pdf reader logo appearing on the lower bar on the screen, bounces up and down as if it is doing something, but just continues to bounce. I have to force quit it, then go to my application folder to load reader directly, and from within the reader I can then go and select the file. This isn't an application specific issue (It does it with Excel, Word etc).Â
It only started recently. I'm using a MBP summer 2010 with Mavericks 10.9.4. Everything else seems to work.Â